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1 F~LE'I illll"'> ~
RO\ -\. .illl\1~~

Facts On Ftle, lnc.
BL /'lB
. A3S


\11 ngtn, rncn 1 "\u ran 4~ th t •• .&; ) 1w: rrpr•• or uu et1 m .an) tarm or b) d) ~
~ktU'I ur tnc:dtJ ul mdudmiJ phut ~~ouppn' fC\ .n Rjt' 01 IJ) an) mfunnauon uou~ Of Rtne\-al
"tlhoull'6('n1U \Wil ID •Mlll J ft .MH thl" puJ,&¡,Jt(f l Uf 1 t JftU.JilUft (llflUt.t

l.act-dln 1tl In~.

11 a•,nn ,••,_.. l'TROI>l< llo' "'
'•• \ .-l, '1 llUII

\ciLm~o, 1 u.h ~
l)ttU~>Il\1\ u l kntn.m tdlt'tnu / 14: lt\ \•lllth A Uu\ \ \•ILm' 0101 lO{, R \1'11) l!h
1' nn
ln~o.hJtlv~ hthlu1''"1'hn.11 •• ftJ m ,. .an•l uul. \
1"'11" 11 Hlt!(l •on~ 'Ltll, P·'l ~ll
1 lüum fh:h)ltnll llh 1 \,u,....,, l~n\ Cl(n\ \ ) 11 lult
m ··•s ' u ~''W•
l''l u··ut d,:n ·~~ ~o~ u~

l'.t~.:l' Ou hit• lll~onl<~ ,tt t !U .ttl.tltlt.: "'' "l""i ttl th~tnlmt-;\ jlunh.httl 111 hui~ •¡u.mnuc' lnr ltU\tnt:''t'"•
'"~1\ IJ:IIIIII<~. ln\tiiHIIt•ll ' ' ' ' '''"" lllt•uu•tl••n' l'lt·~·t· t.lll •uu 'f'''' ti ,,tlt, 1h·p.lrtmcrU 111 "
C'\\ 'nrlt. .lt l1U
w,~ 1-HUUur 1\tiOi~!~ '<•H

kRD \.( lO '' ~ "' , ~ 1 t ! 1

Jfu.•rhfc 1ht H' "'.t" nn J!t-m·r.all) .au t•tul \ll"'
, " m ,¡fl, ,j¡j lhh. ~he r d":o~thlm thc l~u111.m •••riJ t•• tcU t.hc ~ thlc (..uft •&'f'C arpnuc;htn~
1h com¡dtl-atrd b) thc \11 ttk t.ll1 t: Hf
rc-hpJU.,fJCII.*h.. ~.Mnccbd not I~Cbnc tn .1ft ahcebrc
llom< '·"'""'
ucl..S b. !he Gauh • 1
h=kd""' •.......,
....S R<- ...
A , !he <·•""
~hJ!C' ochn~ ht: 14:\cd th:u SQUh n"'1~ 1ft .1 cul .... rq>ulscd. ""'.,..,., (" ardn..J""''"
In e- lunft n thc ~tftcrhft- or ncn th 1 thc uhlt kl 1 • t du. tkm- bo .......S. utd • uc...J prutn<1
u!Ub ,,f pt1•1•l •unl"cd .JftCT •k>~th f lnc hd1d "'1\ ~ and .bnnc • ckdoc•cnl to thC' ""HII or ¡..rn ni rh., dco~·l r 1 1 1n thc Ai l.ot"lltnltt"'(#\"1\t'tduinc-oachc ~un\u
IP.hUiotUMIIJ fut ,1 jl(flll•lul llml' hduh 'llhllllg 1tNomc •heno thc •U~A" • hear
tn•1thu j~o~:l'-•11'' f,uoh, .dthuu_¡th 11 t•t• .llllt tll•llt': Rudmr ( ,mn&J 19lt6 z-
ll.atiUQQfkJ,nd \.culbrd
uumn11n tu 1.,.1-.. \1 m J ""nrl.lul lht th·;hl, m "'hu 11 (t•h • I'J~O. H IUdu.rdtun 1~1.! S
th~· 11\lll.C \~HUftll'l'III UIII \ nlctl up \lollh tht• ~nu l
11lth\·tt •lnt.htd rdJU\c.,
1 ht:rC' ".1\ 1 lun¡,c LJ,IIII~ Jnd ,q,J~ 1\ h• Id 'n
1lu1 !lot t.••lll nr \fllrlh ••llh~· tlc-~J h\t 1 CICI 111 d11
tuttll,.. iot tt.t\flllntl Cl.JUktmtlurtll"r thr l•lftlmn t
tl1c hun~ 111 IR un.klinccl "'') arul "'' Cilf nnr
lll ft' f!o: brf) tn.dr. 1ft Uftkf tu'..IIC 1h ( t1Íh
"t'ft' tlft1üJhl lO thr T•llllh, ltlllóiUOrt\ •ui'C' llfMI~
lur the ,14.'Jd. •"'' lfl '\unw lrt'ttJnco JI:''' " "'C'FC'
jlf..Vt•l•tiY.Ith 1''1"'' ,mol h11l,, '" "'" •t•t\l\1'
1.111 l'lllt tnd foulllt•ntltl l~·¡•l•llltlltul••lh• 11•lh11
111 huu h.u~tl" 1 lt,dl llul.ltn,: ~d~·lorJII••II'• .11 t h t· \~hhol \ ''11~11 11111111 -'' 1 .-h.. .,...,. H~•lll ntly
ll•ml·~ "'·' ' 1l••1 1 h• ·u~h1 I••·•PIM:.t,t• tht '1'"" .,¡ tlu \lou!,l11111• 1 ti l'thll)l.l ~1no, 111 4 m.ul 'o\llh •ti 'P'"t ..t tht dam hl rht 41'TIIUJI
!lt'4tl llolttllll 111 ,111\·thh: '-IIIIU:IIIIIn f·l ~l 11'01 l• o 11111 \IIIIUUII ll1 "·'' .ti"' fttljllt'll!l\ h\111(1.&1 ¡j Rc~<l. ntf. Hurn 1%<~ IIJ 1 H
4-Uik l •ltiiiO!I' 111 ..11111• (.A\~'\ .lll l. tllo~ll ,,j f1•11ltt•\ "1th \1\1 \klltt •n•l ti u ""d1 1•\U IIU\\u-.; 1ht'TC'
I'('IIIJ! "'''~"'" ,,,,,,,.,., ,,, "''''1' th, ,if~·lltt•lll 11\ln)l • ,,. • l\tllplt' In \ ltl>ul ¡ml \1 lllll'l an 1'.&1111}1 \Jawr \ Cdtw; t"nd -..ho •.H "' th tbe
tn tuuut dtc h\11\p:, "'IUI\· \llfl)l n•ljl'\t lil'l" r tu ti 11 1~1 1 IU th hlnf th \ tnJ t 1\lUI'} ~. ..J "''" ..-"-'U u.' tu•
hnc ltnu •l«a¡-tUt{tt fur tht wmt rc~ton •1•¡: ..,, Nt.:.tdmt Un¡' r~ I'J~t 1 ' t IWf' 1 11 H-
\J.awnot \ Cdnc ftiiiJdwt ~ •hú "(n.:,.,.,
1( tllt' t.l''"'" e 1 tht dc-~·1 Wt:f'C' nu4 p1JfNit.atcd. thcl <!
UJUltlllt' "lllldul, U~( h '" thc U Ut .,..
In lltt.htMMt 10 tht' hdtd' th.u ahc &:.Id lnOO un
from: e. ~ fOuad as \l..aDdmchnd. <~<r~

Rc-..clan~ \\ aJbuzwa ICil- !! O 300 mm

m thcn t•»tnl•,. '""' ht!.& tiL-~1 tht' 1[h..,..,, '''
"-111111'> ul !ltt' •ld•l \to(fU t•l tht IIP•IIOt'\\nrliJ intl
\lbeon...\: \ (,.duc ,:od •br; •a
tmnnlth, ''"1 ~ Hhl/ollur(f,the) 1.11Uiol1111h f\:llltll m
O ...10u.1n
___ ,
,11 p.1111111f.U 111111,:'- ul 1h1: )\"Jt f'ud1 ol\ .11 tlt( lt
\11 111 \)¡ illmo,• '""1~ t hilt t ltl ~uoh ul lht• umlt·¡ "nr!ll l'l\ ,,/,rmmll ,,1(111111 •l.i 1.1111 ¡¡ tllt' lt\'F'I.I 111 ~••1111 \lhune~ \ \\lttr nymf'h uf th wll'hur•J\i'
t\uu!.t fUI! ,¡,lmH \O,tlt tft•,unc,l tu"' .uukt h•lllltfn, l1111 uthrl\\l~C: tlh nll'ttuul ul .ddorillh•ll H ttn 't'''"1h \lbulx \a¡IUC' 11t ln da, IUI) •hl'tC 1t
t..... .,,.l 1 ht·!l "~~ 11u , ..,lhl l ll 111 ,, ~tt¡unut· ho,;~H n llln\\1\ \ oltll••~m lt'"' 'HIII,.I(J h.a•t ltttn hnuur ,¡ t • ..., ' • nall and Rmn '"' ~he- \No K"..r
llnol hdl. ¡mol IIH tk11l olhlilttl t'>lll tht IIUIUIII\ ul un co~<h IIU.1~1Un J•uu l1ltC1 p,, 1 (~ 1111111 I11C'FC ., .., :1 drum CJU( u IIC'if thn tpll. &nt.l
th• lflMI ooh thu'l(' ¡:utt~ uf lhc unt&~rMnrttl 1'"'!> bl) \'"11)10\ 1\ In 1'UI Oro:UII 1 \ bufta. •a" tonniC'tlmnallcd • • ., ~ llk cftl
\et Lrul th( tnMJ 1hmJ C1'11tUf\ thcfl' "''' a Rud1n( l•.alrncr 14' _. Rich rd'Oft IY'I!
1'1 _. IUthoft iclnw:facd •1llt V 1 fn.. •IWC" oc:hcn
mJ:rled tN 1ft' tn IJUrul trtC' lluuuP,.IU1 th m ~ ' 'oalbN 1 'MI t.O lo 1 Y' ' ' ~w hc-r · • u ot•u.
ptrc anh ''"'\Hite" bn.-unung rnor(' JIOJMd r dun a..ct..r ll.........t ....s rollud .,¡, 1or.o 1<
tftt nnrnul lhcthool ol 1 a1 \1' no'li: 1M rr ~'" fnr
du11" tt nu\·lt ... p:u1 m \l~no ahobc.n.., \lkttJ tltxotthcRJCn.~R
th h~>J14.: .¡u,J t'pntJtiUII uf •n .¡¡ltulllt ~• 11 rt uh ~ Nftllldwl :IU
lll rh.:: tntlm·m• nt lht.' na.11"1 ~~ 1111 lt,Jillli'\ llh•l \ iu!l l .ouu iu.., ( ·"''"'""~otttg ~¡IC!o~h:r 1 1h~
'1"1'1 ~''"'"'' i.mol t'\l"tlnulh tUMhlt\'lt\l lhc n.tmc !..oiHn tu .A ~~~.. 1 "''"....._ V\11\\ ,.,,~.., he.nJ In l'll \Jc mona \ R~ andth •ht• a,,.,l. d •h.:r
111\o~h'l\ f\·11~11111'1, lrl(hullfl)! (:hrt \lhUUI\ 1 llllt'Tl.'tl 11.< ,1\~~ \l.aro;;u., ( 01nlt• tm .1 ¡ol, 11\'l>~nl ~ .1rmnp: lu111 'h' unl11u n ,inLJ
ltndmff. 1 u ...'U).o..Jft lt;.'-ou 10.;:)
\ 1 1 1 K 1 • 11
\ l [ !\lll" ~

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