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NEW YACHT AWAITS FORD'S WINTER CRUISE author of "Your Money's Worth." one who can to contribute to the
ffi ECONOMIST CUTS Junior Jewish Federation speaking on "The New Metropolis." less fortunate. The evidence of
Junior Ball Feb. 8. suffering is too voluminous for me
(o have to present it here. The or-
WALL ST. LOSSES Plans 'Charity Insurance' The Junior Federation ball, the phan asylums and hospitals and
president said, will be held Feb. 8 charitable associations are full of
in the new ballroom of the St.such evidence.''
TO 3 BILLIONS Drive to Aid Merchants George Hotel.
Appealing for 1,000 new members
Miss Shoshar.a Garber, executive
secretary of the Junior Federation,
Jules Haberman, chairman of the spoke briefly on the work of the
| ••• W I.' •

L^i Brooklyn J evvish C e n t e r Selling Brooklyn merchants "ehar- membership coinmittte, ^ a i d _"the Federation ofiicc.
in 14__diflereiit ^institutions^ dolus unfortunate
Hears Stuart Chase Fix ity insurance" and discouraging un- case work, family welfare work, big dren of this men," women and chil-
community are bring- Knxas«"d for "Jingo."
Blame for Stock Crash. worthy charity solicitation will be brother and big sister work or be- ing action against this association Lcn D. Hollijter has been engaged
-•- the job of the Junior Federation of coming club leaders." for the performance of its duty and by Leo McColhin to direct his pro-
the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Announcing plans for the future, if it falls to perform
its duty you duction of Harold Igo's comedy
If you are one of the 10 percent Charities, the younger group heard Mr. Abelow said the second forum will be held in contempt by the "Jingo," which a f t e r playing;
which gamers 33 percent of the na- last night at its first open meeting would be held at the Eighth Avenue community in which you aro living. Hempstead Nov. 22 g o e s tfr
tional income each year, then the Temple Thursday night, Nov. 21, at "Every one should join the Fede- Great Neck Nov, 23, prior to »
country is enjoying prosperity. But of the season in the Eighth Avenue
Temple at Garfield pi. Nearly 700 8 o'clock with Stuart Chase, co- ration, for it is the duty of every Broadway run.
U vou are one of the 40 millions who
did not make any income tax re- members and friends attended the
turns last year, the average wage of business session and the dance
which group is only $1,500 a year, which followed. •>
then the country is not in a state of Introduced by the president. Rob-
• prosperity. bert Abelow, Harold Cowin. chair-
That was the answer Stuart Chase,
i -
economist, author and lecturer, gave
last evening at the forum meeting
of the Brooklyn Jewish Center, 687
man of the Retail Merchants' Store
Committee of the 1929 drive, de-
scribed the plans shy which the
juniors will carry through the first FUITON STREET—BROOKLYN
Eastern Parkway, to the question, project ever turned over to them by
"Prosperity—Fact or Myth?" the seniors.
"If you can call a nation prosper-
ous when nine out of 10 make only Charily Insurance Plan.
$1,500 a year, then you are an op- "We will solicit merchants," said
timist of the highest grade," said Mr. Edsel B. Ford, son of automobile magnate, will cruise through Mr. Cowin, "with three thoughts in
Chase. Southern waters this winter in a new 130-foot yacht,' the mind. We are going to discourage
'bogus' charity and sell them char-
A Special Purchase and Sale of
The recent stock market debacle, Sialla, shown above after leaving the ways at Neponset, Mass. «
the speaker said, was due to mob ity insurance. We shall sell them
psychology, and he expressed belief The Sialla, with a cruising range of 3,500 miles and carrying plaques, which will state that they
that of the 60 billions in paper prof- a crew of 10 men, was christened by Mrs. Joseph A. MacDon- are members of the federation for
• • its which was supposed to be lost, ald of New York City, whose husband supervised its building.
only three billions was actually lost,
the year 1930. After that, when
they are solicited for funds and 5oo N E W SILK UM; in&"i7
which, however, wiped out 500,000 have no means of knowing whether
margineers. But the three billions the cause is worthy or not, they may
was made when the people who
held stocks previous to Oct. 24 sold
to the newcomers.
Key Fashioned From Spoon say 'All my charity goes to Federa-
tion. If your cause is worthy apply
For Those Rainy Winter Days
Bankers who said that , the
Street structure was solid were called
"philologists—dealers in words" by
Found in Sing Sing Cell Mrs. J. A. MacDonald.
"Every merchant contributor will
be given a book with five blanks,
which he may use in recommending
the speaker, who said that on Oct. Osslning, N. Y., Nov. 19—A key yesterday. She told Warden Lewis
24 the group of bankers in the offices fashioned out of a spoon to open E Lawes she was sure her son, who
of J.P.Morgan were more frightened
a solicitor to the Federation. Each
blank has space for '""the names of
the solicitor, the cause he Is seeking
iB a college graduate, had not tried <&*JS&
than the; small timers. "Smart the cell block door has been' found to break jail.
bankers," according to Mr, Chase, in the stone cell formerly occupied
"had no Idea in the world what was by Roy. Sloane, Sing Sing : Prison
money for and the name, and ad-
dress of the Federation contributor
who commends him to the Federa-
going to happen and it was really attaches announced yesterday.
only through the grace of God that
Harry W. Overstreet, professor'of tion for attention.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Platlands philosophy at the College of the "Thirdly," declared Mr. Cowin, Actual Values 7.90
the thing righted itself." Sloane was recently banished to Post 391 of the American Legion
the. isolation of the death house will hold a bridge, five hundred, City of New York, affirmed last "we wish to make every merchant
Calls Bankers Stupid. bunco and pinochle party on Wed- night at the Academy of Music his Federation conscious. We hope to
Bankers were also labeled "stupid after
plot at
the discovery of an alleged
a wholesale jail break. Pris- nesday evening, Dec. 4, at the Flat- belief that the efficient mind is the achieve a big increase in member-
and ignorant"' by Mr. Chase, who lands Memorial Building, Nostrand mind that can take command. ship."
said that the country needed better on workers have started to disman- ave/ and Avenue I. A number of "The human mind is at its best District Managers Named. Smart 16-rib umbrellas —
men than the group that was now in tle the cell to locate a revolver be- prizes have been donated. The en- when it takes command. It is at Mr. Cowin, with whom Janet
control of the structure, which be- lieved to have been secreted by the tertainment committee is arranging its worst when it is taken command Blank is serving as co-chairman,
came top-heavy and crashed. En- prisoner. a program. Mrs. Catherine Hynes of. The mind which cannot take named the five district managers sturdily built and very attract-
gineers who deal in the physical and Sloane was visited by his mother will act as hostess. command is the mind which is a and their co-workers: Morris L.
concrete facts of human life were slave at all times. The mind which Scher and Miss Esther Kover, Mil- ive. Some haver imported bird
suggested to take the place of the can take command is the mind ford L. Mandell and Miss Lilian J.
bankers who deal in "creamy words." declared, and added that he wasTo Start Flushing's which is never a slave, excepting Bloch, Irving P. Kartell and Miss and dog handles. Would make
It was a very close shave that the interested in watching what Presi- when circumstances are overwhelm- Lillian Washtron, Jacob D. Fendcll
country went through, the speaker dent Hoover would do about the sit- $4,500,000 Airport/ ing," said Mr. Overstreet. and Miss Rose F. Levlnso.n and excellent holiday gifts . . . . .
asserted, stating that a banker told uation. Unemployment for persons Illustrating the implications of the Coleman Gangel, whose co-worker
him that on Oct. 29 the entire bank- over 40 is becoming a matter of And Amusement Park strong meaning of command, he said: "A has not yet been named. The com-
ing system of the country was in a grave concern. mind is a mind that can mittee on co-operative agencies is
bankrupt condition and if bank ex- Mr. Chase concluded his address Building operations on Flushing's powerfully unify experience and composed of Abraham Lowenthal
• a miners had entered the banks they by declaring that the kind of pros- $4,500,000 airport and amusement knowledge; a weak mind is a mind and Herbert Gottleib.
would have found theni in a sorry perity that he would prefer would park, planned by New York City that cannot unify, that is dispersed. In his introductury remarks the fewest Color Combinations
be one similar to that in the Age
condition. Airport, Inc., are scheduled to start Examples of this dispersion are president described the growth of
As to the result of the fall, Mr. of Pericles, when the creative arts this week with construction of thedrunkards and people suffering the Junior Federation since its
Chase said that there was now at were at a high peak and every citi- from loss of memory or insanity." formation last April. "Then," said
hand some two and a half billions zen enjoyed ctmfort of mind and first hangar, plans for which have Suggested expedients for gaining Mrs. Abelow, "we were a group of
of brokers' loans which was now peace. been filed and approved. Work of power were "arising before the ac- 20. Now we have l.iOO members;
available for construction purposes. filling in the ground is proceeding customed hour in the morning, 141 have become volunteer workers
The immediate result of the situa- R e u d W r i t e s a Song at the rate of an acre a day, work- reading a good book, and then tak-
tion might effect a reduction in the ing some time for considerate re-
manufacture of automobiles which Robert Reud, who looks after Uie ers depositing daily 750 to 1,000 loads flection. One might as a unifying
had started to curtail production. publicity pertaining to "Candle- of fill. The entire airport covers act at that time plan the entire BHSMnuBUsnoi
Thus, if the splurgers do not buy Light," has written a song called 300 acres, of which 200 acres form day's activities."
a new automobile then sober-minded "Saving Up for a Rainy Day," that a single flat parcel, free of air In conclusion, Mr. Overstreet said
individuals would follow suit and hazards. In addition, the company that we "must steel, harden, fortify
the auto industry might be hurt in will be used in the "Shoestring 'has rights to a tract of four acres, our lives so that we may never fall fft —--crsv I -

a bad way, the speaker contended. Revue" at the Lyric, Hoboken, on down before the unexpected, so that
Technological employment is a Wednesday evening, sanctioned by with riparian rights on Flushing in all situations we may be our own £&k
serious problem today, Mr. Chase I Christopher Morley. Bay, for a seaplane base. masters."
Fulton at Bridge Street
Stores in New Ydrk—Nowark—Hart/ord—New Bedford



Special for Tomorrow... An Unusual Collection of
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AncJ only the smartest furs...- stripes, border effectsr 'wintertonc" pat-
Persian lamb* caracul, fox, wolf terns, designed especially to follow the
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deep collar and cuff treatments line, longer dipping skirts and important
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WOMEN'S SIZES 36 to A\ quite irresistible! Sizes 14 to 44.
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Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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