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Problem of Transportation System in the Philippines

The Philippines and the World Bank last week signed agreements for a US$60 million loan and a
US$1.3 million equivalent grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) today for the Metro Manila
Transport Integration Project (MMURTRIP).

Traffic and related environmental problems have reached serious proportions in Metro Manila,
affecting its more than 10 million residents, with vehicles traveling on the average no faster than 15 kph on
a weekday along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue. Metro Manilans who often walk, use buses, jeepneys,
and tricycles, are the worst affected. The project is expected to improve traffic management, thereby saving
travel time for many pedestrians and commuters from the lower income groups, who account for 75 percent
of all trips in Metro Manila. A major benefit, too, will be an improvement in the environment and safety of
the city. The project will provide good pedestrian interchange facilities, public transport lanes, and will also
focus on landscaping and improving the overall urban street environment. The project will also build on the
advances the government has made recently in urban transport, for example phasing out leaded gasoline.

"It is my privilege to sign today the agreements for MMURTRIP—my first to sign in my capacity as
World Bank Country Director for the Philippines," said the new World Bank Country Director for the
Philippines, Robert Vance Pulley, who assumed office in July. "I hope that, in due time, with the diligent
implementation of DPWH, MMDA and the City of Marikina, the general riding public will reap maximum
benefits from the Project, in terms of travel time savings, safety on the street, and in the case of Marikina
residents, a cleaner air to be brought about by less motorized traffic and congestion," he said.

The Project is a unique collaboration among the Department of Public Works (DPWH), the
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, (MMDA), and the City of Marikina. DPWH is the overall
executing agency.

MMURTRIP includes the following 5 components in the 12 cities and 5 municipalities that make up
the Metro Manila area:

 Traffic Management Improvements along the EDSA, Light Rail Transport (LRT) 2 and 3 and South
Luzon Expressway corridors to improve street level collection and dispersal of passengers. MMDA
is the implementing agency for this component.
 Marikina-Rizal-Pasig (MARIPAS) Access Improvements in the Marikina Valley, including the
Marikina Bridge and access road component and the Marcos Highway and Ortigas Avenue
Extension. DPWH is the implementing agency for these MARIPAS access improvements.
 Secondary Roads Program for 15 road sections, including pavement rehabilitation, drainage and
sidewalk improvements, traffic management, and construction of missing links for comprehensive
corridor treatment so that there will be better traffic dispersal and lesser congestion in arterial
roads. DPWH will be the implementing agency for 10 of the roads while MMDA will implement for
the other 5 roads.
 Nonmotorised Transport in the City of Marikina under Global Environment Facility funding which
will pilot a bikeways system to connect communities with employment centers and LRT stations.
The City of Marikina will implement this component.
 Institution Building/Technical Assistance to establish and strengthen institutions responsible for
future urban transport management in Metro Manila. This is targeted at and will be implemented by
the MMDA.

The Global Environment Facility was established to forge international cooperation and finance actions
to address four critical threats to the global environment: biodiversity loss, climate change, degradation of
international waters, and ozone depletion.

Notable Problems in Transportation System in the Philippines

 Traffic congestion and parking difficulties. Congestion is one of the most prevalent transport
problems in large urban agglomerations, usually above a threshold of about 1 million inhabitants. It
is particularly linked with motorization and the diffusion of the automobile, which has increased the
demand for transport infrastructures. However, the supply of infrastructures has often not been
able to keep up with the growth of mobility. Since vehicles spend the majority of the time parked,
motorization has expanded the demand for parking space, which has created space consumption
problems particularly in central areas; the spatial imprint of parked vehicles is significant.
Congestion and parking are also interrelated since looking for a parking space (called "cruising")
creates additional delays and impairs local circulation. In central areas of large cities cruising may
account for more than 10% of the local circulation as drivers can spend 20 minutes looking for a
parking spot. This practice is often judged more economically effective than using a paying off-
street parking facility as the time spent looking for a free (or low cost) parking space as
compensated by the monetary savings. Also, many delivery vehicles will simply double-park at the
closest possible spot to unload their cargo.
 Longer commuting. On par with congestion people are spending an increasing amount of time
commuting between their residence and workplace. An important factor behind this trend is related
to residential affordability as housing located further away from central areas (where most of the
employment remains) is more affordable. Therefore, commuters are trading time for housing
affordability. However, long commuting is linked with several social problems, such as isolation, as
well as poorer health (obesity).
 Public transport inadequacy. Many public transit systems, or parts of them, are either over or
under used. During peak hours, crowdedness creates discomfort for users as the system copes
with a temporary surge in demand. Low ridership makes many services financially unsustainable,
particularly in suburban areas. In spite of significant subsidies and cross-financing (e.g. tolls)
almost every public transit systems cannot generate sufficient income to cover its operating and
capital costs. While in the past deficits were deemed acceptable because of the essential service
public transit was providing for urban mobility, its financial burden is increasingly controversial.
 Difficulties for non-motorized transport. These difficulties are either the outcome of intense
traffic, where the mobility of pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles is impaired, but also because of a
blatant lack of consideration for pedestrians and bicycles in the physical design of infrastructures
and facilities.
 Loss of public space. The majority of roads are publicly owned and free of access. Increased
traffic has adverse impacts on public activities which once crowded the streets such as markets,
agoras, parades and processions, games, and community interactions. These have gradually
disappeared to be replaced by automobiles. In many cases, these activities have shifted to
shopping malls while in other cases, they have been abandoned altogether. Traffic flows influence
the life and interactions of residents and their usage of street space. More traffic impedes social
interactions and street activities. People tend to walk and cycle less when traffic is high.
 Environmental impacts and energy consumption. Pollution, including noise, generated by
circulation has become a serious impediment to the quality of life and even the health of urban
populations. Further, energy consumption by urban transportation has dramatically increased and
so the dependency on petroleum. Yet, peak oil considerations are increasingly linked with peak
mobility expectations where high energy prices incite a shift towards more efficient and sustainable
forms of urban transportation, namely public transit.
 Accidents and safety. Growing traffic in urban areas is linked with a growing number of accidents
and fatalities, especially in developing countries. Accidents account for a significant share of
recurring delays. As traffic increases, people feel less safe to use the streets.
 Land consumption. The territorial imprint of transportation is significant, particularly for the
automobile. Between 30 and 60% of a metropolitan area may be devoted to transportation, an
outcome of the over-reliance on some forms of urban transportation. Yet, this land consumption
also underlines the strategic importance of transportation in the economic and social welfare of
 Freight distribution. Globalization and the materialization of the economy have resulted in
growing quantities of freight moving within cities. As freight traffic commonly shares infrastructures
with the circulation of passengers, the mobility of freight in urban areas has become increasingly
problematic. City logistics strategies can be established to mitigate the variety of challenges faced
by urban freight distribution.


 Ramp metering. Controlling the access to a congested highway by letting automobiles in one at a
time instead of in groups. The outcome is a lower disruption on highway traffic flows.
 Traffic signal synchronization. Tuning the traffic signals to the time and direction of traffic flows.
This is particularly effective if the signals can be adjusted on an hourly basis to reflect changes in
commuting patterns.
 Incident management. Making sure that vehicles involved in accidents or mechanical failures are
removed as quickly as possible from the road. Since accident on average account between 20 and
30% of all the causes of congestion, this strategy is particularly important.
 Carpooling. Concerns two issues. The first and most common is an individual providing ridership
to people (often co-workers) having a similar origin, destination and commuting time. Two or more
vehicle trips can thus be combined into one. The second involves a pool of vehicles (mostly cars,
but also bicycles) that can be leased for short durations when mobility is required. Adequate
measures must be taken so that supply and demand are effectively matched.
 HOV lanes. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes insure that vehicles with 2 or more passengers
(buses, vans, carpool, etc.) have exclusive access to a less congested lane, particularly during
peak hours.
 Congestion pricing. A variety of measures aimed at imposing charges on specific segments or
regions of the transport system, mainly as a toll. The charges can also change during the day to
reflect congestion levels so that drivers are incited to consider other time periods or other modes.
 Parking management. Removing parking or free parking spaces can be an effective dissuasion
tool since it reduces cruising and enables those willing to pay to access an area (e.g. for a short
shopping stop).
 Public transit. Offering alternatives to driving that can significantly improve efficiency, notably if it
circulates on its own infrastructure (subway, light rail, buses on reserved lanes, etc.) and is well
integrated within a city's development plans. However, public transit has its own set of issues (see
next section).
 Non-motorized transportation. Since the great majority of urban trips are over short distances,
non-motorized modes, particularly walking and cycling, have an important roll to play in supporting
urban mobility. The provision of adequate infrastructure, such as sidewalks, is often a low priority
as non-motorized transportation is often perceived as not modern in spite of the important role it
needs to assume in urban areas.

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