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Conservation Plan

Submitted by:

Christine Jane Asmod

Submitted To:

Kenneth Jhon C. Babaran

The purpose of this policy is to introduce cost-effective, energy-efficient technologies
into County facilities and promote an energy conscious culture that encourages prudent decisions
with regard to energy consumption. In the bigger picture, the reduction in total energy demand
will result across all County government operations, positively addressing escalated utility usage
and costs. This measure can help hedge against higher energy costs each budget year and
promote a “greener” future for the County.

Energy conservation is the key element of this policy because of its potential to reduce
overall energy demand, costs, and consumption. Energy conservation also plays an important
role in addressing climate change by lowering overall greenhouse gas emissions. It is often the
most economical strategy to advance climate protection efforts and provides an environmentally
safe alternative to increased energy production and consumption. Moreover, by lowering energy
demand, energy conservation provides for greater flexibility in choosing preferred methods of
energy production e.g., “green power” – renewable energy that is produced with no fabricated
greenhouse gas emissions.

The intended purpose of this plan is to ensure energy and resource efficiency have
explicitly considered, examined, and executed throughout all County government facilities and
County decision-making. The efficient and conscientious use of energy by local government is
essential to modeling good citizenship, accountability and service. Local government has a
responsibility to be a leader in workplace resource efficiency.

This plan establishes and dictates guidelines for cost-efficient and sustainable resource
consumption within all County facilities, while allowing the Facilities and Maintenance
Department and the future Energy Conservation Team the opportunity to coordinate and manage
the implementation and execution of this plan. The majority of this information and analysis has
described under the short-term and long-term activities that could be implement to reduce energy
consumption and reduce costs.

Although it has not discussed in this plan, there is a positive impact to the environment
when energy saving activities occur. Using a variety or resources, this plan will provide general
efficiency techniques and methodologies that could be reasonably implement in day-to-day
functions within County facilities that will have an immediate effect on energy savings and
costs. This plan is not a static document and may be modify in the future to reflect emerging
“best practice” energy conservation, and energy management strategies and initiatives.
Power Conservation Plan

Ways To Conserve Energy

Using of electric fans at home will be depend upon the
temperature. When the temperature around is in normal, no need
to use electric fan, otherwise just go under the trees. However, if
the temperature is very hot, therefore electric fans must be use.
Electric Fans In evening, at the time of 7 pm, electric fans must be use but it
will be turned off at 3:oo am in the morning because temperature
is already cool. Another one is that, during rainy days, electric
fan must be turn off. If necessary, windows in the house must be
open so that fresh air will enter at the house at daytime.
Television must be turn off, if and only if no one using it. In
addition, after using the television, the plug must be remove
from the convenient outlet because it consume energy even you
Television are not using it. Another one is that do not turn on the television
if you are not watching or maybe because of the reason you want
something to hear.
Since we are just only two in our house, so we are just using the
washing machine twice in a week. In addition, when using
Washing washing machine must be depend on lot of laundry. If it is just
few, therefore, we just wash that through our hands but if not,
Machine therefore washing machine must be use. One thing more is using
the dryer, if the weather is good dryer must not be use, however
if the weather is cloudy dryer must be use.

Light in the evening must only use if it is already dark. All light
must be turn off when sleeping time. Another one is that light
during morning must be use in 4:30-6:00 instead of using it from
Lights 4:30-8:00. Light in the kitchen will only use from 4:00 – 6:00
am then in the evening, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, instead of turning it
off at 10:00 pm. Lights in the bedroom must be turn off if it is
not needed.

Cellphones and Do not charge phone and laptops if it has not needed. Do not use
cellphones and laptops when not necessary. It will avoid you
Laptops from time to time charging. In addition, when those gadgets are
Charging charging, avoid using it.
Water dispenser must only turned on if needed. It will be turn off
if no one using it. In heating water, instead of using water
Water Dispenser dispenser we must use gas stove if you have but if not use

Air con must only turned on if and only if it is very hot. We

must also use another alternative material to use, example
electric fans. Instead of using air con in 6:00 pm to 7:00 am, we
must use it now 8:00 pm to 3:00 in the morning. Since dawn is
Air con already now very cold. In addition, in the time of 6:00-7:00 pm,
we will just go outside to feel the fresh air. Another one is that,
during rainy days, air con must be turn off. If necessary,
windows in the house must be open so that fresh air will enter at
the house at daytime

Ref must be turn off if the only thing inside it is just egg or those
who are not easy to wreck. In addition, when using ref we must
Refrigerators check it, if door of it has been closed properly or else. Or in
buying it we must check how fast it gains energy.


1. Make use of natural light

Making use of natural light during the day has the potential to save you up to P2 per day.
A single, strategically located window has the capability to illuminate 20 to 100 times its
area. Besides saving you money, natural light enhances the aesthetic value of your room.

2. Unplug any electrical gadget

Some gadgets like computer printer and gaming systems consume electricity even when
they are inactive. In fact, these kinds of electronics contribute to 10% of energy consumption.
You can take advantage of a power strip with a switch to help you turn off numerous devices
at a go.

3. Minimize TV watching time

Most people, especially kids, are addicted to watching TV. This can lead to a bad routine
where the TV has left on the whole day. Minimize TV watching by refocusing kids on other
creative activities like reading interesting books or engaging them in lighthouse chores.

4. Initiate weather-stripping

Weather-stripping is the act of sealing openings like windows, trunks, and doors from
external elements. This process keeps drafts at bay, hence, dialing back on your heating and
cooling costs, while maintaining the required temperature inside your house to guarantee

5. Use a laptop instead of desktop

An old desktop computer consumes much more energy than a laptop. If you are still
using an old desktop, consider recycling it and buy yourself a new generation laptop. Using a
laptop for an average of two hours each day has the potential to save you up to $11 each year.

6. Turn off fans

If your air conditioner is in operation, there is no point of turning on the fans.

7. Change your laundry habits

Avoid using the medium setting on your washer. Just be patient until you have enough
clothes since the medium setting is only capable of saving less than half of energy and water
utilized for a full load.

8. Hang clothes instead of using a dryer

Hanging clothes alleviates the needs for a drier, which consumes a lot of electricity and
emits heat.
We need to lend all our hands for Mother Earth. Since its getting hotter and warmer because
of global warming, planting more trees are essential. It can bring us a refreshing air like
before. We can also help to prevent global warming in conserving water, avoid burning our
garbage, and/or even trying to walk when it was just near instead of riding in a motorcycle.
Nevertheless, what is likely more important above that is putting all our efforts to get used all
things that can help aiding our Mother Earth especially when we become one. Act as
everyone our micro efforts will have a macro effects.

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