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 Identify the physical and chemical properties of matter.
 Describe the physical and chemical properties of matter.

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. What has mass and takes up space?

a. weight
b. volume
c. space
d. matter

2. How does a physical change differ from a chemical change?

a. New properties of the matter are observed.
b. New materials are produced.
c. The change always involves heat or light.
d. The composition of the matter is unchanged.

3. Which of the following would be the easiest to start moving?

a. a cart loaded with two potatoes
b. an empty cart with no potatoes
c. a cart loaded with many sacks of potatoes
d. a cart with one potato

4. Which of the following signs does NOT indicate that a chemical change
has happened?
a. only a change in state
b. change in color or odor
c. foaming or bubbling
d production of heat or light
Read the description. Then, draw a line from the dot to the matching

5. aluminum made into thin sheets

• a. ductility
of foil
b. reactivity
6. an ice cube made of solid water

c. state of matter
7. rust forming on metals
d. malleability
8. copper pulled into thin wires

III. Give 2 concrete examples of

physical properties of matter (9-10)

DATE: ___________________

 Distinguish between useful and harmful materials.
 Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the ability of the material to

a. Combustibility c. Reactivity
b. Biodegradability d. Flammability
2. Which will catch fire easily?
a. Cloth c. Paper
b. Wood d. Vegetable peelings
3. A rusty nail is an example of ____________.
a. Combustibility c. Biodegradability
b. Flammability d. Reactivity

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is True and False if not.

____________4. Diamonds embedded in drills are used to cut glass in

____________5. When stored in hot areas, can of hair spray can
____________6. Shiny metal objects placed in front part of a jeepney
can reflect
light and distract oncoming drivers.
_____________7. The rubber that is used to cover an electric wire
protects not
only the wire but also those handling the wire.
_____________8. Bleach helps remove stains and grimes in sinks.

IV. EXPLANATION. On the blank beside each material, write useful or harmful.
Give your reason.

9. Household machines_____________________________________________
10. Plastics_______________________________________________________
 Describe the changes that happen in materials inside our body
under the condition of presence of oxygen
 Awareness of what oxygen can do.
 Investigate changes that happen in materials inside our body
under the condition of presence of oxygen

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the correct answer

1. It is a part of the air that surrounds us. It is used by the body to continue life.
It also has effects on different materials.
a. Oxygen
b. Carbon
c. Nitrogen

2. It is metabolized or used up in the body by combining with oxygen. This

process releases energy from the food so that the body can use it for
biological processes or for work.
a. Digested food
b. Undigested food.
c. a and b
3. People and animals use oxygen in respiration. As oxygen is inhaled, some
materials inside the body combine with it and undergoes_____________
a chemical reaction that gives off carbon dioxide,
water and energy.
b. physical change
c. harmful substances.
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is True and False if NOT
______4. Oxygen is a part of the air that surrounds us. It has effects on
different materials.
______5. Some fruits like apple, turnips, mango, etc. and some root crops
like sweet potato, eggplant, etc. have enzymes which when combined
with water gives it brown color, a sign of food spoilage.
______6. Iron when combined with oxygen form rust. This is the start of
the decay of a metal.
______7. When the rubber band is stretched or cut, it changes in size,
shape, and number of pieces but it still remains the same material.
______8. Materials change even under the condition of lack of oxygen.
______9. Matter could be changed physically.
______10. In physical change, only the appearance of the matter changes
and no new material is formed.


 Enumerate signs when materials undergo physical and chemical
change due to application of heat.
 Classify changes that occur as to physical and chemical changes.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. When the matchstick was burned,what will happen?
a. there was change in color, smell and substance.
b. It remains the same
c. None of above

2. When matchstick is burned, it turns to __________

a. Charcoal
b. Wood
c. Plastic

3. Matter could be changed chemically due to _________

a. Application of heat
b. Application of change
c. Cold resistance

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is True and False if not

__________4. In chemical change, the appearance of the matter changes and

new material is formed.
__________5. Materials like water, ice, egg and vegetables undergo physical
change when heated.
__________6. When water boils and bubbles appear on the sides, steam or
water vapor goes up.
__________7. Water, when applied with heat, turns to water vapor.
__________8. Application of heat can cause physical change.

III. EXPLANATION. Answer the question briefly.

“Why is oxygen important in using up the nutrients of the food
we eat?”



 Recognize the importance of recycle and Reduce in waste

 Differentiate between the meaning of recycle and reduce in waste
 Appreciate the importance of recycle and reduce in waste

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer.

____________1. Consumers are encouraged to reduce their waste by
a) Purchasing in bulk
b) Switching to re-useable
c) Buying items with less packaging
d) All of the above

____________2. This means to make less garbage. For example, instead of buying
juice boxes for lunch, buy a large container of juice and use a washable single
serving container to take it to school.
a) Reduce
b) Reuse
c) Recycle
d) Rebuild

___________3. Which of the following shows the correct hierarchy?

a) Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
b) Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
c) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
d) Refuse, Refuge, Rufus

___________4. Reuse of stuff would

a) Minimize the strain on the environment
b) Help municipal waste management
c) Both a and b option
d) Be difficult and time consuming.

___________5. Which of the following is recyclable material?

a) Aluminum
b) Glass
c) Cardboard
d) All of the above

II. . Give four examples of recycle-able materials? (6-9)

III. Answer the question briefly.

10.Why is it so important for us to re-use items?

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