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"Life's delays are God's delays", a quote I once read that really strucked me and
made me realized lots of things in life. Maybe just like the upcoming A&E Examination,
God is still preparing our learners with the help of us, Instructional Managers as an
instrument to do more and be prepared enough. I do believe that God has really great
plans ahead especially for this brand new year and I'm always looking forward for that, I
just have to continue inculcating knowledge and learnings to my learners to keep them
ready anytime of the year for the examination.

As of the moment, the review is still going on with the different strands that
include communication skills, scientific facts, mathematical problems and equations,
good morals and values and even historical facts. As best as I can, I am really striving to
give the best by reviewing every week to refresh my learners mind and to keep them
ready and prepared for their upcoming battle. I am really hoping for the best result for the
reason that I want to help my learners, I want to become one of the reasons to make them
succeed and witness a milestone into their lives.

Now, I am starting to recruit more learners through mapping with the help of my
co-IM to help more individual who's willing to pursue their education and make a change
in their lives. The more learners I get, the happier I become because it's like the more
learners, the more chances of being an agent. As an ALS Instructional Manager, I am
always ready to serve and be an inspiration to everyone.

Prepared by:

Lidybeb P. Ologan, ALS IM

Checked by:

Rhea P. Ratunil, DALSC

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