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Online Ticket Sales Application on Tourist Attractions in

Bandung Based on Android

H Swatandika
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 112 – 116, Bandung, Indonesia

Correspondence email :

ABSTRACT. With the development of science and technology, pushing the business towards renewal.
The description of this research writing will portray tourist ticket sales by utilizing technological
advancements in the business field. With technology like now it can help ticket buyers to easily and
efficiently buy tickets for tourist attractions. The intensity of visitors at tourist sites can sometimes not
be guessed and especially all tourist attractions in the city of Bandung still use methods that require
each visitor to queue in advance to buy a ticket. That makes some of its own negative impacts for the
tourist attractions themselves, starting from a long queue, taking a long time and making visitors bored.
Related to the rapid development of technology and the business of tourist attractions that are starting
to get popular as it is today, an Online Ticket application is made that covers all tourist attractions in
the city of Bandung which aims to facilitate visitors to buy tickets for tourist attractions easily and
efficiently. In this application there are several parts, namely admin and visitors. The features available
in this application are visitors registering themselves online, the admin can monitor every purchase
made by the end, visitors can buy tickets at any tourist attractions in the city of Bandung. It is expected
that this application can help visitors and business activists in tourist attractions so that visitors have no
trouble when buying tickets for tourist attractions they will buy.

1. Introducion

An online ticketing system or e-ticketing is a way to document the sales process of

customer travel activities without having to issue valuable documents physically or paper
ticket [1]. Many advantages will be gained by utilizing this technology, because this
technology is becoming a trend nowadays with its easy access.
In this research, we will discuss how the application of e-ticketing technology to the tourism
business model actors to increase its sales profit. The emergence of an Android base system is
certainly an extraordinary thing for makers / software developers because of the various
benefits that can be obtained. But apparently this technology can also be implemented in
various fields, one of which is in the business field. By combining business elements and
technological sophistication today will create an extraordinary phenomenon, of course, with
many conveniences offered by this technology. To run a tourist ticket sales business and
efficiency of purchasing time becomes very important because there is the main point in the
business of tourist attractions. [2]
According to data obtained by conducting research and observations to several tourist
attractions in Bandung city, there are problems that often arise, among others, when
customers will find information on the availability of tourist tickets and prices must contact or
visit tourist attractions in advance. So it is less easy in purchasing tickets or just looking for
ticket sales information. The purchase of tourist tickets must be in line and take quite a long
time. But with one of the current technologies that makes everything easy to do anything and
everywhere, it is Android. Android is the operating system used by smart phones or PCs.
Android was first developed by a company called Android Inc., and in 2005 was acquired by
Google [3]. Android is built on the basis of the Linux kernel. And the system to be used is E-
ticketing, E-Ticketing is a method for documenting sales, usage tracking, and accounting for
purchases without the need to issue a "value document" paper. Buyers can order, pay, and
print their electronic tickets online from anywhere [4]. The purpose of this application is to
provide an online service that aims to bridge between prospective ticket buyers and tourist
attractions to facilitate the process of purchasing tickets and information regarding their
tourist attractions

2. Method
In conducting this research using a qualitative descriptive method to determine the
condition of the community if there is an android-based application to help them in finding
information and buying tourist tickets with the aim of making it easier. This research activity
includes collecting data, analyzing data, interpreting data, and finally formulating a
conclusion that refers to the analysis of the data

3. Result and Discussion

To create an information system for selling tourist tickets online based on Android, it
must begin with the process of identifying problems that are inside it. And, designing the
information system needs of every business process that exists so that the application model
and needs in accordance with what is expected and has its own selling value. Validate data
with business owners, tourist attractions about the functionality of an android-based online
ticket sales application,
The aim is to produce a ticket purchase process without depending on the manual
system that is available at each tourist spot so that ticket buyers can save time not in line in
purchasing the ticket itself. The system needs itself are divided into two, namely functional
and nonfunctional. systems such as time limits, limitations on the development of processes,
standardization and others.
Android-based applications have two main elements, namely: UI (User Interface) the
way programs and users communicate [5], UX (User Experience) attitudes, behavior and
emotions of users when using a product [6]. The next step is to determine the specifications
for the android free ticket online application.

3.1 Data Collection and Needs Analysis

Before building an android-based application for tourist tickets online, the first step is
to gather the needs and data needed to analyze the application, what we will create and
develop, namely through surveys and interviews with the owners of tourist attractions or the
surrounding community.
With the results of the analysis conducted by researchers that some tourist sites do
require a system that can accommodate buyers of tourist tickets online. And why do tourist
owners want to have such a system because of the tourists who make long queues in
purchasing tickets manually. Enough with the online ticket application, tourists can see
information on available tourist attractions and buy tickets online, of course, does not require
a long time.

3.2 Application Development

This application will be made based on Android in the development of this
application, there are several stages that will be carried out by the Waterfall method
Waterfall Method
The Waterfall method is a sequential software development process, in which
progress is guided as continuing to flow downward (like a waterfall) through the phases of
planning, modeling, implementation (construction), and testing [7]. The structure drawing
method can be seen in Figure 1 .

Figure 1. Waterfall Method

The Waterfall method has the following stages [8]:

1) Requirements analysis and definition System services, constraints, and objectives
are determined by the results of consultations with users which are then defined in
detail and function as system specifications.
2) System and software design System design stages allocate system requirements to
both hardware and software by forming the overall system architecture. Software
design involves identifying and describing the basic system abstraction of software
and its relationships.
3) Implementation and unit testing At this stage, software design is realized as a
series of programs or unit programs. Tests involve verification that each unit meets its
4) The individual units of the program or program are combined and tested as a
complete system to ensure whether or not it matches the software requirements. After
testing, software can be sent to the customer
5) Operation and maintenance Usually (although not always), this stage is the longest
tage. The system is installed and used in a real way. Maintenance
Use Case
Use case is a form description for activities in the application used. Starting
from registration to checkout [9].
1. View Destination: Select the attractions available in the application.
2. Make Purchase Ticket: Buy tickets online at predetermined attractions.
3. Checkout: See what ticket descriptions have been purchased and paid for.
4. Client Register: The stage where the user registers himself.
The full description can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Use Case Diagram

How this application works for buyers:

A. The buyer opens the ticket application
B. The system of the application will show a list of what tourist attractions are available
in the city of Bandung.
C. Buyers can directly buy tickets available in the application. D. Payment has various

System flow drawings can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. System Design Cycle

With business interactions through the internet today people can do business easily, such
as buying something, transacting, carrying out business functions through the internet
network. For now the business can be done anywhere and anytime without having to move
around as long as it is connected to the internet. [10]

4. Conclusion
This application is expected to help tourists visiting the city of Bandung, so that not only
tourists will be helped but the tourist attractions themselves. The benefits of this application
are expected to make it easier for tourist places to sell tickets online so that tourists no longer
have to queue for long just to buy tickets, just open this application all will be resolved, while
for tourists it is expected that the features of this application can facilitate information seeking
or buy tickets online.
5. Acknowledgements
We, as researchers, thank to everyone who have volunteered to be respondents for this study.
We express our gratitude to the community as volunteer technopreneur and non-technopreneur
customers who have become responder, so that this research can be completed.
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