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This Story began in a little beautiful village. But, the beauty of that village can’t
covered a girl’s sadness. She sad because her mother is sick.
Now, we turn into a house near that little girl.
Bawang Merah’s mother :“You’re stupid daughter!”
Bawang Merah : “Uh…stop nagging, my head is dizzy ears. I better go.”
Bawang merah’s mother : “Hey… Where are you going?! Let’s go home and go fast!
Don’t make me angry!”
Bawang merah : “cuih!” (spit)
Bawang merah’s mother : “What! How dare you be so at Mother?! Argh.. rebel child!”
Bawang merah : “Ow… I’m sorry, mom.”
Bawang merah’s mother : “Let’s come on!”

Then we turn into the poor girl’s home. When her father leaving to trade.
Bawang putih : “Be careful, dad.”
Father : “Yeah, you also be careful at home and watch out with
your mother.”
Bawang putih : “Ok, Dad.”
Bawang Putih stays with her mother at her home. Her mother give a ring to Bawang
Putih and Bawang Putih feel happy after receiving the ring. Bawang Putih dancing happily
because of that ring. While bawang putih dancing with her new ring, Bawang Merah take some
deadly poison into their mother’s drink and no one has known that. A few minutes later, Mother
drinks it. Just in few second later, mother dead. Bawang putih sad when she know it.
Bawang merah’s mothe : “a pl 0ease, in the destiny of the above.”
Bawang merah : “A is true, don’t be sad. Here we are still there anyway.”
Bawang merah’s mother : “It wil be better if I tell your father.” (Then they are away)
A sadness grew with the death of his mother and after the funeral is over.
Bawang merah’s mother : “A, I went feel your sadness. Did everything she was without
her life feels empty.”
Father : “True A, I’m also willing to really be your friend.”
Bawang putih : “Well, now I want to be alone, so please leave me before.”
(She took off sadness with singing).
After singing without realizing it, my father persuaded by flattery Bawang putih
Bawang merah mother, who wanted to replace the position of Mrs. A daningin seized all his
Bawang putih has been living and her mother. On that day his father would go to trade.
Her father packed up because it immeditialy trade as usual and then the step mother (Mrs.
Bawang merah). Bawang putih and Bawang merah approached her father and kissed the hand of
the father. The father promptly left, before he waved his arms at them that and they raply back.
All : “Be careful, Dad!”
Passed their father was going to trade
Stepmother : “All right children. The game has finished!”
Bawang merah : “Putih, Cleaning clothes that!”
Bawang putih is shocked, but she did not have strength. Then she went to the kitchen
took a lot of laundry and after taking it he went to the river to wash clothes. But suddenly when
the journey there is a shout our for help.
Fairy : “Help me!!!!!!!” (Pain)
Bawang putih : “Looks like someone for help. Where?” (Look for the source of
Fairy : “I’m here”
Bawang putih : “ really unfortunate fate.” (Bawang putih immediately lift the
weight to rest on the elf)
Fairy : “Well thank you, you have helped me and as my reciprocation may
I help you wash your clothes?”
Bawang putih : “Ah…don’t”
Fairy : “But tour laundry is very much, but with this stick…”
Bawang putih : “All right, do what you want.”
Fairy : “Sim salambim, get rid of dirt on the clothes.” (at that time also be
clean all the clothes)
Bawang putih : “Oh…thanks a lot elf.”
Fairy : “Sure.”
After they finished dancing
Bawang putih : “I’d better be home daughter, I’m afraid of being scolded my mother
and stepsister.”
Fairy : “Ok..good bye”
Prince heard A sing. He also intends to look for it. And after the find. Bawang putih
locked starled and ran leaving the prince. With prince back disappointed.
Guard : “How is prince. What you have found denan angel?”
Prince : “Ah never mind. Should we look for the flowers around here.”
Because don’t find it. The prince looking flower elsewhere. Incidentally, Bawang putih
prince passed the house stopped by the house.
Guard : (teasing Bawang putih)
Prince : “Move over guard. Would sweet princess would mention the
Stepmother : “It’s impossible if price to meet A. A Let’s finishing you job!”
Abawang putih : (Leave)
Stepmother : “Sorry prince, it’s better if you stop at my home.”
Prince : “Thank you. We’re not here long.”
Suddenly, when prince would turn around she saw the flowers.
Prince : “Look! That certainly we’re looking for flowers.”
Guard : “It’s true,price”
Prince : “It’s really beautiful.”
Bawang merah : “Here indeed many beautiful flowers. If prince wanted to, we don’t
mind him.”
Guard : (pull out the flowers but can do it)
Prince : “According to the grandfather, who can revoke only flowers.”
Bawang merah : “Oh..with my pleasure.”
Bawang putih : “I will carry out this mandate for the sake healing Majesty the King
and by the greatness of the palace Panarukan.”
Once uprooted, Bawang putih give the flowers to prince and they stared at each other.
After receiving the flower Prince brought into the Kingdom and Bawang putih drinking to his
Majesty the King. Because the white soul and a pure heart also owned Bawang putih, finally
Majesty the king can be cured. The story in even end up with an atmosphere that is full of
excitement. The Bawang putih marrying a handsome prince. And Bawang merah and her mother
apologized for their mistakes over the years.

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