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English practice

Grammar & Vocabulary & Syntax

17th July 2019

Choose the right answer

1. We won the……… part of two million dollars on the lottery.

a. most
b. best
c. largest
d. greatest
2 Hopes are………. of finding anyone else alive after a fishing boat went down off the
Scottish coast late last night. Three men were picked up but another four are still missing.
a. dimming
b. dissolving
c. fading
d. reducing
3. You might have failed twice, but I think you should…… and you will eventually succeed.
a. insist
b. prevail
c. persuade
d. persevere
4. The police spokesman said he was……. to believe that the arrested man was the serial
killer they had been looking for.
a. inclined
b. seemed
c. suspected
d. supposed
5. Even though the two men didn't commit any crime, the police were alerted to their
suspicious behaviour …… outside the bank for nearly an hour.
a. waiting
b. hovering
c. loitering
d. lagging
6. The team threw on all their substitutes in the last five minutes, all to no….. as they lost the
game narrowly by three points.
a. use
b. gain
c. avail
d. benefit
7. The…… of winter always brings reports of people getting caught out by inclement
weather when they least expected it.
a. onset
b. starting
c. onslaught
d. early
8. Soldiers reported many of the prisoners of war to be drunk from the effects of vodka, used
by the poorly equipped enemy soldiers to…… the pain of toothache.
a. lighten
b. lose
c. soothe
d. calm
9. There will be one general meeting per month,….. the usual section meetings every week.
a. besides
b. apart
c. moreover
d. as well
10. There is no chance of you getting the promotion after only two months working
here,…… the great work you have done.
a. regardless
b. presuming
c. nevertheless
d. notwithstanding

11. The epidemic is thought to have started when the Brazilian monkey travelled to Europe
with a circus and…… some of the animals there.
a. infested
b. was contagious to
c. infected
d. quarantined
12. His performance was so spectacular that he was…..out for praise by the team manager at
the end of the game.
a. singled
b. filtered
c. distinguished
d. selected
13. That is Suzy's car in the driveway. She….. at work!
a. shouldn't be
b. couldn't be
c. oughtn't be
d. can't be
14. You can decide not to go to university but you …. the risk of not getting a good job later.
a. suffer
b. run
c. do
d. put
15. The costs of this plan for our company are …. by the enormous benefits it will bring us
and I think we should approve it as soon as possible.
a. outrun
b. overrun
c. outweighed
d. overthrown
16. If we walk …. enough, we should arrive at the hostel before it gets dark.
a. sharply
b. warmly
c. briskly
d. fluently
17. Now you mention his name, I do have a vague …. of having once met Stephen Harmiss.
But I couldn't tell you where it was!
a. remembrance
b. memorial
c. recollection
d. recall
e. memento
f. souvenir
18. The murder suspect managed to throw the police ….. the trail with a brilliant alibi.
a. on
b. out of
c. about
d. off
19. Don't worry about swimming with that watch on. It is ….. You can't damage it.
a. waterproof
b. watertight
c. foolproof
d. water-free
20. …… my boss notices what I do in the office, I might as well not be there!
a. Concerning
b. For all
c. Whenever
d. With regards to
21. As you can see Mr. Beeston, this apartment is lovely and….. and gets the sun for most of
the day. It would be wonderful here in the summer.
a. breezy
b. airy
c. draughty
d. windy
22. The nation went into two days of official….. when the president was killed.
a. grief
b. sadness
c. mourning
d. misery
23. Police knew the escaped bear was in the area but it proved….. and they eventually gave
up the hunt.
a. ecstatic
b. evasive
c. effective
d. elusive

24. Talent, luck and bribery will get you so far in this world but there is no…. for hard work!
a. alternative
b. imitation
c. substitute
d. model
25. Look, everything is half price in that shop window. They are having a…. sale!
a. moving on
b. closing down
c. setting off
d. breaking down
26. Looking after four children alone took its …. on Jennifer but she coped admirably.
a. stress
b. strain
c. weight
d. toll
27. He finally managed to find a hotel, …. a very expensive one, and they were both relieved.
a. however
b. albeit
c. even though
d. but
28. That was a very tasty stew Mrs. Honeywell. Can I have another …. ?
a. dose
b. bout
c. ration
d. helping
29. OK, I just made "turnip" for 18 points, Gary. Now, it's your …...
a. game
b. pass
c. try
d. go
30. I don't think I have enough money till the weekend even for myself,….. lend you any!
a. not speaking to
b. let alone
c. not counting
d. except
31 Not many people have the …. to combine both a highly successful business career and a
happy marriage.
a. capacity
b. ability
c. panache
d. know-how
32. If you are not happy with this resort hotel, you will have to make a(n)….. for
compensation once you return home.
a. requirement
b. recommendation
c. claim
d. appeal
33. Two months after the main parties in the coalition had fallen out, leading to the collapse
of the government, the leaders met in an attempt to heal the …. .
a. abyss
b. trench
c. dispute
d. rift
34. The bomb explosion left very little of the car and forensic scientists are now
busy…. through the wreckage trying to find clues to help them in their investigation.
a. sifting
b. draining
c. straining
d. juggling
35. As soon as the authorities found out about the jail break, they put up …. on all the main
roads leading out of the area.
a. barricades
b. road-blocks
c. checkpoints
d. customs
36. Now I am unemployed, I have too much time….. and don't know what to do with myself!
a. to hand
b. on my hands
c. in hand
d. in my hands
37. The judge gave out what was widely considered to be a….. sentence due to the convicted
man's deep remorse at his crime.
a. dull
b. brief
c. fast
d. lenient
38. The law banning handguns and other….. arms was passed by the parliament without
a. lethal
b. mortal
c. deathly
d. fatal
39. The police caught him as he was running away from the blazing house and he was
charged the following day with….. . His plan was to collect on his house insurance.
a. fraud
b. forgery
c. arson
d. burglary
40. "Do you want any of these company lottery tickets, Barry?" "Oh, yes. Put me …. for
three. I will get a couple for my wife too."
a. up
b. in
c. out
d. down
41. Four bedroom house for sale. Large garden. Close to….. . Reduced for quick sale.
a. facilities
b. amenities
c. equipment
d. utilities
42. This is a great example of the Yellow Eared Rabbit, a rabbit …. to this part of Portugal
and not found anywhere else in the world.
a. special
b. strange
c. peculiar
d. particular
43. The manageress arrived late and in a foul mood, going by the …. on her face.
a. frown
b. beam
c. scowl
d. grimace
44. Jenkins! Yes, you …. at the back of the class. If you find this whole episode so funny,
why don't you come up to the front and explain to everyone exactly why!
a. frowning
b. grinning
c. glancing
d. glimpsing
45. We don't know if anyone will come to the warehouse this evening or not to move the
stolen money, so just be on the …. for any strange activity at all.
a. guard
b. hunt
c. lookout
d. search
46. Though the hotel was a real …. place with cracked windows, freezing draughts and
creaking floorboards, the staff were just wonderful and we had a great time all in all.
a. down-and-out
b. downcast
c. run-down
d. runaway
47. Mother arrived home eventually at 5pm,…. with grocery bags, having been out shopping
for nearly three hours.
a. burdened
b. full
c. stocked
d. laden
48. I picked up these…. from the travel agents today. They have a great offer on cruises to
Turkey for the end of April!
a. leaflets
b. manifestoes
c. brochures
d. programmes
49. I first saw my father on the …. at the docks after he had disembarked from a troop ship in
1945 at the end of the war. I was four years old.
a. platform
b. quayside
c. kerb
d. marina
50. When getting onto a metro or standard train, you should always be careful of
the …. between the station platform and the train itself. This can be up to 15cm in distance.
a. drop
b. gap
c. empty
d. void
51. The walls of the local military command were …. by anti-government graffiti and that
was the first sign of general rebellion in the city.
a. defaced
b. destroyed
c. mutilated
d. deformed
52. Harris is a great player but often, he is …. to disappear from a game in the last twenty
minutes and that is what happened here today.
a. apt
b. tend
c. habit
d. prone
53. All the hotels along the river are of good quality except The Palace Hotel. If you …..
clear of that, you shouldn't have too many problems.
a. turn
b. steer
c. veer
d. swerve
54. I can see how old those jeans are. They have…. almost to a sky blue colour after all these
a. faded
b. blanched
c. disappeared
d. reduced
55. That old house is …. with rats! There is no way I would ever go and live there without at
least five cats.
a. riddled
b. infected
c. crowded
d. inflicted
56. What I really …. for when I was young was a pony but my parents didn't have enough
money and I had to be happy with a hamster!
a. yearned
b. craved
c. desired
d. needed
57. He was arrested on a lonely highway and charged with drinking while under the … of
a. power
b. influence
c. spell
d. side effects
58. …. by despair at her situation, she tried in vain to rob the local bank and ended up in
prison for five years.
a. compelled
b. forced
c. desperate
d. driven
59. I have to …. your offer of money at this time but will consider your generous gift if need
be in the future.
a. decline
b. deject
c. confound
d. refute
60. Bill and Mary resolved their problems after her brother got them to sit down and have
a(n) …. talk with each other.
a. candid
b. overt
c. servile
d. piteous
61. As soon as the problem at work blew up, he instantly thought about how he could come
out of it looking good. He is such a …. person.
a. self-evident
b. self-conscious
c. self-centred
d. selfless
62. The sound of the jet taking off from the nearby airport … the peace of the countryside and
startled the horses.
a. crushed
b. crashed
c. flattened
d. shattered
63. "Look, I don't know the best solution," he said …. his shoulders and walking away from
the table.
a. shaking
b. shrouding
c. shrugging
d. bowing

64. We carried on down the path, …. of the notice warning of avalanche risk.
a. careless
b. carefree
c. heedless
d. blind
65. That old wall will need to be ….. Otherwise, it will fall down come the first strong winds
of winter.
a. rebuilt
b. repainted
c. redecorated
d. repressed
66. The cheese in the fridge is …. a very funny smell. I think it must be bad. I will throw it
a. giving up
b. giving in
c. giving off
d. giving out
67. The judge declared a …. today due to unfair media coverage and the trial will be restarted
again early next year.
a. postponement
b. annulment
c. cancellation
d. mistrial
68. You must go and see that new soppy film with Richard Gere. Don't be afraid to …. a few
tears though. I did!!
a. spill
b. pour
c. shed
d. sob
69. There is no way you will be able to lift that stone up to here. Get a few of the men to help
you … it up with a rope.
a. drag
b. wrench
c. swivel
d. pluck
70. The smoke was seen to rise a few metres up from the bonfire and then …. slowly down
the valley on the slight breeze that blew.
a. float
b. sweep
c. billow
d. drift
71. He was given the France post even though his French is decidedly ….. .
a. fluent
b. untidy
c. rusty
d. disheveled
72. What really …. me as I walked into the office was the number of women working there!
a. occurred
b. realised
c. struck
d. seemed to
73. Oh! That guitar is out of ….. What a horrible sound!
a. melody
b. chorus
c. parity
d. tune
74. The company has a lot of problems but they all seem to …. to money.
a. boil down
b. cook up
c. lead over
d. reason out
75. The walls of your bathroom were wet with …. after my shower so I opened the window.
a. vapour
b. condensation
c. mould
d. dew
76. You treat this house like a hotel Tim! And you take your mother totally for ….. You
should appreciate what she does for you more.
a. fool
b. assumption
c. advantage
d. granted
77. We took Bill ….. for a couple of months after the fire at his home. It was no trouble as we
have the extra bedroom up in the converted loft.
a. in
b. out
c. up
d. off
78. ….. did he complain to the head waiter all night, but he didn't leave a tip at the end of the
night either!
a. not really
b. on no account
c. not only
d. no longer
79. …. you get the job. Where would you go and live?
a. provided
b. supposing
c. as long as
d. unless
80. Did you ever ….. for anything when you were a child or did you have everything you
a. lack
b. miss
c. want
d. ask

81. The old house was …. furnished and we had to buy almost everything new.
a. thinly
b. sparsely
c. mildly
d. rarely
82. The main way into the building is via High Street but there is also a(n) …. at the back
used for deliveries.
a. access
b. way
c. passage
d. direction
83. I have been back to the doctor three times and he still hasn't …. the reason for all the pain
I have been suffering from recently.
a. indicated
b. highlighted
c. pinpointed
d. looked up
84. You shouldn't have bought so many … presents on this holiday. You won't have any
money left when you go back home.
a. rich
b. lavish
c. worthy
d. invaluable
85. It's a long walk tomorrow. We need to … as early as possible.
a. set up
b. set in
c. set off
d. set about
86. Sometimes, we don't appreciate the …. pleasures of life such as a beautiful sky, a cup of
coffee with a friend or seeing a good film at the cinema.
a. sheer
b. simple
c. normal
d. plain
87. Even though she is 87, her mind is very …. and she is very aware of everything going on
around her.
a. alert
b. lively
c. demanding
d. lifelike
88. The captain decided to …. ship even though he thought there was no real danger of it
a. abandon
b. evacuate
c. desert
d. evict
89. If you continue to …. debts at this rate, you will have to declare bankruptcy eventually.
a. save
b. raise
c. incur
d. default
90. The accidental ….. of four listed buildings near the city centre caused a huge outcry and
the manager of the building company was jailed for three months.
a. disruption
b. demolition
c. injuring
d. squashing
91. My company has just spent two million dollars, …. a world famous artist to paint a huge
mural for the main entrance foyer.
a. asking
b. ordering
c. consulting
d. commissioning
92. During the riots, hundreds of people broke into the city's main department store and … it.
There was almost nothing left after the night had finished.
a. stole
b. looted
c. mugged
d. conned
93. The new government group will …. the effects of smoking on the academic abilities of
people under 18 years of age.
a. report
b. research
c. inform
d. invent
94. This fruit has been in the fridge for over three weeks! It is all …. .
a. rotten
b. sour
c. bitter
d. mouldy
95. I don't think Jones and Marlowe should work together on this project. They have shown
us before that they are quite …. as partners.
a. rebellious
b. disinterested
c. disagreeable
d. incompatible
96. You have been …. with first degree murder. How do you plea?
a. accused
b. charged
c. blamed
d. caused
97. That old house hasn't been lived in for nearly thirty years, hence the fact that it looks so
a. decrepit
b. trashed
c. rotten
d. derelict
98. The great thing about this bank loan is that they give you so long to …..
a. pay it in
b. give it up
c. pay it up
d. pay it off
e. give it out
99. We can't use this table as it isn't totally … . The balls will roll to one side.
a. plane
b. flat
c. vertical
d. true
100. ….. me another beer Des. Then I really must be going. It is quite late!
a. spill
b. trickle
c. pour
d. fill

Vocabulary / words meanings

1. You can exercise your …. to cancel the contract immediately, but you wouldn't receive any
money at that point.
a. duty
b. obligation
c. right
d. possibility
2. We were all in …. of the fact that the new manager was our old friend Duncan.
a. surprise
b. shock
c. awe
d. amazement
3. The icy road conditions …. in over twenty minor accidents this morning, but fortunately
no-one was seriously injured.
a. resulted
b. caused
c. culminated
d. blamed
4. My uncle Warren is a thoroughly despicable character. His one …. feature is that he loves
a. saving
b. recovering
c. improved
d. redeeming
5. I don't think anyone understood what I was saying at the meeting, did they? I totally failed
to get my point …. .
a. around
b. about
c. across
d. along
6. There was a veritable … of angry phone calls from members of the public complaining
about the new controversial series on TV.
a. gale
b. flood
c. storm
d. earthquake
7. The sales practices of this company will have to be totally … if we are to save it.
a. overthrown
b. overhauled
c. overrun
d. overwhelmed
8. For lunch, I always have something quick and easy: a sandwich, a salad, toast and the … .
a. same
b. similar
c. like
d. rest
9. The government announced today that they intend to …. the rise of crime in the inner cities
by increasing police budgets in the areas most affected.
a. beat
b. win
c. retaliate
d. counter
10. We weren't … of the danger we were in until it was too late and the ice started to break.
We are lucky to be alive!
a. alive
b. alert
c. awake
d. aware
INVERSION – Choose the right answer
1. _________ should children be allowed to drive.
no sooner
under no circumstances
2. _________ after months of planning were they ready for the conference.
3. _________ had I left than I heard them laughing.
no sooner
only when
4. Now _________ to escape and she jumped from the window.
was the time
the time was
5. Many a time _________ plan to divorce her husband, but she never did.
she did
did she
6. Only _________ can we start the party.
when Jane has arrived
when has Jane arrived
7. _________ who borrowed the money.
Max it was
It was Max
8. What _________ is simply not true.
are you saying
you are saying
9. Thank goodness ___ hurt in the train accident.
didn’t more people get
didn’t get more people
more didn’t get people
more people didn’t get
10. The study showed _____ for maternal and child health.
how is nutrition important
how important nutrition is
that how important nutrition is
that how nutrition is important
11. Only by working three jobs _____ able to support his large family.
he was
he is
he's being
was he
12. The boss didn’t know what to do, _____ the rest of us.
so did
nor did
13. It was not until Andrew stopped smoking ____ healthy again.
did he feel
that he started to feel
then he felt
that he did feel
14. ___ you see Frank at the conference, give him my regards.
15. Strange ___ , he chose not to undergo surgery.
may it seem
as may it seem
was it that
as it may sound
16. Try ___ he could not save the drowning woman.
did he hard
as he might
as hard as
though he did
17. So ___ that she licked the plate clean.
being hungry
great her hunger
hungry was she
had she hunger
18. Effie disliked the film, ___.
as did Frank
and also disliked it Frank
nor Frank
so Frank did
19. ___ the medicine than she began to feel better.
Not until she swallowed
Hardly did she swallow
No sooner had she swallowed
Having swallowed
20. Only by speaking more ___ improve your fluency in English.
you are able to
is it possible to
will it


1. It didn't rain. The flowers died.

If it rained, the flowers wouldn't have died.
If it had rained, the flowers wouldn't have died.
If it has rained, the flowers wouldn't have died.
2. I didn't know how good the new computers were. I didn't buy one.
If I had known how good the new computers were, I would have bought one.
If I knew how good the computers are, I would have bought one.
If I had known how good the new computers are, I would buy one.
3. The game was on Channel 4. I wanted to watch it.
If I had known the game was on Channel 4, I would have watched it.
If I know the game was on Channel 4, I would have watched it.
If I had known the game was on Channel 4, I have watched it.
4. I didn't study enough. I didn't pass the test.
If I studied more, I passed the test.
If I had studied more, I will pass the test.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the test.
5. I went to bed early. My friend called up.
If I had known my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have went to bed so early.
If I knew my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have went to bed so early.
If I had known my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have gone to bed so early.
6. I wasn't careful. I spilled the milk.
If I was more careful, I didn't spill the milk.
If I had been more careful, I wouldn't have spilled the milk.
If I were more careful, I wouldn't have spilled the milk.
7. The car was going too fast. It ran off the road.
If the car wouldn't go so fast, it won't run off the road.
If the car hadn't been going so fast, it wouldn't have run off the road.
If the car didn't go so fast, it wouldn't have run off the road.
8. I couldn't unlock the door. I needed to ask for help.
If I could have unlocked the door, I wouldn't have needed to ask for help.
If I could unlock the door, I haven't needed to ask for help.
If I could have unlocked the door, I didn't need to ask for help.
9. We got home late. I was tired in the morning.
I wouldn't have been tired in the morning if we hadn't gotten home so late.
I wasn't so tired in the morning if we didn't get home so late.
I wouldn't have been tired in the morning if we don't get home so late.
10. I didn't read the paper. I didn't know about the accident.
I would have known about the accident if I will read the paper.
I would have knew about the accident if I had read the paper.
I would have known about the accident if I had read the paper.

1. I wish our team ______ .
did win
had won
has won
2. If only I ______ guitar!
can play
will play
could play
3. I wish I ______ a million dollars.
will have
4. If only we ______ the wrong road!
hadn't taken
had taken
haven't taken
5. I wish they ______ us they were coming early.
had told
have told
did tell
6. If only you ______ how to swim when you were younger!
have learned
will learn
had learned
7. I wish we ______ that house.
will buy
could buy
8. I wish you ______ how surprised she was.
could have seen
have seen
9. I wish that warbler ______ closer so I could get a picture.
would come
will come
has come
10. If only it ______ raining!
can stop
will stop
would stop

1. If I hadn't overslept, I ______ on time.

will have been
would have been
will be
2. If you had eaten a good breakfast, you______ so hungry now.
wouldn't be
can't be
won't be
3. I ______ that car if I had had more money at the time.
could have bought
could buy
will buy
4. That horse could have won the race if he ______ hurt his leg.
doesn't hurt
hasn't hurt
hadn't hurt
5. If I ______ harder for the test I would have gotten a better grade.
had studied
will study
did study
6. If it hadn't rained, we ______ to the park.
will have gone
will go
would have gone
7. If only we ______ the directions!
will follow
did follow
had followed
8. If the road hadn't been icy, we ______ an accident.
won't have
wouldn't have had
didn't have
9. He would have gone to work if he ______ sick.
hadn't been
won't be
didn't be
10. If I had known you were coming, I ______ a cake.
will bake
would have baked
would bake


1. I've sat in that chair …. a time and thought about poor Joseph.
2. Meg and Clare were in ……. agreement about the cost of the repairs.
3. Why do you get me so upset ……. time you come to the house?
4. …… moment now, John will arrive saying he's feeling sick and needs to go home.
5. Daniel, you have ……. notion of what it takes to be successful.
6. ……….of the donors was willing to increase their donation and the charity went
7. We owe …… of what we know about Antarctica to the permanent research stations
8. If I give you the cash, can you buy …… wine and a bag of rice for me?

1. The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one in John Street. …… , they do free
home deliveries too.
On the whole
2. Australia has some beautiful parts of the country. ….., they also have a lot of dangerous
3. …. the high risk involved, many scientists chase tornadoes so they can study them more
4. …… television can be educational, I think it's better to read a book.
On the other hand
Even though
5. So you can see there are both advantages and disadvantages of the new system for
organising the timetable. … , I would say it would be better to stick with the current system.
On the whole
6. …. the rain and the high winds, they never went camping.
Due to
7. This new computer has a better monitor. Its memory is twice as large as the current one and
we can use the internet with it. …. its software will make our job so much easier.
In short
8. Saline speaks in class when we are trying to work. She shouts out to other students when it
is not necessary and when she does ask me a question, it is doubtlessly a stupid one just to get
some attention. …. she is a very disruptive presence in the class. I'm sorry Mr. Philicott.
In short


1.When I saw ..., they were kissing (...) passionately. Time seemed to have stopped for ...,
which brought back beautiful memories of that age.

them, (themselves), them

them (each other), them
her, (each other), them
her, (themselves), them
they, themselves, they

2. I cut ... when I was cooking some vegetables. ... love .... . ... are very good for the

it, I, them, They

you, I, it, They
you, I, them, They
myself, I, them, They
myself, I,they, They

3. Come on, open the door! ...'s .... ... need to talk to ... . ...'s urgent!

It, his, he, himself, He

She, him, I, you, It
It, me, I, you, It
He, her, I, you, It
It, them, myself, It

4. When I saw ... in the mirror, I could not believe ... eyes. I had turned into a monster.
Luckily, ... was only a dream.

yourself, my, it
themselves, your, it
me, my, it
it, his, it
myself, my, it

5. ... love ... deeply, and have decided to get married. ... is very important to us that you
come to ... wedding. ... will be held next spring.

They, themselves, It, their, It

We, each other, It, our, It
We, ourselves, It, our, It
He, himself, It, his, It
We, them, It, their, It

6. Everybody was looking for the missing girl. ... was found all by ... in the middle of
nowhere. Fortunately, nobody had hurt ..., and ... was safe and sound.

He, each other, him, he

She, herself, her, she
She, her, her, she
She, hers, herself, she
He, himself, him, he
7. The first thing he does in the morning is to shave ..., and have a shower. Then, he wakes
... children so that ... are ready for school in good time.

-, his, they
himself, his, they
himself, his, we
him, his, they
-, its, we

8. Margaret is very selfish. ... only loves ... .

She, them
She, it
She, herself
She, themselves
She, each other

9. Please don't make so much noise. I am trying to concentrate ... . Please relax ... and be

myself, -
myself, myself
-, -
myself, yourself
myself, yourselves

10. Our qualifications may be bad, but ... are even worse, so ... should shut up, and stop
critising ... once and for all.

yours, you, us
yourself, you, us
their, you, us
yours, you, them
each other, you, them

1. I needed ____________ more to keep fit. (exercise, to exercise, exercising, exercised)
2. I remember ____________ Sue last Sunday. (visit, to visit, visiting, visited)
3. The salesman seemed _____________ impatient. (get, to get, getting, got)
4. I really miss ____________ in the countryside. (live, to live, living, lived)
5. She was ____________ by the exhibition. (fascinate, to fascinate, fascinating,
6. If you don’t stop ___________, you’ll kill yourself. (diet, to diet, dieting , dieted)
7. The boy ____________ a red T-shirt is my neighbour. (wear, to wear, wearing, worn)
8. The cup ____________ with orange juice is yours. (fill, to fill, filling, filled)
9. She is incapable of _____________ good decisions. (make, to make, making, made)
10. I can’t wait ____________ her again. (see, to see, seeing, seen)

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