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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact:

August 2, 2019 Jan Jarrett

717-697-2111 (O) 717-503-1647 (C)


Perry resorted to conspiracy theories to explain the half-empty town hall meeting
Groups demand an apology

August 1, 2019 (Camp Hill) The leadership teams of Capital Region Indivisible, Cumberland
Valley Rising, Hershey Indivisible Team, and Indivisible YORK issued the following statement in
response to Congressman Scott Perry’s baseless attack on them.

Yesterday, Congressman Scott Perry put out a statement on his Facebook page that clearly
reflected his growing desperation in the wake of a week of honest press coverage that
accurately conveyed the mess he made of his first town hall meeting in more than two years. In
the statement he resorted to spinning a false conspiracy theory that put the blame on the half-
empty hall on local Indivisible groups. He also made several false statements about our
activities and motivations.

For the record, here is the timeline leading up to the town hall meeting:
 Indivisible groups’ members first received email notice of the town hall on Tuesday, July
23 at 9:07. Upon receiving the notice many of our members immediately attempted to
register but were met with “sold out” messages on the event website, which provided
an option to be added to a wait list which many members did;
 On Friday, July 26 our groups sent a letter to Representative Perry’s office and cc’d his
staff asking him to move the town hall to a larger venue to accommodate more of his
constituents since few were able to get tickets. We shared the letter with the local
 Having been unable to obtain tickets, we organized a protest to be held outside the
town hall and issued a press statement that asked Congressman Perry to put forth a
schedule of upcoming town halls in the ample time left between now and the 2020
 Late Tuesday afternoon, the day of the town hall, a few of our members started
receiving notices that they were taken off the wait list and offered a ticket.
 Those who attended were taken aback by the abundance of empty chairs in the “sold
out” town hall;
 After the town hall began, several people waiting outside who persisted in trying to get
into the meeting were allowed in, but the hall never reached near full capacity.

Now Congressman Perry is evidently trying to cover up what was obviously a deliberate,
successful attempt to limit attendance at the town hall by hurling false accusations at our all-
volunteer civic-engagement organizations.

He can offer no proof for his accusations, since there is none. Therefore we demand a public


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