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Sean Saud 1

Sean Saud

Professor Heather Johnson-Taylor

English 1201

20 June 2019

Artificial Intelligence

The idea of Artificial Intelligence has always interested me ever since I have heard of it,

but my interest in AI really sparked my senior year of high school when I was reading

Neuromancer for my Science Fiction class. It is one of my favorite books, even though it was so

difficult to understand I had to read it twice. The whole plot revolves around one half of an AI

system and the other half of the same system doing everything they can to merge back to one

with the help of a “console cowboy”. The AI’s were able to create beyond intricate plans to make

all of this happen. The fact that this book was so hard to understand only made me love it more.

The AI in the book was exponentially more sophisticated than the human mind, and the idea of

that is terrifying.

When I think about how AI in the future could affect humanity, there are so many

possibilities that it makes me feel uneasy. On one hand, AI could help humanity in ways that are

impossible to imagine. But on the other hand, AI could take over humanity just like in so many

science fiction stories people hear about. Even though I have not conducted my intensive

research yet, I think creating AI is just like playing with fire: used correctly it can provide a

plethora of benefits but putting it in the wrong hands can cause mass destruction. I believe

currently, AI is not nearly sophisticated enough to cause any society-altering effects. I remember
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seeing in the news that a robot with AI ended up drowning itself, so there is a lot of room to get


I still need to know exactly what progress in AI has been made and what progress is

hoping to be made in the near future. I am hoping to learn how AI works in greater detail, and I

also am hoping to learn how scientists and computer engineers plan on keeping AI in check. I

plan on finding this information through online data bases, but I am really hoping to come in

personal contact with high level computer scientists and engineers to ask them specific questions

I have.

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