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Lesson Plan in Science Grade VIII

Prepared by : Al Mark B. Silay

Competency: Identify the phases of Cell Cycle

I.OBJECIVES ; During the course of the lesson the students will be able to

a. Identify the different phases/stages of mitosis through a song.

b. Demonstrate the different phases of mitosis using beads.
c. Appreciate the importance of cell division.

II. Content:

Reference: Learners module, Biological Science by Mc Graw Hill, Google.

Materials: Beads form into chromosomes, white board , cartolina

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

“Good Morning, class… “Good Morning, sir”…

“Let us pray first”

“The Universal Prayer”

“Please pick up the pieces of papers

under your chair”

(Checking of attendance)
Leaders who are absent?

Let’s give everyone a round of applause

for the perfect attendance.


Class, what was our discussion yesterday? JANE; We discussed about the different parts
of the cells and its functions.

Very good jane

You know that we are made up of trillions of Students- Yes , sir

cells right? How do we end up having so many
cells? Lets try to found out after this.

Now are you familiar with the game app called

4 pics in 1 word?Alright , I want you group ‘Students cheering’
yourselves into 2 groups. I’ll flash the pictures
on the screen and you guys start guessing.
There are 3 items, who ever win the game will
have additional points.
Congratulation!Lets clap our hands to group.

C. Lesson proper

So todays lesson is all about cell division and

when we talked about cell division the cell
undergoes cell cycle, it passes through a series
of stages.. Marga- Cell division is the process by which a
parent cell divide into two or more daughter
So what is cell division? cells.

Great! Cell divison is responsible for our

growth, repair and reproduction.

What are the 3 types of cell division? Jack- AMITOSIS


Good, what are the dfferences? Anna- Amitosis is simplest type, it is also
called direct division and that does not occur
by mitosis. And mostly found in some bacteria
and yeast .
Very well said Ana.
‘teacher will show and explain the diagram’

The Amitosis comprised of two steps.What are Anna- Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis

What happened to Karyokinesis? Angela- The nucleus develops a constriction at

the center and becomes dumbbell shape
What happened to Cytokinesi? Angela- plasma membrane develops a
constriction long the nuclear

Wonderful Angela! Any question? We go now

to meiosis, anyone? Jake – Meiosis is a reductional division, it
because the number of chromosomes in a
daughter cell is reduced to half. Occurs on the
sexual reproduction area and give rise to the
sex cells

Very good jake! We will discuss further

tomorrow about it.
Now, lets go to Mitosis. The reason why you
get bigger compare to your 3-yr old body is Karen – Mitosis is an equational divison.
mitosis. It is responsible for the repair of your
tissues. What is mitosis?

Why is it called equational division? Karen – because it gives rise to two genetically
identical daughter cells.

Very well said Karen! The parent cell has 46

chromosomes the two new form cell has the
same number of chromosomes. ‘Explain

Lets discuss the different stages or phases of

mitosis. Can anyone identify the entire cycle? Maria - We have the interphase, prophase
metaphase, anaphase telophase and

Good!what is interphase/ Nikko – it is a preparation stage

Good job nikko, Interphase are divided into Ken – we have G1 stage, S Phase and last is
three stages also, what are those? G2 Stage.
Good Job ken! Since you have prior readings
on mitosis, now I have here the events of
Mitosis. I want you paste the correct or where
the event belongs. Are you ready? Teacher
calling students….
Called students are in the front to do the task.

Great job guys, all your answer are correct. Carla – all the organelles and cytoplasmic
What happen to g1 phase? Please read Carla .. components replicate

How about the S phase Dan – the DNA starts to replicate

Alright Dan, now the G2 phase Anna- all the enzymes needed to aid in the
process of cell division are produced.

Well said anna, please read about the Prophase Ken- the chromosomes becomes condense and
visible. Centrioles migrate To opposite
poles.Centrioles give rise to mitotic spindle.
The nuclear envelopes breaks down. The
kinetochores are attached by the fibers on each
side of the centromere and migrate to the
equatorial plane

Thank you ken, let’s go to metaphase. Bianca – all chromosomes are aligned at the
equatorial plane or metaphase plate.

Wonderful Bianca, how about anaphase? Jason – the centromere divide and the sister
chromatids of each are pulled apart by spindle
fibers attached to the kinetochore region.

Great! Please read telophase. Mae- cleavage furrow form at the center of
the cell, chromosomes cluster at opposite
poles, uncoil and decondensing, the nuclear
envelope reforms the chromosomes , spindle
fibers disappear .

Thanks you Mae, last is cytokinesis Matthew – extending the cleavage furrow to
completely separate the newly formed daughter

Thanks matthew, the entire process of cell

division can take 10-20 hrs in a typical animal
cell. Here’s a video clip of the entire process to
give you a clear idea of mitosis



Anymore question about the topic or

clarification? Students – no sir

Alright , I will call someone, using the beads

here you will be able to demonstrate the given

*Teacher calling students to demonstrate Students was able to demonstrate the different
phases of Mitosis.

You guys did a wonderful job.


‘ Song number’

Now that you understand the cell cyle we will have an activity. Have a group, compose of 7
members each. For your activity I want you to write your own Lyrics about cell division/ cell
cycle to the tune of an existing song or self created song, maximum of 2 minutes. You have 15
minutes to practice. I’ll give you the rubrics.You may start.


1. It is where the fibers are attached to the kinetochore

a. Anaphase c. prophase
b. Telophase d.cytokinesis

2. The DNA is copied

a. anaphase c. prophase

b.metaphase d.telophase

3.The chromosomes line up in the middle

a.prophase c. metaphase

c.telophase d. anaphase

4. how many chromosomes after mitotic division

a.44 c. 46

b. 45 d. 47
5. how many daughter cell after mitotic division

a. 1 c.2

b.3 d.4

Test 11 identificaion

1-3 types of cell division

4-7 phases of mitosis


Please read page 88. Meosis

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