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Additive versus inclusive approaches

to measuring brand equity:

Practical and ethical implications
Received (in revised form): 18th December, 2002

is an assistant professor of marketing at the Catholic University of America. His research interests include brand
equity measurement and marketing ethics. He was previously the Managing Director of the Marketing Leadership
Council, a for-profit research and executive education organisation serving chief marketing officers at leading
global firms. Prior to that he spent several years in management consulting with McKinsey & Co. and in brand
management at Procter & Gamble. He has an MBA from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in
Lausanne, Switzerland, and a PhD from the Darden Business School at the University of Virginia, USA.

To date, there has been little consideration of the ethical dimensions of specific brand management
practices. This paper examines different approaches to measuring brand equity and argues that the
choice of measurement approach has ethical implications. It contrasts what have been previously
defined as additive and inclusive approaches to brand equity definition and measurement. It then
argues that inclusive approaches to brand equity measurement are preferable to additive ones
because they enable us to work with a much broader concept of brand, and because additive
approaches can predispose marketers towards unethical activity.

INTRODUCTION of the choice between an additive and

This special issue of The Journal of an inclusive interpretation have not
Brand Management is dedicated to link- been addressed. This paper offers a
ing branding and corporate respon- theoretical analysis of the two alterna-
sibility to the leadership of firms. This tive approaches and argues that the
paper sets out to show that an impor- inclusive approach is more practical if
tant, if preliminary, step in this linking brand building is believed to include
effort is to identify elements in existing much more than just advertising. An
brand management theory that might argument is also made that inclusive
be obstacles to more responsible and approaches to brand equity measure-
ethical behaviour on the part of firms. ment are preferable from an ethical
In particular, this paper focuses its at- perspective.
tention on brand equity measurement.
A number of different approaches to
measuring brand equity have been RATIONALE FOR CONSIDERING
proposed in the marketing literature, ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS
both in this Journal and elsewhere.1–11 To date, there has been very limited
These have been critiqued from both consideration of the ethical implica-
Andrew Abela
The Catholic University of theoretical and practical perspectives, tions of brand management practices.
America, Department of
Business and Economics, and classified into additive and in- Given the damage done to several
Washington DC 20064, USA
clusive interpretations of brand.12–14 To brands recently by corporate scandals,
Tel: ⫹1 202 319 5235
E-mail: date, however, the specific implications however, it would seem appropriate to


put more effort into such considera- Smith23 shows that law and self-
tion. interest are necessary but inadequate
Sociologists, anthropologists and guides to ethical marketing. He offers
management theorists have long several examples of this, including
understood that the structures, the American Marketing Association’s
processes and values of an organisation Code of Ethics on consumer privacy,
have a significant impact upon the which is more stringent than existing
behaviour of the members of that US privacy law.
organisation. In particular, corporate pnorm
choices about which metrics to use as Nevertheless, marketing is still cited
indicators of success, and which as one of the main sources of ethi-
measurement approaches to take, are cal violations in business.24,25 Market-
likely to influence the behaviour of ing ethics literature provides extensive
managers in firms. The decision to study of what marketers should do
track a particular metric is an (at least) (normative marketing ethics26–28) and
implicit statement that whatever is what they actually do (descriptive
represented by that metric is marketing ethics29–31). With a few
considered to be significant and is notable exceptions,32,33 however, there
valued by the firm. Such a decision is little published on why marketers
may, therefore, predispose managers behave ethically or unethically and
towards or against certain behaviour. If what causes them to do so. In the face
there were a possibility of some of this of strong pressures to achieve short-
behaviour being unethical, then it term results, perhaps some marketers
would seem to be worth exploring the do not see enough benefit arising from
moral implications of the choice of being ethical to overcome the tempta-
metric or measurement approach. tions offered by expedient, but im-
Although there has been little inves- moral, options. In general, philosophers
tigation of the ethical dimensions tend to present one of three answers to
of brand management issues, there the question ‘Why be ethical?’. These
have been significant efforts made answers are:
in the broader field of marketing
ethics. Questions of marketing ethics — because everyone would be better
have been discussed in the litera- off if all individuals acted ethically
ture at least since the 1960s.15,16 (utilitarian theory34)
A number of comprehensive nor- — because acting ethically is the ra-
mative guides to ethical marketing tional thing to do (deontological
have been developed, which include theory35)
social responsibility,17 virtue ethics18 — because acting ethically will make
and contextual approaches.19 These you happier in the long run (virtue
theories have been reviewed recently theory36,37).
by Smith,20 responding to the criticism
that marketing ethics has little to These are three different responses, but
contribute because all of its normative they are not mutually exclusive. All
guidance can supposedly be reduced to three can be combined to provide a
obeying the law and acting accord- possible formulation for why marketers
ing to enlightened self-interest.21,22 would want to be ethical: because


ethical activity is more likely to lead effect of brand knowledge on con-

to an honorable and satisfying career, sumer response to the marketing of a
while at the same time avoiding ac- brand’ as another example. In fact
tivity can lead to the destruction of a Keller’s work on customer-based brand
brand. That said, the purpose of this equity appears to hold to this additive
paper is not to make a conclusive case interpretation in a particularly forceful
that marketers should be more ethical, way. According to him, if perceptions
but rather to explore the implications ‘reflect the objective reality of the
of the choice of brand equity measure- product, [then] no underlying cus-
ment approach, and to include ethical tomer-based brand equity may be
considerations in this exploration. present.’ In other words, if for a
particular brand there is no difference
between perceptions and reality, then
ADDITIVE APPROACH TO BRAND brand equity may not exist at all.43
EQUITY MEASUREMENT More recent work on brand equity
It has been written in this Journal that appears to be continuing the trend
interpretations of ‘brand’ tend to divide identified by Barwise, defining brand
into two kinds: additive (Ambler38) equity, for example, as ‘the difference in
and inclusive (Barwise39). The addi- consumer choice between the focal
tive interpretation of brand depicts branded product and an unbranded
product and brand as separate, with the product given the same level of
brand as a mark that is added to product features’.44
a product. The inclusive interpreta- Existing measures of brand equity
tion, by contrast, portrays product have been divided into three
and brand as combined, where the categories: customer mindset measures,
product is included in the brand. product-market level outcomes and
Barwise’s review of the early years financial measures.45,46 The focus of this
of brand equity research concludes paper is on the second category,
(among other things) that virtually all measures of outcome. An additive
definitions of brand equity focus on approach to measuring brand equity
the incremental effect of the brand outcomes attempts to isolate the value
name, which would seem to imply contributed by the brand name alone,
the additive interpretation. He cites separate from any value contributed by
several examples, including the defini- product attributes. Such an approach
tion of brand equity by Srivastava and seeks to measure only that which
Shocker:40 cannot be explained by the objectively
measured attributes of the product.47 It
‘A set of associations and behaviors on the subtracts from the value of brand equity
part of a brand’s customers, channel mem- any value that can be attributed to such
bers and parent corporation that permits the
objectively measured attributes. An
brand to earn greater volume or greater
margins than it could without the brand
inclusive approach to measuring brand
name and that gives a strong, sustainable and equity, by contrast, focuses on
differential advantage.’ measuring the total value of the equity
created by the branded product or
Barwise41 cites Keller’s42 definition of service, and does not attempt to
brand equity, namely ‘the differential subtract anything:


Assume total value of brand A to In most significant cases we do not know at

consumer ⫽ x what price the firm could or would sell the
product without the brand (eg Heineken?,
Additive approach to measuring brand Nike?, Mercedes Benz?) and even when we
equity: do know (as, arguably with many grocery
Value of brand equity of A ⫽ x ⫺ items) we have little idea of the market share
(value of all the measurable benefits of the product would achieve without the
brand: what would be the sales of Coke,
Tide, Snickers or Green Giant if sold as
Inclusive approach to measuring brand
Value of brand equity of A ⫽ x According to Barwise, existing sales of
generic colas, for example, would seem
Since definitions of brand equity all to be a very imperfect approximation
appear to favour an additive rather of what market share the Coca-Cola
than an inclusive interpretation of product would achieve if sold without
brand, it would seem that measure- the name. Still less is it possible to
ment of outcomes of brand equity at imagine how much a generic Mercedes
the product-market level should also Benz, with the same product attributes
follow this interpretation. Not surpris- as the branded car, would sell for, or
ingly, then, they have done so. For how many of them would be sold.
example, Park and Srinivasan48 seek to Ambler and Barwise51 develop this
measure brand equity as ‘the in- concern further by noting the logical
cremental preference endowed by the difficulties that arise in the idea of
brand to the product as perceived by separating the product from its image,
an individual consumer.’ Ailawadi, since actual product quality is inter-
et al.49 measure the brand equity woven with perceived product quality:
of consumer packaged goods using ‘some product satisfaction arises from
a definition of product-market-level brand knowledge and vice versa.’
brand equity as ‘the incremental profit The difficulty here seems to be:
that the brand earns over the profit what is included in the ‘product’ that
it would earn if it were sold without the consumer buys, that could be
the brand name.’ cleanly separated from the brand name?
There is a non-trivial problem, For example, is packaging included? Or
however, with the additive approach certain aspects of customer service,
to brand equity measurement: the such as wait time? What about dis-
problem of trying to separate the tribution intensity? Something that is
brand name from the product. While more widely available is more con-
this problem is relevant to all types venient, and such convenience may be
of products, it becomes more serious part of the brand’s value proposition. If
as one moves beyond relatively simple attempting to compare brand X against
products such as consumer packaged an ‘unbranded equivalent’, would that
goods into more complex products, equivalent have the same packaging or
product-service bundles, or services distribution intensity as brand X? If
alone. Barwise50 explains it as fol- not, is it really an equivalent? If it
lows: would, can these characteristics con-


tribute to the unique brand equity of could be argued to have no brand

brand X? These example characteristics equity according to the additive inter-
could all be considered to be part of pretation. Every aspect of the Starbucks
the ‘objectively measured attributes of experience is part of the objectively
the product,’52 and therefore none of measurable attributes of the Starbucks
these should count towards brand product. This interpretation conflicts
equity, according to the additive inter- with common sense, however. Clearly,
pretation of brand. As noted above, the way in which Starbucks combines
according to this interpretation, brand its merchandise selection with its store
equity includes only that which can- design, location and service approach
not be explained by the objectively creates equity in the brand that is more
measured attributes of the product. than the sum of these parts. But how
Changes in packaging, customer wait could such equity ever be separated out
time and distribution intensity can all from the ‘product’ — what is an ‘un-
be considered measurable attributes, branded equivalent’ of the Starbucks
and hence do not count towards brand brand? Is there such a thing as a generic
equity. By this interpretation, the main chain of coffee houses?
contributor to brand equity is changed The Interbrand list of the world’s
perception caused by advertising. most valuable brands55 includes brands
This conclusion, though, creates such as IBM, Ford, Walt Disney,
some conflict with aspects of contem- as well as Starbucks. For
porary brand equity research and each of these brands, separating the
practice. For example, one recent objectively measured attributes from
paper53 studies the effect of changes in the marketing efforts designed to
distribution intensity (among other increase brand equity becomes very
things) on brand equity. Yet, as noted difficult. In particular, the confusion
above, distribution intensity is part of around whether or not service ex-
measurable, objective reality. Accord- perience should be considered part of
ing to the additive interpretation of such attributes is a critical one, given
brand equity, then, it should not the increasing number of companies
contribute to brand equity. Berry, in turning to ‘experiential marketing’ and
discussing service brands, argues that a ‘experiential branding’.
customer’s service experience with a As seen above, the additive inter-
brand is an important driver of brand pretation of brand equity defines brand
equity.54 But can the service experience equity as the gap between the value
not be considered part of the ‘product’ that consumers perceive in the brand,
attributes? If it is not, then what is? and what is actually delivered. An
While the utility of a bank visit might increase in brand equity is therefore
be separated from the experience of defined as an increase in this gap.
that visit, what about more ‘experien- A decrease in the gap is therefore a
tial’ brands: what is the value of a visit decrease in brand equity. When the gap
to Walt Disney World Resorts if it is between consumers’ perceptions and
not the experience itself? reality is eliminated, then it is possible
Perhaps the most concrete example that there is no brand equity left,
of the problem is the Starbucks brand, according to the additive interpretation
which, since it does no advertising, of brand equity. But there is some-


thing disturbing about this conclusion: branded product rather than the dif-
to the extent that the reality of the ferential outcome of the brand.
product is improved in order to meet This may seem counterintuitive. If
what consumers perceive and hence trying to measure the differential effect
expect about the product, to that ex- of brand names upon outcomes, as
tent, brand equity is reduced, because existing brand equity definitions have
the gap between perception and reality done, then should the differential
is reduced. The marketer working hard outcome not be measured rather than
to improve the fit of the product with the total outcome? The response here
consumers’ perceptions and needs is is that, from an inclusive perspective,
penalised by this theory, which accords the idea of a differential outcome is not
him lower brand equity as a result. defined, and in fact not definable.
Admittedly, this is arguing ad ab- When the brand name is added
surdum: the additive interpretation of to the product, it does not create
brand equity has been taken to an merely a simple mixture of name plus
extreme — but nevertheless logical — product. Instead, the name transforms
conclusion, and an absurdity found. In the product, and once brand equity is
reality marketing managers are unlikely established, the idea of the product
to follow the additive interpretation to attributes without the brand name —
this extreme. Even so, why should an of the ‘unbranded equivalent’ —
interpretation that is logically flawed be becomes meaningless for all but the
persisted with, if an acceptable alterna- simplest products. Consider the Coca-
tive is available? Cola brand. What is the value of
the Coca-Cola brand name without
the Coca-Cola secret formula? Coke’s
INCLUSIVE APPROACH TO BRAND famous ‘New Coke’ experience would
EQUITY MEASUREMENT seem to indicate that the formula is an
An inclusive interpretation of existing essential part of the brand, and there-
brand equity definitions avoids the fore that the idea of the brand name
difficulties identified in the additive alone is problematic.
approach to brand equity. As noted Critics could argue that brand names
above, an additive approach to measur- are indeed bought, sold and licensed,
ing brand equity outcomes attempts and hence separated from firms.
to isolate the value contributed by Typically in such cases, however, the
the brand name alone, separate from brand name is not the only thing that is
any value contributed by product transferred. Product specifications, and
attributes. The inclusive interpretation often also manufacturing plant and
of brand, by contrast, portrays product equipment, change hands in such
and brand as combined, where the transactions. For example, when Her-
product is included in the brand. shey bought Nabisco’s Ice Breakers and
Therefore an inclusive interpretation of Breath Savers brands, the transac-
existing definitions of brand equity tion included not only, ‘all intellec-
understands brand equity to include the tual property, inventions, technology,
value contributed by the brand name as trademarks, trade names, trade secrets,
well as all product attributes. It seeks to know-how, trade dress, service marks,
measure the total outcome of the copyrights, patents, formulations, speci-


fications and manufacturing know-how The inclusive approach still allows this
and processes, and quality control data change to be calculated. Even if the
. . .’, but also all existing work-in- absolute value of a brand’s equity is of
progress and finished inventory, and ‘all most interest, Moran’s approach also
assets utilised in the manufacture and permits such measurement.
packaging . . . including the production
equipment’.56 Even in cases where
brand names are licensed for use in new MORAL CONCERNS ABOUT ADDITIVE
product categories, and therefore where BRAND EQUITY MEASUREMENT
transfer of know-how and equipment Thus far, this paper has argued that the
may be minimal or non-existent, the inclusive interpretation of brand equity
owner of the brand name typically is preferable to the additive interpreta-
retains tight control over the specifica- tion because it does not suffer from the
tions and quality of the new product. practical problems of the latter. This
Moran57 has presented an approach paper argues now that the inclusive
to measuring brand equity by multiply- interpretation of brand equity is also
ing market share, price premium and morally preferable to the additive inter-
durability, where durability is measured pretation. The argument is made here
in terms of price elasticity. This ap- that brand equity measurement based
proach can be considered as an example on the additive interpretation of brand
of an inclusive approach to brand equity is more likely to serve as an
equity measurement. Moran’s formula incentive to deception.
measures brand equity as the total The basic argument is that addi-
impact of the marketing mix, and tive brand equity measurement, in
not just the differential impact. Even focusing attention upon the gap be-
though some of the components are tween perception and reality, en-
relative measures (price premium, for courages marketers to try to modify
example, is by definition relative to consumers’ perceptions to move them
average market price), these are relative away from reality (to increase the gap).
to the rest of the — actual — market, In doing so, it encourages them to
not relative to a hypothetical unbranded make claims that are more likely to be
equivalent. The problems with deter- deceptive. Given that modifying con-
mining what is and is not included in sumers’ perceptions is considered to be
the ‘product’ versus the ‘brand’ are thus a legitimate role of marketing, this
eliminated entirely with this approach. paper begins by showing what unethical
This inclusive approach to brand modification of perceptions could look
equity measurement provides the same like, and how it would be different
benefits as additive approaches to brand from ethical modification of percep-
equity measurement, while overcoming tions. Then it is possible to see how
the theoretical problems identified ear- additive brand equity measurement is
lier. If brand equity is being measured in more likely to lead to unethical
order to track how it changes in modification of perceptions.
response to variations in the marketing To do this, a distinction is made
mix and competitor performance, then between puffery, which is legal in most
what is of primary interest is its change jurisdictions, and deception, which is
over time, and not its absolute value. not. Puffery includes exaggeration of


facts and also outright falsehood. False- clear and no one is likely to be misled.
hood is not considered to be deception The next phase is puffery-as-harmless-
unless it is materially misleading to a falsehood. Here an example might be
rationally acting consumer, and to the weight-control products branded as
consumer’s detriment.58,59 For example, ‘miracle’ products. A miracle is an
the Snapple beverage brand claims to achievement so beyond human power
be ‘made from the best stuff on earth’. that it is attributed to the supernatural.
By this the company means that its Such claims are (probably) false when
products (except for diet products) are applied to weight-control products, but
made from all natural ingredients with again no one is harmed. At the other
no preservatives, artificial flavours or end of the spectrum (misleading false-
chemical dye, but it probably does not hood) is behaviour that is clearly un-
mean that only the very finest fruits are ethical as well as illegal. The claim of 10
used necessarily, nor (pedantically) does lbs a week weight-loss cited above is an
it mean that fruit itself should be con- example of this.
sidered the best ‘stuff’ on earth, ahead The middle two phases on the
of all other ‘stuff’. So Snapple is exag- spectrum illustrate the difference be-
gerating a bit in this statement, but the tween ethical and unethical perception
exaggeration is only a more colourful change. Puffery that is mere exaggera-
way of making its claim, and it seems tion or ornamentation of facts is indeed
reasonable to assume that consumers the stuff of much advertising. Claiming
are not misled to their detriment by that this beverage is made from the best
this claim. By contrast, a weight-con- stuff on earth — or that product will
trol product claiming to make one lose help you stay slim for life — would
10 lbs a week without diet or exercise seem to be an ethical choice for
would seem to mislead consumers to marketers. By contrast, every major
their detriment, if they were enticed to ethical system condemns lying as un-
buy the product to find that it cannot ethical, and therefore it seems likely
possibly deliver upon its promise. that puffery that offers falsehood, even if
It is useful to draw a spectrum from it is harmless and hence legal, should be
provision of information on one end, considered unethical. The difficulty is
through puffery-as-exaggeration, then that, while it is possible to identify the
through puffery-as-harmless-falsehood, existence of these different phases along
and finally to misleading falsehood on the spectrum, the boundaries between
the other end. The beginning of the the phases are not clear-cut, and can be
spectrum (provision of information) a matter of judgment. This would seem
represents behaviour that is clearly to be all the more reason to be
ethical. An example here is Weight concerned about a system that en-
Watchers’ claim that they have been courages movement along the spectrum
helping consumers around the world to in the wrong direction.
lose weight for 40 years. This is a clear It is not unreasonable to assume that
statement of fact. The next phase on the greater the gap between perception
the spectrum is puffery-as-exaggeration. and reality one attempts to convey, the
Slim Fast uses the phrase ‘stay slim for more likely one is to move across
life’. There may be some exaggeration the spectrum towards deception. At
here, but the underlying meaning is the one end of the spectrum where


one is providing information that is still focus at least on increasing the gap
straightforwardly true, perception is between what the consumer perceives
equal to reality. By contrast, when he or she is getting, and what the firm
deception occurs, at the other end of is paying to deliver it. This criticism is
the spectrum, perception and reality are a valid one. The response is that the
in direct contradiction, by definition, difference is one of emphasis. If brand
and therefore perception is furthest equity is interpreted as a function of the
from reality at this point. For example, gap between perception and reality, ef-
making the claim that this diet product forts to increase brand equity are more
will improve health when in fact it is likely to be bent towards increasing this
harmful is an attempt, in effect, to move gap, with the attendant risk of deceptive
perceptions as far away as possible from advertising. If, on the other hand, brand
reality. It would seem, therefore, that equity is understood in an inclusive
the continuum from no gap between sense as a function of the total value
perception and reality to a large gap delivered, then all efforts are instead
between them maps reasonably well to ordered towards increasing this total
the spectrum from provision of infor- value. Clearly, there will still be the
mation on one end to deception on the normal economising on expenses, but
other. Therefore this paper concludes the critical difference is that the focus is
that the more one strives to increase the now on the total value rather than on
gap between perception and reality, the the gap.
more likely one is to be inclined This difference in emphasis is an
towards deception. important one. At the beginning of this
paper it was noted that the structures,
processes and values of an organisation
A QUESTION OF EMPHASIS can have a significant impact upon the
Brand equity measurement based on an behaviour of the members of that
inclusive concept of brand does not organisation. An organisation that ad-
have this problem. Instead of focusing heres to the additive interpretation of
on the gap between perceptions and brand equity is likely to be one wherein
reality, it focuses on the totality of the its marketers are oriented to changing
value of the brand. The marketer, perceptions as far ahead of reality as
rather than trying to increase percep- possible, in order to maximise brand
tions ahead of reality, is instead trying equity as they understand it. The
to change the reality of what is of- marketers in an organisation that holds
fered along with consumers’ perceptions the inclusive interpretation of brand
about that reality, in order to be more equity, by contrast, would be likely to
competitive. be oriented towards changing the actual
It could be argued that the two value delivered to the consumer, to
approaches reduce to the same thing. better meet expectations. Hence, a
Certainly it would be no great success process for measuring brand equity that
to increase brand equity if one also reinforces the additive interpretation,
increased investment in the brand at and that therefore runs the risk of
a much higher rate. The critic could tempting marketers towards deceptive
therefore argue that in the end the advertising, would seem to be ethically
inclusive approach to brand equity must less preferable to one that reinforces the


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