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Toby Fox’s

Written by: Colin Jr. Lloyd Pendergast.

Based on 2015 independent video game of the same name by Toby Fox.
(A book appears title as UNDERTALE when the book open itself revealed an entire photo the medieval art
where it tells the history)

NARRATOR: Many centuries ago as two races ruled over the Earth, Humans and Monsters as they have
been lived in peace in decades... But the two races broke up for unknown reasons as they upon the civil war,
then year later the humans were victorious as the leader of humans send out seven greatest sorcerers to seal
the entire monsters with the powerful barrier inside Mt. Ebott, as the legend tells “If someone climbs and
enter Mt. Ebott will never return.” Until many centuries later in 2019, an young human girl name as Frisk is
enter the Mountain when she accidently fell over at the hole by the vine as her new story have began.

(A scene fades to black then few seconds later, and strange voice of an boy is heard)

UNKNOWN: Is everyone... in here? (gasped) Are... are you... alright...? Please... wake... up...

(The scene fades back as Frisk is woken up in the bed of golden flowers as she look from left and right but
she was been slightly injured at her leg)

FRISK: (groans) My leg... How can I get back up?

(She tried to get up but her leg is still injured)

FRISK: Oh it’s not really good, it’s hopeless.

(She lay down and feeling sad, until when she feeling something in her heart that she cannot gave up)

FRISK: Alright I must try again and this time, I won’t give up.

(Frisk is begin to standing up and she did it very well)

FRISK: I... I did it; now then I better use my bandaid somewhere in my pocket for my leg.

(Frisk bring out her bandaid at the pocket as she put on her leg, then she feel better as looked up and saw an
light that she fell then she heard an voice)

UNKNOWN: Hello? Is someone in here?

FRISK: A person! (ran to the voice at in the other room) I’m now saved...

(In this room was empty which it have an another room as it look like the purple-looking ruins)

FRISK: (sighs) I thought it might be someone.

(So she walks very slowly by passing at only one golden flower until)


(Frisk is stopped walking)

FRISK: Is someone in here?

UNKNOWN: Why yes, try to look around that you can see me.

(She looked around but it was nothing)

FRISK: But, I can’t see you anywhere.

UNKNOWN: Then try to look the other way.

(As she looked down, then she saw an golden flower can move and talk)

(Frisk is jumped in surprised as she tripped over then she was been shocked that the flower can talk to her)

FRISK: Are... are you a real monster?

FLOWEY: A monster, who? Oh, you mean me? (laughs) Don’t talk too very serious kiddo, I’ve just got
here. Allow introducing myself, I’m Flowey, Flowey the Flower.

FRISK: Really? So I guess it’s the only one who can help me.

FLOWEY: An help? Why sure thing, you’re come to the right place. But first, can you tell me how did you
get here in the underground on the first place?

FRISK: Well, I was accidentally fell from the pit inside of this mountain.

FLOWEY: Golly it was very unfortunately that you been fall down in the first time. But maybe I can help
out with for this.

FRISK: Really? That will be nice and helpful, but one problem.

FLOWEY: And what is it mean?

FRISK: How can I get to the surface? That it was impossible to climb back.

FLOWEY: Well, how about your special ability?

(Flowey winks at a magical star as it lands on Frisk when a red-glowing shape-like heart appears on her
chest as Frisk is surprised)

FLOWEY: See that heart; do you know what it is?

FRISK: Yeah it looks like a heart, but I don’t know what it is.

FLOWEY: Why that’s your SOUL, a very special part of yourself that you can commutated to monsters.
But your SOUL is starts off very weak, but you can grow strong if you earn so much LV stand for LOVE.

FRISK: So you are saying that if I earn more LOVE, maybe that it can lead me back to the surface.

FLOWEY: Indeed kiddo! Now I can share some with ya, just hang on for a sec.

(Flowey is sent out a floaty pellet)

FLOWEY: Try to catch the little white.... “friendliness” pellet that it can help you earn an LOVE and maybe
you can get back to the surface in no time.

FRISK: Well, okay then I ready to catch it.

(Flowey throw the pellet up in the air as Frisk is ready to catch it but as the pellet landed on her, she was
been pushed very hard as she was feeling weak that Frisk knew it)

FRISK: Flowey, you tricked me!

(Then Flowey has laughing at her)

FLOWEY: Why of course you IDIOT, because you didn’t earn an intention.

FRISK: Why you doing this?

FLOWEY: ‘Why’ you truly ask? Well because in this world... it’s kill or BE killed!

(Frisk is feeling scared as she tried to get away from the flower)

FLOWEY: Ohh... you just want to leave aren’t you? But unfortunately kiddo...

(The entire pellets surrounded at Frisk)

FLOWEY: I will have to kill you off, so... see ya kiddo! (laughs menacingly)

(The pellets is following towards at Frisk as she shut her eyes until when the pellets were destroyed by a fire
attack which it didn’t hurt Frisk, then someone is cured her as Flowey is confused)

FLOWEY: W... What is going on!?

(A strange fire wind is pushed Flowey away at a far distance, when a female voice is heard)

UNKNOWN: (sighs in relief) What a miserable creature torturing at the poor innocent youth.

(As when Frisk is look at the female monster when it walks towards to Frisk as the female monster put her
hand at Frisk’s shoulders very kindly)

UNKNOWN: Don’t be afraid my child, I will not hurt you. I’ve saved your life from that flower and I also
healed you.

(Frisk is look around of herself as her leg was fixed and didn’t feel any pain)

FRISK: You... you did safe my life, and... who are you?

(A female monster walk at the light revealed her; the appearance was an anthro female goat wearing a purple

TORIEL: Oh, my name is Toriel the caretaker of the ruins. I heard a loud sound when I take care of my
garden so I got here as possible and protect you from that flower as I use a special thing that was MERCY.

FRISK: MERCY... what is it does Toriel?

TORIEL: Well, follow me to the ruins that I can show you how to do MERCY. Hold my hand young...

FRISK: You can call me Frisk.

TORIEL: Right then, follow me.

(Frisk walks with Toriel in the ruins as that they have meet many monsters as Frisk is very serious about this
as Toriel clam her down)

TORIEL: It’s alright, they won’t harm you. So try to talk at Froggit, it was really easy.

FRISK: Oh... okay then. (walk slowly to Froggit) So... you are look really handsome?

(Froggit acted much blushed as it let Frisk pass)

FRISK: I... I did it Toriel, I got my first MERCY!

TORIEL: Well done Frisk, now we can walk further in the ruins that we will lead to my home in time.

(They walk very further until they were been bumped by a sleepy ghost where it lay on patch of roses)
FRISK: There’s a ghost in the underground?

TORIEL: Why yes Frisk, there are many kind of creatures in the underground. So maybe you can woke that
ghost and make a kind feelings like you did.

FRISK: Alright then. (walks to the ghost as she slightly tapping at the ghost) Umm... excuse me sir?

(The ghost is woken up)

GHOST: ohh... did you woke me up? oh sorry about that, ah really nice to see you toriel.

TORIEL: Why Napstablook, I haven’t seen you for weeks so how are you doing?

NAPSTABLOOK: well... i only just, you know... making my own hat out of my tears. (He uses his tears as
the tear was floating up at the top of his head transforming into a top hat) i call this one “dapper blook”.
(Look at Frisk) is that a human?

FRISK: Yep my name was Frisk, so tell me Blook; how did you fell asleep at the roses patch?

NAPSTABLOOK: oh... well, when i was doing some of my teleportation for the first time. so i was in the
ruins as i have found a patch of rosed that i can have a rest. and now... i have to say that i’m sorry for
blocking your path.

FRISK: Hey you don’t need to blame yourself Blook, some many people have terrible discussions but you
can give good feelings to anyone just like me.

(Frisk gives a hug to Napstablook)

NAPSTABLOOK: wha... are you hugging me? that’s nice, but i cannot hug back that will be weird. well
first of all that i have no arms.

FRISK: It’s okay, maybe sometimes that I can see you around.

NAPSTABLOOK: well... me too. so... i’ve be going now, see ya toriel.

TORIEL: Anytime Napstablook, anytime.

(Napstablook happily nods them as he disappeared)

TORIEL: So I’ve good news for you Frisk, we almost at my home that you can rest if you like.

FRISK: You mean I can stay here from any harm?

TORIEL: Why yes, follow me my child and hold my hand that you won’t get lost.

(Frisk and Toriel hold their hands together as they lead to the house where Toriel lives, the scene cuts to
Toriel’s home)

TORIEL: I have something special that you didn’t known about, I have been cooked a homemade
butterscotch cinnamon pie.

FRISK: I see, so do you have a place that I can safe my energy like a bedroom?

TORIEL: Oh right, the bedroom is at your left at the first door. If you have any troubles, some and see me at
the living room.

FRISK: Thank you very much Toriel.

(Frisk is enter the bedroom as she going for a rest, as she fell asleep until when an dream with an adult male
voice is heard)

UNKNOWN: Human... please go forward... we are waiting for you... please you must have to stay

(Frisk is woke up as she saw an odd looking pie with an note from Toriel that it was butterscotch cinnamon
pie, she will save a piece of pie for later as she was been thought)

FRISK: Maybe the voice in my dream that will lead me to the exit of the mountain so I guess Toriel will
help me out.

(She hop off the bed and walks to Toriel where she reading her book at the living room)

FRISK: Hey Toriel, can I asked you for something?

TORIEL: Really? Well sure thing, I really like to let you know that I was very good at education it may
come to surprised you I always want to be a teacher one day.

FRISK: Umm... no Toriel it’s not, do you know where I can find my home?

TORIEL: (noticed) Wha...? But Frisk, this is your home. How about you can see what kind of book I’m
reading it’s called 51 Facts of Snails, do you know how did the Snails were moving very slow? Because they
have a terrible shoe laces, very interesting.

FRISK: Yeah, but can you just please tell me where I can get back to the surface?

TORIEL: (look very worried) I have to do something, please stay right here.

(She closed the book and run off at downstairs as Frisk is following her of what is going on)

FRISK: Toriel wait! Can you tell me something?

(She stopped moving at the door)

TORIEL: Do you wish that you want to return to the surface?

FRISK: Yes, I do.

TORIEL: There is the exit to the ruins... but I cannot let you pass, I have to destroy it and no-one will never
leave the ruins ever again.

FRISK: (shocked) But Toriel, why no-one is never leaves the ruins?

TORIEL: I see it all... They come, they leave and... They die. If you leave the ruins, the other monster and...
Asgore will kill you, I’m only protecting you from any harm do you understand? Go to your room.

FRISK: Toriel please, I really want to go back.

TORIEL: If you want to leave... (She use the fire spell at her hand) Then prove yourself... Prove to me your
are strong enough to survive.

(Frisk’s SOUL appears as Toriel begin to throw fireballs at her)

FRISK: Toriel please, I don’t want to hurt you! Just let me pass!

(Toriel is ignored her as she keep throw fire attack but she was been trumbling)
FRISK: Toriel... please understand me. I don’t live here.

(Toriel stop her attacks as she was worried)

TORIEL: Frisk, I know you want to go home but... we can have a good living here.

FRISK: Toriel, I know that you want me safe but you have learn me to SPARE the monsters. Just let me

TORIEL: Why are you making this so difficult? Go to your room.

(Frisk is very worried for few seconds when)

TORIEL: No, I really understand. Because you be unhappy here for a long time, so I will put myself aside.

FRISK: You mean, you let me go?

TORIEL: Yes, but Frisk before you leave the ruins can you do for me one thing?


TORIEL: Please do not come back, I hope you understand.

(Toriel quickly hugged Frisk for the last goodbye, before Toriel leaves)

FRISK: Toriel? (She look at her) I’ll be very careful out there.

TORIEL: (smile then she begin to tear) I know, I miss you my child.

(Frisk is begin to open the door as she saw an snow forest)

FRISK: Could that be the surface, and it’s snowing in summer?

(An laugh is heard that Frisk is notice the laugh, Flowey was returned)

FLOWEY: Clever, very clever indeed kiddo.

FRISK: Flowey, what do you want for me?

FLOWEY: Now now! No need to be very serious, I heard that you spared every single monster in the
underground incluing Toriel. (laughing) You are such an Idiot!

FRISK: What are you even talking about? Do you think that you want to kill me?

FLOWEY: What?! Killing you? Now why will I ever do that? Because you better watch out of the other
monsters, as I told you before; In this world it’s kill or BE killed! Like, how will I ever do an regicide?

FRISK: Regicide, what are you talking about Flowey? Are you going to treating me to kill a monster? I will
never hurt them because they have feeling in them.

FLOWEY: Oh don’t you worry kiddo, we will me again very soon. Very soon.

(Flowey face is turned into creepy looking face as he laughing then he disappears)

FRISK: I do not know what he was talking about, but I will soon getting out of this mountain.

(Frisk open the door as she enters then the door shut itself, she begin to walk futher at the forest)


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