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Mr.Khera puts it, everybody is a salesperson at some point of time.

You need not

explicitly be into the sales domain to identify yourself as a sales person. If you
are a student seeking admission, you are selling your resultsheet to your college.
If you are a writer, you are pitching your draft to your publisher. If you are a
homemaker, you are competing to be the best host in your social circle and yes
ma�m, that makes you a sales person selling your hospitality skills to social
contacts. (Err�I honestly didn�t want to sound so medieval finishing schoolesque.
Nevertheless, you get the idea!)


Well, the book does get a bit repetitive as the chapters progress. I guess it is a
strategy followed by most motivational speakers to imbibe the thought process in
their audience.



The book consists of 31 chapters each dealing with different aspects of selling �
which is defined both as an art and a science. The author sets the tone for the
talk in the book from the Preface itself. What I like about self help books is that
it has a lot of motivating anecdotes. This one too has them, and coming from
Mr.Shiv Khera, they give a feeling that even successful people have had their fair
share of a learning curve before becoming an authority in their field.
The author starts from What is Selling? Well if you want to learn something, the
very basic thing is to know what you are learning. He says that those into Sales
are not there by accidents. They choose the profession and then excel in it by
following a few set of rules which when combined with ethics and logic give
fantastic outputs. He gives the readers a well defined action plan after taking him
through the basics and ends on a very alluring note that �You can sell�!
Each chapter has in depth discussion on its topic (For example : What buyers need
and want). The chapters throught the book describe how giving the best to your
customer should be your prime objective rather than earning money (which eventually
follows ?? ) The salesperson should always be looking for a win win situation for
his firm and the customer. It delves hugely into the buyer psychology and offers
insights into how can one create the need for his product when he sees that there
is no possible way people may want to buy it.

It focuses on the communication that should go on between the sales person and the
prospect � at the time of pre-sales, sales and post-sales. Sales deals are
basically relationships that you build over your career and go a long way in
establishing your brand in the market.

VVIMP analysis:
'YOU CAN SELL : Results are rewarded, Efforts aren't' by Shiv Khera.
Mr. Shiv is an author, educator, business consultant and also a succesful
entrepreneur. He is also the founder of Qualified Learning Systems Inc. USA. He is
a much sought-after speaker and a well known personality among the Indian student
One of the highest paid professions in the world is the profession of a commision
sales person(feel free to google it). From we engineers to doctors to accountants
etc. all of us are salespersons. We are all selling some idea or product(yourself)
to serve the economy as well as sustain ourselves.
This book takes selling and buying to an entirely new perspective. It gives the
traditional concept a modern boost thus helping millions of individuals like us
represent and replenish ourselves in the best manner.
The author gives an account of the struggles he had faced during his initial years
as a car washerman to a life insurance agent. He beautifully potrays the fact that
a salesman is not a salesman afterall. Infact, he is one who fulfill the needs of
the people and keeps the economy running.
Students can derive important lessons like Time Management & Goal Setting in order
to achieve what they had set out for.
Good professionals will learn the trade and the tricks will themselves follow!
If you've lost focus, are working hard but not getting results? then this book will
definitely boost your motivation and help you shine!


book just reveals the techniques & principles of selling . selling can be learned
only if u apply these practically ..If you have clarity with all the chapters you
surely can be the salesman of the year .

Sellers are not born. They learn, they apply, they practice, they experience and
they sell

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