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NAME________________________________GRADE/SECTION: _________________
DATE: ________________________________ SCORE: _________________
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read Clearly the statements below and select the best answer.
Write the letter on the space provided before the number.

_____1. This is the most important aspect in masculine or feminine identification.

a. Sex c. Sexuality
b. Gender d. Personality
_____2. It means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-esteem,
decision- making and behavior.
a. Healthy Sex c. Healthy Sexuality
b. Healthy Gender d. Health Personality
_____3. Refers to femininity or masculinity of a persons’ role and behavior as defined by society.
a. Sex c. Sexuality
b. Gender d. Personality
_____4. A way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings and the quality of being male
or female.
a. Sex c. Human Sexuality
b. Gender d. Personality
_____5. This is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act.
a. Sex c. Human Sexuality
b. Gender d. Personality
_____6. These are behaviors that have come to be accepted by society.
a. Sexual Behavior Standards c. Sexuality Education
b. Social and Cultural Norms d. Life Skills
_____7. This is some of the factors which influence gender roles.
a. Sexual Behavior Standards c. Sexuality Education
b. Social and Cultural Norms d. Life Skills
_____8. Assessing your health, making good decisions and communicating effectively are just types of?
a. Sexual Behavior Standards c. Sexuality Education
b. Social and Cultural Norms d. Life Skills
_____9. It means to evaluate your well-being periodically and includes your sexuality.
a. Assessing your Health c. Communicating Effectively
b. Making Good Decisions d. Practicing Wellness
_____10. This is defined as mean, hurtful behavior that occurs repeatedly in a relationship with an imbalance
of power or strength.
a. Verbal Bullying c. Physical Bullying
b. Bullying d. Social Bullying
_____11. A type of bullying with cruel spoken words involves ongoing name-disrespectful comments about
someone’s attributes.
a. Verbal Bullying c. Physical Bullying
b. Bullying d. Social Bullying
_____12. A type of bullying with aggressive physical intimidation and involves repeated hitting, kicking, p
a. Verbal Bullying c. Physical Bullying
b. Bullying d. Social Bullying
_____13. Spreading rumors and sending abusive mail are all ways to indirectly bully someone.
a. Verbal Bullying c. Physical Bullying
b. Bullying d. Social Bullying
_____14. Refers to a virus that can be transmitted through sexual contact, sharing of needles and many more.
a. RH Bill c. HIV
b. AIDS d. Cyber Crime
_____15. This disease becomes terminal if we can’t address it immediately. This may appear 7-10 years and
directly affect our immune system.
a. RH Bill c. HIV
b. AIDS d. Cyber Crime
_____ 16. What do you mean by healthy sexuality?
a. means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-esteem,
decision-making, and behaviour.
b. Means taking care of your sex organ.
c. Means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect your organ
d. Means simple healthy body.

17. You are being bullied in the school. What is the best to do?
a. Report him/her to school authorities
b. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance
c. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what s/he is doing.
d. Do not do anything. s/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone else.
18. Which is a risk factor for suicide attempt?
a. Good problem solving skills
b. Strong connections to the family and community support
c. History of trauma and abuse
d. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use directly.
19. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. What will
you do?
a. Nothing. s/he is just a harmless admirer.
b. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stoker.
c. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you.
d. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you.
20. What form of violence is used for political goals which putting the public or great number of
people in fear?
a. Terrorism b. Bullying c. Kidnapping d. Suicide
21. Which is verbal abuse?
a. Words that are manipulated and controlling.
b. Words that can cause a gradual weakening of self-confidence.
c. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistake.
d. Words that are harmful and usually attack the nature and abilities of others.
22. Why does domestic violence happen?
a. The abuser is trying to control the victim.
b. The couple don’t have money and this cause stress in relationship.
c. The abuser is in stressful relationship
d. All of the above.
23. Why do some victims of sexual abuse remain quiet and don’t report the incident?
a. The victim might not know that help is available or s/he does not know who to talk.
b. The victim might be told that what is happening is normal and doesn’t realize that is a form
of abuse.
c. He victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if s/he tell someone, especially the
abuser has threatened him/her.
d. All of the above.
24. You heard your friend Ricky telling your other friends to reject Aaron because they recently had
fight. What will you do?
a. Nothing. No harm will happen from t.
b. I will convince all of my friends to reject Ricky instead because he is a bully.
c. I will confront Ricky and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is bullying.
d. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
25. Which are not intentional injuries?
a. Vehicular accidents b. bullying c. Suicide d. para suicide

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