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✤ Introduction

✤ Quotes

✤ Purpose Of Life According to us

✤ The Purpose Of Life According To Islam

✤ Birth To Death A Cycle

✤ Life...An Ocean Of Desires

✤ Truths Of Life
✤ Is life really to come in this world and enjoy this world at the time and then

✤ The Meaning Of Life Is Different For Different People.

✤ Life Is not just to have Birth And then a death but it means to have a certain

✤ Our Life is every time confusing and tragic.

✤ Life is a duty ,a game , a promise , a sorrow, a song Of happiness ,a struggle

to achieve a goal, a tragedy , an adventure , a luck, and finally Life is too
✤ “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
✤ “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
―Robert Frost
✤ “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
✤ “Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
✤ Life is life, fight for it.”
― Mother Teresa
✤ “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
― Albert Einstein
✤ “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is
prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain
✤ “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that
✤ Some of us are just here living day after day without any special
purpose. That's really not the way to live.

✤ Living without a purpose is a wasteful way to spend our lives.

This means that we are only occupying space and watching time
slowly drift away from us.

✤ Ideal life is not always eat, drink and be merry. It's more about
learning the true meaning of life. Learning how to pick yourself
up when you fall, learn to be street smart, learn how to be
socially accepted by others etc.
✤ Some people think that this life is just to joy and
chil.Such people spend their time carelessly and feeling
their responsibilities.They keep wasting their time in
enjoyment at last when some responsibilities are
thrown on their shoulders,they suffer a lot.

✤ As man cannot live without enjoyment.So,we can say

that enjoyment is a part of life but not the whole life.Our
religion also teaches us to keep the matters of world
along with religion so we should not leave one behind
✤ In Islam man’s ultimate life objective objective is to worship Allah.

✤ Allah states in the Quran that he created man to be his “Khalifa”,His

trustee on earth(Quran 2:30).Mankind’s basic trust,our responsibility is
to believe in and worship Allah:
“And I Didn't Create The Jinn And Mankind Except To Worship
Me”(Quran 51:56-58)

✤ All the prophets of Allah called their people to worship Allah and to
believe in life after death.The belief in life after death not only
guarantees success in the hereafter but also makes this world full of
peace and happiness by making individuals most responsible and dutiful
in their activities:
“Every Soul Will Taste Death And We Test You With Evil And With
Good As Trial;And To Us You Will Be Returned”
(Quran 21:35)
✤ Everyone grows up differently, in different
places, to different parents, and with different
✤ human wants and desires are infinite because we as
human beings have endless thinking brains.
✤ Needs and wants are different. needs can be
satisfied but trying to satisfy wants is like trying to
quell the fire by pouring oil into it. So, there is no
end to the list of wants and it differs from person
to person.
✤ " life is like an earth, how
much you dig it, you will
know about it, there is no end
to it".

✤ Life is like a puzzle. With

even one missing piece u cant

✤ But In short Life is actually

how you will See It. Either
Positive or negative.

✤ The end or the beauty of our

life depends on how
beautifully we will arrange
the jigsaw puzzle of our life.
✤ our life is 10 % of what happens to us and 90 % of
how we respond to it.

✤ our life is temporary and we should remember one

thing that if things are going good then enjoy it as it
will no longer remains and if things are going bad
then don't worry because now too it will not remains

✤ life is like a coin you can spend it...but the fact is

that u can only spend it once.
✤ Life is not a bed of roses Neither full of thorns
✤ It's beautiful… It's wonderful …Needed to be careful
✤ Life is aim … Aiming for fame.. Hard working in pain …Sometimes in vain But no pain no
✤ Life is hope Loosing hope They're looser ..Wiser ones hope They're winner
✤ Life is battleship Having kingship
✤ Protects country ship Life is relationship
✤ Here we make friendship ..Some are friendly And are trustworthy ..Out of many they're few
✤ Life is a challenge ..Its full of ups and downs
✤ One being brave …One being wise Wins the challenge
✤ Life is Love.. Love for one's parents…Love for one's children's.. Love among lovers
✤ And to live life, its love… Life is a gift of God
✤ It's only life to live Let love rule our life
✤ To make life wonderful As life is beautiful
✤ The mind is the centre of everything. The definition and
the purpose of life is different for different

✤ To some people, life is hard, cruel and merciless.

- See life as punishment
- Resigned themselves to fate
- Believing all is finished.
- Nothing that they do can ever be good.
- Committing crimes and maiming others to avenge their ill-
- They lost every sense of direction
✤ Committing suicide to escape
✤ To some people life is a challenge, a channel of discovery and
innovation, a prospect for success and a gateway to wealth.

- life is sweet, colorful and kind.

- No matter the situation these people find themselves,
✤ they keep pressing on, believing in a cause, a cause to succeed
and get the most out of life.

No wonder an adage says, “Where there is life, there is hope.

"because for them the life acts like a balm. which makes the
pain bearable, and by providing hope leads them towards
✤ Sit In silence for at least 10 min every day.

✤ When you wake up every morning complete this sentence

-“My purpose is to….…”

✤ Live with the 3 E’s and 3 F’s

- Energy , Enthusiasm , Empathy
- Faith ,Family , Friend

✤ Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age
of 6.

✤ Dream more while you are awake.

✤ Believe life is a school and you are here to learn and
pass the exams . Although It will be tough but the
lessons will be for lifetime.

✤ Try to make 3 people smiles everyday

✤ Smile and laugh more. It will keep you energetic and


✤ Remember life isn’t fair every time but still it is


✤ Don’t hate anyone. Because life is too short to do

✤ Always Think that you can do this.Story Of A frog.

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