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Administrative action - Comprehensive term

Cuts across the traditional classification of powers

4 categories

Rule-making action / Quasi-legislative

American constitution expressly confers to legislature - Implied under Indian


Impossible to provide quality & quantity of laws

Rule-making action partakes all characteristics of legislative action

 State of Punjab v. Tehal Singh (2002) 2 SCC 7

Declaration determining the territorial area of a Gram Sabha & thereafter

establishing the Gram Sabha - Is it quasi-legislative?

* Where the provisions of statute provide for legislative activity

* Where the power exercised does not concern an interest of the individual or
relate to particular situation but relates to public in general

* Where it lays down future course of action

Rules of N.J. do not apply except reasonableness & fair play

Rule decision action / Quasi-judicial

More decisions from administrative agencies

Power to perform acts administrative in character, but incidentally requires some

judicial traditions - Disciplinary proceedings, cancellation, suspension or refusal to
renew license

Donoughmore Committee on Ministers’ Powers (1932) - “True judicial decision” -

Presupposes a lis between 2 or more parties + 4 requisites

Pure administrative action - No legal obligation to consider & weigh submissions &
arguments - Grounds of action & procedure are left to the discretion

Approach seems to be fallacious - Judges not only apply law - They consider policy,
socio-economic & political factors, expediency & also exercise discretion -

Administrative authorities may apply law & dispose of the case - Ex: Tax
Quasi-judicial need not follow strict procedure
I. P. Massey - The distinction between quasi-judicial & administrative action is
very thin - Where the law requires enquiry before decision
Rule-application action / Administrative action
Though the distinction is narrow - Relevant in determining the measure of N.J.
Neither legislative nor judicial
Ex: S. 10 & 11A of I D Act - Power to make reference to tribunals, Fact finding
action, Issuing directions to subordinate authorities etc
Devoid of generality - No procedural obligations - Minimum N.J.
Does not decide a right - May affect a right
Ministerial action
Action as a matter of duty - Devoid of discretion or judgment - Ex: Collection of
revenue, Annual report etc

Area of action - Very limited


Flow from the general executive power - Due to unprecedented increase in govt.

Superior administrative authority to subordinate authority - Efficacious technique

for achieving some uniformity & also to manipulate in a new & dynamic area

Flexibility - Devoid of technicality

Specific or general - Directory or mandatory

Whether such instructions are enforceable? - Difficult question

Instructions generally issued without statutory authority - Directory

 Fernandez v. State of Mysore AIR 1967 SC 1753

Tenders submitted to Chief Engineer P.W.D. - Petitioner’s was the lowest among
unconditional - 3rd respondent’s was the lowest conditional - Letter to 3rd
respondent to withdraw conditions & others to reduce amount - 3 rd respondent
withdrew after stipulated time

Petitioner wrote to C.E. that his tender being lowest should have been accepted -
Refused to reduce the amount

Challenged the acceptance of 3rd Respondent’s tender

 Rules of Mysore P.W.D. Code were not followed

 Violation of A. 14 - Acceptance beyond the period & favoured the 3rd respondent

Held: No authority to issue rules in matters with which the code was concerned -
Administrative instruction - Appellant had no right to apply to court

No discrimination

Though cannot be enforced, disciplinary action can be taken against the officer

 Jagjit Singh v. State of Punjab (1978) 2 SCC 196

Punjab civil service & allied services examination - 3 rd rank among S.C. - Only 2
vacancies - First 2 got the appointment letter - One selected for IAS - Appellant
applied based on 1961 Circular

Claim rejected - To be included in the normal pool of vacancies - H.C. dismissed

the suit - Fresh competitive exam

S.C. - Resultant vacancy should go to appellant - Govt. instruction clearly stipulate

that the vacancy resulting from the termination of services of SC / ST should not be
included in normal pool - Must be filled on ad hoc basis from the candidates
belonging to that category

Administrative instructions, not contrary to statutory rules - Binding

 V. T. Khanzode v. Reserve Bank of India AIR 1982 SC 917

Grouping of employees - Promotion within the group - Change in the group -

Affected seniority

Whether the staff regulations issued by RBI fixing the basis of seniority of its
employees could be modified by a circular issued by it later on?

Administrative instructions cannot modify the statutory rules - Staff regulations

were not issued under S. 58 of RBI Act, 1934 - Not rules - Could be amended

 Amitabh Shrivastava v. State of M.P. AIR 1982 SC 827

Rule 7 of Rules Relating to Admissions to Medical Colleges in M.P., 1979 -

Reservation - 21 seats to sons/daughters of military personnel

Rule 20 - Qualifying marks 50% - Board can lower by 5% if seats are not filled

Rule 9 - Further vacancy - Combined merit list of all candidates on waiting list

Appellant - Son of a military personnel - 43.6%

Marks lowered to 45% - 7 seats were still vacant in the military personnel category

1980 executive order - Minimum aggregate reduced to 43% - Board applied Rule 9
& prepared a combined list - Appellant was refused admission

Whether the selection should be based on the combined list under Rule 9 or taking
43% as qualifying marks?

Held: Minimum qualifying marks was reduced by executive order - Rule 9 is not
applicable - Appellant should be admitted (contradictory to what is said in the case

 C. L. Verma v. State of M.P. AIR 1990 SC 463

M.P. State Municipal Service (Executive) Rules, 1973 - 58 years as superannuating

age - Govt. notification stated last day of the month during which the employee is
going to be superannuated

Held ultra vires - Administrative instruction cannot compete with the statutory rule

 Bishambhar Dayal Chandra Mohan v. State of U.P. (1982) 1 SCC 39

The U.P. Foodgrains Dealers (Licensing & Restriction of Hoarding) Order, 1976
(Under E.C.A.) - Licensing of trade in food grains

The U.P. Foodgrains (Procurement & Regulation of Trade) Order, 1978 -

Permitted stock quantity & search and seizure

No restriction on intra-state & inter-state movement of food grains - Teleprinter

message by the Secretary to the govt. to regional food controllers prohibited inter-
district movement - Wheat Seized

Conflict between the administrative instruction & A. 19(1)(g) - Neither the Act nor
the orders impose restrictions

 Administrative instruction in the absence of any statutory authority has no force

of law

 But if they are consistently followed for a long time, govt. cannot depart from

them at its sweet will without rational justification (A. 14)

 By administrative instruction govt. has power to fill up gaps in the rules if the
rules are silent

 If administrative instruction is not referable to any statutory authority, it cannot

have the effect of taking away the rights vested in person governed by the Act


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