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LEAD-IN: In turns, discuss the questions below.

a) Is graffiti common in your area?
b) Is there any place to do legal graffiti there?
c) Is it art or vandalism? Do you know any famous graffiti artist?

1. You are going to watch a video about one of the most famous graffiti artists ever:
BANKSY. Say if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1) Banksy’s exhibition is going to be held in London.

2) Banksy’s message is normally subversive.
3) The artist uses a pseudonym to avoid getting caught.
4) It takes him a few days to finish a piece of graffiti.
5) Only people living in Bristol decided to keep Banksy’s graffiti in the town centre.
6) The great wall where Banksy has done many graffiti is in the West of England.

2. Now you are going to see a news report about the cancellation of the sale of a stolen
Banksy mural. Fill in the gaps with the exact word (ONLY 1 WORD) you hear.

1) Banksy’s graffiti artwork that disappeared from a North London wall is ___________from auction
in Miami.
2) The work was expected to fetch more than ________________pounds.
3 ) It appeared on the wall of a ________________store.
4) The company that owns the property, Woodgreen Investments, has ___________to comment.
5) According to Woodgreen residents, selling the work in Miami was _______________to the spirit
in which it was given.
6) Banksy’s influence on England urban artists is ______________.

SPEAKING: In pairs/groups, discuss the questions below:

 Do you agree that Banksy’s work belongs to the Woodgreen community?

 Have you seen any of Banksy’s graffiti?
 Would you visit a museum to see a graffiti exhibition? Why/ Why not?
 What kind of exhibitions have you seen in museums? Which did you like most?
 Why do people do graffiti in public places?
 Do graffiti artists like Banksy have a message?
 Who should remove illegal graffiti?
1-False (Bristol), 2-True, 3-True, 4-False (he uses stencils, a technique that allows him to create
graffiti very fast), 5-True, 6- False (Israel)
1- withdrawn, 2-450,000 dollars, 3- discount, 4-declined, 5-counter, 6-profound

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