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May and June Beetles.

Chapter · January 2012

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2 authors:

Paul S Robbins Tom A Royer

USDA-ARS Fort Pierce, Florida Oklahoma State University - Stillwater


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Pest Information

severe than from the grubs themselves. Masked chafer spectively, suggesting two generations per year. Flight of
grubs infest all common cool-season turfgrasses and some C. pasadenae begins in early May; but in desert regions of
warm-season grasses including bermudagrass and zoysia- the Southwest, there is a second flight in late summer sug-
grass. They occur in soils ranging widely in pH, texture, gesting that there may be two generations. Masked chafer
and percentage of organic matter; and they may also be eggs and larvae are preyed upon by ants, staphylinid and
found under cattle manure and in mulched plant beds. carabid beetles, as well as Tiphia pygidialis Allen, a native
Life History. Northern and southern masked chafers tiphiid wasp that may parasitize 30% or more grubs at
are univoltine throughout most of their range. At the lati- some sites. Pathogens include naturally occurring ento-
tude of Kentucky, they spend ≈2 wk as eggs, 10 mo as mopathogenic nematodes, fungi, a specific strain of milky
larvae, 4–5 d as prepupae, 11–16 d as pupae, and 1–3 wk disease-causing bacteria (Paenibacillus sp.), and other mi-
as adults. Third instars overwinter 3–12 in. (8–30 cm) be- crobes. Natural enemies of adults have not been studied.
low the surface. They return to the root zone in March Management. Damage thresholds for northern and
and feed until pupating in mid- to late May. Adults are southern masked chafer grubs vary with turf species and
active during June and July; flights may be triggered by vigor. Warm-season grasses, tall fescue, and creeping
heavy rains. Southern masked chafers emerge from the bentgrass are more tolerant than Kentucky bluegrass or
soil around dusk, and their mating activity continues until perennial ryegrass. Endophytes of perennial ryegrass or
≈2300 hours. Females remain on the ground or perch on tall fescue do not provide significant resistance to grubs.
grass blades; males take flight and skim over the turf in Vigorous turf may support >20 grubs/ft2 (>200/m2) with-
search of mates. Females emit a powerful sex pheromone. out visible damage; stressed turf can often withstand only
After mating, females quickly burrow into the soil. North- 8–10 grubs/ft2 (80–100/m2). Irrigation or rainfall during
ern masked chafers have similar behavior but are active July favors egg survival. Adult females are attracted to ir-
mainly after midnight. Eggs of both species are deposited rigated sites for oviposition, especially when surrounding
in the upper 2 in. (5 cm) of moist, well-drained soils. Most areas are dry. Irrigation or ample rain in late summer when
of the eggs hatch by early August. Grubs develop through third instars are feeding helps turf to tolerate light-to-mod-
three instars reaching nearly full size by late August or erate root loss from grubs. Soil insecticides having several
September. They feed until mid- to late October when months residual activity can be applied preventively in
cooling temperatures force them deeper for overwintering. spring or early summer, before egg hatch, to control first
Southern masked chafer and C. parallela exhibit bimodal instars. Larger grubs may be targeted with fast-acting cura-
flight periods in northern and south-central Florida, re- tive insecticides in late summer. Products containing the
entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora,
can be effective if applied to moist soil when grubs are pres-
ent and followed by irrigation. Commercial milky spore
products are not effective against masked chafer grubs.
Selected References. 17, 35, 118, 164, 192, 193, 197,
200, 208, 229
Carl T. Redmond, Kai Umeda and Daniel A. Potter

May and June Beetles

Scientific Classification. The names May beetle or
June beetle are commonly applied to adult scarab bee-
Masked chafer distribution. tles in the genus Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae:
Melolonthinae: Melolonthini). The larvae of all Phylloph-
aga species are referred to simply as white grubs. None of
the Phyllophaga species has an approved common name.
Species of Phyllophaga with spring reproductive flights are
generally referred to as May beetles; those with summer
reproductive flights are lumped together as June beetles.
Origin and Distribution. The genus Phyllophaga is a
very large one. More than 200 species occur in the con-

Pest Information

(see Appendix 1 for rastral patterns), instead of forming

a simple straight line running transversely across the rear
end of the abdomen. Phyllophaga larvae also differ from
most other turf-inhabiting white grubs because they have
a conspicuous double row of spines called palidia that are
located just forward of the anal slit and near the midline
of the lower surface of the abdomen. This double row re-
sembles a railroad track.
The most likely turfgrass-infesting species to be con-
fused with Phyllophaga larvae are the larvae of the Euro-
pean chafer because they both have Y-shaped anal slits and
both have rows of palidia that resemble railroad tracks. In
the European chafer, however, these palidia decidedly di-
Newly hatched June beetle (courtesy NYSAES, H. Tashiro). verge at their apex near the Y-shaped anal slit, whereas in
turf-infesting Phyllophaga larvae, they do not (see Appendix
1 for rastral pattern). Identifying a particular species of a
Phyllophaga white grub is difficult because it depends on a
microscopic examination of the palidia and mouthparts.
Additionally, many species are poorly described in the lit-
Pest Status. Because of the superficial similarity of
different species, most people fail to realize that on any
particular night the beetles that they see swarming around
outdoor lights may represent several species with distinc-
tive life cycles, habitat preferences, and host ranges. Not
all species of Phyllophaga should be considered pests. Usu-
ally, one, or only a few species of Phyllophaga ever damage
June beetle first instar larvae (P. latifrons), (courtesy NYSAES, H.
turf in any given locale. Among the species of white grubs
Tashiro). that are important turf pests in various parts of the United
States are P. anxia (LeConte), P. crinita Burmeister, P. ephi-
tiguous United States and most provinces of Canada, and lida (Say), P. fraterna Harris, and P. hirticula (Knoch). Even
>850 species are distributed from Canada to the southern species that are commonly collected in blacklight traps are
tip of South America and throughout the Caribbean. often from other habitats and present little-or-no threat to
Description. Phyllophaga adults of different species are turf.
similar in appearance. A close examination, however, indi- In many parts of the country, it is not well known
cates that they come in various shades of brown, support which Phyllophaga species are capable of becoming impor-
differing amounts of body hair, range from ≈0.3 to 1 in. tant turf pests because larvae are difficult to identify us-
(7–25 mm) long, and vary in shape from parallel-sided to ing morphological characters. The recent development of
oval. In most species, the three-layered club at the end of DNA-sequencing techniques offers researchers the ability
the antenna is longer in the male; and in many species, the to identify larvae more easily by comparing DNA extract-
shapes of the terminal segments of the lower surface of ed from larvae with that of identified adults. Researchers
the abdomen differ between the sexes. Although external in Oklahoma compared mitochondrial DNA sequences
physical characters can sometimes be used to identify spe- from the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene from Phyllophaga
cies, the shape of the internal male genitalia is the most larvae they collected from bermudagrass sod farms with
reliable and most often used character in species identifi- that from adult beetles collected from light traps. Whereas
cation. The larvae of Phyllophaga can be separated from 20 species of Phyllophaga beetles were collected in light
many other white grubs encountered in turf by the shape traps, only 9 species were found infesting managed ber-
of the anal slit and the pattern of hairs on the ventral side mudagrass turf. Turf-infesting species included P. bipar-
of the tip of the abdomen. This pattern of hairs is called tita (Horn), P. calceata (LeConte), P. congrua (LeConte),
the raster. In the Phyllophaga, the anal slit is V or Yshaped P. crassissima (Blanchard), P. crinita Burmeister, P. ephilida

Pest Information

(Say), P. hirtiventris (Horn), P. submucida LeConte, and P. ingly abundant in the canopy. Bare spots where the turf is
torta (LeConte). completely lost may also appear. In the final stage, all of
Injury. Both the adult beetle and the larva are capable the grass is dead in the most severely infested areas, and all
of causing damage. Adult Phyllophaga eat the leaves of cer- that remain are various broadleaved weeds. Less severely
tain grasses, herbs, shrubs, and trees. Feeding habits vary damaged areas of turf may not die immediately, but the
depending on the species of beetle. Adults of some species reduced vigor may prevent them from surviving the fol-
feed little, if at all; others, at times, inflict serious dam- lowing winter. White grubs also can be an indirect cause
age on certain field crops, landscape trees, and shrubs. In of turf injury because they are highly preferred foods of
turfgrass, adult Phyllophaga do not cause serious damage; many nocturnal mammals such as skunks, opossums, rac-
however, larvae can cause severe damage and loss of stand coons, and armadillos. Foraging in the soil by these mam-
in turf and other cultivated plants. The white grubs live in mals can ruin areas of a turf even where the white grub
the soil where they consume roots and other subterranean population might otherwise be too low to be a practical
parts of plants, especially grasses. Much of the feeding oc- concern.
curs close to the soil surface where the impact of severing Life History. All Phyllophaga species have a life cycle
a root is more severe than it would be if the same amount characterized by an egg, three larval instars, a pupa, and
of tissue were consumed at a greater depth. In extreme an adult. The generation time for different Phyllophaga
cases, root loss becomes so severe that the plant essentially species ranges from 1 to 4 yr. The life cycle begins with
has no hold on the ground and can be lifted easily from reproductive flights triggered by environmental conditions
the ground or rolled up like a carpet. Under some circum- such as rainfall and temperature. Conversely, dry weather
stances, white grubs pull seedling plants back into the soil, may delay flights by several weeks. Males often predom-
consuming even the leaves. inate in light-trap samples, at least in part because they
Grubs of northern species of Phyllophaga avoid freez- are more active fliers. In a few species, females are flight-
ing by overwintering below the frost line. In the spring, less. In many locations across the United States, there is
they ascend again to the upper part of the soil and resume a regular annual sequence of reproductive flights by dif-
their feeding. Early signs of white grub injury to turf in- ferent species of Phyllophaga. In parts of the South, some
clude reduced plant vigor, chlorotic appearance and lack Phyllophaga flight activity may be encountered during any
of responsiveness to fertilizer applications. Typically, month of the year. Although a few species are active dur-
heavily infested areas of a turf take on an uneven appear- ing the day, most Phyllophaga species do not appear be-
ance caused by leaves failing to attain cutting height and, fore dusk. Their feeding and reproductive activities may
frequently, they are invaded by broadleaved weeds. As the continue until dawn. Most Phyllophaga adults are strongly
situation progresses, the turf tends to assume a drought- attracted to lights at night; but during the day, they can be
like, brownish appearance as dead leaves become increas- found hiding under litter or in the soil. Males locate mates
by following the sex pheromones
released into the air by calling fe-
males upwind from them. Sex at-
tractants have been identified for
several economically important
Phyllophaga species and may be
useful in monitoring or manage-
ment strategies. Mating usually
occurs on the food plant while the
female continues to feed, or on the
surface of the ground.
After mating, the female lays
her eggs singly in cells in the soil.
The egg, the first two instars, and
the pupa of the various species of
Phyllophaga typically are relatively
Egg, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd larval instar, pupa, and adult of the June beetle. Silhouettes show the short stages. Most of the time in
actual size of each stage. the life cycle is spent as a third in-

Pest Information

the light trap are the same species that are responsible for
the damage to the turf. Researchers studying turf-infest-
ing species in Oklahoma demonstrated that beetles flew
from April through August. They estimated that the best
“treatment window” for a single application of preven-
tive soil insecticides would be from June 1 through July
1. An application at that time would likely control species
that hatched from eggs deposited in April and provide
enough residual to control Phyllophaga and Cyclocephala
larvae that hatched from eggs deposited in July.
Greater precision of treatment timing can be achieved
by subsequently sampling the soil to check for the appear-
ance of first and second instars. Spatial distributions of
May and June beetle distribution.
white grub populations tend to be irregular; some areas
are heavily infested and similar locations nearby support
few, if any, larvae. Thus, in large lawns and golf courses,
unnecessary application of pesticide can be avoided by
sampling before treatment to determine which areas con-
tain potentially damaging population densities of grubs.
In the southern United States, it usually is considered that
at least three or four Phyllophaga white grubs should be
present per square foot (0.1 m2) to warrant an insecticide
application. That criterion is not experimentally based
and may vary according to local conditions and turf spe-
If the soil is dry, it may be advisable to irrigate a few
days before applying insecticide to aid penetration by the
chemical and encourage the larvae to move to more vul-
star white grub. Some species appear to have multiyear life nerable locations close to the soil surface. Many chemical
cycles in the northern parts of their range and singleyear insecticides do not penetrate dense layers of accumulated
life cycles farther south. In the extreme southern parts of organic thatch easily; it sometimes is advisable to dethatch
the United States, some species may have two generations a lawn before applying a pesticide to control white grubs.
a year. Larvae of Phyllophaga feed primarily on live roots Turf should be thoroughly irrigated as soon as possible
and other underground parts of a plant, although they after applying a chemical to control white grubs to wash
may supplement their diets with organic matter. As some the pesticide down into the layers of the soil where the
species of Phyllophaga approach the end of larval devel- white grubs are found. Special attention should be given,
opment, they overwinter as mature third instars, pupat- however, to assure that the irrigation is applied slowly to
ing and transforming into adults only briefly before their avoid runoff. Some insecticides are more susceptible to
reproductive flights. Other species pupate and emerge adverse environmental conditions than are others; thus,
as adults in the fall; the adults remain belowground and the choice of active ingredient and insecticide formula-
pass the final winter in that stage before their reproductive tion can be especially important if thatch, soil moisture,
flights the following spring. the pH of the soil or water, or the timely availability of
Management. Although recent progress in developing irrigation water is marginal. When pesticides are used, it
biological controls for white grubs is encouraging, control is important to abide by label instructions.
of these pests is currently based on timely applications In many cases, potentially damaging populations of
of soil insecticides. To minimize turf damage, chemical white grubs subside without intervention because they are
treatments generally should be applied as soon after eggs killed by their natural enemies. These antagonistic organ-
hatch as is practical. Blacklight trapping of adults is a isms include naturally occurring insect pathogens (mi-
simple, reliable way to determine flight activity, although crosporidia, rickettsia, bacteria, protozoans, and fungi),
it is difficult to determine whether the adults captured in parasitic insects, and predators (birds, frogs, skunks, arma-

Pest Information

dillos, raccoons, and predatory insects). Other white grubs

die as a result of physical factors such as flooding, dry soil,
or physical injury caused by soil cultivation.
Among the most promising alternative approaches be-
ing studied for biological control of white grubs is the use
of certain nematodes in the genera Steinernema and Heter-
orhabditis. Although turf managers may be more familiar
with pest species of nematodes, the species being devel-
oped for use in biological control of insects donot dam-
age plant tissue; and they are harmless to higher animals
and humans. Other biological control organisms also offer
promise for the future, as does the development of variet-
ies of turfgrass that are resistant to white grubs.
Selected References. 28, 58, 138, 154, 226, 227, 277, 294 Rhodesgrass mealybug nymph (courtesy NYSAES, H. Tashiro).
Paul S. Robbins and Tom A. Royer

Mealybugs and Scale Insects

Common Names. Turfgrass mealybugs, turfgrass
Scientific Classification. (Hemiptera: Pseudococci-
dae, Coccidae, Diaspididae).
Origin and Distribution. Mealybugs and scale insects
occur worldwide and are widely distributed throughout
the United States. In 1967, McKenzie recognized 46 gen-
era of mealybugs in North America. Within these gen-
era, 37 species were associated with grasses. Worldwide
21 families of scale insects are known. The scales insects
most commonly associated with turfgrasses are from the Rhodesgrass mealybug on bamboo (courtesy D. Shetlar).
families: Pseudococcidae (mealybugs), Coccidae (soft
scales), and Diaspididae (armored scales). scales, which use shed skin and wax to form a hard, shell-
Description. Mealybugs are small, oval insects that are like covering. Crawlers are ≈0.008 in. (0.2 mm) long, soft-
included in the superfamily of scales–Coccoidea. Nymphs bodied, and motile. Adult females range in color from gray
and adult females range in color from dark pink to light to brown to white and vary in length from 0.06 in. (1.5
yellow and are usually covered with a white, waxy secre- mm) to almost 0.40 in. (10 mm) depending on the species.
tion. Some species have a series of short, waxy filaments Male scale insects are tiny and gnatlike in appearance.
projecting from the sides of the body. Immature mealy- Like mealybugs, species identification of scale insects is
bugs (and scale insects) are referred to as “crawlers.” difficult and usually requires a trained entomologist.
Individuals range in length from 0.008 in. (0.2 mm) for Pest Status. Mealybugs and scale insects are sporadic
early instars to >0.20 in. (5.0 mm) for adult females of but occasionally serious pests of many grasses including
certain species. Adult female mealybugs are wingless and several important turfgrass species. Among the more im-
are similar in appearance to the nymphs. Males resemble portant of the turfgrass-infesting mealybugs are the rho-
tiny gnats and are characterized by a single pair of wings desgrass mealybug, Antonina graminis (Maskell) (formerly,
and three pairs of red, simple eyes. Because it is difficult to rhodesgrass scale), and the socalled buffalograss mealy-
obtain males, mealybug identification is usually based on bugs, Tridiscus sporoboli (Cockerell), and Trionymus sp.
recently molted adult females. The rhodesgrass mealybug has a wide host range and has
Scale insects get their name from the protective waxy been found in >100 grasses. Turfgrass species known to
shell covering their bodies. Scale insects are subdivided be seriously injured by this pest include bermudagrass, St.
into two main groups: the soft scales, which secrete a Augustinegrass, and kikuyugrass. The two buffalograss-
thin, attached waxy layer to their bodies, and the armored infesting mealybugs were first discovered infesting buf-


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