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Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

DOI 10.1007/s11012-015-0167-3

New findings in the rocking instability of one and two rigid

block systems under ground motion
Anthony N. Kounadis

Received: 14 January 2015 / Accepted: 23 March 2015 / Published online: 18 April 2015
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract The rocking (overturning) instability of non-linear numerical analysis, properly adjusted to
one and two rigid—block assemblies underground include the rotational friction of the block pivot axis at
motion of sinus and cosinus pulses is reconsidered. the rocking initiation.
The Housner effect according to which between two
geometrically similar (rectangular) rigid blocks, the Keywords Rocking  One/two blocks  Instability
taller is more stable (than the lower one) is extended to criteria  Block width  Energy loss  Impact 
the case where between two rigid blocks having the Rotational friction  Overturning patterns
same width, the taller is generally more stable. It was
also found that overturning for one rigid block (1-
DOF) system without or after one impact occurs 1 Introduction
through an unstable equilibrium (saddle) point via an
escaped motion (inflection point in the curve relating In the last decades an increasing research interest was
the unknown rotation to the time). Such a critical state focused on the highly complex rocking response under
happens always during a free motion regime regard- ground motion of free-standing large statues supported
less of whether impact occurs before or after the by multispondyle columns. The motivation of this
external excitation expires. The condition of over- research lies in the fact that due to such a challenging
turning after one impact (occurring after the external structural system many ancient multispondyle col-
excitation expires) was established through one umns carrying atop free standing statues or epistyles
elegant equation which relates directly the minimum have survived although suffered from strong earth-
amplitude ground excitation to the external frequency. quakes in the past. An interesting example was the
For a two-rigid block (2-DOF) system overturning ancient multispondyle columns at the Zeus Temple at
without or after impact (associated with a minimum Nemea [1] which have been standing since their
amplitude ground excitation) occurs in the upper rigid construction (330 B.C.)
block according to the aforementioned inflection point As was shown an exact analysis of this multi-
criterion. All linearized results were also verified via spondyle column-statue structural system is extremely
difficult—unless impossible—to be established [2].
This is mainly due to the large number of differential
A. N. Kounadis (&) equations of motion in connection with the impossi-
Office of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The bility to determine the exact amount of the energy
Academy of Athens, Soranou Efessiou 4, 115-27 Athens,
Greece loss between spondyles varying also along the column
e-mail: height.

2220 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

The above insuperable computational difficulties assemblies including the effect of slipping-uplifting
have turned the research interest towards ap- and slipping-bouncing have been reported in [14] and
proximate dynamic analyses for determining such Andreaus and Casini [15, 16]. One should also
complex rocking response of the free-standing statues mention the studies on lower and upper bounds for
atop multispondyle columns. To this end a lot of overturning of rocking blocks under horizontal har-
attempts have been made the last 50 years to ap- monic ground excitation [17], on the rocking block
proximate this highly complex problem of multi- response under an idealized full-cycle rectangular
spondyle column—statue system by using 1-DOF, pulse [18] and on the rocking response of rigid blocks
2-DOF, 3-DOF models [3, 4] without, however, including the effect of sliding [19, 20].
obtaining reliable results. In the subsequent Sects. 2, 3 and 4 new findings for
Very recently a viscoelastic monolithic cantilever 1-DOF and 2-DOF systems related to rocking instability
with loss of energy (obtained experimentally) equiva- phenomena are comprehensively presented. This is the
lent to that of a multispondyle cantilever carrying atop main objective of this work together with the presen-
a free-standing statue, was proposed [2, 5]. Such an tation of comparative analyses of existing relative
analysis is considered as the best approximate but studies. Finally, it is worth noticing that these findings
quite reliable solution which can be achieved for the are in good agreement with existing experimental data
above highly complex rocking instability problem. for single DOF [21] and multi DOF systems [22].
The rocking stability of the free-standing statue atop
the cantilever is established as 1-DOF system with
time-dependent initial conditions related to the corre- 2 One-DOF system findings
sponding conditions at the tip of the cantilever.
In spite of the large number of studies [6–11] for the Consider the two rectangular rigid blocks of Fig. 1
rocking response of single DOF rigid blocks freely having the same width 2b but different heights 2h1 and
supported by the ground, non of these studies includes 2h0, respectively, whose ratio g = h1/h0 is greater tha
the (rotational) friction effect of the pivot axes one; i.e. g = h1/h0 = tana0/tana1 [ 1, where a0 and
(passing through the block corner points) during a1 are the angles between the sides and semi-diagonals
rotation. This effect is smaller than the loss of energy of the shorter and taller block, respectively. Both
due to the plastic impact effect either between the blocks are acted upon by the same horizontal ground
blocks or the lower block and the ground. There are motion, usually under the form of ground acceleration
also other rocking instability phenomena for 1-DOF u€ðtÞ. In as much as a1 \ a0 rocking will be initiated
and 2-DOF [12, 13] systems, the Housner’s finding from the taller block, according to the condition of
(1963) and other phenomena which need further rocking initiation
investigation. Interesting analyses on the dynamic
u€g ð0Þ  g tan a1 ð1Þ
response of rigid blocks of 1-DOF, 2-DOF and 3-DOF

Fig. 1 Two rigid blocks of

the same width 2b but 2b
different heights (2h1 and
2h0 respectively) under
ground motion

2R1 2b

m1 C1

2h1 2R0
m1g m0 C
α1 0
2h0 α0 m0g
O΄ O΄
Direcon of moon θ θ

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2221

obtained through static equilibrium excluding slipping t0 ¼ t1 =gðg [ 1Þ ð4Þ

[9, 10]. This shows that the ground excitation wave reaches
At a later very short time the rocking initiation of first the center of the shorter block C0 which therefore
the shorter block will follow, although in both blocks will also first overturn. The fact that the restoring
initiation of ground excitation occurs at the same time bending moment of the taller block M1 becomes
t = 0. Clearly, such a difference in time regarding the slightly smaller than that of the shorter block M0 (at its
rocking initiation between the two blocks is extremely rocking initiation which almost simultaneously fol-
small compared to the duration of time needed for lows that of the taller block, tin  tov) has a very small
overturning of either one of blocks. effect counteracted in view of relation (4).
The question which now arises is which between Hence, between two rigid rectangular blocks of
these two blocks will overturn firstly; the taller or the the same width, the taller block is more stable than
shorter one? With the aid of Fig. 1 one can write the shorter one (related to a smaller amplitude of
m1 2b  2h1  q h1 ground acceleration than that of the taller block).-
¼ ¼ ¼ g [ 1; Certainly extreme situations as e.g. cases with very
m0 2b  2h0  q h0 ð2Þ
R1 sin a0 short period of excitation (shocks) must be excluded.
¼ ð a0 [ a1 Þ
R0 sin a1 In this case (shocks) the resisting forces (including
inertia) do not have enough time to react and the
where m1, R1 and m0,R0 are the masses and semi-
taller block becomes less stable than the shorter one
diagonals of the taller and shorter block, respectively,
(when overturning occurs without impact). This is
whereas q is the material density of both blocks.
also true for very small xg corresponding to ‘‘static’’
The restoring bending moments M1 and M0
(associated with the block weights m1g and m0g)
The proof of this finding is an extention of the proof
resisting to the rocking initiation of the taller and
of Housner’s effect [2], valid for two geometrically
shorter block respectively are, M1 = m1gR1sina1,
similar (but with different heights) blocks to two
M0 = m0gR0sina0 or due to relation (2)
blocks with the same width (and different heights).
M1 m1 R1 sin a1 Clearly, the requirement of having the same width
¼ ¼ g[1 ð3Þ
M0 m0 R0 sin a0 both blocks, the tall and the short one, is weaker than
that of the geometric similarity of the two blocks
If tin is the very small time in the rocking initiation
implying greater stability against overturning.
between the two blocks and tov the duration of time for
The above finding that between two rectangular
overturning (of either of the blocks), then tin  tov.
rigid blocks of the same width, the taller is more stable
This implies a slight reduction in the ratio M1/M0 = g
than the shorter (being an extension of Housner’s
up to the instant of the rocking initiation of the shorter
effect) can be readily perceived on the basis of existing
block which follows that of the taller block (i.e. g
results. For instance consider an one sine wave
becomes slightly less than unity).
(ground horizontal) acceleration
At the rocking initiation in both blocks there is a
hysteresis of inertia forces due to the delay of u€g ðtÞ ¼ ag sinðxg t þ wÞ; w=xg  t  ð2p  wÞ=xg
propagation of the wave excitation stemming from otherwise u€g ðt) ¼ 0 ð5Þ
the ground and heading along the blocks towards their
center of masses C1 and C0. There follows a gradual where ag is the amplitude, xg the external circular
increase in the action of the inertia forces up to frequency, w the phase angle, while the period of
overturning when eventually reaching their critical acceleration T = (2p - w)/xg [10, 11].
values (related to overturning). The rocking response up to overturning of any
In case of the shorter block the critical state is rectangular rigid block can be established through the
attained prior to that of the taller block. Namely, if the relationship providing the minimum amplitude ground
ground excitation reaches the center C0 of the shorter acceleration, ag/gtana = 1/sinw, as function of xg/p,
block at time t0 and of the taller block C1 at time t1, where p = 3g=4R is a dynamic characteristic of the
then block [9–11]. Clearly, the relationship 1/sinw versus

2222 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

xg/p (providing the minimum amplitude ground rocking (overturning) instability which at a certain time
acceleration leading to overturning) corresponds to t* leads through an unstable critical point to an escaped
an increasing curve. This is so, since as xg/p increases motion [continuously increasing h(t)]. Such an unstable
the period of acceleration Tex diminishes and the critical state is an inflection point of the curve h(t)
dynamic character of excitation becomes more pro- versus t satisfying the instability criteria [2, 5].
nounced. Apparently the external excitation (due to its _  Þ ¼ hðt
€ Þ ¼ 0
shorter period of action) has not enough time to hðt Þ ¼ a; hðt ð9Þ
overcome the resisting forces of the block which For a slightly smaller amplitude (than that corre-
implies a greater excitation magnitude for overturning. sponding to the minimum one) the angle of rotation
Considering the relationships of the shorter and taller h(t) reverses direction (forcing the block to return to its
blocks, 1/sinw0 versus xg/p0 and 1/sinw1 versus xg/p1 initial stable position. Instability criteria (9) hold for
respectively, one can write with the aid of relation (2) both modes of overturning (i.e. with or without
rffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi impact) either after the expiration of ground excita-
xg xg R1 xg sin a0 xg
¼ ¼ [ tion or before the ground acceleration expires (i.e.
p1 p0 R0 p0 sin a1 p0 ð6Þ
during the negative part of the sinus pulse).
ðsin a0 [ sin a1 Þ

Since xg/p1 [ xg/p0 the curve 1/sinw1 versus xg/p1 of 2.2 Equation of motion
the taller block is above that (1/sinw0 vs xg/p0) of the
shorter block which shows that the taller block is more The differential equation of the rocking motion of the
stable than the shorter one (which will overturn first). rigid block (Fig. 2) can be derived using the station-
The same result is obtained from the condition ary-value principle of Hamilton via the variational
1 ag ag  g g
¼ ¼ ¼ ð g [ 1Þ ð7Þ Zt2 Zt2
sin w1 gtana1 gtana0 sin w0
d Ldt ¼ dLdt ¼ 0 ð10Þ
That is for g [ 1
t1 t1
1 g 1 where L = K-X Is the Lagrangian functional, while K
¼ [ ð8Þ
sin w1 sin w0 sin w0 and X are the kinetic energy and potential energy of
which shows that the curve 1/sinw1 versus xg/p1 of the external (gravity) force, respectively.
taller block is above the curve 1/sinw0 versus xg/p0 of For the rigid block with dimensions 2h 9 2b, mass
the shorter block (being less stable than the taller m, semi-diagonal R and angle a (Fig. 2a) one can
block). write for h = h(t) \ 0
The above findings hold regardless of whether )
1 2 1
overturning occurs after or without impact. K ¼ h_ þ u_ 2 þ mRu_ hcosða
_ þ hÞ ð11Þ
2 2
In summary from the above qualitative analysis two X ¼ mgR½cosða þ hÞ  cosa

important conclusions can be drawn: (a) The smaller

where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to t;
the period of external excitation, the greater the
h = h(t) is the unknown angle of rotation and u_ ¼ uðtÞ
magnitude of the minimum amplitude ground accel-
is the velocity related to the external ground accel-
eration required for overturning, (b) between two
eration given by
rectangular rigid blocks having the same width the
taller is more stable than the shorter one (which w 2p  w
u€ðtÞ ¼ ag sinðxg t þ wÞ; t ;
overturns at a smaller minimum amplitude ground xg xg ð12Þ
acceleration than that of the taller block). otherwise u€ðtÞ ¼ 0

2.1 Criteria for rocking instability where ag is the amplitude, xg = 2p/T is the circular
frequence and w the (initial) phase angle.
For a given external horizontal ground acceleration Accordingly due to relations (11) and (12) L ¼
attention is focused on its minimum amplitude to _ and hence
Lðt; h; hÞ

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2223

Fig. 2 a Rigid-body block

displacement uc(t) of its
center C under ground
excitation ug(t) with
negative rotation h(t) \ 0.
b Rigid-body block
displacement uc(t) of its
center C under ground
excitation ug(t) with positive
rotation h(t) [ 0

oL oL _ € þ t€ðsÞ cos½a þ hðsÞ

 sin½a þ hðsÞ
¼ 0
dL ¼ dh þ dh ð13Þ ð18Þ
oh oh_ ½hðsÞ\0

After introducing relation (13) into Eq. (10) and This is the Euler–Lagrange differential equation of
integrating by parts one gets motion for determining the curve h = h(t). Given that
  d2L = J0 [ 0 (Legendre condition) the curve h(t)
d oL oL
 ¼ 0 satisfies (in addition to the Euler–Lagrange equation)
dt oh_ oh
the necessary condition for the minimum of the
or due to L = K - X Rt2
functional Lðt; h; hÞdt.
d oK oK oX
 þ ¼ 0 ð14Þ For the case of Fig. 2b the corresponding equation
dt oh_ oh oh
of motion is written as follows
By virtue of relation (11) the last equation gives [2, 10]
€ þ t€ðsÞ cos½a  hðsÞ
þ sin½a  hðsÞ
¼ 0
J0 h€ þ mR€
u cosða þ hÞ  mgR sinða þ hÞ ¼ 0 ð15Þ ½hðsÞ [ 0


The corresponding initial conditions (t = 0) are Subsequently, closed form solutions for overturn-
hð0Þ ¼ h0 ; _
hð0Þ ¼ h_ 0 ð16Þ ing (rocking) instability with h(s) \ 0 (Fig. 2a) and
h(s) [ 0 (Fig. 2b) without impact (Mode1) and after
After introducing one impact (Mode 2) under one sine-wave pulse and
4 u€  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi one cosine-wave pulse are discussed in detail includ-
J0 ¼ mR2 ; t€ ¼ ; s ¼ pt p ¼ 3g=4R ð17Þ ing the two cases in Mode 2 regarding the impact time
3 g
si : Case 1 for si \ sex and Case 2 for si [ sex, where
Equation (15) becomes sex is the one wave excitation period.

2224 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

2.3 Mode 1: Sine pulse (no impact) whose the first integral is:
1 _2
For slender blocks with a \ 0.25 rad Eqs. (18) and h ðsÞ þ cos½a þ hðsÞ
þ C ¼ 0 ð26Þ
(19) can be linearized. In this case Eq. (18) becomes
At the instant s = s* of escaped motion due to
€  hðsÞ ¼ a  t€ðsÞ
hðsÞ ½hðsÞ\0
ð20Þ _  Þ ¼ 0; one gets
conditions (9), hðs Þ ¼ a&hðs
C = -1 and therefore Eq. (26) becomes
whose the general (complementary and particular)
solution is given by 1 _2
h ðsÞ þ cos½a þ hðsÞ
 1 ¼ 0 ð27Þ
hðsÞ ¼ h_ 0 sinh s þ ðh0 þ aÞ cosh s
Zs which for s ¼ sex ¼ ð2p  wÞ=x
g yields
 sinhðs  s0 Þ€ tðs0 Þds0  a ð21Þ
1 _2 ½a þ hðsex Þ

0 h ðsex Þ ¼ 1  cos½a þ hðsÞ

¼ 2 sin2
 2 2
where t€ðsÞ ¼ ag sinðxg s þ wÞ with ag ¼ ag g and ½a þ hðsex Þ
 g ¼ xg p:
x 2
The above integral after integration by parts gives or
Zs _ ex Þ ffi ½a þ hðsex Þ

hðs ð28Þ
ag sinhðs  s0 Þ  sinðx
g s0 þ wÞds0
0 Since the curve f(s) = a ? h(s) [ 0 up to rocking
ag instability is clearly a continuously decreasing func-
¼ ½x
 g cos w sinh s  sinðx
g s þ wÞ
1þx  2g _ is (in this internal of time)
tion of s, its derivative fðsÞ
þ sin w cosh s
ð22Þ _
non positive, fðsÞ  0 and hence
and thus Eq. (21) yields _ ex Þ ¼  ½a þ hðsex Þ

hðs ð29Þ
hðsÞ ¼ C1 sinh s þ C2 cosh s þ  g s þ wÞ
sinðx By virtue of Eqs. (23) and (24) evaluated at s = sex
1þx 2g relation (29) leads to
 a; ag
hðsÞ\0 ðC1 þ C2 Þðsinh sex þ cosh sex Þ þ g ¼ 0
1þx 2g
Equation (30) after introducing the expressions of C1
_ ag x
g and C2 and ag ¼ a=sin w yields
hðsÞ ¼ C1 cosh s þ C2 sinh s þ g s þ wÞ;
1þx 2g 1 1
hðsÞ\0 cos w  x  g þ ðh_ 0 þ h0 Þ xg þ sin w
a g
ð24Þ ¼ esex ;
which was also reported in [2] using a more compli-
C1 ¼ h_ 0  xg cos w; cated procedure. Equation (31) gives the minimum
1þx 2g 
amplitude ground acceleration, ag a ¼ 1= sin w
C 2 ¼ h0 þ a  sin w versus xg , which leads to rocking (overturning)
1þx 2g instability.
 For h(s) [ 0, following the above procedure,
Equations (23) and (24) hold for w x g  s 
 Eq. (19) after linearization gives
ð2p  wÞ x  g ; while Eq. (18) valid for s  ð2p 
wÞ=xg (free vibrations) due to relation (12) becomes €  hðsÞ ¼ a  t€ðsÞ
hðsÞ ð32Þ
€  sin½a þ hðsÞ
¼ 0
hðsÞ ð25Þ which yields

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2225

1 sinh s þ C
2 cosh s þ ag 2 1 1
hðsÞ ¼ C  g s þ wÞ
sinðx cos w þ  g  ðh_ 0 þ hÞ x
þx g þ sin w
1þx 2g g
x a g
þa ¼ esex ; ðhðsÞ [ 0Þ ð8Þ

2.4 Mode 2 (one impact)

hðsÞ ¼C 2 sinh s þ ag x
1 cosh s þ C g
g s þ wÞ
1þx 2g
Two cases are examined depending on whether
impact occurs before (case 1: si \ sex) or after the
where excitation expires (case 2: si [ sex). As shown below
in both cases the rocking instability criteria (9) related
1 ¼ h_ 0  ag x
cos w; to free vibration regime are also valid since even in
1þx 2g
case si \ sex the escaped motion will occur via
2 ¼ h0  a  ag sin w
C h(s*) = a at s* [ sex; hence condition (37) is also
1þx  2g
The above Eqs. (32, 33, 34) hold w x g  s  ð2p  Case 1: si \ sex For si  s  sex ¼ ð2p  wÞ x  g the

wÞxg while for s [ ð2p  wÞ x g Equation (19), after block after impact at s = si is rotating with h(s) [ 0.
setting t€ðsÞ ¼ 0 and integration, leads to For 0 B s B si Eq. (23) and (24) at s = si give
1 _2
h ðsÞ þ cos½a  hðsÞ
 1 ¼ 0 ð35Þ hðsi Þ ¼ 0 ¼ C1 sinh si þ C2 cosh si
ag ð39Þ
or þ g si þ wÞ  a
1þx 2g
1 _2 ½a  hðsÞ

h ðsÞ ¼ 1  cos½a  hðsÞ

¼ 2 sin2 _ i Þ ¼ h_ before ðsi Þ ¼ C1 cosh si þ C2 sinh si
2 2 hðs
½a  hðsÞ
2 ag x
g ð40Þ
’ þ g si þ wÞ
2 1þx 2g
where C1 and C2 are given in relation (24).
hðsÞ ffi ½a  hðsÞ
ð36Þ Equation (39), after setting ag ¼ a= sin w and in-
troducing the expressions of C1 and C2, yields
Since the curve g(s) = a - h(s) [ 0 up to rocking
! !
instability is a continuously decreasing function of s, g 2g
its derivative gðsÞ is (in this interval of time) non _h0  ax cot w sinh si þ h0 þ cosh si
1þx  2g 1þx 2g
positive, gðsÞ B 0, and hence
a ðx
g si þ wÞ
_ ex Þ ffi þ½a  hðsex Þ

hðs ð37Þ þ 2
sin a¼0
1 þ xg
 sin w
Using Eqs. (33) and (34) evaluated at s = sex, relation
(37) given that ag ¼ a= sin w yields [2] or

 g si  x
sin x g sinh si
tan w ¼   h   h_ ð41Þ
0 0
2g  cos x
1þx  2g þ 1 þ x
 g si  x 2g 2g
cosh si  1 þ x sinh si
a a

2226 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

A second equation in w and si is established via the which at s = s*, according to the instability criterion
relationship (9), lead to
h_ ðsi Þ ¼ eh_ before ðsi Þ ð42Þ _ ex Þ sinhðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ  a

hðs Þ ¼ a ¼ hðs
before  coshðs  sex Þ þ a ð47a)
where h_ ðsi Þ is taken from relation (40), e is the
coefficient of restitution and h_ ðsi Þis obtained as _  Þ ¼ 0 ¼ hðs
hðs _ ex Þ coshðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ  a

follows. For si B s B sex the block is rotating with

 sinhðs  sex Þ ð47b)
hðsÞ [ 0, and hence
After adding the above equations, one gets
hðsÞ ¼ C3 sinhðs  si Þ þ C4 coshðs  si Þ h i
ag _ ex Þ þ hðsex Þ  a es sex ¼ 0
þ g s þ wÞ þ a
sinðx ð43aÞ hðs
1þx 2g

which (since es sex 6¼ 0) yields the instability condi-
hðsÞ ¼ C3 coshðs  si Þ þ C4 sinhðs  si Þ tion (37), and then via Eq (45a, 45b) one obtains
þ g s þ wÞ
 g cosðx
x ð43bÞ ag x
1þx 2g ðC3 þ C4 Þesex si ¼  ð48Þ
1þx 2g
which at s ¼ si hðsi Þ ¼ 0 and thus
9 Note also that Eqs. (47a, 47b) due to condition (37)
ag > yield tanh(s* - sex) = 1.
C4 ¼ a  sinð 
x s
g i þ wÞ; >
1þx 2 g By means of relations (44) and (45a, 45b), after
ag x
g ð44Þ
g si þ wÞ >
after setting ag ¼ a= sin w, Eq. (48) gives
C3 ¼ h_ ðsi Þ  cosðx >
1þx 2g
e before
2g Þ½1  h_
ð1 þ x ðsi Þ
sin w þ x  g si þ wÞ
g cosðx
after a
where h_ ðsi Þ is given by relation (42).Equa-
þ sinðx g si þ wÞ ¼ x g esex þsi ð49Þ
tions (43a, 43b) at s ¼ sex yield
where h_ ðsi Þ is given in relation (40).
hðsex Þ ¼ C3 sinhðsex  si Þ þ C4 coshðsex  si Þ þ a
The minimum amplitude ag/ga = 1/ sin w can be
ð45aÞ obtained by solving Eqs. (41) and (49) with respect to
w and si.
_ ex Þ ¼ C3 coshðsex  si Þ þ C4 sinhðsex  si Þ
ag x
g Case 2: si [ sex For si  s  sex ¼ ð2p  wÞ=xg
þ ð45b) (valid for h(s) \ 0) one can write the following
1þx  2g
It is worth noticing that an escaped motion (inflection
_ ex Þ sinhðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ þ a

hðsÞ ¼ hðs
point in the curve h(s) vs s) is not possible to occur as ð50Þ
long as the excitation is still acting (i.e. during the  coshðs  sex Þ  a
interval of time si \ s \ sex valid for small to moderate
values of xg ). Hence, in this case (where si \ sex) an h_ _ ex Þ coshðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ þ a

ðsÞ ¼ hðs
escaped motion may happen at a certain time s* C sex  sinhðs  sex Þ ð51Þ
(with h(s) [ 0); namely after the excitation expires
(free motion regime). Then the corresponding equa- _ ex Þ and h(sex)are evaluated from Eqs. (23)
where hðs
tions of free motion (for sex B s B s*) are given by and (24) at s ¼ sex , after setting x  g ¼ a= sin w, as
_ ex Þ sinhðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ  a
hðsÞ ¼ hðs !
ð46aÞ axg cot w
 coshðs  sex Þ þ a _
hðsex Þ ¼ h0  sinh sex
1þx 2g
_ ¼ hðs
hðsÞ _ ex Þ coshðs  sex Þ þ ½hðsex Þ  a
sinhðs  sex Þ ax2g
þ h0 þ cosh sex  a ð52Þ
ð46bÞ 1þx  2g

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2227

! after before
_ ex Þ ¼ h_ 0  a 
x g cot w h_ ðsi Þ ¼ eh_ ðsi Þ ¼ a ð60Þ
hðs cosh sex
1þx 2g
! Equation (55) due to relation (60) gives
ax g
ax 1 ! !
þ h0 þ 2
sinh sex þ 2 h_ 0 xg h0  2g
1þx g 1þx  g sin w  cot w cosh si þ þ
a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g
 g coshðsi  sex Þ 1
At the time of impact s ¼ si implying hðsi Þ ¼ 0 sinh si þ ¼ ð61Þ
1þx 2g sin w e
after before
and h_ ðsi Þ ¼ eh_ ðsi Þ Eqs. (50) and (51), after
some manipulations, become Solving Eqs. (54) and (61) with respect to si and w
one can obtain the minimum amplitude ground
! !
h_ 0 x g cot w h0 x2g acceleration ag =a ¼ 1= sin w as function of x
 g which
 sinh si þ þ cosh si leads to overturning.
a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g
Adding Eqs. (54) and (61) and then substracting
g sinhðsi  sex Þ
x Eq. (54) from Eq. (61) one gets respectively
þ ¼1 ð54Þ
1þx2g sin w  
h_ 0 þ h0 g
x esex  cos w
! þ x g þ
ðsi Þ h_ 0 x  g cot w a 1þx 2 sin w
¼  cosh si 1 þ e si
a a 1þx  2g ¼ e ð62Þ
! e
h0 x2g
þ þ sinh si  
a 1þx 2g h_ 0  h0 g
x cos w  esex
 xg þ
xg coshðsi  sex Þ a 1þx 2 sin w
þ ð55Þ   g
1þx 2g sin w 1  e si
¼ e ð63Þ
For s [ si [ sex the equation of free motion with
h(s) [ 0 is given by Equations (62) and (63), much simpler than Eqs. (54)
and (61), can be solved with respect to si and w and
€ þ sin½a  hðsÞ
¼ 0
hðsÞ ð56Þ then to provide the minimum amplitude ground
which after one integration yields acceleration ag =a ¼ 1= sin w versus x g .
Note that one can eliminate the time si after
1 _2 multiplication of Eqs. (62) and (63) which yields
h ðsÞ þ cos½a  hðsÞ
þ C ¼ 0 ð57Þ "
2  #
h_ 0 þ h0 g
x esex  cos w
At the instant s = s*of overturning due to insta- þ xg þ
a 1þx 2g sin w
bility conditions (9), hðs Þ ¼ a and hðs _  Þ ¼ 0; "  #
Eq. (57) gives C = -1. Accordingly Eq. (57) at h_ 0  h0 xg cos w  esex 1  e2
  x g þ ¼
s = si becomes a 1þx 2g sin w e2

1 _2 a ð64Þ
h ðsi Þ ¼ 1  cos a ¼ 2 sin2 ð58Þ
2 2 Clearly, from Eq. (64) one can determine w as
from which one obtains function of x g (for given values of the parameters
_h0 ; h0 and a),and then the time of impact si from either
_ i Þ ¼ 2 sin a ’ a
hðs ð59Þ Eq. (62) or Eq. (63). Such a relationship w versus xg
was established in previous analyses by solving two
Since the function g(s) = a - h(s) [ 0 up to over- highly non linear equations [9, 10]. It is remarkable
turning is continuously decreasing, its derivative, gðsÞ that Eq. (64), presented for the first time in the
_  0 and from
in this internal is non positive, gðsÞ literature, in case of trivial initial conditions,
Eq. (59) it follows that h ðsi Þ ¼ a, and therefore ho ¼ h_ 0 ¼ 0, is simplified as follows:

2228 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

!2    2.6 Mode 2: Cosine pulse (one impact)

x esex  cosw cosw  esex
 g þ
x xg þ
1þx2g sinw sinw In case of one impact the following equations are
2 valid
1 e
¼ ð65Þ
e2 Case 1: si \sex with h(s) [ 0 for si  s  sex
where sex ¼ ð2p  wÞ=x g .Note also that although (Fig. 2b)
Eq. (65) is independent of the angle (stockiness ! !
g 2g
parameter) a, however this parameter relates w to _h0 ðsi Þ þ ax tan w sinh si þ h0 þ
ag/ga through the formula ag/ga = 1/ sin w which 1þx 2g 1þx 2g
depends on x g p, where p ¼ 3g=4R).
g (=x g si þ wÞ
a cosðx
 cosh si þ 2
¼a ð69Þ
1 þ xg
 cos w
2.5 Mode 1: Cosine pulse (no impact)
" #
  eh_ before ðs Þ
In case of a cosine pulse ground acceleration 1þ 2g
x  1 cos w þ x g si þ wÞ
g sinðx

u€g ðtÞ ¼ ag cos xg t þ w ; ðw þ p=2Þ=xg g esi sex
ð66Þ  g si þ wÞ ¼ x
 cosðx ð70Þ
 t ð3p=2  wÞ=xg ; otherwise u€g ðtÞ ¼ 0
following the above procedure (of a sine pulse) the where h_ ðsi Þ is obtained from
corresponding to Eqs. (31) and (38) formulas for before
h_ ðsi Þ ¼ A1 cosh si þ
A2 sinh si
overturning instability (of no impact) become for
g sin x
ax  g si þ w
h(s) \ 0 (Fig. 2a)  ð71Þ
   1þx 2g cos w
1 _ 1
g þ ðh0 þ h0 Þ
x þxg cos w þ sin w with A1 and A2 given by
a g
¼ e ð67Þ 2g
A1 ¼ h_ 0 þ a tan w; A2 ¼ h0 þ
for h(s) [ 0 (Fig. 2b) 1þx2g 1þx 2g
2 1 1 Solving Eqs. (69, 70) with respect to si and w [in
þx g  ðh0 þ h_ 0 Þ þx
g cos w
x a g
x ð68Þ connection with Eq. (71)], one can determine the

 sin w ¼ e sex minimum amplitude ground acceleration, ag ga ¼
g (=xg/p).
1=cos w as function of x
Equations (67) and (68) allow one to establish the
 g (= xg/p) for given
relation 1/sinw as function of x Case 2: si [ sex with h(s) \ 0 for si  s  sex
initial conditions. (Fig. 2a)

" ! ! #
h_ 0 g
x h0 2g
x g
x 1
þ tan w cosh sex þ þ sinh sex þ sinhðsi  sex Þ
a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g 1þx  2g cos w
" ! ! # ð72Þ
h_ 0 g
x h0 x2g
þ þ tan w sinh sex þ þ cosh sex coshðsi  sex Þ ¼ 1
a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g

" ! ! #
h_ ðsÞ h_ 0 g
x h0 x 2g xg 1
¼ þ tan w cosh sex þ þ sinh sex þ coshðsi  sex Þ
a a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g 1þx 2g cos w
" ! ! # ð73Þ
h_ 0 g
x h0 x2g
þ þ tan w sinh sex þ þ cosh sex sinhðsi  sex Þ
a 1þx 2g a 1þx 2g

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2229

where 3 Two-DOF system findings

h_ ðsi Þ ¼ a=e ð74Þ The analytical expression of equations of motion of a
Solving Eqs. (72) and (73) with respect to w and si [in 2-DOF system presented in [3] and [2], are related to
connection with Eq. (74)] one can obtain the minimum the number N of possible configuration patterns
amplitude ground acceleration for overturning insta- which may lead to overturning. According to the
bility, i.e. ag/ag = 1/cosw as function of x g . formula derived in [2] N = 3n - 1, where n is the
Equations (62) and (63) valid for the case of one- number of the rigid blocks of the assembly, whereas
sine pulse, in case of a one-cosine pulse become the number of differential equations is equal to: Nn.
  Hence, for an assembly with n = 2 blocks, N = 8
h_ 0 þ h0 xg sin w þ esex 1 þ e si (configuration patterns) with total number of differ-
þ xg þ ¼ e
a 1þx 2g cos w e ential equations Nn = 8 9 2 = 16. More specifical-
ð75Þ ly the corresponding to the configuration patterns of
Fig. 3a, b equations are:For h1(s) \ 0 and h2(s) \ 0
  (Fig. 3a)
h_ 0  h0 g
x sin w þ esex 1 þ e si
 x g  ¼ e

a 1þx2g cos w e 1þ 3m2 cos2 a1 h€1 þ ½cosða1 þ h1 Þ þ 2m2 cosa1 cosh1

ð76Þ u€g 3
 þ m2 R2 cosa1
g 2
After multiplication of Eqs. (75) and (76) one gets h 2
"  #  h€2 cosða2 þ h2  h1 Þ h_ sinða2 þ h2  h1 Þ
h_ 0 þ h0 g
x sin w þ esex
þ xg þ  sinða1 þ h1 Þ 2m2 cosa1 sinh1 ¼ 0 ð79a)
a 1þx 2g cos w
"  #
h_ 0 þ h0 xg sin w þ esex u€g 3 cos a1
x R2 h€2 þ cosða2 þ h2 Þ þ
a 1þx  2g cos w g 2
h 2
€ _
 h2 cosða2 þ h2  h1 Þ  h1 sinða2 þ h2  h1 Þ
1  e2
¼ ð77Þ
e2  sinða2 þ h2 Þ ¼ 0 ð79b)
In case of h0 ¼ h_ 0 ¼ 0 Eq. (77) becomes where m2 ¼ m2 =m1 , R2 ¼ R2 =R1 , s = tp1 with
!2    p1 ¼ 3g=4R1 .
xg sinwþesex sinwþesex
 g þ
x g 
x For h1(s) [ 0 and h2(s) [ 0 (Fig. 3b)
1þ x 2g cosw cosw

1 þ 3m2 cos2 a1 h€1 þ ½cosða1  h1 Þ þ 2m2 cosa1 cosh1

¼ ð78Þ u€g 3
e2  þ m2 R2 cosa1
g 2
where sex ¼ ð2p  wÞ=x g .Equation (78) is indepen- h 2
dent of a although w is related to a via the relation ag/  h€2 cosða2  h2 þ h1 Þ þ h_ sinða2  h2 þ h1 Þ
ga = 1/ sin w which is a function of xg (= xg/p, where þ sinða1  h1 Þ  2m2 cosa1 sinh1 ¼ 0 ð80a)
p ¼ 3g=4R).
u€g 3 cos a1
An important issue, worth discussing, is whether a R2 h€2 þ cosða2  h2 Þ þ
g 2
single block under the above harmonic excitations is h 2
more stable when it is resting directly on the ground  h2 cosða2  h2 þ h1 Þ  h_ 1 sinða2  h2 þ h1 Þ

or when it is supported by another (either mono- þ sinða2  h2 Þ ¼ 0 ð80bÞ
lithically or freely standing) rigid block which is
supported directly by the ground. To this end dynamic The equations of motion corresponding to the
analyses of 2-DOF block systems are necessary to be configuration patterns of Fig. 4a, b are:
established as addressed below. For h1(s) \ 0 and h2(s) [ 0 (Fig. 4a)

2230 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

Fig. 3 a Rigid body block

displacement with hi(t) \ 0
(i = 1,2) under ground
horizontal excitation ug(t).
b Rigid body block
displacement with hi(t) [ 0
(i = 1,2) under ground
horizontal excitation ug(t)

1 1 þ 2m2 u€g
þm  2 h€1 þ h€2 þ cosða2  h2 Þ þ sinða2  h2 Þ
3 3 g

u€g 3 h ð81bÞ
 cosða1 þ h1 Þ  sinða1 þ h1 Þ þ  h€1 cosða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ
g 2R2
h 2
1 2 h€2 cosða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ  h_ 1 sinða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ ¼ 0
þ m 2R
2 i
2 For h1(s) [ 0 and h2(s) \ 0 (Fig. 4b)
 h_ sinða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ ¼ 0
2 ð81aÞ

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2231

Fig. 4 a Rigid body block

displacement with h1(t) \ 0
and h2(t) [ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation
ug(t). b Rigid body block
displacement with h1(t) \ 0
and h2(t) [ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation

1 € 1 þ 2m2 u€g
þm  2 h1 þ h€2 þ cosða2 þ h2 Þ  sinða2 þ h2 Þ
3 3 g

3 h
 cosða1  h1 Þ þ sinða1  h1 Þ þ  h€1 cosða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ
g 2R 2 i
1 h þ h_ 1 sinða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ ¼ 0 ð82bÞ
þ m 2R2 h€2 cosða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ
2 i
 h_ sinða1 þ a2 þ h2  h1 Þ ¼ 0
2 ð82a)

2232 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

Fig. 5 a Rigid body block

displacement with
h1(t) = h2(t) \ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation
ug(t). b. Rigid body block
displacement with
h1(t) = h2(t) [ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation

The equations of motion corresponding to the  2 cos2 a1 þ m
1 þ 3m 2 þ 3m
 2R  2
2 cos a1 cos a2  h€
configurations patterns of Fig. 5a, b, after setting u€g
h1(s) = h2(s) = h(s), are:For h(s) \ 0 (Fig. 5a) þ ½cosða1 þ hÞ þ m 2 ða2 þ hÞ þ 2m
 2R  2 cos a1 cos h

2 sinða2 þ hÞ þ 2 cos a1 sin h
 sinða1 þ hÞ  ½R 2
¼0 ð83a)

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2233

Fig. 6 a Rigid body block

displacement with h1(t) = 0
and h2(t) \ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation
ug(t). b Rigid body block
displacement with h1(t) = 0
and h2(t) [ 0 under
horizontal ground excitation

For h(s) [ 0 (Fig. 5b) Finally, the equations of motion corresponding to

  the configuration patterns of Fig. 6a, b, after setting
 2 cos2 a1 þ m
1 þ 3m 2 þ 3m
 2R 2 cos a1 cos a2  h€
 2R h1(s) = 0 and h2(s) = h2, are:

u€g For h (s) \ 0 (Fig. 6a):

þ ½cosða1  hÞ þ m 2 ða2  hÞ þ 2m
 2R  2 cos a1 cos h

2 sinða2  hÞ  2 cos a1 sin h
þ sinða1  hÞ þ ½R 2 h€2 þ cosða2 þ h2 Þ  sinða2 þ h2 Þ ¼ 0 ð84aÞ
¼0 ð83b)

2234 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

For h(s) [ 0 (Fig. 6b):

h€2 þ cosða2  h2 Þ þ sinða2  h2 Þ ¼ 0: ð84bÞ

4 Numerical results and discussion

4.1 Single DOF System

Rocking (overturning) instability occurring through

an unstable equilibrium point at a certain time t = t*
regardless of the kind (sinus or cosinus pulse) of
excitation is always associated with an escaped motion
via an inflection point in the curve h(t) versus t; i.e.
such a critical state happens when h(t*) = ±
_  Þ ¼ hðt
a, hðt €  Þ ¼ 0. These instability conditions
are valid regardless of whether or not overturning Fig. 7 Minimum amplitude ground acceleration, ag/ga versus
xg (where a = 0.25 rad and e = 0.90) for overturning insta-
occurs without or after impact. Namely, overturning
bility for a single block 2h0 9 2b and double block 4h0 9 2b
is always associated with an escaped motion during respectively (having the same width 2b)
the free motion regime (i.e. after the expiration of the
ground excitation at t* [ tex), regardless of whether
the time of impact, t = ti, is smaller than the period of with the same semi-diagonal R (or equivalently x g )
excitation tex (i.e. ti \ tex). the taller block (with smaller a) is less stable than the
For the first time overturning instability after one lower one. The above results hold also for the case of a
impact for the (practically important) case ti [ tex was one-cosine pulse related to Eq. (78).
presented (after eliminating ti) in one transcendental Figure 7 allows us to compare the stability (under
equation relating directly ag/ga to xg, for both sinus one-sine pulse) of two rigid blocks having the same
and cosinus excitation pulses including the effects of width 2b but different heights with the double block
initial phase angle w as well as of the initial being twice higher than the single block. The double
conditions (being beneficial or detrimental depending block consisting of two (same) single blocks mono-
on their sign). lithically connected is also a 1-DOF system as the
From Eq. (65), referring to the case of one-sine single one. Indeed from Fig. 7 it is clear that the
pulse, one can establish the relationship 1/sinw versus double block is less stable than the single one for
xg ð¼ px g Þ, and then to determine the minimum values of the external excitation frequency xg slightly
amplitude of the external ground acceleration smaller than 6.3 s-1 which correspond practically to
ag =a ¼ 1= sin w, where ag ¼ ag =g and a (angle) the statically applied loading. On the contrary, for values
stockiness parameter. Note that any curve obtained xg [ 6.3 s-1 up to xg = 16 s-1 (cases of ‘‘dynamic’’
from Eq. (65) which does not satisfy the condition of excitation) the double block is more stable than the
dimensionless impact time si [ sex (si = pti and single one (under one—sine pulse). Clearly, as stated
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi above, cases for xg [ 16 (corresponding to shocks)
sex = ptex, where p ¼ 3g=4R) is physically unac-
are excluded.
ceptable, and thus rejected.
These results hold for overturning occurring with-
Clearly, for a rigid block with given semi-diagonal
out or after one impact. Note that the comparison (with
R, through the relation ag =a ¼ 1= sin w versus x g ¼
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the aid of Fig. 7] of the minima amplitudes corre-
xg =p (where p ¼ 3g=4R) one can find via Eq. (65) sponding to the double and singe block (both 1-DOF
ag ¼ a= sin w. Namely (keeping constant e and R or systems) has taken into account that tana0 = 2tana1,
xg via p ¼ 3g=4R) as the angle a decreases the where a0 and a1 the stockiness parameters of the single
minimum amplitude ag (leading to overturning) also and double block, respectively. Note also that the
decreases. This means that between two rigid blocks results of Fig. 7 coincide with existing results [9, 10]

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2235

which are based on the assumption that the friction is

sufficiently large to exclude sliding (between block
and the ground) and loss of energy due to the
rotational friction of the block pivot axis during
rotation (about O or O0 ). One can show that the
stability criteria (9) are also valid when both these
effects are included.
It is worth noticing that the above finding shown in
Fig. 7 extends the Housner’s [13] observation holding
for two geometrically similar rigid blocks to the case of
two rigid blocks having the same width, among which
the taller is more stable than the lower one for values of
the external excitation frequencies of practical impor-
tance (related to dynamic excitation). Finally, it is also
noteworthy that with the aid of the single block red Fig. 8 Stability under a one-sine pulse of a drum (block) freely
curve one can also readily establish the relation ap/ga supported by another drum (case 1), freely supported by the
versus Tex (period of excitation) and then to compare it ground (case 2) and supported by another drum monolithically
connected with it (case 3)
with existing regional acceleration spectra [10].
Subsequently the case of a system with two rigid
blocks of the same dimensions freely supported corner point) at the rocking initiation. For example,
between them with the lower one also freely supported neglecting both these effects in case of a 2-DOF
by the ground, is thoroughly discussed. system (under one-sine pulse) for the value of
xg = 12 s-1 it was found that overturning occurs at
4.2 Two-DOF system ag = 10.989 ga [3]. However ag increases when the
above rotational friction effect of the block pivot axis
Figure 8 shows (as Fig. 7) the important finding that a has been taken into account in the non-linear nu-
rigid block supported by the ground (under one-sine merical scheme employed herewith based on Math-
pulse) becomes more stable when it is placed on ematica [23]. This is achieved via introducing a loss
another block (interconnected monolithically with it) of energy coefficient. The numerical scheme in
than when supported directly by the ground. It was question also excludes penetration during rocking
also found that the double (1-DOF) rigid block of the upper block into the lower one as well as
becomes more stable when divided into two (same) penetration of the lower block into the ground (after
rigid blocks so that the upper block to be freely impact either between the two blocks or impact of the
supported by the lower one. This is shown by the red lower block with the ground). Indeed, using this non-
line of Fig. 8 [2] referring to the rocking response linear numerical scheme for solving the aforemen-
analysis of a two rigid block (2-DOF) system. tioned 2-DOF system (under one-sine pulse) it was
It is worth noticing that the derivation of this red found that for xg = 12 s-1 overturning occurs at
line in Fig. 8 was based on the assumption that the ag = 13.333 ga ([10.898 ga mentioned above) when
friction between the surfaces of the two rigid blocks as the axis rotational friction effect (increasing the
well as between the bottom surface of the lower block minimum amplitude of ground excitation) was taken
and the ground is sufficiently large to exclude both : into account [4]. It is noticeable that this value,
sliding and loss of energy at the block pivot axis after ag = 13.333 ga, will further increase after inclusion
rocking initiation. Clearly, the block pivot axis does of the effect of loss of energy due to sliding (between
not pass through the corner point (O or O0 ) (as the two blocks (mainly) as well as between the lower
considered in all existing analyses) but through block and the ground). Such an effect for the case of
another interior point infinitesimally close to the the single block is presented in [24].
(theoretical) corner point. Then, a small surface of the The graphical representation of the above case of
pivot axis coming in contact with the ground, causes overturning instability (i.e. ag/ga = 13.333 for
loss of energy (related to small damages around the xg = 12 s-1) is shown in Fig. 9 from which one can

2236 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

Fig. 10 Time series u1(s) : -h1(s) and u2(s) : -h2(s)

Fig. 9 Time series u1(s) : - h1(s) and u2(s) : - h2(s) versus s of a 2-DOF system exhibiting for xg = 12 s-1 and
versus s of a 2-DOF system exhibiting for xg = 12 s-1 ag/ga \ 13.333 asymptotic stability (i.e. the system returns to
overturning instability at ag/ga = 13.333 via an inflection each initial stable position after several impacts)
point: h_2 ðs Þ ¼ h€2 ðs Þ ¼ 0 at s* = 1.9
This effect occurring prior to the initiation of rocking
see (from the onset of excitation) the variation of both may be significant.
angles of rotation u1(s) : -h1(s) and u2(s) : -h2(s) Finally, it is worth noticing that although the
versus dimensionless time s = pt (p ¼ 3g=4R1 ). aforementioned 8 configuration patterns (Figs. 3a, b,
Clearly, from Fig. 9 the 2-DOF system rotates (from 4a, b, 5a, b, 6a, b) are independent of each other,
the onset of excitation) as a single DOF system with overturning does not occur via one of these patterns
u1(s) = u2(s) up to u1(s) = u2(s) = 0.12 rad and (remaining the same from the onset of excitation up to
after that the two blocks are separated to each other overturning). Indeed, from the onset of excitation up to
with u2(s) increasing and u1(t) decreasing. At a later overturning the rocking response of the 2-DOF system
time overturning occurs at ag/ga = 13.333 (for is governed by more than one configuration patterns
xg = 12 s-1) through an escaped motion via an described by the corresponding equations of motion.
inflection point at a time s = s* = 1.9, where The determination of the sequence of patterns through-
/_ 2 ðs Þ ¼ /
€ ðs Þ ¼ 0. For a slightly smaller value of out of such a rocking response can be safely obtained by
ag/ga (at xg = 12 s-1) the angle of rotation u2(s) establishing via a non linear numerical analysis based
gradually decreases and the 2-DOF system returns on Mathematica [23] the system response from the
after several impacts to its initial (stable) position. beginning of rocking up to overturning through a
This is clearly illustrated in the typical graphical stepwise increasing time s. More details about the
representation of Fig. 10. It is remarkable that the employed numerical scheme are given in Ref. [3].
above inflection point instability criteria seems to be
valid if the effect of the rotational friction at the pivot
axis from the initiation of rocking is included. For a 2- 5 Conclusions
DOF system a further discussion would be useful.
Note also that an increase of the amount of rotational The most important conclusions for single and two-
friction results in an increase of the minimum DOF rigid rectangular block systems are the
amplitude ground acceleration ag/ga. Moreover, it following.
should be clarified that the cusp points in the plot u2(s)
5.1 Single rigid block system
versus s (i.e. discontinuities of derivatives /_ 2 ðsÞ)
correspond to impact in the lower block (when
u1(s) = 0). 1. Via a theoretical (qualitative) analysis (supple-
Furthermore, it should be also pointed out that the mented by numerical results for one-sine pulse) it
above value of minimum amplitude ag/ga = 13.333 is was found that between two rigid blocks having
on the safety side, since the effect of initial sliding the same width the more slender (taller) is more
(being always present to a certain degree) was ignored. stable than the other one for moderate to large

Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238 2237

values of external excitation frequencies which 2. It was found that from the onset of excitation the
are of practical importance. This extends the rocking response up to overturning is governed by
Housner’s effect (holding for geometrically more than one configuration patterns which
similar rigid blocks) to the wider class of rigid implies evaluation of the rocking response from
blocks having only the same width (instead of the initiation of rocking by stepwise increasing the
geometrical similarity). time s. At the very beginning of the rocking the
2. The differential equation of rocking motion was 2-DOF system behaves as a single DOF system
properly derived through a variational approach [i.e. h1(s) = h2(s)] subjected to a small energy
using the Hamilton’s stationary principle. The 1st loss due to rotational friction at the pivot axis
integral of the differential equation of motion (acting between the system and the ground). This
leads (for the case of slender blocks with 1-DOF system response continues until a certain
a \ 0.25 rad) to the condition of overturning related time ss at which the upper block is separated from
to a free vibration regime, regardless of whether the lower one accompanied (at the same time) by a
overturning occurs without or after one impact. further small energy loss due to the rotational
3. Rocking (overturning) instability criteria for the friction at the pivot axis (acting between the upper
cases of one-sine and one-cosine external excita- and lower block). Then, a new set of differential
tions pulses were comprehensibly established equations of motion should be applied with initial
related to an escaped motion via an inflection conditions the end conditions of the previous stage.
point regardless of whether overturning occurs: Such a step by step numerical evaluation of the
(a) without or after one impact and (b) with time of rocking response continues in the same way
impact greater or smaller of the time of expiration including also the effect of viscous damping
of the external excitation sex. (5–10 %) due to impact occurring either between
4. The above findings have been illustrated by means the lower block and the ground or between the two
of numerical examples based on linearized blocks. This procedure is followed until overturning.
analyses the results of which are in excellent 3. Criteria for rocking (overturning) instability
agreement with existing ones in the literature. (with or without impact) being (usually) initiating
5. For the first time overturning after one impact for from the upper block associated with an escaped
the important in practice case with impact time motion occurring via an inflection point of the
si [ sex (referring to moderate up to large values curve h2(s) versus s (of the upper block) may be
of external excitation frequencies) was estab- valid if the rotational friction effect at the pivot
lished in one (instead of two) transcendental axis is included. A further discussion is needed.
equation relating directly the minimum amplitude The minimum amplitude ground acceleration
ag/ga to the external excitation frequency xg for corresponds to this critical case; namely for a
both sinus and cosinus pulses including the effects slightly smaller value of this amplitude the 2-DOF
of the initial phase angle w as well as of the initial system after several impacts returns to each initial
conditions (which may be beneficial or detemen- (stable) position.
tral depending on their sign). 4. Dividing a slender 1-DOF rigid block into two
pieces it is drawn the important conclusion that
strangely enough the resulting 2-DOF system is
5.2 2-DOF system
more stable (as being associated with greater
energy loss) than the initial monolithic block. It is
1. The employed non linear numerical scheme based also found that the above systems are more stable
on mathematica [23] was properly adjusted so than a single block (coinciding with one of the
that: (a) to include the loss of energy due to (same) two blocks of the 2-DOF) system support-
rotational friction about the pivot axis during the ed directly by the ground.
rocking initiation and (b) to exclude penetration 5. The comparison of the relation of the minimum
of the upper block to the lower one, as well as of amplitude ground acceleration versus the external
the lower one into the ground. excitation period sex with the regional earthquake

2238 Meccanica (2015) 50:2219–2238

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