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AI/ML Workshop By Cognizant

AIML stands for Artificial Intelligence Modelling Language. AIML is an XML based
markup language meant to create artificial intelligent applications. AIML makes it
possible to create human interfaces while keeping the implementation simple to
program, easy to understand and highly maintainable.

Warming up

Why using Python?

Basic installation and system requirements

Basics of Python and machine learning

 Probability
 Statistics
 Random discrete and continuous variable

Specifically learn: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, List comprehensions, Dictionary comprehensions

Regular Expressions in Python

If you still need more practice, follow this tutorial for text cleaning. It will challenge you on various
steps involved in data wrangling.

Scientific libraries in Python

 NumPy
 SciPy
 Matplotlib
 Pandas

Basics of Big Data and Hadoop

Effective Data Visualization

Overview of basic data visualization tools.

Scikit-learn and Machine Learning

 Scikit-learn is the most useful library

 python for machine learning.
 overview of the library.
 overview of machine learning,
 Supervised learning algorithms like regressions, decision trees, ensemble modeling and non-
supervised learning algorithms like clustering.

Real life application/products of Data Science

 Business Transformation
 Business Discovery
 Business Agility
 Business Reliability

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