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Reviewer General Education 1

1. In a residential backyard, there could be flowers, grasshoppers, grasses, dragonflies, worms and ants.
Collectively, these organisms represent which of the following?
The correct answer is: Community
A community refers to the population of different species living in a particular habitat and interacting with
each other.

2. A cell in the stems of an eggplant contains 20 chromosomes. After this cell divides, how many
chromosomes should each resulting daughter cell contain?
The correct answer is: 20

3. Energy is obtained from food in the process of:

The correct answer is: Respiration During respiration, the chemical-bond energy of food is released and
stored in ATP molecules. The breakdown of ATP into ADP occurs when a phosphate group is given off and
energy is released for the life activities of the cell.

4. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment is known as:
The correct answer is: Ecosystem

5. Which among the following is a first – order consumer

The correct answer is: Herbivores are animals that feed on plants. They are first – order consumers
because they feed on the producers of food. s

6. Which of the following relationships can be observed among grasses and vegetables in a garden?
The correct answer is: Competition is the interaction among organisms seeking a common resource such
as food or light which is in limited supply in the area occupied by the community. Grasses and vegetables
in a garden for example, compete for soil nutrients and sunlight.

7. Which of the following is considered as a natural ecosystem?

A coral reef is a ridge or elevated part of a relatively shallow area of the seafloor, approaching the sea’s
surface. It is formed by a rocklike accumulation of calceous (calcium-containing) exoskeletons of coral
animals, calcareous red algae and mollusks.

8. The digestive tube is composed of how many openings?

The correct answer is: Two

9. Arthropodes which has many legs are termed as:

The correct answer is: Diplopods

10. The breathing rate is increased by an increase in the content of:

The correct answer is: Carbon dioxide

11. To which phylum does an organism with a certain segment with a ventral nerve cord which is solid and has
a worm-like body shape and exoskeleton?
The correct answer is: Arthropoda like the centipede and the millipede have these characteristics.
Chordates have a dorsal nerve tube and an endoskeleton. Annelids and nematodes do not show these

12. Which of the following genes will most likely be inherited together?
The correct answer is: Genes located on the same chromosomes

13. Photosynthesis can be carried on by which of the following organisms.

Autotrophic organisms need sunlight to manufacture food through photosynthesis. Heterotrophs feed on
plants or autotrophs; scavengers eat dead plants or animals; while sporophytes feed on decaying matter.
14. Some animals have the power to regain or restore their lost body part through the process:
Regeneration is having the power to restore or grow again the lost part of the body. This is common to
echinoderms, such as the starfish and brittle star.

15. Vertebrates with hair, four-chambered heart and warm-bloodedness are characteristics of which of the
Class Mammalia consists of animals covered with hair, having a four-chambered heart and are warm-
blooded. Fishes and amphibians are cold-blooded, scale covered animals. Aves are warm-blooded
feathered mammals or vertebrates.

16. Vultures may kill animals for food or feed on the remains of animals killed by other animals. Therefore,
vultures may be described as:
The correct answer is: Scavengers and predators A scavenger is an animal that eats refuse and decaying
organic matter while a predator is an animal that captures and feeds upon other animals. A herbivore is an
animal that feeds chiefly on grass or other plants while a parasite is a plant or an animal that lives on or in
an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefit to and
usually with harmful effects on the host.

17. Bacteria cause various diseases in humans. They produce a poisonous substance known as:
The correct answer is: Toxins are the poisonous compounds produced by some microorganisms that cause
certain diseases. Antibodies are the specialized proteins produced by certain lymphocytes, especially in
response to the presence of an antigen, to neutralize, thus creating immunity to, specific antigens. Germs
are disease producing microorganisms, such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, rickettsia and viruses.

18. Algae and Fungi are put together under Phylum Thallophyta due to this reason:
The correct answer is: Both algae and fungi do not have roots, stems and leaves
Algae and fungi are placed together under phylum Thallophyta because they do not have vascular tissues.
They have no roots, stems or leaves. They are soft or thallus (old classification), but today they are
classified separately.

19. Reproduction is a must among plants and animals to continue survival. Which of the following is the
simplest method of reproduction?
The correct answer is: Fission is a form of asexual reproduction, found in various simple plants and
animals, in which the parent organism divides into two or more approximately equal parts, each becoming
an independent individual.

20. Crystallized viruses retain their ineffective properties. This indicates that:
correct answer is: They are very primitive living organisms

21. Ferns and flowering plants differ in what way?

The correct answer is: Dominance of the sporophyte or gametophyte
In ferns and flowering plants, sporophyte generation is most dominant. Matured fronds of ferns produce
spores for reproduction. Gametophyte is a separate plant in ferns while flowering plants are not. The
gametophytes in seed-bearing plants are very small and are inside the mature sporophyte plant. Another
difference is that the male and female gametophytes in flowering or seed-bearing plants develop from
different types of spores, while those in ferns develop from only one type of spore.

22. The Pyramid of energy is best described as:

The correct answer is: The base of the pyramid consists of producers which supply the most energy

23. Which of the following things happens when you perspire while exercising?
The correct answer is: Your body gives off excess heat
24. Which of the following statements correctly explains why viruses are not considered free-living?
The correct answer is: They cannot reproduce outside a living cell Viruses are not considered free-living
since they cannot reproduce outside of a living cell; they have evolved to transmit their genetic
information from one cell to another for the purpose of replication.

25. Why do some marine fishes don’t survive in fresh water?

The correct answer is: Marine fishes cannot maintain homeostatic water balance
Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to maintain an internal stability by coordinated responses
of its organ system that automatically compensate for environmental changes. Marine fishes are adapted
to a water environment in which there is a relatively high concentration of salt. They are not able to
survive in fresh water because they cannot maintain homeostatic water balance.

26. They transmit proteins produced by the ribosomes of the cells:

The correct answer is: Golgi apparatus

27. Which of the following states that you will have a better chance of reaching reproductive age if you
possess a combination of favorable characteristics?
The correct answer is: Survival of the fittest
“Survival of the fittest” dictates that those individuals best suited to their environment will live and reach
reproductive age and pass their characteristics on to their offspring.

28. All of the following animals are mammal, aside from:

Shark the shark is a fish, being a member of the class Pisces. All the others are members of the class
Mammalia – they are warm blooded and they give birth to their young.

29. Plant eating animals get their main source of energy from:
The correct answer is: Sugar

30. A researcher obtained a sample of matter from the deep ocean. Which of the following would cause the
researcher to suspect that the matter was from a living tissue?
The correct answer is: The presence of DNA and enzyme in the sample DNA and enzymes are products of
organisms. The changes specified in the other options could occur in nonliving or even inorganic materials.

31. Which of the following is an example of a biotic factor that will determine which animals or plants inhabit
an environment?
The correct answer is: Berry plants growing in abundance at the edge of a forest
The only biotic or living factor among the choices is berry plants. The others are abiotic. Factors affecting
the ability of an organism to inhabit an area. Birds and small mammals feeding on berries will most likely
thrive in areas teeming with berry plants.

32. What makes meiosis different from mitosis?

The correct answer is: Meiosis produces four daughter cells, while mitosis produces only two
daughter cells.

33. Among the different blood vessels, which receives the highest oxygen concentration?
The correct answer is: Pulmonary vein

34. A doctor was advising a patient who just had his gallbladder removed to limit his intake of which of the
following food?
Pork The gallbladder secretes bile, produced by the liver, for emulsification of fats. Without the
gallbladder, a person may not be able to digest fatty foods such as pork. Since fats are not soluble in water,
they should be emulsified and broken into smaller molecules.

35. Jesse who is normal for color vision marries Jessa, a normal heterozygous woman. What is the chance of
their son being color blind?
The correct answer is: 50%
36. It is coined as the powerhouse of the cell:
The correct answer is: Mitochondria Cell respiration takes place in the mitochondria when energy is
released. It is also in here that the energy compound ATP is produced by the solution surrounding the
cristae. The ATP holds and keeps the energy until it is needed.

37. Muscles may be controlled or may contract even without conscious thought. Which of the following
muscle groups are considered involuntary?
The correct answer is: Smooth and Cardiac Both smooth and cardiac are not controlled by thought but by
autonomic system. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones and are controlled by an individual

38. Anchor sites for muscles and production of blood cells are some of the functions of our:
The correct answer is: Bones Muscles are attached to the bones and RBCs are made in the red marrow of
flat and long bones.

39. Where is the site of majority of photosynthesis in a leaf?

The correct answer is: Palisade layer

40. Lichen has no specific taxonomic group due to:

The correct answer is: The fungi characteristics for classification are the same as those of the alga
Lichens, which are composed of alga and fungi, have mutualistic relationship; that is, they cannot live
without the other. Lichens have characteristics similar to kingdom protest and kingdom fungi.

41. A doctor advised a patient to eat food rich in Calcium and Phosphorous. Most likely the patient has
problems with:
The correct answer is: Bones and teeth Calcium and Phosphorous are used in the building and
maintenance of bones and teeth. They are found in milk and dairy products and in leafy vegetables.

42. A correct food chain is exemplified by which of the following?

The correct answer is: Plants - Insects - Lizards - Snakes - Decomposers
Plants are the producers of food. The insects who eat them are, in turn, eaten by lizards. Lizards are eaten
by snakes. When snakes die, they are broken down by decomposers and their constituent compounds are
released so that they could be used by other organisms.

43. A _____ is composed of all the members of a single species inhabiting a given location.
The correct answer is: Population

44. Which of the following statements accurately explains how trees prevent floods?
The correct answer is: Their roots bind the soil
The roots of trees grow into the soil and attach to the soil particles, helping to hold the soil together.
When forests are cut down, the soil is not held together and is washed away by the action of running
water. With the loss of topsoil, which normally acts as a spongy layer, the water runs off in large amounts,
causing floods.

45. The part of the plant cell that captures the light energy needed in photosynthesis is which of the
The correct answer is: Chlorophyll The first step in photosynthesis is the absorption of light by pigments.
Chlorophyll is the most important of these because it is essential for the process. It captures light energy in
the violet and red portions of the spectrum and transforms it into chemical energy through a series of

46. This relationship best describes a protozoan which causes malaria in a human host:
The correct answer is: Parasitism is a symbiotic association of to kinds of organisms in which the parasite is
benefited while the host is usually harmed.

47. Chloroplasts were seen in a specimen under the microscope. The specimen might be:
The correct answer is: A hydrilla

48. An amoeba is attempting to engulf an escaping paramecium. Which structures are involved in the
The correct answer is: Pseudopods and cilia Pseudopods are the false feet of amoeba, cell projections that
in this case are flowing around the prey. The paramecium is using the cilia to escape. Tentacles are
attributes of multicellular organisms like squid while the setae are the epidermal protrusions in

49. All of the following statements are true about water, except:
The correct answer is: It hardly changes its temperature even when it absorbs heat
When water absorbs heat, the temperature changes and it becomes higher until it reaches its boiling point
where, even of the heat increases, the temperature stays stable. On the other hand, when the
temperature lowers, the water starts to cool so that the temperature changes and becomes lower, too,
until it reaches its freezing point where the temperature remains constant again.

50. Which of the following instruments can be utilized for culturing microorganisms?
The correct answer is: Petri dish A petri dish is a very shallow, cylindrical, transparent glass or plastic dish
with an overlapping cover, used for the culture of microorganisms. A scalpel is small, light, straight knife
with a very sharp blade, used by surgeons and in anatomical dissections. Forceps are tongs or pincers for
grasping, compressing and pulling used especially by surgeons and dentists. A microscope is an instrument
consisting essentially of a lens or combination of lenses, for making very small objects, as microorganisms,
look larger so that they can be seen and studied.

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