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1. What is the basic structural and functional unit of a living organism?

2. These groups of cells with similar structures, working together to perform shared functions.

3.Cell structure that is specialized to carry out a particular function or job.

4.Structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perform shared functions.

5. Regulates body responses (e.g., processes internal and external stimuli and sends signals
throughout the body to coordinate and execute both the voluntary and involuntary processes that
maintain homeostasis.

6. Regulates level of carbon dioxide in the blood (e.g., a high concentration of carbon dioxide
triggers faster breathing).

7. Regulates body temperature (e.g., an increase in body temperature causes blood vessels near the
skin surface to dilate and release heat).

8. Regulates level of water in the blood (e.g., a low level of water in the blood triggers retention of
water by the kidneys.

9. What advantage would animals that reproduce sexually have over animals that reproduce
asexually when there is a change in environmental conditions? Animals that employ sexual
A. restricts the spread of harmful features
B. decreases the species variation
C. produces offspring that are identical to parents
D. allows species to adapt to new conditions

10. Which two human body systems work closely together to distribute nutrients from food throughout
the body?
a. muscular & skeletal
b. circulatory & respiratory
c. digestive & circulatory
d. skeletal & respiratory

11. These two body systems work together to allow a person to move, talk, and run.
a. integumentary & lymphatic
b. digestive & excretory
c. endocrine & reproductive
d. skeletal & muscular

12-13. Study and analyze the diagram

12. What two body systems are interacting in the diagram shown above?

13. What process is illustrated in the diagram?

a. Photosynthesis c. digestion
b. gas exchange d. metabolism
14. The largest human body organ which regulates temperature and serves as a barrier against
harmful microorganisms belongs to the –

15. When a person’s body needs food, the brain helps maintain homeostasis by sending signals that
make the person.

16. Ovaries produce and secrete hormones in addition to eggs. To what human body systems to
ovaries belong?

17. Lou Gehrig’s disease disrupts the function of motor neurons (nerve cells) that control the
movement of the limbs and other body parts. Which body system is most likely to be directly
affected by this disease?

18. Arteriosclerosis is a disease which clogs arteries in the human body. In arteriosclerosis, artery walls
become thick. Fatty deposits build up on inner walls of arteries. This condition reduces the ability of
arteries to perform their function. Which body system is most affected by arteriosclerosis?
a. the endocrine system
b. the digestive system
c. the circulatory system

19. What do you call the union of sperm cell and egg cell?

20. What type of reproduction does not need two parents to produce an individual?

21. It is a type of asexual reproduction wherein two individuals will form as the parent divides in half.

22. Which of the following animals fertilize the eggs outside the female reproductive tract?

23. Which of the following characteristics does not describe ovoviviparity?

A. eggs complete their development within the mother
B. eggs receive their nourishment through its yolk
C. the eggs are fertilized internally
D. eggs receive their nourishment through placenta

24. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A. planaria – fragmentation
B. corals – fission
C. hydra – budding
D. frogs – external fertilization

25. All the following animals reproduce asexually except

A. frogs
B. corals
C. starfish
D. flatworms

26. Most mammals reproduce the same way except for monotremes (echidnas and platypus). This is
because monotremes,
A. give birth to young
B. reproduce asexually
C. lay eggs
D. fertilize eggs externally

27. While walking at your favorite beach, you have noticed an organism. From time to time, one of its
appendages detach and gradually grow into a whole new organism, like the first. This is an example
A. fission
B. budding
C. fragmentation
D. internal fertilization

28. What is the process by which the sun's energy is trapped as the source of energy and is converted
into chemical energy?

29. Which of the following refers to the process by which changes occur in the characteristics of
species of organisms over time?

30. Which refers to the maintenance of internal conditions of an organism within a certain range?

31. Which of the following sequences is likely to be observed in an elephant, going from smallest to

32. Which of the following does not follow the principle of form follows function?
A. The thick and heavy bones of birds allow them to stay longer in the air.
B. The fins of a fish help it to propel itself through the water.
C. The beaver’s spoon-shaped tail helps them in swimming and is also used as a defense mechanism.
D. The biconcave shape of red blood cells provides greater surface area which allow both red blood
cells and oxygen to exchange through the capillaries which are smaller in diameter than the red
blood cells.

33. Which statement is not true about living organisms?

A. Living things are made up of cells.
B. Living things adapt and evolve to survive.
C. Living things have different parts that depend on the
structure and form for their functions.
D. Living things are made of organic elements only.

34. Which of the following is not an example of homeostasis?

A. Sweating cools the body down when temperature rises.
B. Energy is captured by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy.
C. If there is too much glucose in the blood, insulin converts some of it to glycogen.
D. Your body shivers when you are hot.

35. Which is true about the extinction of a species?

A. It can be caused by a natural phenomenon.
B. It is caused by humans only.
C. It is never affected by human activities.
D. It has a progressive impact on biodiversity.

Statement: Some members of a species have a genetic change that causes them to survive in their
environment. They have survived to reproduce and pass these genetic changes to their offspring.

36. What best explains this situation?

A. All living organisms are made up of cells.
B. Living things evolve through time.
C. Living things interact with their environment to survive.
D. Different organisms must maintain different internal conditions.

Statement: Over a year, the population of Bengal tigers in India decreased by half of its original size.

37. Which statement below best explains this change in the Bengal tiger’s population?
A. presence of rich habitat and sustainability in food sources
B. poaching due to the increasing demand for traditional Asian medicines
C. gradual change in climate and other environmental factors
D. increase in the number of preys in the area

38. When did the early forms of life exist?

39. Where is the first form of life seen?


40. Which of the following is the first photosynthetic organism to form?

41. Which is not true about the prokaryotes?

A. They are simple in structure, small, and unicellular.
B. They do not have nucleus.
C. They survive in extreme conditions.
D. They are not capable of making their own food.

42. Which of the following processes brought changes in the early atmosphere?
A. earthquake
B. extreme condition
C. photosynthesis
D. volcanic eruption

43. The following are multicellular organisms first evolved from colonial aggregates except:
A. fungi
B. protozoans
C. sponges
D. mollusks

44. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Photosynthetic organisms decreased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
B. Organisms change over time because of adaptation for survival.
C. Multicellular organisms evolved from unicellular eukaryotes.
D. The earliest forms of life were the prokaryotes.

45. All the following statements are true about the evolution of
multicellular organisms except:
A. They are formed from multicellular colonial aggregates through cell specialization.
B. They are believed to have evolved from single-celled prokaryotes.
C. The process of continuous specialization brought more complex organisms.
D. The single-celled organisms that formed multicellular aggregates were like the cells of algae.

46. Why do you think the emergence of plants and animals came later than simple living organisms?
A. They are too big and take time to form.
B. They are the least important factor in the environment.
C. Their cell structures are more complex.
D. They contain more nucleus compared to lower forms of organisms

47. Considering the present condition of the environment, do you think living organisms are still
evolving today?
A. Yes, because humans continuously alter the environment that triggers evolution among living
organisms to survive.
B. No because the environment remains favorable to living organisms.
C. Yes because it is a natural phenomenon which we cannot stop from happening.
D. No because there is no condition outside their bodies that will trigger evolution.

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