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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


1. Which two hormones produced by the ovary contribute to the female

reproductive system's healthy function?
a. Estrogen and Androgen
b. Progesterone and Estrogen
c. Androgen and Testosterone
d. Testosterone and Progesterone

2. Which of the following best describes the role of the hormone testosterone in
the Male Reproductive System?
a. Stimulates sperm production
b. Stimulates secondary sex characteristics
c. Stimulates secretion of luteinizing hormone
d. Increases the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone

3. What do you call the chemical substances produced in the body that control
and regulate the activity of certain cells or organs?
a. Hormones
b. Tissues
c. gland
d. Cell

4. Which hormone, produced from the posterior part of the pituitary gland is
responsible for milk production in breastfeeding women?
a. Oxytocin
b. estrogen
c. progesterone
d. Testosterone

5. Which hormone stimulates secondary sex characteristics and male

behavior among males?
a. Progesterone
b. testosterone
c. estrogen
d. Oxytocin

6. What gland is responsible for the secretion of prolactin?

a. Testes
b. Ovaries
c. Mammary Gland
d. Anterior Pituitary Gland

7. How does the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) affect the male

reproductive system?
a. By starting sperm production in the testes
b. By growing hair in some areas of the body
c. By stimulating the pituitary gland to produce sperm
d. By initiating the production of the hormone testosterone

8. How does the Luteinizing hormone (LH) function in the female reproductive
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
a. LH stimulates ovulation
b. LH induces uterine lining
c. LH stimulates milk production
d. LH increases water absorption

9. What stage in the menstrual cycle is characterized by the collapse of the

uterine wall and the subsequent release of blood and tissues from the body?
a. Luteal stage
b. Follicle stage
c. Ovulation stage
d. Menstruation stage

10. On which day of the menstrual cycle is an egg released from an ovary?
a. Day 1
b. Day 9
c. Day 14
d. Day 28

11. Which hormone, produced by the ovaries, stimulates the uterus lining to
build up after menstruation?
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Luteinizing hormone
d. Follicle-stimulating hormone

12. Which hormone, released by the pituitary gland, stimulates ovulation?

a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Luteinizing hormone
d. Follicle-stimulating hormone

13. Which hormone increases in concentration after ovulation to keep the

levels of both FSH and LH low?
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Luteinizing hormone
d. Follicle-stimulating hormone

14. In the luteal phase, the uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. Assuming
that the egg cell is not fertilized by a sperm cell, what would happen to the
a. It would break and shed off.
b. It will form a new egg cell.
c. It will continue to thicken.
d. It will not be affected

15. Which of the following physical changes is experienced by women during

the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle?
a. Mood swings
b. Changes in appetite
c. Depression or sadness
d. Headaches or backaches
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
16. In the body, this only occurs in blood clotting and during the birth of a
a. homeostasis
b. negative feedback
c. positive feedback
d. positive and negative feedback

17. Which of the following body systems controls and coordinates all body
activities through electric impulses/messages between the brain, spinal cord,
and nerves?
a. nervous system
b. endocrine system
c. muscular system
d. reproductive system

18. Homeostasis is best described by which of the following statements?

a. It is a state of equilibrium that is not observed among invertebrates
b. It refers to the wildly fluctuating internal environment of an organism's
c. It is the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment and often
incorporates a form of a feedback regulation
d. It is the maintenance of a relatively stable external environment and often
incorporates a form of feedback regulation

19. Feedback mechanism is a process where the level of one substance affects
the level of another substance. Which two substances exhibit this process?
a. Follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen
b. Insulin and follicle-stimulating hormone
c. Luteinizing hormone and glucagon
d. Estrogen and luteinizing hormone

20. In order to achieve/maintain homeostasis, the nervous and endocrine

systems should maintain a normal range of the following:
i. Amount of oxygen in the blood
ii. Amount of water in the body
iii. Hormones in the blood
iv. Secretion of milk
a. i & iv
b. ii & iii
c. iii & iv
d. ii & iv

21. As you get dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and harder to pump,
your kidneys will respond by stopping urine production, sending the water
from urine into your bloodstream to thin your blood back to the normal level.
What feedback mechanism is being described?
a. positive lifestyle
b. negative lifestyle
c. negative feedback mechanism
d. positive feedback mechanism

22. If the environment gets cold, we often shiver in order to:

a. regulate blood pressure and blood sugar level
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
b. keep body temperature the same as the external temperature
c. increase body temperature same as the internal temperature
d. decrease body temperature same as the external temperature

23. Which of the following refers to the process of copying a DNA molecule into
two identical copies?
A. Replication
B. Reverse Transcription
C. Transcription
D. Translation

24. What will be the complementary DNA strand of GAATCT during DNA

25. Which of the following events happens during transcription?

A. Amino acid sequence forms into a protein.
B. DNA nucleotide sequences are changed into amino acids.
C. RNA gets translated into DNA.
D. RNA polymerase adds RNA nucleotides to the DNA template.

26. What process makes a copy of mRNA from the DNA molecule?
A. Replication
B. Transformation
C. Transcription
D. Translation

27. Which of the following represents the flow of genetic information in the
A. DNA to Protein to RNA
B. DNA to RNA to Protein
C. Protein to DNA to RNA
D. RNA to Protein to DNA

28. What is the work of tRNA during protein synthesis?

A. Bring information from the DNA to protein.
B. Block the process of translation.
C. Deliver Amino acid to the mRNA strand.
D. Send the mRNA out in the cytoplasm.

29. A type of mutation that occurs when one DNA base is replaced by another.
It results in a change of codon in the RNA sequence.
A. point mutation
B. frameshift mutation
C. deletion
D. insertion
30. How do fossils provide evidence for evolution? Fossils are made up
A. Inorganic matter that came from organisms living in the past
B. Organic matter that came from organisms living in the past
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. Shallow molds formed by natural processes that happened in the past
D. Compressed objects formed by natural processes that happened in the past

31. How do scientists determine the age of fossils through relative dating?
A. Studying different layers of rock where the oldest fossils are located in the
deepest layers
B. The study of various rock layers in which the oldest fossils are located in the
newest layers
C. Study of various rock layers in which the oldest fossils are in the
D. The study of various rock layers where the oldest fossils have to be
confirmedby other tests, regardless of the location of the rock layer.

32. What is the difference between fossils formed by compression and

A. Fossils made by compression have more organic matter, while fossils made
by impression has little or none of it.
B. Pressure fossils have little to no organic matter, whereas impression-made
fossils are full of it.
C. Compression-made fossils are characterized by shallow molds, while
impression-made fossils are compact with the matter.
D. Compression-made fossils are less common than impression-made

33. How do scientists determine the age of fossils by radioactive dating? It is

determined by the time it takes for ___________
A. all the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
B. half of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
C. a quarter of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
D. three-quarters of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive

34. How would you differentiate divergent and convergent evolution?

A. Divergent evolution results in the formation of homologous structures while
convergent evolution results in the formation of analogous structures.
B. Divergent evolution results in the formation of analogous structures while
convergent evolution results in the formation of homologous structures.
C. In species that are exposed to the same environment, divergent and
convergent evolution occurs.
D. Occurrence of divergent and convergent evolution will depend mainly on the
strength of the species.

35. Why are analogous structures among organisms similar in function despite
the difference in origin?
A. Adapted to similar environmental pressures
B. Adapted to different environmental pressures
C. Due to similar diets
D. Due to the same embryological development

36. The formation of homologous structures is best explained by which of the

following statements?
A. Groups from the same species adapt to different environments resulting to
the formation of similar underlying structures but with different functions.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B. Groups from the same species adapt to different environments resulting to
the formation of similar underlying structures with the same functions.
C. Species with different ancestors adapt to different environments forming
structures with similar functions.
D. Species with different ancestors adapt to the same environment forming
structures with similar functions.

37. Which of the following statements best explains the theory of natural
A. Organisms developed the necessary characteristics just to survive and to
adapt to the environment.
B. Body structures that are not utilized will disappear while those that are
often used will further develop
C. Only those organisms that are most adapted to their environment will
survive and will be able to pass their genes to the next generation
D. Organisms acquired characteristics that can be inherited by their offspring

38. Georges Curvier believed that the emergence and destruction of species
happened because of catastrophic events, and after that, new species evolved.
Which theory was described?
A. Catastrophism C. Use and Disuse
B. Natural Selection D. Acquired Characteristics

39. How does the Use and Disuse theory help explain evolution?
A. The stronger organisms are going to survive and be able to reproduce.
B. Mutation helps organisms become fitter, stronger, and live longer than
C. The acquired characteristics of our ancestors were passed on to the next
D. The parts of an organism that the organism uses most will become larger
and more developed.

40. Which of the following is associated with non-random mating that leads to
A. The mechanisms for evolutionary change
B. Gives rise to new individuals with the most adaptive traits
C. Organisms interbreed with another organism with the same characteristics.
D. Organism mating with an organism of different traits disturbs the
equilibrium distribution of the genotype in a population.

41. Which of the following describes evolution?

A. When there is a change in the characteristics and adaptive traits of
the organism from one generation to another
B. When there are differences in the characteristics of an organism from other
C. Natural catastrophe causes the disappearance of an organism
D. It happens because we were able to inherit the good traits from our

42. The Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics hypothesized that it

was possible to pass on the acquired characteristics of parents to the next
generation. Who was the proponent of this theory?
A. Thomas Malthus C. Jean – Baptiste de Lamarck
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B. Georges Curvier D. Charles Darwin

43. Which of the following best describes gene flow as a mechanism of

A. The survival rate of a new organism in an area among existing organisms
B. When two different races produce an offspring of intermediate appearance
C. The passing of genes from one generation to another
D. Organisms that are suited to the environment survived

44. Which of the following causes a decreasing wildlife population in most of

the places in our country?
A. Loss of habitat
B. Loss of limiting factor
C. Loss of carrying capacity
D. Loss of natural disturbances

45. Davao is known for its wide variety of fruits and other plant species that
makes it really attractive to tourists. Which of the following classification of
biodiversity value is described?
A. Indirect economic value
B. Direct economic value
C. Ethical/ cultural
D. Both A and C

46. Lino breeds white mice in a cage. After a few generations, the breeder
observes that the white mice are more aggressive towards each other, the
young are less healthy, and more young white mice die. What do you think will
happen to the population of white mice?
A. The population will remain the same.
B. The population is not affected.
C. The population will decrease.
D. The population will increase.

47. Cocolisap infestation outbreak has been declared in some parts of the
Philippines. The cocolisap feeds on the sap of the coconut tree and injects toxic
enzymes, resulting in
discolored leaves and deformed plant tissues that retard its growth of coconut
tree. This, results in a decrease of the survival rate of coconut trees. Which of
the following factors limits the population of coconut trees?
A. Predation
B. Emigration
C. Diseases and parasites
D. Competition for resources

48. What is adaptation? It is a physical or behavioral characteristic that helps

A. a plant grow
B. a living thing survive
C. a living thing walk
D. plant and animals to reproduce

49. If the number of births in a population is the same as the number of deaths
in a population, what will happen to the growth of the population?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A. It will increase.
B. It will decrease.
C. It will stay the same.
D. It will fluctuate.

50. Why would advances in medicine lead to population growth?

A. Treatment of deadly diseases allows people to live longer
B. People are unable to have babies without medical help
C. Babies do not grow if they don't take their medicines
D. Drugs allow mothers to have multiple births, like octuplets

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