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OCTOBER 16,2021
Year /Section

TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Situation A: A Clinical Instructor is conducting lecture on the functions of the
Reproductive System. She asked one of her students in BSN 2-4 to describe the
Follicle Stimulating hormone and Luteinizing hormones.
1. The most accurate response would be;
a. FSH and LH are released by the Anterior Pituitary gland
b. FSH and LH are secreted by the Corpus Luteum
c. FSH and LH are produced by the adrenal glands
d. FSH and LH stimulates the production of milk.
2. A student asked regarding the sign of virginity is an “intact hymen”. What is
the most likely response;?
a. “Evidence of bleeding with a first sexual encounter indicates virginity”.
b. “ No, this is a common myth. The hymen maybe torn during exercise
and the use of tampon.”
c. “ Yes, intact hymen isn’t seen in sexually active and parous women. ”
d. “ Why are you asking that? Are you sexually active ?”
3. In the male, a primary reason for the scrotal sac to be descended is to:
a. Rapidly squeeze the sperm from the storage site into the urethra.
b. Release an alkaline fluid that helps provide an environment favorable
for sperm motility and metabolism.
c. Promote sexual arousal during coitus.
d. Maintain a temperature lower than the body to ensure
4. Bartholin’s glands in the female are homologous to what structure in male?
a. Bulbourethral glands c. Vas deferens
b. Prostate gland d. Scrotum
5. The organ responsible for the initiation of puberty is:
a. Central Nervous system c. Thyroid gland
b. Adrenal glands d. Pituitary gland
Situation B: The secondary sexual characteristics occur in the Adolescence
6. A second year student of BSN asked the Clinical Instructor about puberty
Which of the following response s most accurate?
a. Puberty begins an boys at the same age in girls
b. Puberty occurs in girls about 2 years earlier than boys
c. Not all boys and girls go through puberty
d. Puberty is the same as adolescence
7. Pubertal changes occurs at which age at an average
a. 10 years old c. 12 years old
b. 15 years old d. 18 years old
8. The first sign of Puberty in female is;
a. Telarche c. Menarche
b. Adrenarche d. Anarche
9. The Tanner developmental Tool is used to determine the stage of sexual
development. Among the criteria include the different stages of Axillary and
Pubic hair development. Which of the following describes Sexual Maturation
Rating 4?
a. Pre puberty
b. Soft, straight, short, light colored, smooth located above symphysis
c. Coarse, curly, rough, long, dark pigmented, and distributed over the
symphysis pubis , labia majora
d. Coarser, curlier, longer, dark pigmented, and distributed over the
symphysis pubis , labia majora, and portion of inner thigh
10.When describing the menstrual cycle to the students , she explained that the
cyclic activities of the ovaries and uterine endometrium are regulated by:
a. Cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus
b. Hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland
c. Cerebellum and posterior pituitary gland
d. Medulla oblongata and thyroid gland
11. When describing the menstrual cycle, the CI explains that the highest level
of estrogen occurs in which stage?
a. Menstrual c. Proliferative
b. Secretory d. Follicular
12.The uterine layer that sloughs off during menstruation is the:
a. Myometrium c. Perimetrium
b. Endometrium d. Decidua
13.The rupture of the ovarian follicle and release of the mature ovum probably
occurred on which day of the menstrual cycle?
a. 1st day of the cycle c. 14th day of the cycle
b. 23rd day of the cycle d. 7th day of the cycle
14.In a 30 day menstrual cycle, Ovulation usually occurs on;
a. Day 7 c. Day 14
b. Day 20 d. Day 16
15.How many chromosomes does the mature ovum has?
a. 46 c. 23
b. 34 d. 92
16.Of the total number of chromosomes found n the human sperm, one is
a. An X chromosome c. either X or Y
b. A Y chromosome d. a Y chromosome
17.At which of the following point is the serum estrogen lowest?
a. 3rd day c. 13th day
b. 8th day d. 23rd day
18.The hormone which stimulates the production of another hormone
Progesterone during the latter half of the menstrual cycle is;
a. Growth hormone c. FSH
b. LH d. LHRF
19.If conception fails to occur, menstruation takes place about 2 weeks after
ovulation as a result of;
a. Enhanced secretion of Estrogen
b. Inhibition of Follicle Stimulating Hormone
c. Stimulation of Luteinizing hormone
d. Decrease in Estrogen and Progesterone
20.During the latter half of the menstrual cycle, Progesterone is secreted by;
a. Posterior pituitary gland c. Ovarian follicle
b. Graafian follicle d. Corpus luteum
21.A woman had her Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
Last May 15 to 22, 2021. Her usual cycle is 29 days. Her expected date of
next ovulation and Menstruation are;
a. May 28 & June 12 c. May 29 & June 13
b. May 30 & June 14 d. May 31 & June 15
22.Based on the above situation (#19) her menstrual period is;
a. Normal c. Menorrhagia
b. Metrorrhagia d. Menorrhea
23.Which of the following hormones causes the Spinnbarkeit phenomenon and
fern like pattern?
a. Human Placental Lactogen c. Glycogen
b. Estrogen d. Progesterone
24.After ovulation, the effect of Progesterone to the body temperature of a
woman is;
a. Decrease c. Increase
b. No effect d. Stable
25.In a discussion about Sexual response of both male and female, which
statement is correct?
a. Male and female sexual responses are the same
b. Women experience orgasm with wider ranges of intensity and
duration than do men
c. Men and Women have three basic response
d. Men experience orgasm with wider ranges of intensity and duration
than do women
Situation C: A Clinical instructor is discussing the concept of pregnancy to Level
2 students.
26.Antepartum refers to:
a. From time of ovulation to implantation
b. From fertilization up until age of viability
c. From fertilization until six weeks after delivery
d. From fertilization until onset of labor
27.Conception usually occurs n which part of the internal reproductive system?
a. Uterine endometrium c. Uterine isthmus
b. Tubal Ampulla d. Ovarian cortex
28.Which of the following is not true of the Zona Pellucida?
a. It is a glycoprotein matrix that protects the ovum
b. It initiates the acrosomal reaction after sperm binding has occurred
c. It releases hyaluronidase that causes a small perforation in the
acrosomal head
d. It s thee first to separate from the ovum’s membrane immediately
following fertilization
29.Implantation usually occurs in which part of the uterus?
a. Anterior fundus c. Isthmus
b. Posterior fundus d. Cervix
30.How many weeks does implantation occurs after fertilization?
a. 1 to 2 weeks c. 3 to 4 weeks
b. 2 to 3 weeks d. 5 to 6 weeks
31.The maternal serum and urine are commonly used to determine presence of
fertlization. A positive result is related to which of the following hormones?
a. Human Placental Lactogen c. Estrogen
b. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin d. Progesterone
32.The fetus is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. Which is not
true of the funis?
a. It is 55 cm long at an average
b. It carries Oxygenated and unoxygenated blood
c. It s formed from the decidua basalis and chorion
d. It contains 2 arteries and a vein
33.Also important to sustain life is the Amniotic fluid. Which of the following is
a. It equalizes pressure intra utero during labor and delivery
b. It cushions fetus against injury
c. It is a specimen to determine fetal anomalies
d. It nourishes the fetus and provides a warm environment
34.When is the best period to determine the sex of the fetus?
a. 12 weeks c. 20 weeks
b. 16 weeks d. 24 weeks
35.The fetal organ that forms and develops first is?
a. Brain c. lungs
b. Heart d. Kidneys
36.What fetal organ develops from the Mesoderm?
a. Brain c. Kidneys
b. Pancreas d. Liver
37.In explaining the development of the fetus, which is the correct
chronological order of growth?
a. Ovum, zygote,fetus,embryo
b. Ovum,zygote, embryo,fetus
c. Ovum,fetus,zygote,embryo
d. Zygote ovum,embryo,fetus
38.Placenta is the organ that sustains the life of the fetus thru nourishment and
Oxygenation. It starts to function by the end of
a. First month
b. Third month
c. Fourth month
d. Fifth month
39.Quickening is experienced by multi period of pegnancy?
a. 16th week c. 20th week
b. 24th week d.28th week
40. The nurse will auscultate the pregnant woman’s abdomen to determine the
Fetal Heart tone on what gestational age?
a. 4th week c. 12th week
b. 16th week d. 20th week
41.The correct sequence of assessment of a pregnant woman’s abdomen is;
a. Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion
b. Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation, Percussion
c. Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation
d. Inspection, Percussion, Auscultation, Palpation
42. In the fetal circulation, the highest Oxygen content s n which of the
following accessory structure?
a. Umbilical artery c. Umbilical vein
b. Ductus Venosus d. Ductus arteriosus
43.The fetal blood from the Right Atrium is forced towards the Left Atrium by
which of the following?
a. Foramen Ovale c. Ductus venosus
b. Ductus Arteriosus d. Umbilical Artery
44. The fetal weight gain is highest in which of the following period?
a. First trimester c. Second trimester
b. Third trimester d. All of the above
45.Nutritional planning for a pregnant woman will include which of the
a. A decrease of 200 cal/day
b. An increase of 300 cal/day
c. An increase of 500 cal/day
d. Maintain her present caloric intak
Situation D: Nina, a 34 year old went to the Health center for check up. Based on
the history, she had missed menses for three months. Her history revealed that
5 years ago, she delivered to a healthy twin girls at 36 weeks followed by
another delivery of a stillbirth at 38 weeks. A year ago she had Ectopic
46.Based on the above situation, Nina’s OB Score is:
a. G3-1-1-1-2
b. G4-1-2-1-2
c. G4-1-1-1-2
d. G3-1-2-0-2
47.Nina’s LMP was June 30-July 5, 2021. Using the Naegel’s rule, her EDC is
a. March 06, 2021 c. April 06, 2021
b. March 06, 2022 d. April 06,2022
48.Using the LMP as the basis, Her AOG today is
a. 16 weeks c. 16 weeks & 3 days
b. 15 weeks & 3 days d. 15-16 weeks
49.Based on #48, the Estimated fetal length is
a. 9-16 cm c. 10-12cm
b. 16-20 cm d. 20-24 cm
50.Four months from now, the Estimated Fundic height of Nina according to
DOH is;
a. 21-24 cm c. 29-30 cm
b. 25-28 cm d. 30-34 cm
51.If the FH of Nina is 32 cm unengaged, The fetal weight estimate is;
a. 3,255 grams c. 3,200 grams
b. 3,100 grams d. 3,300 grams
52.The AOG in weeks of Nina using Mc Donald’s formula with the above Fundic
height ( #51 ) is
a. 35 weeks & 3 days c. 36 weeks & 4 days
b. 34 weeks & 4days d. 36 weeks & 3 days
53.The following physiologic changes of pregnancy on the first trimester
a. aUrinary frequency c. morning sickness
b. Tingling sensation on breast d. Leg cramps
54.The breast changes in pregnancy include all except:
a. Darker areola c. Striae
b. Prominent montgomery d. palpable nodules
55.To relieve the discomfort of breast tenderness on the first trimester, the
Nurse would advise which of the following;
a. Avoid wearing brassiere
b. Wash the nipples and areola daily with soap and apply lotion
c. Wear blouses or dresses to provide support
d. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep dry
56.Which physiologic change of pregnancy is probably causing Nina’s nausea
and vomiting?
a. High level of HCG
b. Increased gastric motility
c. Reflux of acidic secretion into lower esophagus
d. Slow peristalsis
57.To relieve Nina’s morning sickness, the following are remedies, except;
a. Eat small but frequent meals
b. Eat a dry Carbohydrate diet like plain toast
c. Eat high protein meal during supper
d. Eat buttered toast and drink iced tea in breakfast
58.During Nina’s subsequent prenatal visits she complained of Heartburn.
Which of the following practices of Nina would cause her to experience this
a. I’m still taking my antacid as prescribed
b. I always bend at my waist or le down in my left side
c. I’m now baking or broiling meats instead of frying them
d. I’m drinking skim milk or non fat milk between meals
59.Nina asked the Nurse about her frequent urination. The best response
would be :
a. Decreased activity during pregnancy
b. Increased weight gain
c. Hypermotlity of the urinary bladder
d. Pressure exerted by the growing uterus iin the bladder
60.You would include in your health teaching that adequate nutrition is
important for optimal fetal growth and development which of the following
would be an ideal meal for Nina?
a. Ham sandwich, fried potatoes, strawberry sundae, and a glass of mlk
b. Beef steak, carrots, bottle of cola
c. Chicken, green vegetable salad, ripe mango, glass of milk
d. Pork adobo, sauteed vegetables, leche flan, bottle of cola
61.As Nina’s pregnancy progresses on the second trimester, she complain that
she s experiencing constipation. Which of the following would be the most
appropriate intervention?
a. Regular use of stool softener
b. Avoiding excessive weight gain
c. Increased bulk and fluid in the diet
d. Have infrequent exercise
62.Nina asked what type of exercises are allowed during pregnancy. What is the
best response?
a. Brisk walking for 30 minutes
b. Swimming
c. Low weight gymnastics
d. Mellow ball room dancing
63.Which change in the cardiovascular system s not expected during
a. Increased cardiac output
b. Increased blood pressure
c. Displacement of the heart to the left
d. Increased of 10 beats per minute
64.The Nurse will advise Nina to come for her prenatal visit. How often should
Nina visit her OB?
a. Every 2 weeks for th first 28 weeks then every week
b. Every 4 weeks until 30 weeks, every 3 weeks until 36 week then
c. Every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then
d. Every 4 weeks until 24 weeks then every 2 weeks
65.The vaginal secretion during pregnancy is thick together with a change in the
vaginal ph. What is prevented when there is increased acidity in Ph during
a. Sexually transmitted diseases
b. Bacterial invasion
c. Yeast infection
d. Leukorrhea
66.There is increased blood volume during pregnancy which peaks in the
middle and third trimester, this may bring about he following effects,
a. Hemodilution c. Hemoconcentration
b. Hypotension d. Physiologic murmur
67.Anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy is defined as hemoglobin less
a. 10g/dl c. 11g/dl
b. 12g/dl d. 13g/dl
68.Pregnancy affects the client blood picture. What is the normal leucocyte
count of the pregnant client?
a. It remains the same all throughout during pregnancy
b. It will increase markedly during labor and postpartum
c. It will increase only when there is an infection
d. It will drop remarkably
69.What is the common endocrine response during pregnancy?
a. Decrease cortisol level
b. Decreased production of prolactin
c. Increased plasma parathyroid hormone
d. Increased production of insulin.
70.The posture of the pregnant woman on the third trimester brings about
what discomfort?
a. Leg cramps c. lordosis
b. Backache d. waddling gait
71.Which of the following signs of pregnancy will indicate the need for
immediate treatment;
a. Epistaxis c. leukorrhea
b. Facial edema d. varicosities
72.To manage Varcosities in pregnancy, thhe Nurse best advise would be;
a. Raise the legs when on upright position
b. Lay flat for most hours of the day
c. Use garterized clothing
d. Apply support hose stockings before arising from bed
73.The expected weight gain of Nina on the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is
a. 1lb/month c. 2lbs/month
b. 1lb/week d. 2lbs/week
74.Which signs of pregnancy is caused by increase Progesterone except?
a. Braxton Hicks c. Goodle’s sign
b. Ladin’s sign d. Leukorrhea
75.The following are probable signs of pregnancy Except
a. Chadwick’s sign c. Ballotement
b. + pregnancy test d. Mc Donald’s sign
76.Which of the following is not a presumptive sign of pregnancy?
a. Amenorrhea c. Melasma
b. Linea nigra d. Jacquemer’s sign
77.Of the following, which is the most reliable positive sign of pregnancy?
a. Funic souffle c. Fetal skeleton
b. Palpable fetal parts d. fetal movement
78.The fetus normally moves per hour at
a. 2 -4/hour c. 5-8/ hour
b. 3-6/hour d. 8-10/ hour
79.Of the following criteria, the factor that would put Nina in high risk category
a. Her age c. Her OB score
b. Discomforts d. Her work
80.Nina complains of feeling dizzy and lightheaded while her fundic height s
being taken. The immediate management is to:
a. Assess Nina’s BP
b. Instruct Nina to breathe in a paper bag
c. Raise Nina’s legs
d. Assist Nina to turn to left side
81.Nina is experiencing backache. Among the relief measures which one is
most effective;
a. Teach Nina on how to perform Pelvic tilt exercise
b. Instruct Nina to wear girdle
c. Apply warm compress
d. Apply pressure at the buttocks
82.Nina and her husband decided to attend Childbirth classes. Of the following,
which one postulated the “Natural Childbirth approach”
a. Lamaze c. Bradley
b. Dick Read d. Leboyer
83.In Leboyer approach, the following are considered except:
a. Delivery is done in a tub of H2O
b. The environment is quiet
c. The cord is clamped and cut by the Husband after placental pulsation
has stopped
d. The husband provides the coaching
84.The Lamaze method of Childbirth teaches the couple on the proper
breathing during labor. It utlizes;
1. Chest breathing
2. Abdominal breathing
3. Combination of the two
4. Either of the two
85.Leopolds maneuver is done in which point of pregnancy;
a. 24 weeks c. 28 weeks
b. 32 weeks d. 36 weeks
86.In what maneuver is the Fetal presentation determined?
a. First maneuver c. Third maneuver
b. Second Maneuver d. Fourth Maneuver
87.It is the fetal part that enters the pelvic inlet first;
a. Position c. Lie
b. Presentation d. Attitude
88.The most favorable presentation is;
a. Cephalic c. Vertex
b. Face d. Brow
89.The following are psychological adaptations of a pregnant woman on the
second trimester except;
a. Acceptance of pregnancy
b. Introjection
c. Evaluates relationship with relatives
d. Fear
90.Using Leopold’s maneuver to determine fetal position, the nurse finds the
fetus in vertex presentation with the back on the left side. Which part in the
abdomen is best to listen for the FHT?
a. Right upper quadrant
b. left upper quadrant
c. Right lower quadrant
d. Left lower quadrant
91.The following are danger signs of pregnancy Except
a. Vaginal bleeding
b. Severe abdominal pain
c. Excessive vomiting
d. Ankle edema
92.To determine the presence of glucose in the urine, a Benedicts test is done.
The amount of Benedict’s solution to be added in the urine is;
a. 8-10 drops of urine: itsp of Benedict solution
b. 5-6 drops of urine : ½ tsp of Benedict solution
c. 1 tsp of urine: 5-6 drops of Benedict solution
d. ½ tsp of urine: 8-10 drops of Benedict solution
93. Plus 4 sugar in the urine will yield which of the following colors?
a. Blue c. Green
b. Orange d. Brick red
94.Nina is now preparing for Labor and delivery. Of the following, which Theory
is most acceptable in Labor;
a. Oxytocin theory
b. Prostaglandin theory
c. Feta hormone theory
d. Theory of Aging Placenta
95.Which of the following is the most reliable sign of Labor?
a. Uterine contractions
b. Passage of show
c. Cervical Dilatation
d. Location of pain

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