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1. The effect of music in movies.

2. The best season.

3. Pets are just as good as friends.
4. The most important words in any language.
5. The homes of the future.
6. The responsibility of human beings to other kind of life on earth.
7. A monkey as a pet.
8. The best instrument to learn.
9. Pop music proves its superior quality by popularity.
10. Fur (or animal skin ) as fashion.
11. The one thing no one can live without.
12. Things I would bring on a slop trip to outer space.
13. Selfies as self-expression.
14. The ways the city is different from the country.
15. The existence or non-existence of alien life in the universe.
16. How to handle a difficult person.
17. The treatment provided by nurses as opposed to doctors.
18. The number of school days in a week.
19. The most dangerous animals.
20. The appeal of horror movies.
21. Superstitious are useful.
22. Stealing is always wrong, in every circumstance.
23. Video games are good for the brain.
24. A compromise between two people is always the fairest solution.
25. My celebrity idol.
26. My imaginary friend.
27. Choosing is harder than being told what to do.
28. How to stop people texting and driving.
29. Trains should replace all other forms of transport.
30. Investing all your energy in one sport rather than many.
31. Cosmetic surgery tends to make everyone look the same.
32. News paper aren’t written for teenagers.
33. The influence of TV shows on young people.
34. How to show respect when visiting other countries.
35. University is essential for everyone.
36. The reason to do volunteer work.
37. Overcoming shyness.
38. Phone photography can be art.
39. Beauty contest are arbitrary.
40. Reality TV shoes create unreal situations.
41. Science is a religion.
42. Internet dating is worth the risks.
43. Minimum wage for young people.
44. Piercings are temporary.
45. Illegally downloading films music is normal.
46. It is best to have at least one parent at home.
47. Smoking in public places.
48. The benefits of adoption.
49. E-books are just as good as books.
50. One person against global warming.
51. Cloning human beings is different from cloning animals.
52. Where you hope to live one day.
53. Separate girls and boys sports teams competition.
54. Classic literature is outdated.
55. Compulsory voting.
56. The best day of your life.
57. Snacks in the classroom.
58. The thing you most about.
59. Your dream house.
60. Money is connected to happiness.
61. Lying isn’t always wrong.
62. Your dream plant that only you could own.
63. Exams give no real indication of intelligence and aptitude.
64. One thing you wish you could learn in school.
65. Parents choosing the gender of their child.
66. The research effects of boarding school on children.
67. The perfect crime.
68. Your dream school uniform.
69. A career should come before marriage.
70. The use of animals in medical research.

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