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Biography Text

Tujuan biography text adalah menginformasikan dan menceritakan kembali

kejadian dan prestasi masa lalu dalam kehidupan seseorang.

Generic Structure Biography Text

Sebuah biography text terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1: orientasi
Ini memberi pembaca informasi latar belakang mengapa orang ini harus memiliki
biografi yang ditulis. Paragraf pembuka harus menjawab pertanyaan: siapa, apa,
dimana, kapan, dan bagaimana caranya.

2: series
Ini menyajikan serangkaian kejadian, biasanya diceritakan secara kronologis. Disini
penulis bisa merujuk pada waktu tertentu.

3: reorientasi
Ini terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan dengan komentar tentang kontribusi yang telah dibuat
orang ini atau ringkasan dan evaluasi pencapaian orang tersebut.

Ciri Kebahasaan Biography Text

a) Sebuah biography text menggunakan nama spesifik orang-orang yang terlibat

dalam biografi.
b) Hal ini terutama ditulis dalam bentuk lampau sederhana (paragraf terakhir juga
bisa mencakup present tense)
c) Sebuah biography text juga menggunakan kata yang berhubungan dengan waktu.
d) Catatan biografi menggambarkan kejadian, jadi menggunakan banyak action

1. Biography Text Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison
Inventor Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas
Edison was the youngest of seven children of Samuel and Nancy Edison. His father
was an exiled political activist from Canada, while his mother was an accomplished
school teacher and a major influence in Thomas’ early life.
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, his inventions included the
telegraph, the universal stock ticker, the phonograph, the first commercially practical
incandescent electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries and the Kinetograph (a
camera for motion pictures).
During his lifetime, Edison received 1,093 U.S. patents and filed an additional 500 to
600 that were unsuccessful or abandoned. He executed his first patent for his
Electrographic Vote-Recorder on October 13, 1868, at the age of 21. His last patent
was for an apparatus for holding objects during the electroplating process.
While Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the first light bulb, he came up with the
technology that helped bring it to the masses. Edison was driven to perfect a
commercially practical, efficient incandescent light bulb following English inventor
Humphry Davy’s invention of the first early electric arc lamp in the early 1800s.
Thomas Edison died of complications of diabetes on October 18, 1931, in his home,
“Glenmont,” in West Orange, New Jersey. He was 84 years old. By the time he died
he was one of the most well-known and respected Americans in the world.Many
communities and corporations throughout the world dimmed their lights or briefly
turned off their electrical power to commemorate his passing.

2. Biography Text Ki Hadjar Dewantoro

Ki Hadjar Dewantoro
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, was born on born May 2, 1889, at Yogyakarta. He come from
a noble family of Yogyakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but
failed to complete the course.
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, an
influential and widespread network of schools that encouraged modernization but
also promoted indigenous Indonesian culture. He felt that education was the best
means to strengthen Indonesians.
The first Taman Siswa schools were established in Java in July 1922. Instruction,
carried on informally, emphasized traditional skills and values of Javanese life,
particularly music and dance. Western subjects were taught, too, in order to help
students cope with the demands of modern life. Based on traditional Javanese
concepts, the Taman Siswa schools appealed primarily to those segments of
Indonesian society termed abangan, in which the Islamic faith is less deeply
Ki Hadjar Dewantorodied on April 26, 1959, at. Yogyakarta. Upon his death he was
acclaimed a national hero.

3. Biography Text B J Habibie

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 in the sleepy seaside town of
Pare Pare in the Indonesian state of South Sulawesi. The fourth of eight children, he
was nicknamed “Rudy” at an early age. His father, Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie, was a
government agricultural official who promoted the cultivation of cloves and peanuts.
His grandfather was a Muslim leader and an affluent landowner.
As a child Habibie liked swimming, reading, singing, riding his father’s racehorses,
and building model airplanes. Habibie’s interest in building model planes continued
while he excelled in science and mathematics at the Bandung Institute of
Technology. His mother, R.A. Tuti Marini Habibie, arranged for him to continue his
studies in Germany. At the Technische Hochschule of Aachen, Habibie studied
aircraft construction engineering.
In 1962, on a visit home to Indonesia, he married H. Hasri Ainun Besari, a doctor.
After graduating with a doctoral degree from the Aachen Institute in 1965, Habibie
joined the aircraft manufacturing firm Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Bluhm, rising to the
rank of vice-president. As a research scientist and aeronautical engineer, he helped
design several planes, including the DO-31, an innovative vertical takeoff and
landing craft.
In 1974, President Suharto asked Habibie to return to Indonesia to help establish an
industrial base. As minister of research and technology, Habibie promoted the
importation of high-tech goods and services.
In March 1998, President Suharto installed Habibie as vice-president. In May 1998
He became a President. He is a president only for short time. For Indonesian people,
Habibie is known as the genius man who build the plane.

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