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Importance of biomaterials for advanced therapy - Sang Won Han, Paulista School of Medicine, UNIFESP, Brazil

Development of polymeric biomaterials for skin and chondral lesion treatments - Angela Maria Moraes, School
of Chemical Engineering, UNICAMP, Brazil

Innovative approaches to engineering personalized neural tissues - Stephanie Willerth, School of Engineering,
University of Victoria, Canada

Nano and biomaterials synthesis via microfluidic techniques - Lucimara Graziola de La Torre, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering, UNICAMP, Brazil

Inflammation and toxicity of biomaterial used in advanced therapies - Ivan Hong Jung Koh, Paulista School of
Medicine, UNIFESP, Brazil

Dia 13 de agosto de 2019, das 14h00 às 18h00

Anfiteatro Lemos Torres - Rua Botucatu, 720
Campus São Paulo, UNIFESP

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