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Group 7

CSR Pyramid

Leader: Mariel Castillo

Members: Rosemarie Garcia
Aira Sanchez
Joel Mamaril
Kent Barry Pangan
Carroll's CSR Pyramid is a simple framework that helps argue how and why organizations
should meet their social responsibilities.

Carroll (1991) organized different corporate social responsibilities as a four layered

pyramid model and called it the pyramid of responsibilities.

The Pyramid's importance persists given its simplistic yet fundamental framework by which
any company can not only comprehend the necessary principles of social responsibility, but
ultimately set forth the practices to achieve each step of the pyramid with the ultimate goal of
reaching the top.

The four responsibilities displayed on the pyramid are:


 This is the responsibility of business to be profitable.

 Only way to survive and benefit society on long-term.


 In these responsibilities companies are expected to obey the law, because the law
mirrors show the society regards as accepted or unaccepted.
 E.g. Employment, Competition, Health & Safety.

 This is the responsibility to act morally and ethically

 With this responsibilty, business should go beyond narrow requirements of the law.
 E.g. Treatment of suppliers & employees.


 Stand at the top of the pyramid and to be a good corporate citizen and improve the
quality of life for the society is the aim of these philanthropic responsibilities are on the
 The responsibility is discretionary, but still important.
 E.g. charitable donations, staff time on projects.

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