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4 Expectation Disconfirmation Paradigm Theory

In the year 1977-1980 Oliver proposed the Expectancy-Disconfirmation Paradigm, this theory is all
about the assessment of the costumers’ satisfaction. The model shows that when you purchase
something expectation is involve whether it is through products or services, because of that the
expectation of the consumer became the standard towards the product. Once the product or service is
received the outcome is compared to their expectations. There is a process of comparison, the first one
is confirmation, confirmation happens when your expectations meet your standards the second one is
called disconfirmation. Disconfirmation has two types which is negative and positive disconfirmation,
negative disconfirmation happens when you expect something but the outcome did not meet your
standards while the positive disconfirmation happens when your expectation was surpassed by the
received service or product.

This theory supports the present study because it states that satisfaction is gained by service
and product that they receive. Satisfaction is affiliated with expectation because expectation into
something that you wanted in a certain product and it is based on the price, variety and the portion of
the food that the customer will order. In comparing, the students will disconfirm in terms of the price
and portion of the food and the service of the staffs inside the school to the stores outside.





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