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Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Katrina Brekke

Date: March 2018
Activity: Olweus Bullying Circle
Grade(s): 3rd
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):
Mindset 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment
Behavior: Social Skills
2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
8. Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with Competency):

1. Students will be able to explain the Olweus definition and expectations of “bullying”.
2. Students will be able to identify two-three different “roles people play” in any given
3. Students will be able to identify the “role they play” when someone is being
4. Students will be able to demonstrate and state two-three respectful opinions and
thoughts they would use to stand up for others.
5. Students will be able to describe something they would do when they see someone
being bullied at school.

Bullying Circle Activity by the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
Role Cards (A-H) representing a character in the Olweus Bullying Circle

1. Administer the Bullying Circle Pretest. Then review the Olweus Bullying Definition
and Expectations. Also, take the time to discuss the meaning of a “bystander” before we going on.
2. Refer to the Bullying Circle diagram, to make sure the room is set up correctly for
this activity. 7 chairs form a half circle with one chair seated in the center, facing the
rest of the students as the audience. One chair is placed in the opening of the half circle
facing the audience and its back to the half circle of students.
3. After the room is set up, draw 8 random names from a hat ... to participate in the
activity. Assign each person a “role card” (A-H) representing a character in the Olweus
Bullying Circle. Each role card is seated alphabetically from left to right with H (person
who is bullied) seated in the center chair. Be careful not to type cast any student for
any particular role, and have an adult (teacher, student teacher, paraprofessional) sit in
the chair of the person who is bullied.
4. Ask students to read scripts on their cards to describe their character: who they are
(what role they’re playing), what they did or said in the bullying situation, and how they
feel about it.
• Start with the “Student Who is Bullied” (H). Example: “Sally, tell us who you are and
what happened?” What was this bullying experience like for you?” (Note: You might
then say something supportive like, “I’m sorry this has happened to you!”)
• Then move to the “Student Who Bullies Others” (A). Ask: “What did you do” What do
you think of Sally (the person you bullied)?”
• Continue B-G role cards ending with G.
5. After everyone reads through and acts out the script, go back to each role and
discuss how this may look in our school or in their classroom. All students will identify at
least two-three different “bystander roles” in this activity and in any given situation.
6. Then have all of the audience come up and stand behind the chair/role they most
often do in “real life”. When we first started doing this activity four years ago, most of
our students stood behind chair (E – Watch what happens and don’t take a stand) and
(F – Dislike the bullying and think they ought to help, but don’t do it). This year almost
all of the students stood behind chair (G – Help or try to help the student who is being
mistreated). Students describe and demonstrate how to stand up for others. At this
time students brainstorm, practice and demonstrate how to respectfully state their
opinions and thoughts they would use to stand up for others. Also, students practice
and describe what they would do if they see someone being bullied at school.
7. This is a great time to have the discussion about how our attitudes have shifted over
the past few years by having the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in our school. Our
students are feeling more empowered to join the Defenders (G) and get involved when
other students are being mistreated.
8. Invite all of the students to sit in a circle and have a small group discussion. Write
questions on chart paper for them to refer to.
• In some classrooms a few students may stand behind the (H) student bullied chair. If
they stand behind this chair they are usually comfortable talking about it with the whole
class. Monitor this before having a class discussion on how they feel. By this time in the
class activity, the class is usually willing to rally behind the student and see how they can
help them. (Counselor and teacher will follow-up with student(s)
• Review the definition of bullying.
• What are some trends or “hot spots” In our school where students are bullied?
• What keeps more students from being defenders?
• What are the characteristics of defenders?
• How do the adults in our school respond to students in roles of A, B, C, D, E, F?
• Who can they talk to (trusted adult) at home or school about their concerns.
9. This activity is highly interactive and engages ALL of the students! Before ending
the lesson, double check with students to make sure they have two-three different
statements they could use and know what they would do to help someone being bullied
at school. If anyone needs more support, invite students to a meeting in my office to
further practice these skills. Offer applause and compliments to the entire class for
encouraging and supporting one another.
10. Administer the Bullying Circle Post Test and have a discussion about what they
believe they are now able to do, and what they may want to spend more time on in the

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data:
67 3rd graders were present for this lesson.. The length of this lesson takes forty-five to sixty
minutes, depending on the amount of discussion and demonstrations. The teachers also
participate in the lesson, and we usually plan for an hour.

Perception Data:
Administer the Bullying Pre/Post Test to all students. During the lesson 100% of the
students participated and demonstrated the skills learned. The pre/post test is
assessing student attitude, knowledge and skills in the area of definitions, expectations,
roles, and standing up to bullying.

Outcome Data:
The outcome data will be reviewed and monitored through monthly SWIS data
reports. All of the office discipline referrals will be reviewed and analyzed at the end of
the school year. The Olweus bullying survey is given in the spring of every year. This data will also
evaluated to look for inconsistencies.

Follow Up:
• Identify and talk to any students who stood behind the chair “of someone who is being
bullied”. Visit with the teacher to see what she/he has observed and any discussions
the teacher has had with the student(s).
• Offer additional support and individual counseling if needed
• Contact parents
• Follow-up with any student(s) who may be doing the bullying
• Provide more opportunities to practice skills in the classroom or small groups.
• Collaborate with our PBIS/Olweus Team and our Advisory Council to evaluate the
effectiveness of our School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan

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