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If you are a student then the summertime is a very important time of year for you.

After all, you look forward to it months in advance! The thing is, however, that in
addition to having some fun you can also get ahead by making some good choices as it
pertains to your employment. The summer is a great time of year for students to learn
some new skills as well as make some money for the future. The bottom line is that this
time of year goes by quickly- you need to plan your job in advance. Doing so will
ensure that you get the most experience possible which will mean good things for your

One of the best resources that you have available is your teachers. They will be able to
make recommendations for you as well as even help you get a job at times. Take the
time to approach your teachers in the early spring to talk with them about summer
employment. They will be able to make a recommendation for you based on what your
goals are. In addition, they may know someone who is currently hiring. If they do then
you have a good chance at securing the position with their recommendation- it is
always easier to get a job if someone that is in the know puts in a good word for you.

Furthermore, you will also want to look into positions that tie in with your career goals
in mind. It is never too early to start getting experience. Even more important than that
you will be able to make connections and grow your network if you work in your desired
industry. For example, if you want to get into coaching a sport as a professional you
might want to look for employment at your local YMCA or with a local sports
organization in your town. Believe it or not, even if you just have a summer job cutting
the grass at your local colleges sports fields you will get a chance to meet the people
that are in charge of hiring coaches- the Athletic Director or even the Dean of Students.
Making these connections throughout the summer will put you in an advantageous
position a few years in the future- make sure to do good work and make a good

One thing that you may want to look into is becoming an intern with a company that is
in your desired field. This will do a few things for you. First off, it will allow you to meet
with people that have jobs in your desired field. You will again let you may connections
that you can use in the future in order to secure future employment. Getting an intern
will also give you a really detailed introduction into a particular industry. After your
internship you will have a really good idea if this is a field that you want to get into or
not- this kind of experience can be invaluable. The only downside that some internships
have is that they are either very low paying or they are unpaid. If making a large
amount of money during the summer is important to you then getting an internship
may not be something that you are able to do. However, if you can get by on a small
amount of cash then the experience you gain with an internship will be invaluable to
you in the future.

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