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We, the members of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants, realizing the need for local
organizations to serve as a medium of expression for our ideals and aspirations, to promote the
welfare and interest of accounting students to assert a dynamic responsible students leadership, to
attain a high standard of accounting education and to strengthen the common tie that binds us, do
hereby adopt and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants-Far
Eastern University Chapter, herein after referred to as Organization or FEU-JPIA.

Section 2. The domicile and principal office of this organization shall be at Room 113, Nicanor
Reyes Hall, Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance, Far Eastern University.


The following are the objectives of the organization:

Section 1. To upgrade the quality and standards of accounting.

Section 2. To work for education advancement in the field of accounting.

Section 3. To serve as instrument for gradual exposure of students to actual practice in

accounting and business life.

Section 4. To promote fellowship and brotherhood among accounting students within the campus.

Section 5. To develop civic consciousness and discipline among its members.

Section 6. To foster loyalty among the members of the organization.

Section 7. To acquaint the members with the nature and activities of the National Capital Region
Council (NCRC) and of the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants

Section 1. The members of this organization shall be students pursuing BS Accountancy (BSA)
and BSBA Major in Internal Auditing (BSBA-IA).

Section 2. Hybrid System. Members of the Institute of Internal Auditors Student Chapter of Far
Eastern University (IIASC-FEU) will automatically become member of both JPIA and IIASC-FEU
upon reaching their third year.

Section 3. Bonafide Member. To be considered as JPIA member, one must have complied with
the necessary requirements as may be sat by the incumbent Executive Committee.

Section 4. Period of Membership. The membership of this organization is for a period of one (1)
semester renewable on the succeeding semester. Indispensable with this is payment of
membership fee which is also semi-annual. Any proposed increase or decrease in the amount of
membership fee shall be:

1. Presented in a meeting of the Executive Committee prior to the first enrollment dates in
2. Justified by the Executive Committee, enumerating the reason of the said change in the
amount of the membership fee.
3. Presented to the Dean of IABF for final approval.


Section 1. The members shall have the following rights and privileges:

A. To be informed on the decided matters of the meetings called upon by the President and
other Executive Officer upon the discretion of the former.
B. To express opinions and give suggestions about their concerns with relation to the
C. To vote, to be elected, to be appointed in any official position in the JPIA provided that he
has complied with the requirements set by the Constitution and By- Laws and of the
Executive Committee.
D. To be informed of any project or activity of the organization and participate in such
E. To use facilities of the organization subject to approval of the members of the Executive
Committee provided that it is for official purposes.

Section 2. The members shall have the following duties and obligations:

A. To abide by the provision of the Constitution and other rules that may be promulgated by
the Executive Committee.
B. To pay membership fee and such amounts due to the organization for official transactions
provided that such amounts are intended for the fulfillment of the organization’s objectives.
C. To attend and participate in all activities and functions of the organization.
D. To comply with other lawful requirements set by the Executive Committee.

Section 1. The Executive Committee is composed of eighteen (18) JPIA members, all of which
were elected during the annual election, who complied with the requirements set upon by Article
VIII of this Constitution.

Section 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall serve for a period of one (1) year until
their successor shall have been duly ratified, elected and inducted. A former member of the
Executive Committee can be elected again provided that he complied with requirements set forth
in Article VIII, Section 1 of this Constitution.

Section 3. The incumbent Executive Committee shall elect the new officers of the organization.
The President and the Secretary shall serve as the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the
Committee, respectively.

Section 4. The new members of the Executive Committee, after being elected, shall have the sole
power to appoint the chairpersons of all standing committees of the organization upon the
submission of the memorandum by the President requiring the appointment to be held in the
formal way voted by majority of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. When the vacancy in the Committee occurs by reasons of incapacity, removal, or
resignation, the remaining Committee members shall designate among the qualified members of
the organization by appointment to be held in the formal way voted by the majority of the Executive

Section 6. The members of the Executive Committee shall not hold any office other than JPIA
during his tenure.

Section 7. The members of the Executive Committee shall meet within one week immediately
after the annual election and continue to hold office meetings regularly. However, special sessions
may be called upon the President.

Section 8. The general management of the affairs of the organization shall be vested upon the
Executive Committee.

Section 9. They shall consider the general principle of cooperation and maintenance of order and
discipline in the pursuit of the objectives of the organization.

Section 10. The Executive Committee has the power to set new rules and regulations by a written
resolution voted by at least 2/3 of the Committee. Such rules and regulations shall be consistent in
promoting the objectives of the organization.

Section 11. The members of the Executive Committee shall perform such other duties and
functions as inherent on the nature of their respective positions.

Section 1. The Executive Board

A. President
B. Secretary
C. Treasurer
D. Auditor
E. Vice-President for Academic Affairs
F. Vice-President for External Affairs
G. Vice-President for Internal Affairs

Section 2. The Directors

A. Academic Affairs Department

1. Director for Group Study
2. Director for Academic Development
3. Director for Lecture Series
4. Director for Internal Auditing
B. External Affairs Department
1. Director for Community Welfare
2. Director for ISAQ
C. Internal Affairs Department
1. Director for Membership
2. Director for Finance
3. Director for Communications
4. Director for Advertising
5. Director for Arts and Sports


Section 1. An officer should possess the following qualifications:

A. He must be a bonafide BSA and BSBA IA student.

B. He must be an active member of JPIA.
C. He must have a good moral character.
D. He must not have any failing grade in any CPA Board-related subject, unless
circumstances require the exemption as decided by the incumbent members of the
Executive Committee.

Section 1. The President

A. He shall be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall have the duty to
supervise its affairs.
B. He shall preside the meetings of the Executive Committee.
C. He shall have the authority to create Standing Committee(s) as may be deemed necessary.
D. He shall lead the members in carrying out the activities of the organization in attaining its
purpose and objectives and in enforcing the provision of the Constitution and By-Laws.
E. He shall have the authority to approve disbursements and receipts of funds.

Section 2. The Secretary

A. He shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the President in case of the latter’s
B. He shall have the authority over all officers and members and may prescribe duties to them
with the explicit approval of the President.
C. He shall keep all the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and shall also
give prior notice of meeting of the Executive Committee in accordance with the
D. He shall prepare the necessary documents of the organization.
E. He shall be the direct supervisor of the Writer’s Guild of the Standing Committee.
F. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Treasurer

A. He shall be the official custodian of the funds of the organization and it shall be his primary
duty to keep with the bank chosen by the members of the Executive Committee.
B. He shall be responsible for the receipt of all the fees and contribution from the members.
C. He shall prepare and submit the financial statements for internal and external users on or
before the last week of each month.
D. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Auditor

A. He shall check and countercheck that all expenditures of the organization are correct and
B. He shall vouch for correctness of all statements or receipts and expenditures of the
C. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs

A. He shall be duly responsible for all academic concerns and activities of the organization.
B. He shall set up plans and projects of his concern.
C. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 6. The Vice-President for External Affairs

A. He shall be the permanent representative and coordinator of all the activities of the FEU-
JPIA Chapter to the National Capital Region Council and the National Federation of the
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and other affiliated organizations.
B. He shall serve as the liaison officer among the JPIA local chapters.
C. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 7. The Vice-President for Internal Affairs

A. He shall be the representative of the organization to the IABF Student Council.

B. He shall be responsible for all internal activities of the organization.
C. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Academic Affairs Department Directors

A. Director for Group Study

1. He shall act as the VP-Academic Affairs in case of the latter’s absence.

2. He shall be responsible for the book borrowings and other transactions related to the
Mini-Library of JPIA.
3. He shall be in-charge with the review for the BSA Qualifying Exam examines.
4. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

B. Director for Academic Development

1. He shall be responsible for the development of the JPIA’s Finest.

2. He shall be in-charge with the eliminations, coaching and seminars as training activities
for the new and future members of the JPIA’s Finest and Wizards.
3. He shall accomplish and maintain a collection of CPA-board related test banks.
4. He shall always coordinate with the Director for Group Study in maintaining the Mini-
Library of JPIA.
5. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.
C. Director for Lecture Series

1. He shall be in-charge for various lecture series and tutorials in accounting and other
related topics.
2. He shall create projects which will improve the knowledge and skills of accounting
students to supplement with their general curriculum.
3. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

D. Director for Internal Auditing

1. He shall be responsible for the welfare of Internal Auditing students.

2. He shall create projects which will enhance the knowledge and skills of every IA
students through academic and non-academic activities.
3. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. External Affairs Department Directors

A. Director for Community Welfare

1. He shall act as the VP-External Affairs in case of the latter’s absence.

2. He shall be responsible for programs that bridge FEU-JPIA to outside community.
3. He shall be in-charge of the outreach programs that are set by him to his office to
promote the well-being of the community.
4. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

B. Director for Inter-School Accounting Quiz Bowl

1. He shall be responsible for the details and information to all Inter-School Accounting
Quiz Bowl.
2. He shall act as the liaison officer that will accompany every participant in all ISAQs.
3. He shall always coordinate with the Director for Academic Development.
4. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Internal Affairs Department Directors

A. Director for Membership

1. He shall act as the VP-Internal Affairs in case of the latter’s absence.

2. He shall facilitate the process of enrollment and collection of organization fees
concerning accounting students.
3. He shall be responsible for the issuance of membership cards of the organization.
4. He shall maintain records of the incumbent JPIA students and alumni.
5. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.
B. Director for Finance

1. He shall be responsible for the special funds of the organization.

2. He shall take charge of the fund-raising activities of the organization.
3. He shall always coordinate with the JPIA Treasurer.
4. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

C. Director for Communications

1. He shall be responsible for the intercommunication between the officers of JPIA and its
members through Class Beadles.
2. He shall maintain the JPIA Directory for both semesters of the designated school year.
3. He should organize and handle the Council of Beadles as his working committee.
4. He shall directly supervise the Project Committee of the Standing Committee.
5. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

D. Director for Advertising

1. He shall be in-charge of any kind of advertisement for JPIA duly recognized by the
organization and the Dean of IABF.
2. He shall be in-charge of the maintenance of the bulletin board as well as supervise the
Cybermaster in making Power point presentations, invitations, certificates and the like.
3. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.

E. Director for Arts and Sports.

1. He shall be responsible in all athletic, cultural and leisure activities of the organization.
2. He together with the Head of Talent Pool shall handle and take care of the Talent pool.
3. He shall perform other duties and responsibilities as are incident to his office or may be
required of him by the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Inherent with Article IX, Section 1-C and Article VI, Section 1 of the Constitution is the
Standing Committees. They are created for special purpose to be set by the members of the
Executive Committee particularly the President. They will have the same tenure of office in relation
with incumbent administration.

Section 2. Each Standing Committee, with the exception of the JPIA’s Finest should have a
Chairperson appointed with at least two thirds (2/3) votes of the members of the Executive
Committee. The following are the existing Standing Committees:

A. Project Committee- A committee of a selected group of accounting students which aims to

help the Executive Committee in carrying out projects for the members. This Committee
must coordinate with the Director for Communications.
B. Talent Pool Committee- A circle of multi-talented JPIANs who provide various skills in
entertainment whenever the organization conducts academic and non-academic activities.
This committee must coordinate with the Director for Arts and Sports.
C. Speakers’ and Writers’ Guild
Speakers’ Guild- A group of students that possess good communication skills and
reasoning ability that able them to compete in oral debates, extemporaneous speech and
the like.
Writers’ Guild- A group of students which shall form part of the JPIA Newsletter (“The
Journal”) Editorial Staff. They possess good writing skills that enable them to compete in
literary fests. This Committee must coordinate with the Secretary.
D. CyberMasters Committee- A special group of students who possess knowledge regarding
Information Technology. They are concern for the PowerPoint presentation, websites and
technical lay-outs for every activity of the organization.
E. JPIA’s Finest- A group of selected accounting students who excel more in the academic
activities and competitions. They comprise group of contestants who will compete in
various Accounting Quiz Bowls.

Section 3. The President may, at the approval of the majority of the executive committee, create
ad hoc committee(s) as the need arises.


Section 1. Elections of the officers of the Executive Committee of this organization shall be held
on the date, time, manner and place decided by the Dean of IABF and the VP-Internal Affairs of
JPIA and should not be in conflict with other activities or academic programs.

Section 2. The Committee on Election shall be composed of the JPIA Faculty Adviser and at least
majority of the outgoing members of the Executive Committee. The faculty adviser shall act as the
Chairman, the outgoing President as the Vice-Chairman and the other members of the Executive
Committee as the executive members.

Section 3. The Committee on Elections shall exercise the following powers and responsibilities:

A. Take charge of the preparation and dissemination of the information for the election of the
new members of the Executive Committee.
B. Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of the election.
C. Approve or disqualify any rule as the need arises.
D. Count the number of votes and proclaim the duly elected members of the Executive
E. Screen the elected members of the Executive Committee through oral and written
examination whichever is appropriate for the subsequent elections of the Outgoing Officers
F. Act as mediator during the subsequent election of the officers by the Outgoing Officers.
G. Submit to the Dean of IABF, OSA Director, Institute Coordinator, a comprehensive report of
the results of the elections.

Section 4. The Election should be non-partisan.

Section 5. Qualified candidates for the election shall have good moral character with no records of
violence committed or any crime.

Section 6. The decision of the Committee on Election shall be final, executor and binding.


Section 1. The Adviser(s) shall be composed of Accounting Faculty members duly elected by the
Executive Committee under the approval of the Dean of IABF to hold office for a period of (1) year
or until their successor shall have been appointed.

Section 2. The Adviser(s) must be a member of PICPA.

Section 3. The Adviser(s) shall certify all the activities, meetings and functions of the organization.

Section 4. The Adviser(s) shall perform other duties and responsibilities in accordance with the
university policies and the Constitution.


Section 1. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum to transact business
and other transactions related to the purposed and objectives of the organization except in cases
where immediate and necessary actions are required by the circumstances wherein regardless of
the present number of members of the Executive Committee on action may be executed.


Section 1. The JPIA is an IABF trust. Officers must at all times be accountable to its members,
serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency and should act in accordance
with the university policies.

Section 2. Any officer of this organization may be removed from office upon impeachment for
culpable violation of this Constitution and any rule(s) set by the incumbent Executive Committee.
The rules on impeachment shall be set by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Any incumbent members of the Executive Committee, excluding the officer in charge,
shall have the sole power to initiate cases of impeachment.

Section 4. Clearance of officers shall be withheld pending the final issuance of the audited
financial statements and annual report of the organization.

Section 1. Any officer, including chairmen of the standing committees will undergo the
impeachment process for the following grounds:

A. Failing Grades. Justified by the qualification set forth in Article VII, Section 1E.
B. Absence in meetings. Except in the presentation of valid excuse(s) such as medical ailment
justified by a valid medical certificate and other reasonable excuse to be decided by the
Executive Committee. Officers are allowed to be absent in 3 regular or special meetings.
C. Ineffectivity in office. Failure to abide the assigned designated duties.


Section 1. The following are the sanctions imposed to the officers of the organization with their
corresponding number of violations:

1st Offense. Verbal warning by the Executive Committee.

2nd Offense. Written reprimand by the President.
3rd Offense. Suspension from Office.
4th Offense. Removal from Office.

** If with pending requirements, such as liquidation reports or post reports, the officer shall be
blocked in the Office of the Student Affairs (OSA) from enrolling in the following semester.
Clearance shall only be issued by the President upon completion of the said requirements.

Section 2. The above sanctions shall also apply with the heads of the Standing Committee.


Section 1. The By-Laws may be amended at a regular purpose or special meeting of the
Executive Committee duly called upon for the purpose by the majority vote of the Committee
present, provided there is a quorum. Any recommended amendment shall be presented to the
Executive Board.

Section 2. The amendment of the By-Laws may be recommended by the majority vote of the
Executive Committee provided that the proposed amendment must have been furnished to the
members thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Section 3. Any amendment duly approved by the majority of the members of the Executive
Committee shall be valid and binding.

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