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Pastor Steven Furtick

 Real lasting change has to happen in your heart. It cannot just be

in your behavior, you really have to fundamentally change your
belief. (Psalm 119:112)
 Welcome your challenges. Often, your calling is contained in our
challenges, if we learn how to see it correctly.
 Everything begins with perspectives; the perspective of the
Psalmist; he’s dealing with some inner issues.

“I incline my heart to perform your statutes forever, to the end.”

Psalm 119:112


 Desire lasting change in your life.

 “I incline my heart…” It has to happen within. Not just the
behavior, but the belief that drives the behavior has to change or
the change won’t stay.
 The lasting change is what I’m after, and I incline my heart.
 Incline = it was naturally not in that position. You had to act upon
it in order to orient it in a different direction.
 We don’t incline something that is already upright. It must have
meant his heart was declined.
 The problem with us is we go through life reclined; however we
wake up, that’s how we stay. However we feel, that’s how we act.
 “I act upon my attitude and I incline my heart…” You’re in charge
of your heart. So quit saying people broke your heart. They can’t
break it if you don’t give it to them.
 “I’m setting my heart in the direction of heaven.” Is your heart set
in a divine direction today?
 “Set it and forget it.” That’s how I want my heart to be. But, that’s
not enough to set it and forget it – you set it, you check it, you reset
it, you check it, because all through your day and year, your heart
is going to be tempted to decline to a default position. Default
position of discouragement, despair, or dysfunction. But when you
take charge of your heart (also Proverbs 4:23) That’s where the
issues of life flow from, we have to get our hearts open.

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