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Submitted to the English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Akhmad Makhsus
NIM. 082120009



™ Life is a strugle

™ There is no happiness without effort and prayer

™ Be sure that your dream will come true.

™ Don’t love someone so much , because sometimes you will hate him, if you

hate him sometimes you will hate him

™ Love is the one flower which grows up without season

(Khalil Gibran)

™ “Barang siapa menghendaki (kebahagiaan) dunia, maka hendaklah ia berilmu barang siapa

menghendaki (kebahagiaan) akhirat maka hendaklah ia berilmu dan barang siapa

menghendaki (kebahagiaan) keduanya, maka hendaklah ia berilmu.”

(Hadist Nabi Saw.)


With my gratitude, smile and pleasure, and love, this thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved father and mother (Mr. Slamet and Mrs. Baedah), for their prayer,
strugle, love, patience, and advise.

My belove big family (Nuriyah, Ana, Ifah, kiswiyah, Nikma, Tati, Fikry, Mira,
Silvi, the late Ida and Ifah) for their supports.
For Ida and Ifah I wish u can be rest in peace....!!!

To SMK TAMKA, head master, teachers, stafs and all of students thanks for your

My kindly friends (Nita, Nunung, Yeyen, Dany odol, jati odol, Susil Pengkor,
Diah, Anggoro, Pandu, Miko, purweko, darmo, Sigit, Sembol, Nurdi, Embek,
Azis) for their advices and supports.

Someone special who quakes my heart (N.G.), for his arousing spirit. For all of
my friends in UMP...thanks...


Alhamdulillahhi robbil’alaamin, praisee be to Allahh SWT, thee lord of thee life,

who gives guidancee and blesssing to the researcherr so he cann completee his

research paper




CHOOL. He realizes that he waas not ablee to finish it withoutt the

participatiion of all great

g personns who have supportedd, guided, hhelped, adv

and suggeested him. Therefore,

T i this oppo
in ortunity he would likee to dedicatee his

special graatitude and appreciation to:

1. Drrs. H. Supriyono, M.P

Pd, as a recctor of Muhammadiyaah universitty of


2. Drrs. H. Hartoono, MM, the dean of

o the facullty of teachher training
g and

eduucational scciences of Muhammadi

M iyah Univerrsity of purw

3. Semi Sukarnni, M.Pd, the Head

d of the English departementt of

Muuhammadiyyah University of Purw


4. Juiita Triana, M.Pd, as a his consu

ultant who gave her valuable ad

guuidance to heelp him in writing

w the thesis.

5. All of the lectturers in Engglish Deparrtement.


Title …………………………………………………………………...………. i

Approval Sheet …..…………………………………………………...………. ii

Ratification Sheet ..…………………………………………………...………. iii

Mottos ........................................................................................................... iv

Dedications……………………………………………………….................... v

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………...………. vi

Statement ………… viii

Table of Contents ...…………………………………………………...………. ix

Abstract …………..…………………………………………………...………. xii


A. Background of the Study ……….……………………. 1

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic….

……………………. 5

C. Statement of the Problems ………

……………………. 6

D. Objectiveof the study ……………

……………………. 7

E. Limitation of the study................................................. 7

F. Significance of the Study ……….

……………………. 8

G. Definition of the Key Terms ……

……………………. 8

H. Organization of the Study ……….
……………………. 10


A. Previous Study …………………..

……………………. 12

B. Notion of English textbook...........

……………………. 14

C. Reading.........……………………
……………………. 18

D. Reading comprehension.....………
……………………. 18

E. Comprehension taxonomy……....
……………………. 18

F. Bloom taxonomy..............……….
……………………. 20

G. Text............................................................................. 23
H. Text type......................................................................

I. Theorieticall framework............................................. 34


A. Research methods ……………….............................. 35

B. Research instrument......................
……………………. 37

C. Data Collection........……………. ………................. 38

……………………. 38
D. Object of the study ………………

E. Unit of analysis.............................
……………………. 39

F. Data Analysis ……………….......

……………………. 39


A. Research finding ………………................................ 40

B. Interpretation and Discussion........

……………………. 73


A. Conclusion …………………...................................... 77

B. Suggestion ……………………....
…....……………… 78

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………….

APPENDICES ..........................................................................................


Makhsus Akhmad. 082120009. The Analysis of the types of Reading Texts and
The Comprehension level of The Exercises Found in Get Along With English for
Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level used in the Second Year of
Vocational High School. A Thesis. Teacher Training and Educational Sciences
Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. July. 2012.

This study aims at describing the kinds of reading text and comprehension
questions of the textbook Get Along With English for Vocational High School
Grade XI Elementary Level and analyzing the comprehension questions on the
reading material exercises used Bloom Taxonomy.

The type of the study is descriptive qualitative study. The object of this
study is the reading text and reading questions presented in of the English text
book used in second year students of Vocational High School.

In this research, the researcher finds that there are six types of texts on
this book. They are descriptive, commentary, recount, procedure, and explanation
text. He concluded that the level comprehension’s question of bloom taxonomy
which are given on this reading textbook are knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. 76, 6 % of the question dominate
on the knowledge, 23,4% of question is comprehension, and there are no question
that categorize on the application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It means
that the exercises on the reading text developed in Get Along With English for
Vocational School are categorized in lowest level of cognitive domain.

Key words: reading text, genre, exercise, get along



This chapter consists of introduction which covers the background of the

study, reason for choosing topic, problem statement, limitation of the study,

objective of the study, significance of the stud, definition of the key terms, and

research paper organization.

A. Background of the Study

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is

used as a tool of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an

international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships

with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English

considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary

school up to the university level.

In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. Since the reading skill becomes very important in

the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a

good reading skill.

Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students

because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to

read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at

least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have

a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.


Reading is an activity to get information about something. It is very

important for teacher to improve the students’ mastery of English. The main

objective of English instruction both in lower and upper vocational high school is

the development of reading skill, and students graduated from vocational high

school must be competence in reading. Huda (in Fauziati, 2002: 112) states that

the goal of English teaching is the acquisition of communicative competence with

an emphasis on reading skill, and not on oral skill. This is the reason why reading

skill is so important. Reading skill is to develop fluent and proficient readers who

are knowledgeable about reading process. Therefore, the use of suitable books

must be appropriate with the standard criteria that could involve the students’

competence in reading; the students feel comfortable and understand the content

of the books.

The focus of interest in the reading lesson is not only the language and

content but also both of them. The book used by the second year students of

vocational high school is to learn how language is used to convey content from

the language that expresses it. There are some skills that are needed to extract the

content of book from the language that expresses it. These skills are needed by the

students in order that they can be such kind of effective independent readers.

Reading skills enable students to turn writing into meaning and achieve the

goals of independence, comprehension, and fluency. Reading skills are specific

abilities which enable a reader to read the written form as meaningful language,

anything written with independence, comprehension and fluency and to mentally

interact with the message. Reading questions establish a basis for identifying and

clarifying a meaning, purpose influences the method of reading, degree of

comprehension reading rate and the skill employed. The questions must be

developed in reading comprehension to lead new knowledge and skill, help to

quell controversy which promotes useful discussion. Reading text is very

important in order to support teaching learning process especially in reading class.

Bloom's Taxonomy is a model of classifying thinking according to six

cognitive levels of complexity (Forehand, 2005). Fundamentally, the levels have

been described as a stairway, leading many teachers to encourage their students to

attempt to achieve a higher level of thought. The lowest levels are: knowledge,

comprehension, and application. The highest levels are: analysis, synthesis, and


To help the student becoming independent reader, reading comprehension

questions should cover many types. In this case Bloom's Taxonomy was created

by Benjamin Bloom during the 1950s and is a way to categorize the levels of

reasoning skills required in classroom situations. There are six levels in the

taxonomy, each requiring a higher level of abstraction from the students. The first

is Knowledge, in the knowledge level of Bloom's taxonomy, questions are asked

solely to test whether a student has gained specific information from the lesson.

Second is ccomprehension: The comprehension level of Bloom's taxonomy has

students go past simply recalling facts and instead has them understanding the

information. With this level, they will be able to interpret the facts. The third is

Application: Application questions are those where students have to actually

apply, or use, the knowledge they have learned. They might be asked to solve a

problem with the information they have gained in class being necessary to create a

viable solution. The fourth is Analysis: In the analysis level, students will be

required to go beyond knowledge and application and actually see patterns that

they can use to analyze a problem. The fifth is Synthesis: With synthesis, students

are required to use the given facts to create new theories or make predictions.

They might have to pull in knowledge from multiple subjects and synthesize this

information before coming to a conclusion. The last is Evaluation: The top level

of Bloom's Taxonomy is evaluation. Here students are expected to assess

information and come to a conclusion such as its value or the bias behind it.

Concerning with material of the student with different types of reading skill

and strategies, the material given to students should involve different types of text.

In teaching learning process the use of suitable books is very important. Hence,

the English teacher chooses right and fit textbooks. The problem is sometimes

they use expensive books since they think the books have a good material and

they do not think whether the books are affordable for their students or not. In

fact, not all books available in book stores are always good.

There are some researchers who have conducted the study of analysing

textbook .The first previous reseach was done by Lin Agustine (2004). She wrote

reseach paper entitled The English Textbook for Vocational High School Based on

The 1999 Curiculum. In her reseach she wants to know how far the themes and

the language focuses are suitable with the 1994 curiculum.

The second previous research was done by Sity Rokhaniyah. She wrote

reseach paper entitled Comparatives analysis of English textbooks Published by


Interaksara, Erlangga, and Esis for Elementary school grade six in magelang

Regency in 2008. In her study she uses comparative analysis in the methodology

for doing her reseach.

The other previous reseach was done by Suryany (1999) with her reseach

paper entitled An Analysis on The English Textbook for Junior High School Based

on 1994 Curiculum. The purpose of her reseach is to describe the part of the

English textbook that follow the guideline of the 1994 curiculum.

Based on those three previous studies, the researcher is going to analyze

the only one English textbook entitled Get Along with English for Vocational

High School grade XI Elementary Level used for the second year of Vocational

High School. The difference between this research from the three previous ones is

in the purpose of the study. This research is focused on analyzing the reading texts

and the exercises in this English reading textbook by classifiying reading texts

into kinds of type of texts and identifying the exercises by using Bloom


B. Reason for choosing topic

Based on the background of study above, the researcher wants to know the

kind of genre applied in the text book entitled Get Along With English for

Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level. Moreover, he wants to

describe the generic structure, social functions and language features on them.

There are many cases found that students of vocational school cannot answer the

question based on the texts given, so here, the researcher wants to analyze the

thinking level of cognitive domain on the exercises given toward the reading text

based on Bloom taxonomy.

The researcher thinks that the exercises should be suitable with the level of

intelectual of student. By knowing the thinking ability of the students, teachers

can improve the thinking abilility of student. they can encourage the student to

use a higher level of critical thinking and encourage the students to stretch

cognitively. Get Along With English for Vocational High School Grade XI

Elementary Level consists of many reading texts inside and it is used in some

vocational high schools so the researcer decides to analyze this book.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher takes the research paper

entitled: The Analysis of The Types of Reading Texts and The Comprehension

Level of The Exercises Found In Get Along With English for Vocational High

School Grade XI Elementary Level used in the Second Year of Vocational High


C. Problem Statement

On the basis of the background of the study, the researcher formulates the

problems as follows:

1. What kinds of reading texts are provided in Get Along With English for

Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level?

2. What are the types of comprehension questions developed in Get Along With

English for Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level based on

Bloom taxonomy?

3. What are the dominant types of comprehension found in Get Along With

English for Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level?

D. Objective of the study

Based on the problem statement above, the reseacher formulates the

objectives of the study as follows.

1. To describe the kinds of reading texts given in Get Along With English for

Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level text book.

2. To identify the type of comprehension question developed in Get Along With

English for Vocational High School Grade XI Elementary Level based on

Bloom taxonomy.

3. To describe the dominant types of comprehension question found in Get

Along with English for Vocational High School grade XI Elementary Level

E. Limitation of the Study

By focusing on the problem above, the researcher evaluates the reading

texts and the exercises in student’s book of Get Along With English for Vocational

High School Grade X1 Elementary Level using Bloom taxonomy.The researcher

also limits the reading texts which only have the exercises. The researcher

analyzes the student’s textbook on the second year of the vocational high school.

The book is entitled Get Along With English for Vocational High School Grade

X1 Elementary Level written by Entin Sutinah, which is published by Erlangga.


F. Significance of the Study

The researcher expects that this research will give some benefits both

theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretical Benefits

Theoretically, the finding of this research will be useful not only for

readers but also for knowledge development readers interested in analyzing

English textbook especially about reading text including the exercise on it.

2. Practical Benefit

There some benefits from this research for educational field. (a) This

research is expected to help the teacher of vocational High School in

developing materials, (b) The study gives valuable information to the

researcher and publisher of English textbook in designing English textbook

that is appropriate with the learners’ need.

3. Pedagogical Benefit

The result of the study helps the teacher to select English reading texts

which are appropriate with particular students.

G. Definition of the Key Terms

In this research, there are four key terms. They are English reading text,

reading comprehension, text type and reading taxonomy.

1. English Reading Text

According to Adam (1990) in Howell (1993:182), reading is an

interactive process through which the reader uses code, context analysis, prior

knowledge, vocabulary, and language along with the executive control

strategies to understand. English text on reading skill means some

comprehensive texts in order to improve the English reading skill.

2. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to interpret large chunks of texts

in a sensible, defendable fashion.  Theoretically, reading comprehension is a

process of interaction between the reader with the text and the reader relates

the idea from the text to prior experiences and their knowledge. In other

words, comprehension is a process by which the reader constructs meaning

by interacting with the text. According to Graham (2007:114), reading

comprehension is a complex intelectual process involving a number of

abilities. The two major abilities cocern word meanings and reasoning with

verbal concepts.

3. Text Type/ Genre

According to Harmer (2001 : 27), we can describe type writen (e.g

film, animal, teenage horor movie) as different genres. Genre is characterized

by a distinctive, schematic structure, that is beginning middle, and end

structure through which the social function of the genre is relished.

4. Bloom Taxonomy

Bloom taxonomy is a model of classifying thinking according to six

cognitive levels of complexity (Forehand, 2005). Fundamentally, the levels

have been described as a stairway, leading many teachers to encourage their

students to attempt to achieve a higher level of thought. The lowest levels are:

knowledge, comprehension, and application. The highest levels are: analysis,

synthesis, and evaluation.


H. Research Paper Organization

In conducting the research paper, the researcher organizes it in order to

give a clear guide in reading and understanding the content of the study both

the reader and the researcher himself. The researcher conducts his study into

five chapters.

Chapter I is introduction which covers the background of the study,

reason for choosing topic, problem statement, objective of the study,

limitation of the study, significance of the study, definition of the key terms,

and research paper organization.

Chapter II is review of related literature which covers previous study,

notion of English textbook, reading, reading comprehension, comprehension

taxonomy, Bloom taxonomy, text type, and theorieticall framework.

Chapter III is research method, which covers research method, research

instrument, data collection, object of the study, unit of analysis, and technique

for analyzing data.

Chapter IV is descriptive analysis, and interpretation and discussion of

the finding.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. This is last chapter of this

research paper.



As a tool of observing this research, the writer uses some related theories

as the references which are able to help him in analyzing data. Prior to declare

discussion, in this term, the writer wants to present some theories on notion of

English textbook, reading, reading comprehension, comprehension taxonomy,

bloom taxonomy, text, and text type.

A. Summary of Previous Study

There are some researchers who have conducted the study of analysing

textbook .The first previous reseach was done by Lin Agustine (2004). She wrote

reseach paper entitled The English Textbook for Vocational High School Based on

The 1999 Curiculum. In her reseach she wants to know how far the themes and

the language focuses are suitable with the 1994 curiculum. She took three

textbook of SMK and analyzes the themes and language focuses then compares

them with the 1994 curiculum. She found that the theme and the language focuses

of the first book learning English for SMK is very compatible with the 1994

curiculum. It is very good because 100% for the themes and for the language

focus. It means that the text book is very compatible with the 1999 English

syllabus. The compatibility of the second textbook New Concept English for SMK

is fair for the themes with the score 54,54 % while the language focus is good

with the score 66,66 %. It means that the textbook is fairly compatible with the

1999 English syllabus. The compatibility of the third textbook entitled Bahasa

Inggris 3 is good for themes with the score 72,73% while for the language focuses

is very good with the score 100%. It means that the textbook is very compatible

with the curriculum. From the percentages above she concludes that the book

entitled Learning English for SMK has the highest consistency with the 1999


The second previous research was done by Sity Rokhaniyah. She wrote

reseach paper entitled Comparatives Analysis of English Textbooks Published by

Interaksara, Erlangga, and Esis for Elementary School Grade Sixth in Magelang

Regency in 2008. In her study she uses comparative analysis in the methodology

for doing her reseach. The reseacher tries to solve problem by analysing some

English textbook which can be use to enlarge the knowledge of the students

especially in the elementary school. The reseacher chooses three English textbook

published by Erlangga, Interaksara and Esis for Elementary School, because

thoose books are interesting. She found that textbook published by Esis is more

appropiate to support Elementary School student to mastering English.

The other previous reseach was done by Suryany (1999) with her reseach

paper entitled An Analysys on The English Textbook for Junior High School Based

On 1994 Curiculum. The purpose of her reseach is to describe the part of the

english textbook that follow the guideline of the 1994 curiculum. The writer takes

threee english textbook and separate them into 3 units or theme. In this reseach,

the writer finds that the content of the first English textbook entitled English for

Communication develop communicative exercise as suggested by the 1994


curiculum. It is fairly good because it has score 72,22%. In developing

communicative exercise the compability of the second textbook entitled

Communicative and Learning for SLTP it is fairly good because the second

textbook has score 69,89%. The last book Komunikasi Aktif Bahasa Inggris has

fairly good compability too and the score 72,22% in developing communicative

exercise based on the 1994 curiculum. It means that the compatibility of

Komunikasi Aktif Bahasa Inggris textbook is fairly good in developing

communicative based on 1994 curriculum. Finally she concludes that the three

textbooks can still be used by students of the second year of junior high school

although the communicative exercise still need any addition and need to be

improved on resived.

Based on those three previous studies, the writer is going to analyze the

only one English textbook entitled Get Along with English for Vocational High

School grade XI Elementary Level used by the second year of Vocational High

School. The difference between this research from the three previous ones is in

the purpose of the study. This research is focused on analyzing the reading text

and the exercise in this English reading textbook by classifiying reading text into

kinds of type of texts and and identifying the exercises by using Bloom taxonomy

B. Notion of English Textbook

When the teacher lack of resources , or preference for published materials,

they then have to decide how to use the textbook they have choosen. According to

Harmer (2003:304), using textbook have many benefits and retrictions such as:

1. Benefits

A good textbook are carefully prepared to offer a coherent syllabus,

satisfactory language control, motivating text, tapes, and other accessories

such as videotapes, CD-ROOMS, extra resource material, and useful web

links. They provide teachers under preasure with the reassurance that, even

when they are forced to plan at the last moment, they will be using material

which they can have confidence in.textbook come with detiled teacher’s

guides which not only provide procedure for the lesson in the studen’ts book

but also offer suggestions and alternatives, extra activities, and resources.

2. Restriction

Textbook used inappropiately, impose learning styles and content

onclasses. Many of them rely on presentation, practise, and production and

their main methodological procedure despite recent entusiasm for other

theaching sequences. Units and lessons often follow an unrelenting format so

that the students and teachers eventually become de-motivated by the

sameness of it all. And in their choice of topics of textbooks can sometimes

be bland or cuturally inappropiate.

One sollution to the preceived disavantages of textbook is to do without

them altogether, to use a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach. Such an approach is extremely

atractive; it can offer student dynamyc and varied programme.

Using textbook appropiately is an art which becomes clearer with

experiences. If the teacher approaches lesson planning in the right frame of mind,

it happens almost as a matter of course. How necessary of text book? The answer

to this question depend on the teacher’s own teaching style, the resources

available to them, the accepted standards of teaching in every language school,

etc. However there is seems to exist, three options open to teachers with regards

the use or nonuse of a particullar textbook in language classroom:

a. Teachers need textbooks,

b. They don’t need them,and

c. They select them and supplement some other materials to perfect them.

No textbooks is perfect. Therefore, teachers should have the option of

assigning supplementary materials based on their own specific need in their own

specific teaching situation. According to Skierso (1991:432), the arguments for

using textbook are:

a. A textbook is a framework which regulates and timesthe programs,

b. In the eyes of learners, no textbook means no purpose,

c. Without a textbook, learners think their learning is not taken seriously,

d. In many situations, textbok can serve as a syllabus,

e. A textbook provides ready-made teaching texts and learning tasks,

f. A textbook is a cheap way of prroviding learning materials,

g. A learner without a textbook is out of focus and teacher-dependent, and

perhaps most important of all,

h. For novice teachers a textbook means security, guidance, and support.


The encounter-arguments are:

a. If every group of students has different needs, no one textbook can be a

response to all differing needs,

b. Topic in a textbook may not be relevant for and interesting to all,

c. A textbook is confining, i.e., it inhabits teachers’ creativity,

d. A textbook of necessity sets prearranged sequence and structure that may

not be realistic and situation-friendly,

e. Textbooks have their own rationale, and as such they cannot by their

nature cater for a variety of levels, every type of learning styles, and every

category of learning strategies that often exist in the class, and most

important of all, perhaps,Teachers may find themselves as mediator with

no free hand and slave, in fact, to others’ judments about what is good and

what is not.

The traditional textbook, as we see it, usually consists of a number of

chapters with texts of different lengths that deal with various topics. There may be

a different theme for every chapter and sometimes there are a few pre-reading

activities, or post-reading exercises. The texts can generally be listened to on CD

or tape. In some cases the textbook and the workbook are joined together in the

same book, but sometimes they are represented by two separate books. In fact, a

textbook is always accompanied by other materials such as CDs, cassettes, tests

and a teacher’s guide. All of these additional materials are of course taken into

account in the selection of a textbook. The reason why we decided to give more

attention to the textbook in our investigation is that we suspected that it is the


most important part of the material package. We estimated that a textbook carries

a bit more weight in the consideration of the material.

C. Reading

There are lots of definitions of reading. Harmer (2002: 199) states that

reading is called receptive skill, and receptive skills are the ways in which people

extract meaning from the discourse, they see, hear and continue when they read a

story or a newspaper, listen to the news, or take a part in conversation.

According to Pollard (2008: 44), reading is a most definetely an active

process, the efficient reader interact with a text, predicting what will come next,

and bringing his or knowledge of the subject and language to the text.

Based on the statements above the writer concludes that reading is a

complex process of thinking in assigning meaning from printed materials which

involves most of the reader’s intellectual acts such as pronounciation and

comprehension in order to receive ideas or information delivered by the text.

D. Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is part of our life. When we read, we make connection

between what we are reading and what we are already know. Sometimes the

connection seems to happen by itself, especially when the information is

important or interesting to us. But at other times, it is not so simple. The text may

seem a mass of information with no meaning that will stick (Mikulecky and

Jeffries, 1992: 16).


Reading comprehension is a thinking and understanding at the meaning

behind the text (Serravallow, 2010: 44). The essence of reading act is a

comprehension, it becomes primary challenge in teaching or learning of reading

skill. In order to learn or to understand the message of the author, the student are

hoped to have the ability to comprehened the writen textbook. Comprehension

means understanding the meaning of the point of the topic. Reading with

comprehension means to understand what hasbeen read.

According to Graham (2007:114), reading comprehension is a complex

intelectual process involving a number of abilities. The two major abilities

concern word meanings and reasoning with verbal concepts.

According to Cooper (1986:11), comprehension is a process in which the

reader may construct meaning by interacting with the text. In reading

comprehension, a reader should have knowledge about understanding the reading

passage. The common questions on the passages are primarily about the main

ideas, details, and an inference that can be drawn from the passages.

According to Singer (1985), reading comprehension has been defined as

an interpretation of written symbols, the apprehending of meaning, the

assimilation of ideas presented by the written, and the process of thinking while

deciphering symbols. Further, reading comprehension is related closely to the

cognitive competence of the readers, because this will produce comprehension.


E. Comprehension Taxonomy

A comprehension taxonomy is only a classification system not description

of how comprehension skills develop.

Several comprehension taxonomies have been developed since the mid –

sixties (Sanders 1996, Barret 1968, Wallen 1972), and they have been welcomed

as a highly useful tool for acessing and teaching comprehension skills.

There is ambiguity involved in the term ’’taxonomy” because of two

different definitions. Klauser (1976) uses taxonomy to mean a classification

system only. In this view comprehension taxonomy is nothing more than

convinent of classification of comprehension question into categories like

“recall”, “inference” and exploritation”. One categories is not persumed to be

better or more advance than any other. The categories attempt to simplify

conflicting terminology related comprehension and thus tidy up and otherwise

confussing array of label four skills.

Authors of taxonomies, however, have not used the same labels for

comprehension skills, nor have they agreed on the same number of categories in

wich to put them (see figure 1). In general though, each one includes a separate

category for recall of specifically stated ideas in a passage, inferences, and

povision for the reader to evaluate and make judgements about the material that

has been read.

A second meaning for the term ‘taxonomy” changes its function from that

of just describing categories. Bloom (1956) uses a taxonomy to delineate a

hirearchy in which behaviors are ordered in terms of their difficulty.



F. Bloom Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom created his taxonomy in order to categorize different

levels of abstraction of question that appear in educational settings. It has

particular value in planning teaching and assessment. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom

identified six levels of intellectual behaviour important in learning. Students

should be asked questions from EACH level. Think of a six-level pyramid with

knowledge at the lowest level and evaluation at the highest level.

1. Knowledge

Knowledge is about capture and recall of facts. It involves

observation, reading and listening, then structuring and regurgitating them on

demand. Memory is a very important aspect of knowledge. At this level in the

taxonomy, by the way, 'knowledge' is more 'know what' than 'know how'.

Questions to elicit knowledge include: define, describe, label, list, show, and

tell, when, where, who.

2. Comprehension

Comprehension adds understanding to knowledge, linking things

together to create meaning. The skill of comprehension is largely about

matching patterns of perception onto patterns that have already been learned

or created. Recognition is hence an important element.

Comprehension and pattern-matching to existing models allows you

to project forward and predict what may or may not happen in the future. This

is a critical survival skill and can enable you to avoid risks and take

advantage of opportunities.

Questions to elicit comprehension include contrast, compare, describe,

differentiate, estimate, explain, interpret, predict, summarize.

3. Application

Application takes knowledge and comprehension and turns it into

positive action that achieves goals and creates value. While knowing and

comprehending are about memory and thinking, application is about doing.

Doing can be physical or mental. Applying knowledge at the cognitive level

includes applying this ability to solve problems. Physically, it can range from

simple acts of strength to working with others towards joint goals.

In a material and an action-oriented world, the application of partial

knowledge is often valued more than the possession of perfect knowledge,

and achievement is often framed in these terms.

Questions to elicit application include: calculate, classify, examine,

how, illustrate, modify, relate, show, solve.

4. Analysis

Analysis can be described as the ability to examine a problem area in

your subject and identify a various components (breaking the problem down)

in order to be better able to focus attentions on each. Analyzing distinguish

between fact and inference and determines how the part relate to one other

and to an overall structure.


This may involve the ability to draw conclusions from data or from

information that provide factual information. It may also include asking for

an explanation or interpreting of meaning from a given statement.

5. Synthesis

Synthesis is about creating new thoughts, ideas, designs and other

generative activities. It includes reasoning that may be deductive or inductive,

creative or innovative. It may connect disparate things into something new or

pull ideas out of the air. Questions to elicit synthesis include: combine,

compose, create, design, invent, prepare, rearrange, rewrite, what if.

6. Evaluation

Evaluation is an act of judgment. It compares and discriminates

between proposals and ideas. It considers the wisdom of whether actions

might be effective or not, including over the longer term. It assesses theories

and ideas, determining the effective value contained there. It is about deciding

and making the best choices.

Questions to elicit synthesis include: argue, assess, choose, conclude, decide,

explain, grade, judge, rank, recommend, select, summarize, support.


G. Text

A text is any stretch of language which is held together cohesively

through meaning ( Feez and Joyce, 2002 : 4). Whether a stretch of language is a

text or not has nothing to do wit5h its size form. It has to do with the meaning of

the stretch of language working together as unified whole.

Not only reading text as we usually use in study and studying language.

When words are put together communicate meaning, a piece of text is created.

When you speak or write a communicate message, you are constructing a text.

When you read, listen to view a piece of text, you are interpretting its meaning

(Anderson, 1997: 1)

According to Derewianka (1997 :17), a text is meaningful stretch of

language tries to describe the ways in wich their differ. It is interested in what

language choices are available within any particuolar situation, and in wich

choces are more likely to result in an effective text which achieves it purpose.

One factor, which accounts for differences in texts is the purpose for

which text is being used. Texts are structured in different ways to achive their

purposes. The purposes of instruction, for example, is to tell someone how to do

make something. The structure of such a text would typically move through the

following stages:

a. Stating the goal(i.e. what has to be made done).

b. Outlining materials or equipment needing.

c. Detailing the steps to be taken.

However, text differ in terms of their not only purpose ( and therefore overal

structure). They also differ according particullar situation in which they are being


a. The relationship between participants ; speaker,listener, writer or reader.


b. The subject matter of the text (i.e. field).

c. The channel of communication being used; writen, spoken (the mode).

According to Halliday (1994:1) if a speaker of English hears or reads a

passage of the language which is more than one sentence in length, he can

normally decide without difficulty whether it forms a unified whole or is just a

collection of unrelated sentences.

The word text is used in linguistics to refer to any passage, spoken or

written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole. We know, as a

general rule, whatever any specimen of our own language constitutes a text or not.

This does not mean there can never e any uncertainty. The distinction between a

text and a collection of unrelated sentences is in the last re sort a matter of degree,

and there may always be instances about which we are uncertain- a point that is

probably familiar to most teacher from reading their students’ compositions. But

this does not invalidate the general observation that we are to the distinction

between what is text and what is not.

This suggests that there are objective factors involved – there must be

certain features which are characteristic of texts and not found otherwise; and so

there are. We shall attempt to identify these, in order to establish what the

properties of texts in English are and what it is that distinguishes a text from a

disconnected sequence of sentences. As always in linguistic description we shall

be discussing things that the native speakers of the language ‘knows’ already –

but without knowing that he knows them.


A text may be spoken or written, prose or verse, dialogue or monologue. It

may be anything from a single proverb to a whole play, from a momentary cry for

help to an all-day discussion on a committee.

A text is a unit of language in use. It is not a grammatical unit, like a

clause or a sentence; and it is not defined y its sizes. A text is sometimes

envisaged to be some kind of super-sentence, grammatical unit that is larger than

a sentence but is related to a sentence in the same way that a sentence is related to

a clause, a clause to a group and so on: by constituency, the composition of larger

units out of smaller ones. But this is misleading. A text is not something that is

like a sentence, only bigger; it is something that differs from a sentence in kind.

A text is best regarded as a semantic unit: a unit not of form but of

meaning. Thus it is related to a clause or sentence not by size but by realization,

the coding of one symbolic system in another. A text does not consist of

sentences; it is realized by, or encoded in, sentences. If we understand it in this

way, we shall not expect to find the same kind of structural integration among the

parts of sentence or clause. The unity of a text is a unity of a different kind.

H. Text Type(Genre)

The genre or type of text is important. Different genre require different

element or section and language features. Many texts used in the classroom

contains different genre within some texts. The students head to read the text

carefully to see what what genre is contains (Harmer, 2008 : 66).


According to Harmer (2001 : 27) we can describe type writen (e.g film,

animal, teenage horor movie) as different genres. Genre is characterized by a

distinctive, schematic structure, that is beginning middle, and end structure

through which the social function of the genre is relished.

Based on generic structure and language feature dominantly used, texts are

divided into several types. They are narrative, recount, descriptive, report,

explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, procedure, discussion,

review, anecdote, spoof, and news item. These variations are known as genres.

Text can be classified into several types. The term of 'type' is sometime

stated as 'genre’. These classifications on type of text are based on analysis of

three main elements of text. These elements of text are: That purpose of the text

(why the text is made and what the text is made for by its writer), the generic

structures of the text (analyzing the used structure in composing the text, in what

way the text is constructed by its writer), and the language features (taking a look

at the linguistic characterizations of the text, and what kind of language features is

used to build the text by its writer).

1. Definition of Analytical Exposition

According to Nofry (2010: 5), analitycal exposition is a kind of text

that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social

function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter. The generic

structures of analitycal expositions text are; thesis, argument, and reiteration.

Thesis content introducing the topic and the indicating the writer

position’s. Arguments contents of explainin the argument to support the


writer’s position, and other argument to support more. In the reiteratioon

contents restating the writer position .

The language features of analitycal exposition are; using relational

process, using internal conjunction, causal conjunction, and using simple

present tense.

2. Definition of Anecdote Text

According to Nofry (2010: 10), anecdote is a kind of text which retells

funny and unusual incident in fact or immagination. Its purpose to entertain

the readers. The generic structure of the anecdote are; abstract, orientation,

crisis, and incident.

Anecdote also has language features, they are; using exclamation

words, such as; it’s awful, it’s wonderful, using imperative, using rethoric

question, using action verb, conjuntive of time and using simple past tense

3. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a kind of text which social function is to describe a

particular person, place or thing, acording to Gerot and Wignell, (1995:208).

In descriptive text, the relationship between the writer or author and the reader

(tenor) is like an authority person versus unknown readers or listeners. The

text will be found easily around us. It will found in encyclopaedias, scientific,

magazines, and history text.

Descriptive text often completed with pictures, diagrams, map, etc.

Descriptive text usually uses vocabularies that cover the word such as the

name of places including location, destination.


4. Definition of Narative Text

According to Nofry ( 2010; 15 ), narative text is a kind of text which

focusing in specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past

event and to entertain the reader. The generic structures of narative text consist

of orientation, complication and resolution. In the orientation contents of

introducing the participants and informing the time and the place. In the

complication contents of describing the rising crisis which the participants

have to do with. While the resolution contents showing the way of the

participants solve the crisis, better or worse.

The language features of the narative text are using process verb, using

temporal conjunctions, and simple past tense.

5. Definition Procedure Text

According to Nofry ( 2010; 21 ), procedure text is kind of text that

shows a proceses in order. Its social function is to describe how something is

complete done through a sequence of series.

The generic structures of the procedure text are goal, material, and step

1- end. In the goal contents showing the purpose. In the material contents

telling the needed material. While in the step1until end contents describing the

steps to achive the purpose.

The language features of procedure are; using temporal conjunction,

action verbs, imperative sentence, and using simple present tense.


6. Definition of News item Text

According to Nofry ( 2010: 24 ), news item text is a text which inform

reader about event of the day. The events are considered news worthy or


The generic structures of news item are; main event, elaboration

(background, participant, time, and place), and resource of information.The

language feature of it are focusing for circumtances and using material


7. Definition Discussion Text

According to Nofry ( 2010: 27 ), discussion text is a text which present

a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different view

points. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social


The generic structure of the discussion text are; statement of issues

(stating the issue which is to discussed ), list of supporting point ( presenting

the point in supporting in presented issue ), recomendation ( stating the writer’

recomendations of the discourse ).

The language features on the disscussion text are; introducing category

or generic participant, using thinking verb, using addictive, contractive, and

causal conection, using modalities, using adverbial of manner.

8. Definition of Explanation Text

According to Nofry (2010: 30), explanation text is kind of text which

tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural


phenomena. Explanation text is to say’ why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the

phenomena. It is often found in science, geography, and history of textbooks.

The generic structures of explanation text are general statement;

stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained, and sequenced

explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena. Language

feature of explanation text are: featuring generic participant, using

chronological conection, using passive voice pattern, and using simple present


9. Definition of Hortatory Exposition

According to Nofry (2010: 33), hortatory exposition is kind of text

which represent the attempt of the writer to have the adressee do something or

act in certaint way.

The generic structures of hortatory exposition are; thesis, arguments,

amd recomendation. The language features of hortatory exposition are;

focusing on the writer, using abstract noun, using action verb, using thingking

verb, using modal adverb, using temporal connective, using evaluative words,

using passive voice, using simple present tense.

10. Definition of Report Text

According to Nofry (2010: 37 ), report text is kind of text which

presents information about something, as it is. It is as result of systematic

observation and analysis.

Generic structures of report text are general classification, and

description. In the general clasification contents; stating clasification of thing;


animal, public place, plant, which will be discussed in general. In description

contents describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part,

custom or deed for living creature and usage for material.The language

features of the report are; introducing group of general aspect and using

simple present tense.

11. Definition of Spoof Text

According to Nofry (2010: 39), spoof text is kind of text which tells

factual story, happened in the past time which unpredictable and funny ending.

Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

The generic structures of the spoof text are ; orientation, events, and

twist. The language features of its are; focusing on people, animals or certain

things, using action verbs, using adverb of time and place, told in

chronological order.

12. Recount text

According to Nofry (2010: 43), recount text is kind of text which

retells events or experiences the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to

entertain the audience. There is no complication among the the participants

and that differentiates from narrative.

The generic structures of recount text are; orientation, events, and

reorientation. In the orientation contains introducing the participants, place

and time. In the events contains describing series of event that happened in the

past. While in the reorientation contains it is optional, stating personal

comment of the writer to the story.


13. Review text

According to Nofry (2010: 48), review is one of text genres. This

classification of text types is commonly based on the structure which used by

the writer to compose his text. Each text type will have different form of

generic structure. As I said in my previous post, review text usually has

generic structure.

The generic structures of the review text are ; introduction, evaluation,

interpretations, and summary. Introduction: it is the highlight of the general

description about what will be reviewed. It can be product, services which

want to be sold, or just a site which want to be known publicly. Then it will

drive more traffic into the site. Evaluation: the second phase is coming inside

into the product in details. It states the parts, uniqueness, quality of the product

which will be known publicly. However too much detail description will

“teach” the will-buyer and it does not sound good. Evaluating as far as

necessary for the targeted buyer is more genuine. The term of evaluation will

not be far from simple word of good or bad. In this phase reviewer will apply

much evaluative word, valuable, useful, worthy, etc. Interpretation: after

writing about the objective thing of the product, it is the time for reviewer to

write about what he thinks or impresses on the product. Of course this phase

can be done after getting enough evaluation on the product. It is personal idea

about the product. Frequently to support and strengthen his idea or impression,

a reviewer describes a comparison to other similar product. He states in which

side the product has additional value or honestly admitted that the product

lacks value in certain side. Summary: this phase is recommending conclusion

for reader of the product. After clearly explanation, a reviewer will make a

final comment whether the product is valuable or not for targeted buyer. This

phase is the worth of the review for reader.

The dominant language features in the review text are; focus on

specific participants, using adjectives, using long and complex clauses, and

using metaphor.

14. Comentary text

According to Hartono(2005: 6) The comentary text is a kind of text

which explain the process involved in the formation (evolution) of a social

cultural phenomenon, as though a natural phenomenon.

The generic structure of the comentary text are general statement to

position the reader and sequence explanation (evolutionary step1 – end). The

language features of comentary texts are; focus on generic(non- human

participants), use of simple past tense, temporal and causal circumtances and

conjunction, material and relational process.

I. Theorietical Framework

Reading is an fundamental skills in any language. Reading ability will be

developed best in association with listening, writing, and speaking activities. In

general the goals of interelationalship among the skills will be achieved especially

in reading.

According to Skierso (1991: 432), textbook is a framework which

regulates and schedule the programs. Without textbook, learner thinks their

learning is not taken seriously.

According to Adam (1990) in Howel (1993 : 182), reading is an

interactive process through which the reader uses code, context analysis, prior

knowledge, vocabullary, and language along with the executive control strategy to

understand. English text on reading skill means some comprehensive texts in

order to improve the English reading skill.

Bloom taxonomy is a model of classifying thinking according to six levels

of complexity (Forehand, 2005: 89). Benjamin Bloom created his taxonomy in

order to categorize different levels of abstraction of question that appear in

educational settings. It has particular value in planning teaching and assesment.To

analyze the exercises on reading text, the researcher used Bloom taxonomy in

order to categorize different levels of abstraction of question, the researcher

identifies the type of compprehension question developed in Get Along with

English for Vocational High School.

Theoritically, the finding of this research will be useful not only for

readers but also for knowledge development of the readers who are interested in

analyzing English textbook especially about reading text including the exercise on




Research method is needed to help the researcher to find the result of the

research. Research method, which deals with the ways we conduct the research, is

really helpful for the researcher in solving the problem. Besides that, the subject

matter being researched will be clear and easy to understand if we apply an

adequate method.

This chapter discusses the methodology of the study. Some materials are

included as the methodology of the study. Those discussed materials are stated as

the following: research method, research instrument, data collection, object of the

study, unit of analysis and data analysis.

A. Reseach Method

In this part, the researcher would like to explain about the research

types that he uses. According to Sugiyono (2008: 13-14), there are two types

of research, there are qualitative and quantitative research.

1. Qualitative research

Sugiyono (2010: 15) mentions the characteristics of qualitative

research as follows:

a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as a direct source and data

and researcher is the key instrument.


b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words of pictures rather than number.

c. Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with

outcomes or products.

d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

e. Meaning is of essential to the qualitative approach.

2. Quantitative research

Sugiyono (2010: 14) asserts the characteristics of quantitative research

as follows:

a. Intensive, long term participation is field setting.

b. Careful recording of what happens and interview note by collecting

other kinds of documentary evidence.

c. Analytic reflection on the documentary records obtained in the field.

d. Reporting the result by means of detailed descriptions, direct quotes

from interview, and interpretative commentary.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher concludes that his

research belongs to descriptive qualitative one. The research topic is about

the analysis of the types of reading texts and the comprehension level of the

exercises found in Get Along with English for Vocational High School is

conducted as a qualitative research because the most important factor that

the researcher attempts to observe is the suitable of the reading text and the

exercise in Get Along with English for Vocational High School with using

Blooms taxonomy. This research is designed as a descriptive qualitative


research. It is mentioned as a descriptive since this study aims to describe

the obtain data in the field.

There are certain general features that characterize qualitative

research. The natural setting is the direct source of data. Firstly, the

researcher goes directly to the particular setting in which he is interested to

collect his data. Secondly, qualitative data are collected in the form of words

rather than numbers. The kinds of data collected in qualitative research can

convey the actual words, so that no data are trivial or unworthy of notice.

The researcher seeks to portray what he has observed in all of its richness.

Third, the researcher as a qualitative researcher tends to analyze the data

inductively. He tends to spend a considerable amount of time collecting data

primarily through observing and making notes. The technique that is used

by the researcher is document analysis that analyzed the written documents.

B. Research Instrument

Research instrument has an important role to obtain the result of the

research. It is a set of method which is used to collect the data. Sugiyono

(2009: 67) states that in qualitative research the researcher is the primary

instrument for data collection and analyzing the data and makes the

conclusion. Therefore, the main instrument in analyzing the data in this

study is the researcher himself.

The researcher uses some instruments to support him in conducting

the research. Some supporting instruments are English dictionary, Get Along

with English for Vocational School Book. Those items are very important

for they provide the detail of information for the researcher to do his study.

C. Data Collection

Sugiyono (2010 : 193) states that there are four techniques in collecting

the data: observation, interview, documentation and triangulation.

Bogdan in Sugiyono (2008: 195) states that in most tradition of

qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to

any first person narrative produced by an individual who describes his or her

own actions, experiences and beliefs. Documentation can be diary, life

history, story, bibliography, picture, photos, film, video, etc.

In this study, the researcher uses documentation technique as he looks

for the data sources that are in the form of written source. He came to the

school which uses the book, borrow the book, and analyze the book.

D. Object of the Study

Suharsimi Arikunto (2010: 172) states that data source is the subjects

from which the data are obtained. If the researcher uses questionnaire or

interview in collecting the data, so the data source is called respondent.

When the researcher uses observation technique in collecting the data, the

data source can be a particular thing or the process of it. In another case,

when the researcher uses documentation technique, it means that the

document or the papers are the data source. Because the researcher will try

to analyze the reading text and the exercises in students’ text book, the

object of the research is the text book itself that is Get along with English

for Vocational School.

The main point why the researcher chooses this book as the object is

this book is used in vocational school. By conducting this research the

researcher hopes that he will finds the compatibility of this book.

E. Unit of Analysis

This research is conducted to analyze the reading texts and the

exercises in Get along with English for vocational school. The researcher

analyzes each reading text which only has exercises.

F. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher will analyze the data based on

these steps:

1. Classifying kinds of reading text in the book.

2. Identifying each type of exercises of the reading text based on

bloom taxonomy by correlating between exercises with kinds of

comprehension questions in Bloom taxonomy.

3. Showing the percentage of the type comprehension questions on

the reading text book and then, describe the dominant type of

comprehension question on the reading text book.




In This chapter, the researcher discusses the result of this research . The

researcher uses the English reading textbook as the instrument of the research; it

means that the book becomes the most important factor on the doing this reseach.

A. Descriptive Analysis

As it is stated in the previous chapter, this research aims to analyze

the kinds of genre of the reading texts and to analyze the type

comprehension questions of the excercises which follows the reading text

in Get Along With English for Vocational book based on Bloom taxonomy.

Benjamin Bloom in 1956 created his taxonomy in order to

categorize the different levels of abstraction of question that appear in

educational settings. It has particular value in planning teaching and


In 1956, Benjamin Bloom identified six levels of intellectual

behaviour that is important in learning. Students should be asked questions

from each level. It is critical thinking of a six-level pyramid, with

knowledge at the lowest level and evaluation at the highest level. The

cognitive domain has six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.


Bloom's taxonomy of questions is kinds of questions to ask in order

to assure reading comprehension and foster higher-level thinking. The

cognitive domain has six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

1. The Analysis on the Types of Texts

The reseacher has analyzed each reading text to classify the type of

text on this book. Text can be classified into several types. The term of

'type' is sometime stated as 'genre’. These classifications on type of text are

based on analysis of three main elements of text. These elements of text

are: The purpose of the text (why the text is made and what the text is

made for by its writer), the generic structures of the text (analyzing the

used structure in composing the text, in what way the text is constructed by

its writer), and the language features (taking a look at the linguistic

characterizations of the text, and what kind of language features is used to

build the text by its writer). The researcher analyse from text 1 until text 7.

The first steps, the researcher classified each text of the reading

texts into the type of texts.

The followings are the result of the analysis.

Text 1

The researcher has analyzed the social function firstly before he

analyzes the generic structures and the language features of the text. The

social function of the text 1 is to describe a particular place that is


The generic structures of the text 1 are as follows.

goal Bunaken : undertaking life

Bunaken is an island of 8.08 km2 at Manado Bay which is

situated on the North of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This
island is part of Manado, the capital city of North
Sulawesi. The Sea Park in Bunaken Island is part of the
Old Manado Ocean.

In the Bunaken Sea Park, visitors can see various

marine creatures living on the bottom of the Bunaken Sea.
The translucent water of the Bunaken Sea enables people
descript to view the numerous sea biotas clearly. There are 13
coral reefs in this park, dominated by the edge and block
ridges of rock. The most attractive view is the steep
vertical coral reef which is 25-50 meters high. 

Feast your eyes on the 91 fish types found in the

Bunaken National Park, among them are the locally
known gusimi horse fish (Hippocampus), white oci
(Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira),
descript goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and
Pseudanthiashypselosoma), ilagasi (Scolopsis bilineatus)
and any more. You can also mollusk types like the giant
kima (Tridacna gigas), goat head (Cassiscornuta),
nautilus( Nautilus pompillius) and tunikates/ascidian.

Viewing the underwater life might not be

sufficient to satisfy your curiously, especially when you
are on land the marine life appear to be out of reach. For
those who enjoy scuba diving, this is the great place to do
it. With about 20 diving spots, divers will have a chance
to swim under the sea, and frolic joyfully while admiring
the sea creatures. 

Make sure you visit Bunaken during the highlight

descript month from May to August. That way you can explore
ion  this place to the fullest.

The generic structures of the text 1 are identification and

description. Paragraph1 is a identification, paragraph two until the last are

description. The language features of the text above are as follows.

• Specific participant: Bunaken

• Simple present tense: is situated, enables, is a part of, visit,

explore, enjoy

• Using adjective and classifier: various , attractive, numerous,

sufficient .

Based on the social function, language features and the generic

structures of the text 1, the researcher decides that text 1 belongs to

descriptive text because text 1 has appropiate characteristic on the generic


structure and language features with the descriptive text. So, the researcher

concludes that text one is categorized into descriptive text.

Descriptive text has the generic structures and the languages

features. The generic structures of descriptive text are identification and

description. The language features of description texts are focus on

specific participant, using simple present tense, using adjective and


Text 2

The researcher states that the social function of text 2 is to explain

the process involved in the formation of evolution of social cultural

phenomenon that is evolution of telephone.

The researcher has described the generic structures of the text 2

from paragraph one until the last paragraph as follows.

One of the most wonderful inventions in the history
of mankind is the telephone. The telephone is one of the
most popular communication devices.

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander

Sequence graham bell in1877, the Bell Telephone Company started to
explanati produce the telephone on large scale. Since then, millions
-on step1
people in America have owned telephone.

The telephone is a familiar, handy instrument, and

has become a really important part of our daily life. Now,
Sequence there are over 250 million telephones in the world, and it is
estimated that nearly one billion conversations take a place
-on step2

The followings are the language features on the text 2.

¾ Focus on generic, non-human participants: telephone

¾ Use simple past tense: changed, made, invented, owned, started,


¾ temporal sequence, conjunctive relatiom : since, then, now

¾ circumtances of time: in 1876,

¾ Use relation verb: become

¾ Use having verb: has, have owned.

¾ Action verb : invented, made, started

Based on the social function, generic structures and language

features of the tex 2 above, the reseacher has concluded that the text 2

belongs to comentary text. It is because the social function, the generic

structures and the dominant language features which are used on the text 2

are appropiate with comentary text, so the text 2 is categorized into a

comentary text.

The comentary text is a kind of text which explain the process

involved in the formation (evolution) of a social cultural phenomenon, as


though a natural phenomenon. The generic structure of the comentary text

are general statement to position the reader and sequence explanation

(evolutionary step1 – end). The language features of comentary texts are;

focus on generic(non- human participants), use of simple past tense,

temporal and causal circumtances and conjunction, material and relational


Text 3

The social function of the text 3 is to describe the tips on making

calls through some steps to do it.

The generic structures of the text 3 which has analyzed by the

researcher as follows.

Goal Tips making calls

When you start to make a call, you should introduce

yourself in correct way. Have a good idea of what you are
going to talk about and make some notes if necessary. At
Step1   the beginning of the call, you should say a greeting and then
identify yourself and your affiliation before asking for the
person you would like to speak to. 

Additionally, you should exercise patience on the

phone and let other people finish their sentences. Speak
Step 2 clearly so you are not misunderstanding.You should make
sure that your first contact with your potential client or
customer goes well.

Finally, in a business call, you should always be

Step 3  upbeat, and speak clearly.

After the researcher has analyzed the generic structures of the text

above, then he analyzes the language features of the text 3 to decide to

what kind of text it belongs.The language features of the text 3 are as


¾ Focus on generilized human agents: you, person.

¾ Use of simple present tense: start, introduce, speak, eat, drink, say,goes.

¾ use of mainly temporal conjunctive relatios: when you start, at the

begining of, additionally, finally.

¾ Use of mainly material (action)clauses: to talk about, say, to speak, eat,

drink make sure.

Based on the analysis of the generic structures of the text above,

the researcher has conluded that the text is belongs to procedure text.

Because the language features and the generic structures of text 3 are

similar or apporopiate with the characteristic of procedure text.

Text 4

The researcher has analyzed the social function firstly before he

analyzes the generic structures and the language features of the text 4. He

analyzed that the social function of text 4 is to inform about the

autobiography of Hemingway career to the audience or reader.

The generic structures of the text 4 which have been analyzed by

the researcher are as follows.

Ernest Hemingway began his writing career as an

ambitious young American newspaper man in Paris after
on the First World War. His early books, including The Sun
Also Rises, were published in Europe before they were
released in the United States.

Hemingway always wrote from experience rather

than from imagination. In Farewell to Arms, published in
1929, he recounted his adventure as an ambulance driver in
Italy during the war. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, published
in 1940, he retold his memories of the Spanish Civil War.

Perhaps more than any other twentieth century

American writer, he was responsible for creating a style of
event literature. The Hemingway style is hard, economical, and
powerful. It lured the reader into using their imagination in
order to fill the details.

In 1952 , Hemingway published The old man and

The Sea, a short, compelling tell of old man fisherman’s
struggle to haul in a giant marlin that he had caught in the
gulf of Mexico. Some critics interpreted it as the allegory of
man’s struggle against old age; others interpreted it as a
man against the forces of the nature. The book was the
climax of Hemingway career. Two years later, he was
awarded the Nobel Prize for literature

Paragraph 1 is orientation. It contains introducing the participants,

place and time(the participant is Hemingway, it take place in Paris, the

time was happened after the first world war).

Paragraph 2 and 3 are describing series of events of hemingway

career which happened in the past. Hemingway always wrote from

experience rather than from imagination. In Farewell to Arms, published in

1929, he recounted his adventure as an ambulance driver in Italy during

the war. Perhaps more than any other twentieth century American writer,

he was responsible for creating a style of literature.

Paragraph 4 is reorientation, it contains stating the personal note.

Two years later, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

Meanwhile, the language features of the text 4 which have been

analyzed by the reseacher are as follows.

¾ Using personal participant : Hemingway


¾ Using chronological conective: In 1952, after the first world war,two

years later

¾ Using linking verb: during, was, were, had.

¾ Using action verb: retold, recounted, lured, wrote.

¾ Using simple past tense pattern: he retold, published in 1940, he

recounted, Hemingway always wrote, some criticts interpreted, he was

awarded, Hemingway began, it lured.

Based on the social function, the generic structures, and the

language features of the text 4, the researcher concludes that the text above

belongs to recount text because the researcher finds the appropiatteness on

the social function, generic structures, and the language features with those

of the recount text.

Text 5

The researcher has analyzed the social function of text 5, this text

is to describe about the elephant commonly.

The analysis of the generic structures of the text 5 are as follows.

General The First paragraph is Stating the general

classificati classification, the animal of elephant. 

The Second Paragraph is Describing the

characteristization of elephants body , and habitual life.

The Third Paragraph 3 is Describing the

habitual life of the elephant.

After the researcher has analyzed the generic structures of the text

above, the researcher analyses the language features of the text 5 as


¾ Using general participants: elephant

¾ Using simple present tense : looks,leaves, draws up,serves, makes

¾ No temporal sequence

¾ Use of beeing, having clauses: it has long nose,

Based on the social function, the language features, general

classification of the text 5, the researcher concludes that the text is

categorised into report text.

Text 6

The reseacher has analyzed that the social function of the text 6 is

to describe about how to make a cake to the reader. It can be seen from the

goal of the text.


The generic structures of the text 6 are as follows.

Goal Informing how to make a cake.

Showing the materials which is needed to make a cake

Material such as a half kg of sugar, one kg of flour, 250 kg of

margarine,12 eggs,two spoonfuls of baking powder.

Showing the steps or method in making a cake;

First of all, mix the eggs and sugar well. Blend the
ingredients until they are well mixed. Next, pour the

mixture into a baking pan. Put it into a heat oven. After

that, bake it for about 20 minutes. Then, take the baking

pan out of the oven. Finally, the cake is ready to be served.

After the reseacher has analyzed the generic structures of the text

6, the reseacher analyzes the language features of the text 6 are as follows.

¾ Using imperative sentence: mix the eggs and sugar well, pour the

baking powder into the mixture, put the flour into the mixture, take

the baking pan out of the oven.

¾ Using action verb: take, put, pour, mix, bake.

¾ Using temporal conjunction : First of all, then,next, after that,


¾ Using simple present tense pattern: the cake is ready to be served.

Based on the language features, social function, and the generic

structure of the text 6, the researcher concludes that the text 6 is

categorized into procedure text because the text 6 has simillarity with the

procedure text on the social function, generic structures and the language


Text 7

The reseacher has analyzed the social function of the text. The

social function of text 7 is to explain how the process of the chocholate is


The reseacher has analyzed the generic structure of the text 7 as


Goal How to make chocholate

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree

grows in equatorial regions, especially in places such as

statement South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree

produces fruit about the size of a small pineapple.


The beans are fermented for about a week, dried

in the sun and the shipped to chocolate maker. The

chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out

the flavor. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed.

Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from

explanation its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are

ground to make it liquid. It tastes bitter. All contain some

amounts of fat, and cacao beans are not different.

However, cacao beans are half-fat, which is why the

ground nibs from liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.

The reseacher has analyzed the generic structure of the text 7, then

he analyzes the language features of the text 7 as follows:

¾ Featuring generic participant: chocholate.

¾ Using chronological connection: starts, next, then.

¾ Using passive voice pattern: the roasted beans are winnowed, the

beans are fermented, the nibs are blended.

¾ Using simple present tense: removes, starts, produces.

Based on the social function, language features and the generic

structures of the text 7, the researcher concludes that the text 7 is

categorized into explanation text.

The reseacher has analyzed each reading text to classify the type

of text on this book. He found that there are six types of texts on this book.

They are descriptive, comentary, recount, procedure and explanation. He

concluded that text 1 is categorized to descriptive text, text 2 is

categorized to comentary text, text 3 is categorized to procedure text, text

4 is categorized to recount text, text 5 is categorised to report text, text 6 is

categorised to procedure text, and text 7 is categorized to explanation text.

T o get a clear description , the researcher also present the result of

the text analysis in table 1. Here are the kinds of texts on reading text

developed in Get Along With English for Vocational School book.

Table 1.

Numb Type of text Topic Total

1 Descriptive Description of Bunaken 1
text underwater life
2 Comentary The telephone wonderful 1
text invention
3 Recount text Autobiography of Hemingway 1

4 Report text Elephant animal 1

5 Procedure How to make a cake, tips on 2

text making a call
6 Explanation How the cocholate is made 1
Total 7

2. The Analysis of exercises

After the reseacher finished analysing the reading text, then he

would be going to the second step of his analysis. The second step is

identifying each type of exercise of the reading text based on Bloom


taxonomy by correlating exercises and the kinds of comprehension in

Bloom taxonomy. It has purpose to know level of critical thinking in

questions on this reading book which are given to the students. He

analysed the exercises which only follow the reading text on this book.

To know the number of questions in each exercise & the total

number of all questions the researcher provides table 2.

Table 2

Here the exercises which developed in reading text.

Numb. Category Total questions

1 Exercise 1 5

2 Exercise 2 10

3 Exercise 3 5

4 Exercise 4 8

5 Exercise 5 4

6 Exercise 6 5

7 Exercise 7 10

Total 47

a. Exercise1

The following is the result of the analysis of exercise 1.

1) Question (statement): where is Bunaken located?


Answer: Bunaken is located in the North Sulawesi Island.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question is just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

Prove: Bunaken is an island of 8.08 km2 at Manado Bay which is

situated on the North of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This island is

part of Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi.

2) Question: What are the most interesting activity people can do in


Answer : The most interesting activity people can do in Bunaken

is seeing the various marine lives in the bottom of the Bunaken


Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question is just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

Prove: In the Bunaken Sea Park, visitors can see various marine

creatures living on the bottom of the Bunaken Sea.

3) Question :When is the best time to visit Bunaken?

Answer : The best time to visit Bunaken is from May to August.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because


the question is just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

Prove: Make sure you visit Bunaken during the highlight month

from May to August.That way you can explore this place to the


4) Question “With about 20 diving spots to choose….”What is the

synonym of the underlined word?

Answer : The synonym of spots is particular places.

Analysis: the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word. The question has meaning we

have to find synonym or pharaphrase of the word. The answer is

not stated in the text.

5) “The most attractive view is steep vertical coral reef…..”What is

the antonym of the underlined word?

Answer : The antonym of vertical is horizontal

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word. The question has meaning we

have to find antonym of the word. The answer is not stated in the


b. Exercise 2

The following is the result of the analysis of exercises 2

1) What does the text talk about?

Answer: the text talked about the impact of the telephone


Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

interpreting and stating main ideas. The question has meaning we

have to find topic or main ideas of that text. It is not just to recall

information or knowledge, but we have to find implisit

information of the text and state in one’s own word. The answer

is not stated in the text because is implisit question..

2) Is the telephone the only wonderful invention in history?

Answer: No, it is not. The telephone invention is not the only

wonderful invention in history.

Analysis : the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

Prove: One of the most wonderful inventions in the history of

mankind is the telephone


3) When was it invented?

Answer: It was invented in 1876.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text

Prove : The telephone was invented in 1876

4) In what century was the telephone invented?

Answer : The telephone was invented in the nineteenth century.

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word meaning. The question has

meaning we have to paraphrase the meaning of the implicit

question . The answer is not stated in the text.

5) Who invented the telephone?

Answer : Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Analysis : the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text


Prove: The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander graham

bell. In1877, the bell telephone company started to produce the

telephone on large scale

6) How many telephones are there in the world today?

Answer : There are over 250 million telephones in the world


Analysis : the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text

Prove: Now, there are over 250 million telephones in the world,

and it is estimated that nearly one billion conversations take a

place everyday.

7) How many phone conversations occur every day?

Answer: Nearly one billion conversations occur every day.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have

been learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

Prove : Now, there are over 250 million telephones in the world,

and it is estimated that nearly one billion conversations take a

place everyday

8) Why has the telephone become a really important part of daily


Answer: The telephone has become a really important part of our

daily life because it is the most popular communication device to

connect people from around the world.

Analysis: : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word meaning. The question has

meaning we have to get main ideas of the implicit information.

The answer is not stated in the text.

9) ‘… nearly one billion conversations take place every day.’ What

the synonym of the underlined word?

Answer: The synonym of take place is occur.

Analysis: the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word. The question has meaning we

have to find synonym or pharaphrase of the word. The answer is

not stated in the text.

10) The telephone is a familiar, handy instrument …’ what does the

underlined word mean?

Answer: Handy means useful and simple to use.


Analysis: the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

translating or interpreting the word. The goal of question is we

have to find synonym or pharaphrase of the word. The answer is

not stated in the text.

c. Exercise 3

The following is the result of the analysis of exercises 3

1) What should we do before we make a phone call?

Answer: Before we make a phone call, we should have a good

idea of what we are going to talk about.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. The question is belongs to knowledge

level because the goal of the question just to recall the data or

information which have been learned by the student. The answer

of that question is stated in the text.

2) What should we do before asking for the person we’d like to speak


Answer : Before asking for the person we would like to speak to,

we should say a greeting and identify ourselves and our affiliation.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned by student. the answer of that question is stated in the


3) What should we do to avoid a misunderstanding?

Answer : To avoid misunderstanding we should speak clearly.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

4) What should not be done on the phone while doing business?

Answer : While in the phone doing business we should not eat,

drink, or chew gum.

Analysis: the question’s above is classified to knowledge because

the goal of question’s just to recall the information or knowledge

which have been learned.

5) What should we always do when speaking on the phone?

Answer : While speaking on the phone we should always be

upbeat and speak clearly.

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

d. Exercise 4

The following is the result of the analysis of exercise 4.


1) When did Hemingway begin his career?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified to knowledge level in

the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned by learner. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

2) Where was The Sun Also Rises published?

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

3) What theme did Hemingway use for many of his books?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified to knowledge level in

the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

4) What was Hemingway style?

Answer: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

5) When did Hemingway publish The Old man on the Sea?

Analysis: the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because


the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

6) What prize did Hemingway win after he wrote The Old Man and

The Sea?

Analysis: the question’s above is belongs to knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

7) When was he awarded the prize?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified to knowledge level in

the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

8) What advice would Hemingway probably give to other Writers?

Analysis: the question’s above is belongs to knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

e. Exercise 5

The following is the result of the analysis of exercise 5.

1) The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that....?

a. Elephants are strong

b. Elephants can lift logs


c. Elephant are helpful animals

d. Elephants are intelegent

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

stating the ideas. The question has meaning we have to get main

idea of the text. The answer is not stated in the text.

2) Which are the following is not part of how an elephant is described

in the first paragraph?

a. It looks strange..

b. It’s strong

c. It’s wild

d. It has a trunk

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

stating the ideas. The question has meaning we have to get main

idea of the text.

3) The trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature. What is the synonym of

the underline word?

a. Large c. tough

b. Strange d. Smooth

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by

interpreting or translating the world. The question has meaning we

have to find the synonym of the world. The answer is not stated in

the text.

4) How does the elephant draw up water?

a. By it’s trunk. c. By it’s tail.

b. By its leg. d. By it’s not

Analysis : the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

f. Exercise 6

The following is the result of the analysis of exercise 6.

1) How much sugar is needed for making a cake?

Analysis : the question’s above is in the group of knowledge level

in the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

2) What is the first step?

Analysis : the question’s above is belongs to knowledge level in

the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because


the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

3) How long are the ingredients blended for?

Analysis : the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

4) What should be done after putting the flour into the mixture?

Analysis : the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

5) How long should it be baked?

Analysis : the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

g. Exercise 7

The following is the result of the analysis of exercise 1.

1) What does the text talk about?

Analysis: the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by


interpreting and stating main ideas. The question has meaning we

have to find topic or main ideas of that text. It is not just to recall

information or knowledge, but we have to find implisit

information of the text and state in one’s own word. The answer is

not stated in the text because is implisit question

2) Why does a chocolate maker start by roasting the beans?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

3) Where do cacao trees grow?

Analysis : the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

4) What do cacao trees produce?

Analysis: the question’s above is belongs to knowledge level in

the bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because

the question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

5) What are found inside the cacao fruit? And what are they called?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the


question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

6) How long are the beans fermented?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

7) How does a chocolate maker start to make chocolate?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. the answer of that question is stated in the text.

8) Do different beans from different places have different qualities

and flavor?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

9) ‘’ … so they are often sorted and blended to produce …”

(paragraph 3) the underlined word is closest in meaning to….

Analysis : the question above is elicit to comprehension level in

Bloom taxonomy. It includes in comprehension because the

question above demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by


interpreting or translating the world. The question has meaning we

have to find the synonym of the world. The answer is not stated in

the text

10) What is the purpose of winnowing the beans?

Analysis: the question’s above is classified knowledge level in the

bloom taxonomy. It includes in term of knowledge because the

question just to recall the data or information which have been

learned. The answer of that question is stated in the text.

Then, to give a clear description, the analysis result of the

questions of the exercises is present in table 2.

Table 2. the Percentage of Questions category

No Level of Bloom Frequency percentage


1 Knowledge 36 76,6%

2 Comprehension 11 23,4%

3 Application - 0%

4 Analysis - 0%

5 Synthesis - 0%

6 Evaluation - 0%

Total 6 47 100%

From the table of comprehension question of bloom taxonomy

above, it is found that the questions of the texts are applied on 2 levels,

they are knowledge and comprehension level. From the whole questions

(47 questions ) 76,6% of them is on knowledge level, and 23,4% of them

is on comprehension level. It means that the level of question in the

analyzed texts is dominated by knowledge level. It’s includes in the lowest

level of cofnitive domain in Bloom taxonomy.

B. Interpretation and Discussion of The Finding

Discussion is one kind of substances in this chapter. This is the

most important part in the research. Here, the researcher provides data

which have researched based on the theory used.The research topic is

about the analysis of reading texts and the exercises using some steps as

follows. First, the researcher classified the kinds of reading text in the

book. Second, the researcher identified each type of exercises of the

reading text based on Bloom taxonomy by correlating between exercises

and the kind of comprehension in Bloom taxonomy. Third, the researcher

presents the type of comprehension question on the reading text book and

describes the dominant type of comprehension question developed in the

reading text book based on Bloom taxonomy.

In the result of the first analysis, the reseacher finds that there are

six types of texts developed on this book. They are descriptive text,

comentary, recount, procedure and explanation text. He concludes that text

1 is categorized to descriptive text, text 2 is categorized to comentary text,

text 3 is categorized to procedure text, text 4 is categorized to recount text,

text 5 is categorised to report text, text 6 is categorised to procedure text,

and text 7 is categorized to explanation text.

In the result of the second analysis by identifying each type of

exercises of the reading text based on Bloom taxonomy by correlating

exercises and the kinds of comprehension question, the researcher finds

that the questions of the texts are applied on 2 levels, they are knowledge

and comprehension level. From the whole questions (47 questions ) 76,6%

of them is on knowledge level, and 23,4% of them is on comprehension

leve and no one questions are categorized in aplication, analysis ,synthesis,

or evaluation levels.

The result of the third analysis is that the level of question in the

analyzed exercises of texts is dominated by knowledge level. It’s includes

in the lowest level of cofnitive domain in Bloom taxonomy.

By knowing the dominant type of comprehension questions on the

reading text, the reseacher can conclude that the exercises developed in

Get Along With English for Vocational School are categorized in the

lowest level of cognitive domain. The teacher should design the question

which is categorized in higher levels such as aplication, analysis, synthesis

and evaluation. It purposes to improve the critical thinking of the students

in reading comprehension in order to student could become critical reader.


Knowing about the different levels of thinking can help a student to

perform better critical thinking skills which can result in doing better on

papers, tests, and other assignments. A teacher can pose questions to

encourage a higher level of thinking rather than asking the student to

regurgitate facts or the general recall of information. So a new way to

teach English reading focusing on developing student’s critical thinking

should be proposed. Teacher can be the critical element that encourages

this higher level thinking by the design and implementation of questions

during teaching and learning process. Teacher can encourage the student to

use a higher level of critical thinking and encourage the student to stretch

cognitively. One method to accomplish this is to move the student from

just knowledge / remembering based interaction to a higher and critical

thinking form of interaction.

Students should be trained to be critical readers who could be able

to master comprehension question by organize, interpret, synthesize, and

digest what they read. In this case, the teacher have to select the good

reading textbook which contains the high levels of comprehension


The researcher has sugesstion to the publisher in order to improve

design the reading material. The reading material on this book should

developed the exercises which can improves the critical thinking of the

students. The exercises on the reading materials of this book just

devoloped the knowledge and the comprehension level of cognitive


domain. So the publisher should take the questions which could help

students to develop their reading ability. The comprehension question

could develop their ability such as aplication, analysis, synthesis and





In this chapter, the researcher will present the outcomes of the study

involving the conclusion and suggestions. In anticipation to this, it is useful to

present some important information concerning the study as a lead in to better

comprehension to the conclusion and suggestions.

A. Conclusion

Based on the finding research data and the discussion, the researcher

concludes as follows.

He analyzed the type of texts based on analysis three elements these are:

social function,generic structure and language features. He found that there are six

types of texts on this book. They are descriptive, comentary, recount, procedure

and explanation text.

From the data reseach finding, the reseacher has concluded that the level

comprehension’s qestion of bloom taxonomy which are given on this reading

textbook are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and

evaluation. 76,6 % of the question dominate on the knowledge, 23,4 % of

question is comprehension, and there are no question that categorize on the

application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It is means that the exercises on

the reading developed in Get Along With English for Vocational School is

categorised in lowest level of cognitive domain.


The dominant type of comprehension question developed in the exercises

on the reading text is a knowledge level. It means the exercises on this reading

text is included in lowest level, because the categorized high levels are analysis,

synthesis and evaluation. Therefore, the teacher must design the high level

questions to improve the critical thinking of the students in reading

comprehension in order to student could become critical reader.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer tries to give some

suggestions as follows.

1. The Author of texbook

The researcher has sugesstion to the publisher in order to

improve design the reading material. Overal of this book is good, but

in reading material on this book should developed the exercises which

could improved the critical thinking of the students.

2. The English teachers

The english teacher as expected to be creative in presenting

materials. Tey can use the other book related and give supporting

materials that help teaching learning activities. The english teacher are

sugested to be more creative to invite and to motivate their students.

Therefore, they can be more motivated to learn English not only as a

receiver but also as the producer.


3. The other Reseachers

The next reseacher may follow up this analysis by exploring the

quality of each exercise provided after each material not only in the

reading material, but all of skill.

Page 8

Text 1

Bunaken: Breathtaking Underwater Life

Bunaken is an island of 8.08 km2 at Manado Bay which is situated

on the North of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This island is part of Manado,

the capital city of North Sulawesi. The Sea Park in Bunaken Island is part

of the Old Manado Ocean.

In the Bunaken Sea Park, visitors can see various marine creatures

living on the bottom of the Bunaken Sea. The translucent water of the

Bunaken Sea enables people to view the numerous sea biotas clearly.

There are 13 coral reefs in this park, dominated by the edge and block

ridges of rock. The most attractive view is the steep vertical coral reef

which is 25-50 meters high.

Feast your eyes on the 91 fish types found in the Bunaken National

Park, among them are the locally known gusimi horse fish( Hippocampus),

white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tail lolosi ( Lutjanus kasmira),goropa

(Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma),ilagasi

(Scolopsis bilineatus) and any more. You can also mollusk types like the

giant kima(Tridacna gigas), goat head ( Cassiscornuta, nautilus( Nautilus

pompillius) and tunikates/ascidian.

Viewing the underwater life might not be sufficient to satisfy your

curiously, especially when you are on land the marine life appear to be out

of reach. For those who enjoy scuba diving, this is the great place to do it.
With about 20 diving spots, divers will have a chance to swim under the

sea, and frolic joyfully while admiring the sea creatures.

Make sure you visit Bunaken during the highlight month from May

to August.That way you can explore this place to the fullest.


Exercise Text 1

Answer the questions based on the text

1. Where is Bunaken located?

2. What are the most interesting activity people can do in Bunaken?
3. When is the best time to visit Bunaken?
4. “With about 20 diving spots to choose….”What is the synonym of
the underlined word?
5. “The most attractive view is steep vertical coral reef…..”What is the
antonym of the underlined word?

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 9)

Page 28

Text 2


One of the most wonderful inventions in the history of mankind is

the telephone. The telephone is one of the most popular communication

devices. It has change the world and made it smaller.

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander graham bell.

In1877, the bell telephone company started to produce the telephone on

large scale. Since then, millions people in America have owned telephone.

The telephone is a familiar, handy instrument, and has become a

really important part of our daily life. Now, there are over 250 million

telephones in the world, and it is estimated that nearly one billion

conversations take a place everyday.

(get along with english for vocational school, page:28)

Exercise Text 2

1. What does the text talk about?

2. Is the telephone the only wonderful invention in history?

3. When was it invented?

4. In what century was the telephone invented?

5. Who invented the telephone?

6. How many telephones are there in the world today?

Page 29

7. How many phone conversations occur every day?

8. Why has the telephone become a really important part of daily life?

9. ‘… nearly one billion conversations take place every day.’ What the

synonym of the underlined word?

10. The telephone is a familiar, handy instrument …’ what does the

underlined word mean?

Text 3

Tips on Making Calls

When you start to make a call, you should introduce yourself in

correct way. Have a good idea of what you are going to talk about and

make some notes if necessary. At the beginning of the call, you should say

a greeting and then identify yourself and your affiliation before asking for

the person you would like to speak to.

Additionally, you should exercise patience on the phone and let

other people finish their sentences. Speak clearly so you are not

misunderstanding. Never eat, drink, or chew gum while on the phone

doing business. You should make sure that your first contact with your

potential client or customer goes well.

Finally, in a business call, you should always be upbeat, and speak


(get along with english for vocational school, page:29)

Page 30

Exercises text 3

1. What should we do before we make a phone call?

2. What should we do before asking for the person we’d like to speak


3. What should we do to avoid a misunderstanding?

4. What should not be done on the phone while doing business?

5. What should we always do when speaking on the phone?

(get along with english for vocational school, page:30)

Page 52

Text 4

Ernest Hemingway began his writing career as an ambitious young

American newspaper man in Paris after the First World War. His early

books, including The Sun Also Rises, were published in Europe before they

were released in the United States.

Hemingway always wrote from experience rather than from

imagination. In Farewell to Arms, published in 1929, he recounted his

adventure as an ambulance driver in Italy during the war. In For Whom the

Bell Tolls, published in 1940, he retold his memories of the Spanish Civil


Perhaps more than any other twentieth century American writer, he

was responsible for creating a style of literature. The Hemingway style is

hard, economical, and powerful. It lured the reader into using their

immaginati8on in order to fill the details.

In 1952 , Hemingway published The old man and The Sea, a short,

compelling tell of old man fisherman’s struggle to haul in a giant marlin

that he had caught in the gulf of Mexico. Some critics interpreted it as the

allegory of man’s struggle against old age; others interpreted it as a man

against the forces of the nature. The book was the climax of Hemingway

career. Two years later, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 52)

Page 52

Exercises text 4

1. When did Hemingway begin his career?

2. Where was The Sun Also Rises published?

3. What theme did Hemingway use for many of his books?

4. What was Hemingway style?

5. When did Hemingway publish The Old man on the Sea?

6. What prize did Hemingway win after he wrote The Old Man and

The Sea?

7. When was he awarded the prize?

8. What advice would Hemingway probably give to other Writers?

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 52)

Page 92

Text 5

An elephant is the larges and strongest of animals. It is strange

looking animal with thick legs, huge sdes and back large hanging ears , a

small tail, small eyes, ling white tusks, and above all it has a long nose

called the trunk.

The trunk is an elephant ‘s peculiar feature, and it have various

uses. The elephant draws up water by it trunk and can squirt it all over its

body like a shower a bath. It can also lift leaves and put them into its

mouth . in fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long as armand hand. An

elephant also looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very


An elephant is very intelegent animal. Its intelegence combined

with its great strength make it very useful to man and it can be trained to

do many things such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tiger, and even fight.

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 92)

Exercises text 5

1. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that....?

a. Elephants are strong

b. Elephants can lift logs

c. Elephant are helpful animals

d. Elephants are intelegent

2. Which are the following is not part of how an elephant is described

in the first paragraph?

a. It looks strange..

b. It’s strong

c. It’s wild

d. It has a trunk

3. The trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature. What is the synonym of

the underline word?

a. Large c. tough

b. Strange d. smooth

4. How does the elephant draw up water?

a. By it’s trunk. c. By it’s tail.

b. By its leg. d. By it’s not

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 93)

Page 108

Text 6

How to Make a Cake

• A half kg of sugar 

• One kg of flour 

• 250 kg of margarine. 

• 12 eggs. 

• Two spoonfuls of baking powder. 

First of all, mix the eggs and sugar well. Pour the baking powder into the

mixture. Blend the ingredients until they are well mixed. Then, put the

flour into the mixture. Remember to reduce the speed of the mixer. Add

margarine into the blend. Next, pour the mixture into a baking pan. Put it

into a heat oven. After that, bake it for about 20 minutes. Then, take the

baking pan out of the oven. Finally, the cake is ready to be served.

(get along with english for vocational school, page: 108)

Page 109

Exercises text 6

1. How much sugar is needed for making a cake?

2. What is the first step?

3. How long are the ingredients blended for?

4. What should be done after putting the flour into the mixture?

5. How long should it be baked?

Text 7

How to Make Chocolate

Have you ever wondered how people make chocolate? In this

article, we’ll enter the amazing world of chocolate, so you can understand

exactly what you were eating.

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in

equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and

Indonesia. The cacao tree produces fruit about the size of a small

pineapple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also known as cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and the

shipped to chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the

beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have

different qualities and flavour, so they are often sorted and blended to

produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed.

Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then,

the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it liquid. It

tastes bitter. All contain some amounts of fat, and cacao beans are not

different. However, cacao beans are half-fat, which is why the ground nibs

from liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.

Exercises text 7

1. What does the text talk about?

2. Why does a chocolate maker start by roasting the beans?

3. Where do cacao trees grow?

4. What do cacao trees produce?

5. What are found inside the cacao fruit? And what are they called?

6. How long are the beans fermented?

7. How does a chocolate maker start to make chocolate?

8. Do different beans from different places have different qualities and


9. ‘’ … so they are often sorted and blended to produce … (paragraph 3)

the underlined word is closest in meaning to….

10. What is the purpose of winnowing the beans?

(Get Along With English for Vocational School, Page:109)

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