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Unenhanced MR Angiography
Martin Backens and Bernd Schmitz

Introduction information about blood flow in terms of velocity

and direction.
In conventional x-ray digital subtraction an- Unenhanced MRA comprises those MR tech-
giography (DSA), administration of contrast agent niques that rely solely on flow effects. Unlike con-
is necessary in order to depict blood vessels. After trast-enhanced MRA (CE MRA) and x-ray angiog-
arterial catheterization and injection of an iodi- raphy, which depict the vessel lumen filled with
nated contrast agent, two-dimensional projection contrast agent, it is just the movement of blood
images of the lumen of the vessel are acquired that is seen in the unenhanced MR-angiogram.
from chosen angles. For every new projection this Flow effects can be grouped into two funda-
procedure has to be repeated. The availability of mentally different categories:
3D rotational angiography and CT angiography • Amplitude effects (time-of-flight) Blood flow-
may help to overcome this problem but at the ex- ing into or out of a chosen slice has a different
pense of high radiation doses. longitudinal magnetization compared to sta-
Unenhanced MR angiography (MRA) differs tionary spins, depending on the duration of
from DSA and other angiographic techniques in stay (time-of-flight) in the slice.
that blood vessels are depicted non-invasively in • Phase effects Blood flowing along the direction
the absence of contrast agent injection. Unen- of a magnetic field gradient is subject to
hanced MR techniques allow the acquisition of 3D changes of its transverse magnetization com-
datasets or stacks of 2D images that contain all pared to stationary spins.
vessels in the volume of interest. The acquired im-
ages included in the 3D data set are called “source In principle, both flow phenomena are effective
images”. Projectional angiographic displays of the simultaneously leading either to a decrease or an
vessel are subsequently reconstructed from the da- increase of the MR signal depending on the type of
ta using the maximum intensity projection (MIP) sequence used. Appropriate sequence techniques
postprocessing algorithm, which generates an- have been developed which emphasize one of the
giogram-like images from the entire dataset or a flow effects and suppress the other. Typically, MR
subset from any desired viewing angle without the angiography techniques are designed in such a
need for further measurement. Another advantage way that flowing blood produces hyperintense sig-
of MRA versus x-ray angiography derives from the nal while the background signal from stationary
fact that extravascular tissue is depicted together tissue remains largely suppressed (“bright-blood”
with the vessels, thereby permitting the correlation angiography). Alternatively, flowing spins can be
of blood flow abnormalities with associated soft
tissue pathologies (Table 1).
Table 1. Advantages of MR angiography
Contrast in MR images depends principally on
static tissue parameters: longitudinal relaxation Advantages of MR angiography
time T1, transverse relaxation time T2, and proton No ionizing radiation
density. In addition, the MR signal is sensitive to Non-invasive
flow and movement which frequently leads to arti- Any projection can be reconstructed from 3D datasets
facts in MR imaging. MR angiographic sequences,
Depiction of extravascular tissue
however, use flow-induced signal variations to de-
Flow quantification in terms of velocity and direction
pict blood vessels or even to obtain quantitative
4 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Table 2. Techniques of unenhanced MR angiography bulent or very slow flow. In severe cases, this may
lead to a misdiagnosis of the pathologic condition
Time-of-Flight (TOF) angiography: (stenosis, aneurysm). Additionally, TOF and PC
Flow changes longitudinal magnetization angiography are highly sensitive to motion arti-
Phase-contrast (PC) angiography: facts. Although motion artifacts often arise due to
Flow changes transverse magnetization patient movement because of the need for relative-
ly long acquisition times, they may also occur in
areas of very pulsatile flow such as that occurring
in the carotids, aorta, and especially, in the periph-
eral arteries, and in the thoracic and abdominal
made to appear hypointense compared to the sta- regions due to breathing and heart actions. Where-
tionary background (“black-blood” angiography). as ECG triggering may reduce or eliminate those
In the clinical setting “bright-blood” MRA is the artifacts associated with pulsatile flow, the avail-
more widely accepted of the two techniques. There ability of contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE
are two approaches to performing “bright-blood” MRA) has largely made unenhanced MRA redun-
MRA: time-of-flight (TOF) and phase-contrast dant for most vascular territories outside of the
(PC) angiography (Table 2). brain. However if unenhanced MRA techniques
Although intravenous contrast administration are performed, a thorough understanding of the
is not required in TOF and PC MRA, it can be ap- underlying physical and technical mechanisms is
plied in certain situations to improve vessel con- prerequisite to performing imaging and to cor-
trast. rectly interpreting the acquired angiograms.
Since unenhanced MRA is based on complex
flow phenomena, physiological conditions of flow
in the vascular territory of interest are of major Understanding Flow Effects
importance for the applicability of the method.
Advantageous conditions are found especially in Outflow-related Signal Loss
the vessels of the brain because of the nearly lami- (washout effect, T2 flow void)
nar flow in this territory. Moreover, flow is largely
constant during the heart cycle (Fig. 1), making When images are obtained with a spin-echo (SE)
ECG triggering unnecessary for imaging of brain pulse sequence, blood flowing at a high velocity
vessels. The high velocity of arterial flow (50–100 perpendicular to the imaging plane produces a
cm/sec) provides good vessel-background contrast weaker signal than the surrounding stationary tis-
and moderate acquisition times. In clinical rou- sue. This phenomenon is caused by the washout of
tine, unenhanced MRA has proven to be a robust flowing spins from the slice during the imaging
and versatile method for non-invasively imaging process.
of brain vessels (circle of wilis, sagittal sinus). In Spin-echo techniques are characterized by a se-
addition, this technique is also suitable for depict- quence of slice-selective 90° and 180° radio fre-
ing extracranial carotid arteries and short seg- quency (RF) pulses. Only those tissue components
ments of peripheral vessels (e.g. lower leg). that are affected by both pulses can provide an MR
A major limitation of unenhanced MRA, how- signal. Moving material, such as blood in the ves-
ever, is a susceptibility to signal loss in areas of tur- sels, flowing through the excited slice at a suffi-

Fig. 1. Comparison of flow pro-

files in the external carotid artery
(ECA), the internal carotid artery
(ICA) and the middle cerebral ar-
tery (MCA). There is very pulsatile
flow in the ECA. However, in the
intracranial vessels, the variation
of flow during heart cycle is much
less pronounced [Courtesy of
Steffi Behnke, MD, Dept. of Neu-
rology, Saarland University Hospi-
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 5

Fig. 2. In spin-echo sequences, blood

flowing out of the measured slice in
the time between 90°- and 180°-ra-
diofrequency pulses leads to signal

ciently high velocity, is affected by only one of The washout effect is observed only for SE se-
these pulses, and therefore does not contribute quences and is most pronounced on T2- weighted
to the MR signal. This is the so-called flow void imaging because of the long echo times used. With
(Fig. 2). gradient-echo (GRE) techniques, the echo is refo-
The intensity of the vascular signal declines cused without a 180° pulse simply by reversing the
with imaging gradients. Since only one RF pulse is
• decreasing slice thickness, s, needed to form an echo, the washout effect does
• increasing echo time, TE, not occur.
• increasing flow velocity, v. With standard SE sequences the washout effect
If the blood flow velocity is so high that all provides valuable and reliable information about
spins leave the slice between the 90°- and 180°- blood flow. The absence of a flow void on T2-
pulses (v ≥ s/(TE/2)), there will be no signal at all weighted imaging should be considered as indica-
and the vessel will appear dark. tive of very slow flow or even occlusion of the ves-
Spins flowing within the imaging plane are not sel (Fig. 3). On the other hand, occlusion of the ves-
affected by this phenomenon. sel can be excluded if a flow void is present.

Fig. 3. Axial T2-weighted

spin-echo image of the
pons region. Left: Missing
flow void in the basilar ar-
tery indicates thrombosis
of the vessel. Right: After
thrombolysis, the vessel
(arrow) appears dark due
to restored flow
6 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Inflow-related Signal Enhancement Spins outside the excited slice (or volume) are
(Inflow Effect) not influenced by the RF pulses. Consequently,
blood entering into the slice being imaged is fully
Although the signal of blood flowing quickly out relaxed, experiencing not more than a few excita-
of the measured slice is reduced with SE se- tions on its way through the slice. As a result, flow-
quences, under certain circumstances the opposite ing blood gives rise to considerably higher signal
effect may occur: spins flowing into the slice may intensity relative to that of the saturated spins in the
generate a higher signal than the surrounding tis- stationary tissue. This effect is called “inflow en-
sue. This effect is referred to as inflow enhance- hancement” or “flow-related enhancement” (Fig. 5).
ment. The signal intensity of flowing blood increases
On T1-weighted imaging, contrast is generated with:
by repeated RF pulses that are applied with a time • decreasing slice thickness s,
interval (repetition time, TR) that is shorter than • increasing flow velocity v.
the T1 relaxation time of the tissue (typically TR < If the blood flow velocity is so high that all ves-
700 msec). As a result, the tissue components are sel spins are replaced by unsaturated spins in the
saturated unequally, depending on their individual time interval TR (i.e. v > s/TR), flow enhancement
T1 times. This is the basis of T1-weighted image is maximal and the vessel appears bright on a gray
contrast (Fig. 4). Irrespective of flow effects, blood or black background (Fig. 6).
in the vessels would appear hypointense on a nor- Although the inflow effect occurs both with SE
mal T1-weighted image due to its relatively long and GRE sequences, SE sequences are not practical
T1 time. for the TOF method because the competing
The signal emitted by the tissue diminishes washout effect (see above) tends to overbalance
when the TR is reduced. With GRE sequences, rep- the inflow effect at higher flow velocities, leading
etition times shorter than 50 msec can be to decreased flow signal.
achieved. This allows the majority of non-moving Consequently, flow-related enhancement using
spins to become saturated, thus minimizing the GRE sequences to produce bright-blood images is
background signal. the basis of time-of-flight angiography.

Fig. 4. With a very long repeti-

tion time TR, the magnetization
fully relaxes yielding maximum
signal strength M0. Shortening of
the TR leads to partially saturated
magnetization and therefore de-
creased signal
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 7

Fig. 5. Inflow effect: In the interval between two RF

excitations, the blood in the vessel is replaced by
“fresh”, unsaturated blood, while the stationary tis-
sue in the slice is saturated due to the short TR

Fig. 7. Spins moving along bipolar magnetic field gradients experience a

Fig. 6. Brain vessels, axial slice. Due to the inflow effect, phase shift Φ of their transverse magnetization proportional to the gradient
there is high contrast between the vessels and the sur- A, the time interval t between the pulses, and the velocity v of the spins along
rounding tissue the gradient direction. In contrast, the phase shift for stationary spins is zero

Phase Effects with identical strength and duration but opposite

sign. Thus, for stationary spins the net phase shift
Phase effects concern the transverse component of is zero. In contrast, the same gradients applied on a
the magnetization. They occur whenever spins are flowing spin generate a non-zero phase shift. Since
moving in the presence of magnetic field gradi- the spins change their position during the bipolar
ents, as are applied for spatial encoding of the MR gradient application, the second gradient pulse is
signal. no longer able to completely compensate for the
Magnetic field gradients provoke a change in phase shifts induced by the first gradient. The re-
the Larmor frequency depending on gradient maining phase shift Φ is proportional to the veloc-
strength and spin position. A gradient pulse of cer- ity component v of the spins along the gradient di-
tain length and amplitude therefore induces a rection (Fig. 7).
phase shift of the transverse magnetization, which On standard MR imaging, this flow-induced
can be compensated by a second gradient pulse phase shift causes a spatial misencoding of the sig-
8 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Optimal reduction of flow-induced phase ef-

fects can be achieved by combining GMR with as
short a TE as possible, in order to reduce the time
available for spin dephasing. Short echo times also
diminish the impact of pulsatile blood flow and

Fig. 8. Blood vessel exhibiting laminar flow with a parabolic flow Time-of-Flight (TOF) Angiography
profile. The flow velocity is indicated by the length of the arrows
showing an increase from the border towards the center Techniques
The contrast mechanism of TOF MRA is based on
the inflow effect. Fully relaxed blood entering the
nal leading to ghost artifacts that are typically
measured volume behaves as an endogenous con-
found in the phase-encoding direction.
trast agent, by producing a bright signal. The bright
Spins in a blood vessel are moving with differ-
depiction of flowing blood, however, requires the
ent velocities. Often, a parabolic flow profile is
use of flow rephasing techniques (GMR) in order to
found (Fig. 8). Spins moving faster experience a
overcome the effects of spin dephasing due to
larger phase shift than those moving more slowly. If
transverse magnetization. TOF MRA using GRE se-
there is a velocity distribution inside a voxel, phase
quences has several advantages: Firstly, GRE se-
dispersion (intra-voxel dephasing) occurs resulting
quences are not affected by the wash-out phenome-
in decreased signal in the blood vessel (Fig. 9). The
non that diminishes the signal of fast flowing blood
extent of spin-dephasing depends on the strength
when using SE techniques. Secondly, GRE tech-
and time interval of the gradient pulses, as well as
niques permit the use of short repetition times (TR
the distribution of spin velocities. When complex
< 40 msec), which are needed to efficiently saturate
flow patterns are encountered, for example in ves-
stationary tissue. Thirdly, echo times can be kept
sels with turbulent flow, there may be a very broad
short (TE < 5 msec), thus further reducing spin de-
spectrum of velocities within a voxel, leading to to-
phasing. Generally, it is advisable to apply in-phase
tal signal loss in the vessel (Fig. 9 c).
echo times in order to avoid opposed-phase effects
Using additional gradient pulses of appropri-
at the vessel walls that would impair the depiction
ate amplitude and duration, flow-induced phase
of small vessels. Finally, GRE techniques are charac-
shifts can be compensated, thus eliminating any
terized by short acquisition times which are impor-
signal loss. This technique is called “gradient mo-
tant when acquiring volume (3D) datasets.
tion rephasing (GMR)” or just “flow compensa-
TOF techniques can be divided into three
tion” [1]. However, GMR is normally restricted to
groups (Fig. 10):
first-order movements, i.e. spins that move at a
constant velocity. Turbulent flow and effects of ac- • sequential 2D multi-slice method,
celeration cannot be completely compensated by • 3D single-slab method,
GMR. • 3D multi-slab method.

Fig. 9a-c. a If all spins in a

voxel have the same veloci-
ty the signal is maximal. b If
there is velocity distribu-
tion, loss of phase coher-
ence occurs resulting in de-
creased signal intensity. c If
a b c phase dispersion is total, the
signal intensity is zero
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 9

Fig. 10. TOF-techniques:

2D multi-slice, 3D single-
slab, 3D multi-slab

With 2D techniques, the vessel is imaged by se- In 3D TOF MRA, the entire imaging volume,
quentially scanning multiple thin slices. This usually 30 – 60 mm thick, is excited simultaneously
method has two advantages in comparison to the and then partitioned into thin slices by an addi-
interleaved multi-slice technique: Firstly, very short tional phase encoding gradient along the slice-se-
TR times can be used which boost the inflow effect, lect direction [3]. 3D TOF MRA has the advantage
and secondly, partially saturated blood is hindered of high spatial resolution together with high sig-
from flowing from one slice to another. The nal-to-noise ratio, thereby facilitating the improved
method guarantees sufficient inflow enhancement depiction of particularly small vessel structures.
even in vessels with a very slow flow and produces The technique allows slices of less than 1 mm
constant vessel-background contrast in the cov- thickness and isotropic voxels to be acquired easily.
ered region, because each slice is an entry slice [2]. One major problem of the 3D technique, how-
Problems arise with 2D TOF MRA if the vessels ever, is the progressive saturation that occurs when
to be imaged do not flow in a perpendicular direc- blood flowing through the volume is subjected to
tion to the imaging plane. If the vessels run partly repeated RF pulses. As a result, the signal intensity
inside the slice (i.e. in-plane) or return to the slice decreases continuously in the direction of flow.
in a looped form, then signal loss may occur due to The extent of saturation depends on the length of
the partial saturation of flow. time in which the blood stays inside the volume. In
In order to achieve a sufficient signal-to-noise slow flow vessels, signal begins to diminish when
ratio, a slice thickness of at least 2-3 mm is neces- only a short distance has been covered. Conversely,
sary. However, this results in reduced spatial reso- in faster flowing blood the signal remains visible
lution and increased spin dephasing due to the for a greater distance. Consequently, the maximum
larger voxel size required. 2D slices do not have volume thickness should be kept as small as possi-
rectangular RF profiles and therefore exhibit sig- ble, matched to the size of the vessel region of in-
nal variations at the edges that can lead to step- terest. A reduction of saturation can also be
like artifacts in maximum intensity projection achieved by increasing the TR (see Fig. 5).
(MIP) reconstructions. However, this effect can be Larger vessel sections can be investigated by
largely overcome by overlapping the slices. subdividing the volume of interest into several
In vessels exhibiting very pulsatile flow, the ex- thin 3D slabs that are acquired sequentially [4].
tent of inflow enhancement varies during the heart One such multi-slab technique, which retains the
cycle. The periodic change of inflow enhancement advantages of 3D TOF yet has reduced saturation
generates ghost images of the vessels. Saturation effects like 2D TOF, is called multiple overlapping
of blood spins can occur due to slow flow in the di- thin slab acquisition (MOTSA). Generally, the cho-
astolic phase. The use of ECG triggered 2D TOF se- sen slab thickness has to be small enough to avoid
quences may overcome many of these problems by saturation within the slabs. However, adjacent
confining data acquisition to the phase of maxi- slabs must overlap by about 20 – 30% in order to
mum inflow. Thus, blood signal is enhanced and compensate for signal attenuations arising at the
ghost artifacts are eliminated. By synchronizing slab edges due to non-rectangular excitation pro-
data acquisition with the heart cycle, the vessel is files. This results in compromised time efficiency
mapped in each slice with equal intensity. Unfortu- and longer overall acquisition times.
nately, a drawback of this approach is the pro- The advantages and disadvantages of 2D and
longed acquisition time. 3D TOF MRA are summarized in Table 3.
10 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Table 3. Comparison of 2D TOF and 3D TOF angiography

Strong inflow effect, minimal saturation
• sensitive even to slow flow (veins) More saturation effects
• sensitive to rather fast flow (arteries)
Relatively poor signal-to-noise ratio High signal-to-noise ratio
Short scan times Poor background suppression
Relatively thick slices
• suitable for large vessels Thin slices, allows isotropic voxels
• suitable for small vessels
Poor in-plane flow sensitivity
• for straight, unidirectional flow Better than 2D TOF for tortuous vessels
Long echo times Short echo times, less dephasing
Step artifacts at the vessel wall Smoother vessel walls

Table 4. Options to improve TOF angiography

Orientation of slices or volume perpendicular to flow direction

2D for slow flow, 3D for fast flow
3D multi-slab for larger vessel sections
Spatial presaturation to isolate arteries and veins
Use of minimum TE reduces signal loss due to spin dephasing
TONE pulse reduces saturation effects in 3D TOF
Magnetization transfer (MTC) and fat suppression improve vessel contrast

Frequently, 2D TOF MRA is favored for imag- ume. In case of 2D TOF sequences traveling presat-
ing veins because of the high sensitivity to slow uration slabs may be employed that move along
flow. 3D TOF MRA, on the other hand, is more ap- with the imaged slice but at a constant distance
propriate for fast arterial flow and for those cases from the actually imaged slice.
in which high spatial resolution is required. For all TOF techniques, it is important to posi-
tion the imaging volume (slices or slabs) perpendi-
cular to the vessel to minimize the length of the
Optimization (Table 4) vessel section in the slice or slab and to reduce the
saturation effects. As intracranial vessels run in dif-
In TOF MRA, arteries and veins are often dis- ferent directions, it is not possible to simultaneous-
played simultaneously, since the inflow enhance- ly orientate the imaging volume perpendicular to
ment is equally effective for directly opposed flow all vessels. Consequently, the 3D multi-slab tech-
directions. As a result, there may be an interfering nique has proven to be the best method for investi-
overlap of arterial and venous vessels in the MIP gating brain arteries. In order to guarantee optimal
reconstruction which hampers the detection or as- coverage of the arterial vessel tree with minimal
sessment of vessel lesions. This drawback can be slab thickness it is advisable to tilt the slabs slight-
overcome by applying additional presaturation ly from the axial to the coronal orientation (Fig.
slabs that saturate and dephase spins before they 11). The resulting MIP reconstruction gives excel-
enter the image slice. A selective arteriograph is lent visualization of the brain arteries (Fig. 12).
generated if the presaturated area is placed distal The depiction of venous brain vessels using the
to the imaging volume, i.e. at the entry side of the TOF technique can be optimized by choosing a
veins. In this case, inflowing venous spins are satu- sagittal slice orientation tilted slightly towards
rated in a manner similar to stationary spins and coronal and axial directions (Fig. 13). As a result of
therefore do not produce a bright signal. Con- this spatial orientation, saturation of blood in the
versely, presaturation of arterial inflow permits the sagittal sinus that could occur due to long-range
selective depiction of veins. In order to achieve flow within one single slice is prevented. Inflow en-
sufficient suppression even of fast flowing blood, hancement is sufficient for all veins, regardless of
presaturation slabs of several centimeters thick- their flow direction (Fig. 14).
ness must be positioned close to the imaging vol- The flip angle of a GRE sequence considerably
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 11

Fig. 11. Typical position of a 3D TOF multi-slab. The presaturation Fig. 12. MIP reconstruction from a 3D multi-slab TOF MRA dataset
slab above the imaging volume suppresses the signal of venous flow of the brain arteries

Fig. 13. Imaging volume of a 2D TOF MRA of the brain veins. By tilting the sagittal slices in an axial and coronal orientation, saturation of
venous blood in the sinus sagittalis is avoided. The saturation slab located beneath the imaging volume suppresses the arterial flow signal

Fig. 14. MIP reconstruction of a 3D TOF MRA dataset of the venous brain vessels
12 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Fig. 15. By linearly varying the flip angle across the

volume (TONE), the progressive saturation of the flow
signal occurring with 3D TOF MRA can be reduced

influences the vessel-background contrast. Large (MTC) [6, 7]. By applying a radio pulse at a much
flip angles generate a high signal at the entry side different frequency from that of water resonance,
of the blood, but also provoke rapid signal decrease protons of motionally restricted macromolecules
along the course of the vessel due to saturation. are saturated. In contrast mobile water protons
Small flip angles produce a lower vessel-back- that generate the MR signal in vessels and tissues
ground contrast but less saturation. 2D TOF typi- are not affected by this off-resonance pulse. By
cally uses flip angles in the range of 30° - 70°, cross-relaxation and chemical exchange, the satu-
whereas 3D TOF employs lower angles between 15° ration is transferred to the neighboring free pro-
and 20° to reduce saturation. In the technique re- tons, thus significantly reducing the measured MR
ferred to as TONE (Tilted, Optimized, None-Satu- signal. This effect can be seen in the gray and white
rating Excitation) [5], the flip angle is varied lin- brain matter (reduction of signal by 15-40%) but
early in the slice direction, beginning with small not in blood. Consequently, the contrast between
values at the entry side and ending with high val- the vessel and the surrounding tissue is enhanced.
ues at the exit side of the volume (Fig. 15). In this This is particularly useful for depiction of small
way, saturation across 3D slabs can partially be vessels and slow flowing blood which are made ap-
compensated to achieve a more uniform signal dis- preciably more visible.
tribution along the course of the vessel. The extent Unfortunately, fat does not exhibit magnetiza-
of the flip angle variation depends on flow direc- tion transfer. Therefore, to avoid enhanced fat con-
tion, flow velocity (slow, medium, fast) and slab trast, MTC should be used in combination with fat
thickness. Therefore, sequence protocols that uti- suppression techniques. Effective suppression of
lize TONE are optimized for specific vessel regions. the signal of fat may be achieved either by direct
Further suppression of background signal can frequency-selective saturation of the fat signal or
be achieved using magnetization transfer contrast by selective excitation of water (Fig. 16). The dis-

Fig. 16. Left: non-selective

excitation. Right: fat suppres-
sion using selective water ex-
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 13

Fig. 17. TOF MRA pre (left)

and post (right) administra-
tion of gadolinium contrast
agent. After contrast injection,
the suppression of veins is no
longer effective

advantage of fat saturation in comparison with area shows considerable contrast enhancement,
water excitation is that water protons instead of fat the background signal will also be enhanced. Sec-
protons could be accidentally affected by the pre- ond, due to the fast T1 relaxation of blood protons,
saturation pulse in regions outside the shim vol- suppression of either the signal from the arteries
ume (i.e. in the less homogeneous magnetic field) or veins using presaturation pulses will malfunc-
resulting in unwanted reduction of inflow effect. tion (Fig. 17). In such cases, evaluation of source
Unlike unenhanced MRA, contrast-enhanced images or multiplanar reconstructions may yield
MRA (CE MRA) is usually achieved through the more information than MIP reconstructions.
application of an exogenous gadolinium-based
MR contrast agent which shortens the T1 relax-
ation time of proton spins in its immediate vicini- Pitfalls (Table 5)
ty. After intravenous administration, the T1 of
blood is strongly reduced, thereby counteracting Tissues with very short T1 relaxation times, such
problems associated with the saturation of spins as fat, methemoglobin after intracranial hemor-
flowing across the volume. As a consequence, the rhage or in fresh thrombi, and contrast enhancing
contrast between blood vessels and surrounding structures, pose a problem for TOF MRA. As a re-
tissues is improved, primarily for small vessels and sult of inefficient saturation, these tissues often
those with slow flow. There are, however, two ma- produce a very bright signal which may render
jor disadvantages arising from contrast agent ad- them undistinguishable from flowing blood. For
ministration: First, if soft tissue in the imaging example, methemoglobin in a hemorrhage (Fig.

Table 5. Pitfalls with TOF MRA

Methemoglobin in thrombosed vessels (cavernous: sinus thrombosis) may mimic blood flow (i.e., vessel patency)
Workaround: compare MIP with pre-contrast T1 images or use phase contrast MRA
Short T1 tissues (fat, bleeding, tissue that take up contrast) may simulate vessels
Pulsation artifacts in CSF may simulate vessel lesions
Signal loss occurring with turbulent or very slow flow causes overestimation of stenosis and artifacts in the depic-
tion of aneurysms
Signal loss due to susceptibility artifacts (coils, clips)
Signal loss in case of in-plane flow (2D) or slow flow (3D)
Overlap of arteries and veins after contrast administration, particularly in intracranial MRA
14 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Fig. 18. Methemoglobin in

an intracranial hemorrhage.
Left: MIP reconstruction.
Right: T1-weighted image

18) may be mistaken for an aneurysm while oc-

cluded vessels, such as sinus thrombosis (Fig. 19),
may be misinterpreted as perfused. Confusions of
this kind can be avoided by comparing the TOF
data with precontrast T1-weighted acquisitions.
As shown in Fig. 20, pulsating cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) may cause artifacts on TOF MRA. In
this case the 3D TOF multi-slab technique pro-
vokes strong inflow enhancement at the entrance
of the upper slab, generating a bright signal of the
CSF in the cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius on the
sagittal reconstruction of the source images (Fig.
20 c). In the projection reconstructions obtained
by MIP postprocessing (Fig. 20 a, b), this structure
may be misinterpreted as a vessel lesion.
Distal to a stenosis or near arteriosclerotic al-
terations of the vessel wall, turbulent and acceler-
ating flow may lead to signal loss due to spin de-

Fig. 19. Methemoglobin in sinus vein thrombosis. Bright depic-

tion of the occluded veins in the unenhanced T1-weighted image

Fig. 20a-c. Artifact (arrows) in the sagittal (a) and axial (b) MIP
reconstructions, caused by pulsating cerebrospinal fluid (c, arrow)
c in the cerebral aqueduct as shown in a reconstructed sagittal slice
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 15

Fig. 21. Overestimation of the length of a

stenosis due to turbulence

phasing. The degree of stenosis may therefore be Today, magnitude contrast is only rarely used.
overestimated (Fig. 21). The problem can be re- Conversely, techniques that in a stricter sense are
duced, if not entirely eliminated, by the use of very referred to as “phase contrast”, have gained greater
short TE values. In addition, the low flow velocities importance both as an imaging method and as an
that may exist in severely stenotic vessels may lead accurate approach to measuring blood flow veloc-
to increased saturation effects and hence reduced ity and direction.
flow contrast.
Similarly, the evaluation of aneurysms is sus-
ceptible to artifacts caused by turbulence or very Magnitude Contrast Technique
slow flow.
Further pitfalls associated with TOF MRA de- The concept of magnitude contrast angiography is
rive from the fact that GRE sequences in general analogous to x-ray digital subtraction angiography
are sensitive to distortions of the magnetic field (DSA). The basic idea is to acquire two datasets:
originating from metallic implants (clips, coils, one flow-rephased and one flow-dephased [8].
etc.). Likewise, signal loss due to magnetic suscep- First a flow-compensated measurement is per-
tibility artifacts may simulate an interrupted ves- formed using GMR in order to image flowing
sel, while signal decrease resulting from saturation blood with high signal intensity. In the second ac-
effects is always a major problem with TOF MRA. quisition, flow-sensitizing bipolar gradient pulses
In 2D TOF MRA, signal loss should be consid- are applied specifically to induce velocity-depend-
ered if vessels are running within the imaging ent phase shifts of moving spins. If the flow-sensi-
plane. It is therefore essential to place the slices tizing gradient is strong enough, the spins within a
perpendicular to the vessel. In 3D TOF MRA, satu- voxel possessing different velocities may totally
ration occurs if thick slabs are applied to vessels dephase resulting in dark vessel signal (Fig. 22).
with slow flow. Since stationary tissue appears the same in both
acquisitions, subtraction of one dataset from the
other results in the signal of the stationary tissue
Phase Contrast Angiography being cancelled leaving only the moving blood as
visible (Fig. 23). Interleaving the acquisition of
Whereas phase effects are suppressed as fully as both datasets can diminish the impact of motion
possible in TOF MRA, it is the flow-induced phase artifacts on the subtraction process.
shift of the transverse magnetization that is em- The signal intensity in the subtracted image de-
ployed to image blood vessels with phase contrast pends only on the velocity component along the
techniques. There are two ways of using phase ef- flow-sensitizing gradient which is normally ap-
fects to selectively depict blood flow: plied in the frequency-encoding direction. There-
• magnitude contrast (rephased-dephased) fore, the imaging volume should be oriented in
method such a way that the main flow direction in the ves-
• phase contrast method sel of interest is parallel to the read-out direction.
16 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Fig. 22. Left: Using flow com-

pensation (GMR), the phases of
all spins regardless of their ve-
locity are aligned. Thus, the sig-
nal is maximal, the vessel ap-
pears bright. Right: Using strong
flow-sensitizing gradients, com-
plete dephasing of the spins oc-
curs due to their different veloc-
ities. In this case, the signal is
nulled, the vessel appears black

Fig. 23. Principle of magni-

tude contrast angiography. First
a flow-rephased dataset is ac-
quired followed by a flow-de-
phased acquisition. After pixel
by pixel subtraction (similar to
x-ray digital subtraction angiog-
raphy (DSA)) only the signal of
flowing blood remains, while
background signal is nulled

Information about all three orthogonal flow di- Phase Contrast Technique
rections can be obtained by repeating the flow-en-
coded acquisition with altered gradient orienta- Similar to magnitude contrast, phase contrast an-
tions. As a result, a total of four acquisitions has to giography is based on the acquisition of two
be performed (one rephased, three dephased), datasets that differ in the phase of moving spins
which impacts on the overall acquisition time. [9, 10]. At first, a flow-rephased sequence (S1) is ap-
Although not in widespread use, magnitude plied which defines the phase of transverse mag-
contrast MRA can be considered applicable for im- netization under conditions of total flow compen-
aging of peripheral vessels (arm, leg) since it al- sation. The second measurement (S2) is flow-sensi-
lows larger sections of arteries to be visualized. If tive, utilizing special flow-encoding gradients to
flow is unidirectional, a single pair of rephased provoke a measurable phase shift. Contrary to the
and dephased acquisitions is sufficient, thereby re- magnitude contrast technique, the chosen gradi-
ducing the overall acquisition time. ent is weak enough to avoid complete phase dis-
Magnitude contrast MRA requires a spectrum persion arising from the velocity distribution of
of flow velocities within a voxel. Laminar flow with the spins. Complex subtraction of the two datasets
its parabolic flow profile is therefore readily de- S1 and S2 yields the phase difference Φ as well as
tected. The signal acquired is a direct result of the the difference vector ΔS, both of which depend on
velocity distribution in each voxel, ensuring com- the velocity component of the spins along the flow-
plete background suppression. The method is well encoding gradient (Fig. 24).
adapted for depicting slow flow with good spatial There are two different approaches to utilizing
resolution, covering larger sections of vessels. One flow-induced phase shifts to generate angiograph-
disadvantage arises from the fact that this tech- ic images. In the so-called phase map images, it is
nique does not provide any information on flow the phase difference Φ that is depicted as signal in-
direction or flow velocity. tensity. The sign of the phase shift encodes the
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 17

Fig. 24. Principle of phase con-

trast angiography: A flow-com-
pensated (S1) and a flow-sensitive
(S2) dataset are acquired. Com-
plex subtraction yields the phase
difference Φ and the difference
vector ΔS. Both quantities de-
pend on the local flow velocity
and can be used for generating
flow images

Fig. 25. In the phase image, the

value of the phase shift Φ is de-
picted as signal intensity. In the
range from –venc to +venc, the
phase shift is directly proportion-
al to the flow velocity. Flow that
is faster leads to a turnover of the
phase (aliasing)

flow direction. Non-moving tissue appears as a With phase contrast, only those velocities rang-
medium shade of gray while flowing blood is ei- ing between –venc and +venc, corresponding to
ther brighter or darker, according to the direction phase shifts between –180° and +180°, can be
of flow. As the intensity of each pixel is linearly uniquely detected. If the flow velocity exceeds the
proportional to flow velocity, phase images are venc value, there is an abrupt change of signal in-
particularly well suited for flow quantification and tensity in the phase image from bright to dark or
for identifying flow direction. vice versa (Fig. 25). Blood flow that provokes a
In the second approach Magnitude images, phase shift of 190° cannot be distinguished from
which reveal the length of the difference vector ΔS, oppositely directed flow that generates a phase
are applied to anatomically image the vessels. shift of –170°. This ambiguity is called aliasing.
However, while the brightness in each pixel is a In the magnitude image, maximum intensity is
measure of the local flow velocity, there is no in- reached when the flow velocity equals the venc val-
formation about the flow direction. ue (Fig. 26). At higher velocities, the signal intensi-
The difference vector ΔS increases with rising ty begins to decrease again. If the flow velocity in a
spin velocity, reaching a maximum at Φ=180°. The voxel is exactly twice the venc value, no signal em-
corresponding critical velocity is called flow sensi- anates from the voxel, and the vessel appears to be
tivity or velocity encoding (venc) and is deter- interrupted.
mined by the strength of the bipolar flow-encod- As an example, for a venc value of 40 cm/sec
ing gradients. The manufacturers of MR scanners spins flowing at a rate of 40 cm/sec provoke a phase
provide a set of sequences adapted to different ve- shift of 180° yielding maximum signal intensity.
locity ranges. In clinical practice, it is important to Spins that flow at 60 cm/sec possess a phase shift
estimate the maximum flow velocity expected to higher than 180°. Therefore, on the magnitude im-
occur in the vessel in advance in order to choose age they appear less bright than the spins flowing at
the phase contrast sequence with an adequate venc 40 cm/sec, but equally as bright as spins flowing at
value. a rate of 20 cm/sec. Likewise, if there are spins flow-
18 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Fig. 26. In the magnitude image, the

length of the difference vector DS is
depicted as signal intensity. Brightness
is maximal at the venc value and de-
creases at higher flow rates. If the ve-
locity is twice the venc value, the signal
intensity is zero

Fig. 27. Complex subtraction

of the flow-encoded and flow-
compensated datasets yields
phase- and magnitude images
for the three directions in
space. By combining the mag-
nitude images, a sum magni-
tude image can be obtained
that gives a vessel image that
is independent of flow direc-

ing at a rate of 80 cm/sec, they will provide zero y-, and z-directions. Interleaving the four datasets
signal and appear as stationary spins. can reduce artifacts caused by patient motion.
The phase contrast method is sensitive only for Phase and magnitude images of the flow com-
the velocity component along the flow-encoding ponents in the three orthogonal directions are ob-
gradient. In order to obtain information on all flow tained by complex subtraction of flow-encoded
directions, one dedicated flow-encoding gradient and flow-compensated datasets (Fig. 27). The three
for each orthogonal direction of space is required. magnitude subtraction images can be added to ob-
Thus, a phase contrast sequence comprises a total of tain a sum magnitude image that depicts blood
four acquisitions: one flow-compensated measure- flow with bright signal regardless of flow direction
ment and three flow-encoded acquisitions in the x-, (Figs. 27, 28).
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 19

Fig. 28. 2D phase contrast angiography: phase im-

ages encoded for the x, y, and z-directions and the
corresponding sum magnitude image

Optimization (Table 6) mean flow velocity averaged over the heart cycle
that is relevant. In the brain the vessels are highly
The correct choice of the flow sensitivity of a tortuous and thus blood flow is hardly ever direct-
phase contrast sequence is critical to the quality of ed along one single phase encoding direction.
vessel depiction. If the chosen venc value is too Hence, in practice, the maximum signal intensity is
high, the acquired signal-to-noise ratio is poor due obtained when the chosen venc value is about half
to the small difference between signals. Converse- the maximum flow velocity, as demonstrated in
ly, venc values that are two low lead to aliasing ar- Fig. 29.
tifacts and flow voids which may be misconstrued Due to the irregular course and position of ves-
as stenosis. Typical flow velocities in some larger sels in the brain, it is reasonable to encode one sin-
vessels, which may indicate the appropriate venc gle flow sensitivity in all three orthogonal direc-
values to use, are given in Table 7. tions. Conversely, in the peripheral arteries, there
Blood flow in arteries and veins is rarely con- is one main flow direction, but a great variation of
stant during the heart cycle. Therefore, given that flow velocities. Consequently, in the peripheral ar-
phase contrast sequences require several minutes teries a “multi-venc” measurement can be per-
of acquisition time, it is not the maximum but the formed in which three flow velocities (e.g. 30, 60,

Table 6. Options for improving phase contrast MRA

Adapting flow sensitivity (venc) to maximum flow velocity

Encoding different flow velocities (multivenc) or different flow directions
Contrast agent improves flow signal
2D acquisition provides one single projection within a short acquisition time,
3D acquisition permits MIP postprocessing
ECG triggering can be applied in cases of pulsatile flow
Presaturation pulses can separate arteries and veins
20 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Table 7. Flow velocities in some large vessels

(according to Siemens application manual Magnetom Vision)
Vessel Flow velocity (cm/s)
Ascending aorta 50 – 100
Descending aorta 100
Aortic stenosis 150 – 500
Aortic valve insufficiency 150 – 200
Common carotid artery 60 – 80
Carotid artery stenosis 100 – 500
Middle cerebral artery 60
Basilar artery 40 – 50
Femoral artery 60 – 80
Popliteal artery 35 – 40
Vena cava 5 – 40
Portal vein 5 – 10

Fig. 29. Phase contrast study on a flow phantom with pulsating

flow. Left: venc = vmax ; Right: venc = vmax/2.
Due to vessel tortuosity and the time varying flow velocity, the sig-
nal intensity is higher when the flow sensitivity (venc) of the se-
quence is half the maximum flow velocity

Fig. 30. Phase contrast angiography before (left) and after (right) administration of a gadolinium contrast agent. Due to T1 shortening,
the signal-to-noise ratio increases, thereby improving the detection of small vessels

and 90 cm/sec) are encoded simultaneously but in fect without the penalty of increased background
only one encoding direction. All three acquired signal. The additional signal afforded by the appli-
images are then combined to form a sum image. cation of a contrast agent (already at a dose of 4
In CE MRA, the signal-to-noise ratio of the ml) is particularly beneficial for the visualization
blood increases after contrast agent administra- of small vessels with low flow velocity when work-
tion because the greater T1 shortening of the spins ing at lower field strength (Fig. 30).
leads to more signal. Phase contrast angiography, As with TOF MRA, both 2D and 3D phase con-
unlike TOF angiography, can benefit from this ef- trast MRA techniques are available. However, un-
I.1 • Unenhanced MRA 21

contrast sequence is significantly greater than that

of a 3D TOF sequence, because four data volumes
need to be acquired rather than just one.
The possibility to combine ECG- or peripheral
pulse triggering with the 2D phase contrast se-
quence may allow the acquisition of time-resolved
images of pulsating blood flow in vessels. A series
of cine velocity images can be obtained that spans
the cardiac cycle. If an optimal depiction of pulsat-
ing blood flow is required rather than time resolu-
tion, it is advantageous to confine the acquisition
to the cardiac interval of maximum flow velocity.
As with TOF MRA, phase contrast techniques
can be combined with presaturation pulses in or-
der to eliminate unwanted vessels from the recon-
struction. However, because phase contrast se-
quences are independent of inflow effects, the sep-
aration of arteries and veins is not as successful as
Due to the flow encoding gradients, TE values
are prolonged compared with those employed in
TOF sequences, because the bipolar gradient puls-
es have to be applied within the TE interval. As a
Fig. 31. Phase contrast angiogram of the intracranial vessels result, phase contrast sequences are sensitive to
phase errors caused by, for example, susceptibility
effects or turbulent flow.
like TOF MRA, phase contrast MRA does not im- The sensitivity for flow is proportional to the
pose any restrictions on image orientation, be- flow encoding gradient area (gradient amplitude *
cause the method is not dependent on inflow ef- gradient length). Therefore, the encoding of low
fects. flow velocities requires longer TE values. Shorten-
2D phase contrast sequences are well suited for ing of TE values can be achieved with stronger
imaging vessels in a large volume. Because only gradients, by keeping the gradient area constant.
moving spins contribute to the measured signal, In this way, phase contrast MRA benefits from
the background signal is very effectively sup- stronger gradient systems.
pressed. Even thick single slices of about 100 mm
can be imaged and the overall acquisition times
are relatively short (about 1-2 min). The result is a Summary
projection image in which all the vessels in the ex-
cited slice volume are depicted (Fig. 31). A draw- In clinical practice, unenhanced MRA techniques
back, however, is that it is not possible to recon- are mainly employed for imaging of the intracra-
struct projections from another perspective. nial vasculature. Although they are also applicable
With 3D phase contrast MRA datasets, as well to imaging of blood vessels in the neck, arm and
as with stacks of 2D phase contrast acquisitions, leg, CE MRA is now firmly established as the dom-
MIP reconstructions can be acquired in any pro- inating approach in the extracranial and periph-
jection, in a manner similar to that performed in eral regions. A summary of the different areas of
3D TOF MRA. However, depending on the number application for the different MRA techniques is
of partitions, the acquisition time for a 3D phase given in Table 8.

Table 8. Application areas of MRA techniques

3D-TOF 2D-TOF 3D-PC 2D-PC Magnitude contrast CE MRA

- Arteries *** * *
- Veins * *** ** * *
Carotids ** ** ***
Peripheral vessels ** * ***
*** method of choice; ** second-best alternative or for additional information; * working technique, but with sub-optimal results
TOF MRA: Time-of-Flight MRA; PC MRA: Phase Contrast MRA; CE MRA: Contrast Enhanced MRA
22 Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Table 9. Benefits and limitations of TOF and phase contrast MRA

TOF-MRA Phase contrast MRA

Advantages Simple to implement, robust No saturation effects
High spatial resolution Excellent background suppression
Shorter acquisition time (in 3D) Enables quantitative flow measurement
Disadvantages Reduced sensitivity to slow flow Prior knowledge about flow rates required
Restrictions to size and orientation Very long acquisition times for 3D
of the imaging volume techniques
Short T1 tissue may be mistaken Susceptible to phase errors
for flowing blood

TOF and phase contrast MRA are based on in the reconstructed angiograms. Because the sig-
very different physical and technical mechanisms. nal intensity is directly proportional to the velocity
As a result, there are advantages and limitations to of local blood flow, phase contrast MRA permits
both methods, which have to be taken into account quantitative evaluations, such as flow quantifica-
when deciding on the appropriate method for a tion or determination of flow direction. Problems
given vasculature territory (Table 9). with phase contrast MRA may arise because prior
The TOF technique is robust and easy to imple- knowledge about blood flow rates is required in or-
ment. In the intracranial territory, it is established der to avoid aliasing artifacts and flow voids.
as a screening method that allows good-quality vi-
sualization of the vascular anatomy. 3D TOF acqui-
sitions are particularly appropriate for imaging of References
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However, stationary tissue with short T1 may abstract 2:3905
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Unlike TOF MRA, phase contrast MRA is not Improved MR angiography: Magnetization transfer
dependent on inflow effects. Therefore, the size and suppression with variable flip angles excitation and
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arbitrarily. The method allows large sections of 7. Edelman RR, Ahn SS, Chien D et al (1992) Improved
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fects. 2D phase contrast MRA requires only a short 399
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one single thick slice while 3D phase contrast ac- ity-compensated/uncompensated difference im-
quisitions require a long time, since four datasets ages. J. Comp Assist Tomogr 11:31-34
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