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Audrey – loves trees
Once-ler – guy who chops down trees, knows what happened to the trees (grandma)
Grandma - enabler
Truffula tress – cut for thneed
The lorax – guardian of the forest

Storyline 1: ted like a girl named Audrey. He later finds out that Audrey wants to see a
real living tree growing in her backyard. Also Audrey mentioned that she would marry
the person who gives her a tree. Which got Ted thinking that he should find a tree for

- Audrey paints a tree in her backyard

Connector: ted’s grandma was the one who introduced the topic about the once-ler.
Knows what happened to the trees. If you want one you need to find him. Far outside of
town where the grass never grows

Goes to the once-ler

The once-ler said that he will continue the story the next day
The grandma >> distracts ted’s mom so that he can escape and go meet the onceler
Mr o-hare > thinks of the trees as a threat > because he sells air for a living and trees
do that for free
Still ted goes to the once-ler > so that he can continue
Audrey’s walls got painted back to white
The gate to outside of the town was locked

Storyline 2:
Once-ler left home and is off to change the world with his thneed.
Family aren’t supportive
Had an irrational sense of optimism
Arrives at a place full of trees > found trufulla trees for his trees
Animals are agitated
Marshmallow – calm
Summoned The lorax by chopping down the trees
The lorax wants the once-ler to leave
He didn’t leave and still continued chopping trees
Warned by the lorax
The lorax and the animals tried to float oncelers bed >> they ended up helping hi bc of
pipsqueak left behind >> current trouble (calmly put his bed in the water)
Big problem: chopping trees >> lorax keeps an eye on him
Tries to sell thneed in the city >> didn’t sell it in the first few days
Until when he eas about to give up, he threw his thneed and it landed on the head of a
woman >> it looked good as a hat
Then people began to love it
People went to see the once-ler

Onceler fam arrives to help him with the mass production of thneeds
The lorax is disappointed
Onceler – decides to ust remove the tuft of the trees >> but not harvesting fast enough
Mom suggest to cut down the trees > so that they can speed up the process

By the time onceler business is already at its peak, the lorax visits him at his office
>>are you happy yet?
The oncelers business begn its downfall,
As the last tree was chopped down
Ohare thought of capitalizing air
The animals were displaced
Each day since the lorax left the onceler stayed in his house and regretted what he had
>> staring at the word that is carbed unless
done unless someone like yyou who cares a lot nothing is gonna get better
the onceler gave the last trufulla seed to ted
make them care >> change the way things are
it might be small and insignificant but its nt about what it is > its about what it can
ohare goes to teds house to get the seed
searched his room
mom was shocked >> told them to leave
it was with his grandma >> the seed grew
audrey and fam helped ted in planting the seed
ohare and his suborndinates tried to stop them
ted and Audrey tried to talk the people out >> that that trees prduce fresh air for FREE
ted hit the wall so that the people can see what is outside the city
“I am ted and I speak for the trees” things are not perfect here in thneedvile ut it can
change if we start planting
People are convinced
Let it grow!!!!!

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