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The Magician Who Love

To make a toy
One day there was a group of toys that made by a magician, that magician named Gaon He love to make a

Toy. One day he thought of a toy that can talk, walk, see, touch, everything that can do by an ordinary

Man. So he decided to find on his book a magical spell that can give a birth to a toy.

Then Gaon go to his toy bookshelf and say the magic spell. “Wow wow yow boat gently dow the stweam

mewilly mewilly boat life is not a dweam” and the toys of gaon became a live and talk to him.

“Thank you for ging us a birth” the toys said Gaon replied oh yow wewcome my toys! My pleasure to

give you a biwth because I became lonely this day” my dogs was killed by a cat that have a rabies.

And then the toys play with gaon everyday and became happy.

Gaon during the days goes by became unsatisfied because his toys was only two so he decided to have

Another one. So gaon go to a store of raw materials of toys and make again another one. After he

Made the toy he get shocked because the toy can talk even though that toy not given a birth yet by a

Spell. But Gaon ignore it. Time goes by gaon and his new toy became so close unlike the other two toys.

So because of jealousy the two toys make a plan. Gaon while reading his book of magic spell and look at

The magic spell he noticed that there a page that is missing toys strike by a hammer. Gaon died and

Became a toy. And then the two toys throw him a garbage truck. After that gaon Waken up he noticed that

There is wrong with his body. He see a broken glass and see himself that he became a toy. And asked

Himself “what happened to my body?”. After a second he get a conclusion to what happened and

Remembered the missing page and said the page is about a soul will became the spirit of the toy he will

Make will become the spirit of the toy he will make. And when he died he will turn into a toy.

After that conclusion Gaon realize that he did a wrong decision in giving a birth to a toy and realize that
Loneliness can put you in a wrong depressed. Until one day a girl passes by and saw him. Oh a very cute

Dog! Gaon got confused because he was a toy. And then Gaon saw he himself in a broken mirror and he

Noticed that he was shape shifted to an animal. Because of his cuteness, the girl didn’t carry the cuteness

Of Gaon so he decided to adopt him and take him to her house. After a while gaon shape shifted again

Became a toy again and the girl noticed that the dog was missing so he look for the dog and leave. And

Gaon after a while Gaon look for an exit in the house and then he saw a window so he makes a plan to

Escape, suddenly his plan got failed. And then the brother of a the girl saw gaon in the floor and put him

On his brief and wiggle him because of that became unconsious. The boy takes Gaon to his room and play

Him. Gaon became so happy because of playing with the boy and he realize that he love when the boy

Play him and he also realize he also love when the boy put him on his brief and wiggle him.

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