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Review: Definition of Journalism

> involves the collection of information and communicating it.

Printing – the means to communicate any journalistic work.

There was a time when people used to write on palm leaves. This was
before the discovery of paper.

The Chinese were the first to invent the art of printing. They made
wooden blocks to print letters. This was started during the period of
the Tang Dynasty in 600 AD. The oldest known surviving printed work in
a woodblock is a Buddhist scripture of 684 AD. It is now exhibited in a
calligraphy museum in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Though the Egyptians made paper by 3500 BC, it came to Europe

only by the 11th century. The first paper mill in Europe was set up in
Spain in 1120.

Block printing came to Europe by 1300. It is believed that Johannes

Gutenburg of Germany had developed printing technology around

Gutenburg also invented an oil-based ink for printing. He printed the

Bible in 1450. It was in the Latin language and had 1282 pages .He used
movable printing blocks for the book.

The history of Philippine journalism dates back to the early part of the
17th century. The early newspaper was the work of the Filipino printer,
Tomas Pinpin. In 1637, he put out Successos Felices. At at the same
period, colonial America has no newspaper of its own. The first
American newspaper which came out was Publick Occurrences issued
on September 1690. (See Graph).
In America, sometime in 1800s, newspapers became a big business that
it grew faster than the population. The thriving newspaper business
attracted several powerful and outspoken individuals who had a
profound influence on American journalism:

1. Joseph Pulitzer – came to United States from Hungary and settled in

St. Louis. He bought the New York World and increased the paper's
circulation from 15,000 – 250,000.

1. Accuracy
2. More advertising space and ads priced on the basis of circulation.
3. Stressed on simple writing and many illustrations.
4. Reintroduced sensationalized news format and carried stories about
crime, violence and tragedy.
5. Endorsed the notion that the paper should promote the welfare of its
readers, particularly the underprivileged.

> the paper crusaded against unsanitary living conditions, corrupt

politicians, and big business , all topics that gained Pulitzer many
supporters from the working class.

William Randolph Hearst – a 24-old who was given a control of the Sun
Francisco Examiner, who went after readers by appealing to their
emotions. Fires, murders, and stories about love and hate were given
splashy coverage. His strategy worked, and The Examiner became a
number one newpaper.

Soon, Pulitzer and Hearst were engaged in a fierce circulation battle as

each paper attempted to outsensationalize the other. Sex, murder,
self-promotion filled the two papers. They spread death, dishonour and
disaster according to one critic. This type of reporting became known as
yellow journalism.

After the advent of printing nearly six centuries ago, the print media
was the only form of mass communication. Then came the electronic
medium. Though both print and electronic media deal with mass
communication, there are certain basic differences.
Print Media
1. Literacy is a basic requirement for the print media. Only a literate
person can read it.

2. Print media works according to a deadline. Usually a morning paper

carries news received up to the midnight of the previous day.

3. In print media readers have the choice to go back and recheck what
they have read.

4. Print media provides more scope for indepth analysis of events.

5. Print media does not provide scope for a live discussion.

6. Language is more literary and flowery and reader –friendly.

7. Frequent update of news is not possible.

Electronic Media
1. Even an illiterate person can watch a news bulletin and grasp its
contents though the written matter on the screen cannot be read.

2. There is no deadline for the electronic media. News can be updated

3. Viewers cannot go back and recheck what they have seen.

4. Less scope for such long indepth analysis of events.

5. Live discussions are possible.

6. Language used is spoken and more– viewer -friendly.

7. Even a minute-to-minute update is possible.


Online Newspapers have certain advantage over traditional
1. Printed newspapers are limited by the newshole, the amount of
news that can be printed in one edition. The full text of lengthy
speeches, transcripts of interviews, and extensive tables and graphs can
be accommodated easily.

2. Online papers can be updated continuously, there are no edition


3. Online papers are interactive. E-mail addresses, bulletin boards, and

chat rooms allow readers to provide quick feedback to the paper.

4. Online papers can provide photos and video and audio clips to
accompany news stories and advertisements.

5. Online papers can feature user-generated content.

1. The newspaper is made up of diverse content:
> newspapers contain international, national and local news.
> editorials, letters to the editor, movie listings, horoscopes,
comics, sports, film reviews, recipes, advice columns, classified ads, and
a host of other material.

2. The newspaper is conveniently packaged. Contents are organized,

there are sections devoted to general news, financial news, sports, and

3. News are local. Reporters cover the local police station, or tell about
the newest store opening.

4. Newspaper serves as the historical record. The typical paper contains

a record of daily evens, that influence or lives.

5. Newspapers perform the watchdog role in our society. They monitor

the workings of the government and private industry for misdeeds and
wrongdoings. They alert the public to possible threats and new trends.

6. Newspapers are timely. News is not useful if it is stale. Getting the

news out fast has always been one of the characteristics of the
newspaper business.


Print Dailies – To be a considered a daily, a newspaper has to appear at

least five times a week.

Chief concern of a newspaper is its circulation.

> Circulation – the number of copies delivered to newsstands and
vending machines and subscribers.

1. National Newspapers – Publications whose content is geared not for

one particular city or region but for the entire country. These papers
typically use satellites to transmit images and information to regional
printing plans where the papers are assembled and distributed.

2. Small-Town Dailies –


.> One way to organize online newspaper sites is the ease with which a
reader can gain access: paid, registration, or free.

Paid Access. Consumers paid a fee to access the online edition.

Registration Access. Readers have to provide some personal

information to gain access to the full site.

Free Access. Allows the readers to access the site without a paid
subscription or a registration. These sites support themselves by selling
advertising or merchandise or by starting social networking sites.

Assignment: national or local newspaper website (manila Bulletin,

Inquirer, Panay News) and compare it with printed paper. List down all
the differences in a piece of paper, as well as the advantages and
disadvantages. (write in essay form).

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