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The inner planets differ from the outer planets because the inner planets are made up of solid
materials like rocks and minerals while the outer planets are mostly made up of gasses or frozen liquid.
They also differ in size because the inner planets are notably smaller than the outer planets. They differ
in formation because the inner planets formed with the involvement of heat from the sun while the
outer planets are formed in cold temperatures

2. The earth is considered unique compared to other planets because it is the only known planet that
harbors life and it is the only planet that can support a vast variety of animals

3. The conditions of that make the earth a living planet is its distance from the sun. The earth must not
be near enough to evaporate the water and not far enough to freeze the water on the planet’s surface.
With the water, single celled organisms will be able to live. But where did they come from? And here’s
the next thing you need to make earth a living planet… a living, hot and active core. The core will supply
the nutrients for the first organisms to survive. Over time, evolution will occur and will make the earth a
healthy and active living planet

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