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Activity Plan #3

Preliminary Information:

Name of Student Educator: Eranmalee Ranaweera

Curriculum Area: Gross Motor Developmental Domain: Physical

Indoor: Outdoor Outdoor:

Age of Children: 17months to 30 months

No. of Children: 8-12

Date of Implementation: 03 /13 /2019

Resources Used to Prepare Plan (in APA format):

Children’s Resource or Storybook (in APA format, to be used as part of activity-

before/after/extend/enhance learning): Pinterest
Part I – Planning

Rational for the activity (sentence form)

I observed how much children like to jump, hop and run. This observation motivated me
to plan this gross motor activity, so they can improve their physical skills.

List one from each domain and indicate the reference to ELECT

While participating in the activity the child will, independently or limited


ELECT number: #5.1 Physical – Jumping, hopping
Specific Skill: While participating in this activity, the children will be able to step up and
jump with confidence.

ELECT number: # 1.1 Social Interest
Specific Skill: While participating in this activity, the child will be able to express social
interest such as observing and imitating peers and “follow the peers” motional behavior

ELECT number: # 3.2 Gestures/ Intentional Communication
Specific Skill: While participating in this activity, the children will be able to enhance
their expressive language.

Learning Materials needed:

Hula hoops
Paper plates
Description of Set-Up
I planned this physical activity to implement outdoors. First, I set up the activity. I place
all the hula hoops on a spacious area. I also make a big paper plate circle. First I invite
the children for the fun game. “ who wants t do the fun game” “Come join us”

Guidelines to Foster Self-Regulation:

“You’re ready to jump”
“Come and join the game “Let’s have fun”

Health or Safety Considerations:

No toxic materials.
Age appropriate materials

Part II – Implementation

Invitation (aimed at getting children’s attention and interest):

“Look what I brought today”
“ Let’s have fun”
Teaching Steps (detailed and clear):
1. Help and children to make a line.
2. Introduce them how to do the game.
3. Bring the materials and place them firmly using tape.

“Good job friends”
Clapping hands
“Did you have lots of fun?”

Children have to be ready for craft time
“It’s tidy up time friends … we are going to have lunch time after.

Ways in which the following are incorporated into this activity:

i) Creativity
(Explain in sentence form how activity promotes creativity):
I made a hopping/jumping game with hoola hoops.
I also made a paper plates into a hopping game.

ii) Inclusiveness
(Explain in sentence form how activity fosters inclusiveness)
This activity was a simple, and fun so that everyone in the class was able to participate.
Part III Documentation

The Learning Story:

Hopping Bunnies
I noticed that almost all of the children in the class took much interest in jumping and
hopping. Based on their abilities and interests, I decided to designed and implement this
activity, and it went really well. Even though I planned to implement it outdoors, due to
extreme weather, I implemented the activity during indoor play time. I placed and
prepared the activities on the floor. I placed hula hoops on the floor and taped them for
their safety. I also placed colorful paper plates like a circle. All the children gathered to
see the new fun activity. They were eagerly waiting to start the game called “Hopping
Bunnies”. William, Jacob, Laila, Benjamin, Meghan and Abigail were happily waiting for
their turns. The cooperating teacher was jumping from one hula hoop to the other. I did
the same. The children were so excited to get their turns. All the children want their
turns “my turn, my turn”. I asked the children “would you like to jump or hop” William
exclaimed “ jump” Abigail, Jacob and Laila continuously did their jumps from one hula
hoop to another so greatly. I clapped my hands “Well done everybody”. They also
started jumping from one paper plate to the other amazingly. After a long time of playing
the hopping and jumping they enhanced their gross motor skills well.

ELECT Reference:
# 2.1 Emotional- Expressing feelings and language
#5.1 Gross motor- Jumping up and down
Analysis of Learning;
(What did the child(ren) do and understand during this experience?)
This age group (toddlers) has different ages of children starting from 18 months to 30
months. All of the kids were engaged in the activity and they all got opportunities to
participate the activities. The activity was successfully done and fulfilled the
developmental level.

Extension of Learning:
(What opportunities will the student educator provide to extend on this
My main activity was jumping from one hoola hoop to the others, but I extended it into
hopping/jumping on to paper plate circle .

C –Self-Reflection of Student Educator’s Learning / Performance

**Must be completed before the cooperating teacher’s evaluation

(how did the student impact the success of the activity minimum of 2):
I had materials ready for the activity.
I repeatedly did the activity a few times a day.

(what can the student do differently to change, improve, enhance the experience
– minimum of 2):
I can do the activity on a different day in outdoor play time.
I had only three hoola hoopes, but I should add more hoola hoops into the activity.

D - Cooperating Teacher’s Evaluation: (Please include signature and

**To be completed after the student has self-reflected.

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