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Explications of Chinese Language Level 3

Grammar: 语法
1. The particle “了” (1)

2. Pivotal sentences

3. Sentences with an optative verb (3):可能,会

4. Four kinds of simple sentences

5. Six question types

6. The complement of state (1)

7. Particle 了 (2): confirming the completion or realization of something

8. Reduplication of the verb

9. Numeration for numbers from 100 to 10.000

10. The simple directional complement

11. The “把” sentence (1)

12. The time-measure complement (1)

13. The “的” phrase (1)

14. Comparison using the preposition “比” (1)

15. The complement of quantity

Chinese caracters: 汉字
1. Consulting a Chinese dictionary using radicals

2. Consulting a Chinese dictionary arranged by pinyin alphabetic order

3. Methods of constructing Chinese characters (1)

4. Methods of constructing Chinese characters (2)

5. Methods of constructing Chinese characters (3)

6. Learn and write basic Chinese characters

Conversation practice: 会话
1. Talking about something that has happened

2. Renting a house

3. Asking for suggestions

4. Making a phone call

5. Invitations

6. Making a complaint or an apology

7. Passing on someone’s regards

8. Extending holiday greetings

9. Changing money at the bank

10. Commenting on one’s actions

11. Confirming that something has happened

12. Describing one has visited

13. Filling out forms

14. Returning books

15. Borrowing books

16. Comparing things

17. Describing things

18. Buying clothes

Cultural Notes: 文化解释

1. The student dormitory

2. Beijing, Shanghai, the Changjiang River, The Huanghe River, and the
Great Wall

3. Xi’an and the ancient Chinese capitals

4. The educational system of China

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