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Lindsey Smith 
Classroom Website: 
Email: ​l​ 
Phone: 208-748-3800 
Behavior Expectations 
★ ​Treat others and their things with respect 
★ Encourage and support classmates 
★ Accept responsibility for actions 
★ Follow all of the Webster rules 
★ Listen to directions and follow them with a positive attitude 
★ Go to and from class quietly 
★ Complete assignments on time 
★ Use class time wisely 
★ Be the best possible version of you 
Consequences/Management System 
At the beginning of the year, students are taught the expected behaviors for in and out of the 
classroom. Before making decisions regarding behavior, I’ll ask myself the following questions: Is the 
student able to learn? Are the other students able to learn? Is the classroom safe? If any of the answers 
are no, prompts will be given and if there is compliance, instruction will continue. If there is 
noncompliance after prompting, further consequences will be administered. The child will be given time to 
reflect upon behavior and how that behavior made it hard for him/herself and others to learn.  
Frequent or repeated offenses such as fighting, hitting, or insubordination may result in a change 
of seating arrangement to an area of the room with fewer distractions, problem solving time with the 
teacher, loss of classroom privileges, or referral to Mrs. Taylor (Principal). 
In Room 2, we have a classroom economy established for student behavior. Students begin the 
year with a $25.00 balance in their accounts. Students are paid continuously throughout the school year 
for appropriate behavior. Consequences for disruptive behaviors are in the form of a fine. The amount of 
the fine depends on the offense. Students are saving their money for classroom auctions. 
Homework Policy 
1. Most daily assignments are due the following morning. Sufficient time is usually given to complete 
these in class. However, if a student does not complete an assignment in class, he/she is expected 
to take it home to finish it. 
2. Occasionally, when students are working on special projects, they may need to work at home to 
finish by the deadline.  
3. Incomplete assignments and absent work may be taken home to finish. 
Planners/Assignment Notebooks 
  Planners are used for communication between home and school. Every student records all 
assignments in his/her planner each day. Students are responsible for asking for your signature nightly 
to show that you have gone over the planner with them. I will make comments, as needed. Parents are 
encouraged to do the same. 
Friday Folder 
Students’ graded papers will be sent home in this folder on Fridays. Please go through your child’s 
papers with him/her. Information from the school office and district office will be delivered in this folder 
as well. 
Incomplete Policy 
Any assignment that is not turned in when it is due will be considered late and may result in grade 
deduction. I will still encourage completion of work so the student doesn’t miss the concept being taught. 
If an assignment is not completed on time, the following consequence(s) will occur: 
➔ Parent contact 
➔ Loss of recess or free time until assignment is completed 
➔ After school work time if several incomplete assignments occur 
Redo Policy 
  Students may be asked to redo any assignment that received a B ​ asic ​or lower to improve their 
understanding of the concept. Students may be asked to stay in during recess to correct the errors with 
teacher guidance or take the work home to correct the errors with parental guidance. 
Parent Involvement in the Classroom 
  I have an open door policy in Room 2! I openly accept all of the help that I can get! If you wish to 
volunteer in our classroom, please let me know. If you are frustrated about how to best support your 
child in his/her learning, we can brainstorm ideas together. No one knows your child better than you, so 
please feel free to let me know how I can best meet his/her needs.  
Extra Help 
  I am available most mornings and after school to work with students who need and/or would like 
extra assistance from the teacher.  

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