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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kalimat Command untuk Kelas 7 SMP

Choose correct answer on the box

Switch off Don’t talk Brush

Read Don’t swim Do not
Don’t play Go Help
Don’t feed Drive Clean
Follow Don’t be late Do

1. __________upstairs!
2. __________football in the yard!
3. __________your mobiles!
4. __________during the lesson!
5. __________your teeth!
6. __________the instructions!
7. __________in this lake!
8. __________for school!
9. __________the animals in the zoo!
10. __________ your homework!
11. __________the instructions !
12. __________ slowly!
13. __________be silly!
14. __________ yourself!
15. __________ your room!

Kunci Jawaban

1. Go upstairs.
2. Don't play football in the yard.
3. Switch off your mobiles.
4. Don't talk during the lesson.
5. Brush your teeth.
6. Read the instructions.
7. Don't swim in this lake.
8. Don't be late for school.
9. Don't feed the animals in the zoo.
10. Do your homework.
11. Follow the instructions.
12. Drive slowly
13. Do not be silly
14. Help yourself
15. Clean your room

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