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Characteristics of a Product

Little Girls Spa

Laura Cárdenas Vanegas

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Tecnólogo en Gestión de Mercado

Bogotá Colombia
Little Girls Spa

The business project Little Girls Spa is focused Without a doubt in giving time to relax, de-
stress and improve the quality of life, it is basic to have good physical, mental and spiritual
health, where a service will be provided to mothers and daughters, the authenticity of This
place is to contribute to affective relationships not as it is commonly between couples but to
enjoy time with our daughters and mothers.

To offer all our clients a space in which they can share a pleasant moment creating total security
in the procedure handled, Training personal care from an early age, where girls from 5 years
old live an afternoon of Spa with facial care, Relaxation and recreation.


 Improve relations Mother and daughter, having a favorable space to share a pleasant
 Contribute to one of the most common diseases of today such as stress, but not only
contribute to attack this disease but improve the mental and physical health of women
 Be innovative since we want to offer women from an early age an exclusive space
designed in them
 Get out of your daily routine, take a break to recharge your batteries
 We improve the skin of the environmental pollution to which we are exposed daily


 Facial chocolate therapy

 Relaxing massage
 Hot stones
 Hair massage
 Whirlpool tub or Sauna
 Facial treatment

These services are aimed at girls aged 5 years and older, from the urban area of the city of
Bogotá, from any socio-economic stratum and will be offered to mothers with daughters within
this age range who are interested in celebrating a special date for them. Parents, as responsible
for their family must be interested in services that help to create good habits of care and self-
esteem in girls through activities that promote these values such as health, relaxation,
awareness of body care, as well as activities that empower girls in correct forms of interaction,
helping to develop better within society.

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