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English Spanish

to wake someone up despertar

to wake up despertarse

to get up levantarse

to make the bed hacer la cama

to get dressed vestirse

to get ready preparase

to have a shower ducharse

to have a bath bañarse

to have a wash lavarse

to clean your teeth lavarse los dientes

to brush your teeth cepillarse los dientes

to wash your hair lavarse el pelo / la cabeza

to dry your hair secarse el pelo

to brush your hair cepillarse el pelo

to comb your hair peinarse

to dry your hands secarse las manos

to have a shave afeitarse

to clean your shoes limpiarse los zapatos

to put on makeup maquillarse / pintarse

to put in your contact lenses ponerse las lentillas

ponerse la dentadura postiza;

to put in your false teeth
ponerse los dientes postizos

to have breakfast desayunar / tomar el desayuno

to have lunch almorzar / comer

to have dinner cenar

to cook lunch, to get lunch ready hacer la comida

to feed the cat / dog dar de comer al gato / perro

to water the plants regar las plantas

to switch on the radio / television poner la radio / televisión

to listen to the radio escuchar el radio

to watch television / telly ver la televisión / tele

ir al colegio / al trabajo / a la universidad / a la

to go to school / work / university / the office

to catch the bus / train tomar / coger* el autobús / tren

to start work empezar a trabajar / entrar a trabajar

to get home (from work) llegar a casa

to go home ir a casa

to get undressed desvestirse / desnudarse

to go to bed acostarse

to set the alarm clock poner el despertador

to have a rest tomarse un descanso / echarse una siesta

to fall a sleep dormirse

to over sleep quedarse dormido

to have a sleepless night pasar la noche en vela

to suffer from insomnia tener insomnio / sufrir de insomnio

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