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每次考试前 7 天,仙子会在微博 (雅思仙子张天真-学为贵)


2019 年 5-8 月 雅思口语高分讲义

@微博 雅思仙子张天真-学为贵

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关键词写出来,用铅笔将其写成 A + B + C
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⚫ Name

⚫ Your hometown

1. Where are you from?

I come from ~, which is located in the south of China. It is a poetic and picturesque city due

to its rich natural and cultural landscapes.

核心词:poetic and picturesque 如诗如画的 adj.

2. Do you like it?

Of course, because this is the city where I grew up. Besides, People there are quite hospitable

and obliging. For example, if you get in trouble, they will give you a hand without hesitation.

As a result, it’s very safe to live in my hometown.

核心词:hospitable and obliging 好客的和乐于助人的 adj.

3. Do you prefer to live in the city or countryside?

I prefer to live in the city because traffic system there will be more excellent. I mean; if I want

to go out, I can choose various ways in the city, like the subway, taxi, bus and so on. Besides,

as a person who is about to graduate, cities can offer me more job opportunities.

核心短语:be about to 即将发生的事(指基本既定事实)

4. Would you like to move to another new place in the future?

I guess not. Because the dishes in my city are so mouth-watering, especially the xianlu

noodles, which is my favourite food that can always tickle my taste buds. Besides, the weather

there is quite beautiful. I love sunshine so much that every day I live there makes me feel so


核心短语:tickle my taste buds 刺激我的味蕾

5. What changes have taken place in your city recently?


Traffic system of my city has been improved a lot. I mean; now, we can choose various ways

to go out, + e.g.

People there have become more HO due to the proliferation of advanced education. For

example, trouble + hand

6. what’s the best part of your city?

Food + mw + e.g. = I am a foodie + so the city can meet my desire

⚫ Your study

1. Which school are you in now?

My university is ~, which is located in the rural area of 城市名. I am very proud to tell you

that my school in science and engineering can rank in the top 10 in my country.

核心词:science and engineering 理工科

2. Why did you choose it?

I chose this school not only because of its outstanding and responsible teachers, but also

because of its gorgeous campus environment. For example, LULU Lake in the centre of the


campus can provide us with a quiet leisure place. When we are tired, we can g o there for a

walk to relax.

核心词:gorgeous 漂亮的 adj.

3. How did your first day in your school?

Oh, it was a rather busy day because I did a lot of things. First, I bought a map to learn about

the buildings of my university. After that, I bought some necessitie s, such as a toothbrush

and a face plate.

⚫ Your accommodation

1. Describe your accommodation a little.

I am living in a flat currently, which is located in the outskirts of the city. Although it is a

little small, it has all the vital organs. One living room, one kitchen and two bedrooms.(灰


核心谚语:Although it is a little small, it has all the vital organs 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全

2. What’s your favourite part of your home?

Actually, it is not exactly a room. I mean; I love the balcony most. There is a white wooden

table and a rocking chair that allows me to take a nap in a beautiful afternoon. Listening to

the soft music and enjoying a cup of coffee on my balcony is a particularly fabulous thing.

(酥, 感觉阳光在脸上)

核心词:fabulous 棒极了的/超赞的 adj.

rocking chair 摇椅 n.


3. Will you move to a new place in the future?

I’m afraid not. The transportation system around my home is rather excellent. For example,

there is a subway station and a supermarket in my community, which allows me to buy things

and go outside easily. More importantly, I love its sweet feeling. I mean; all the decorations

in my home are Disney style. That’s my taste.

核心词:sweet 温馨的 adj.

4. What needs to be improved of your flat?

Traffic system + not good + I hope the government can build some subway stations and bus

stops at the gate of my community to facilitate our travel.

I also hope my house can be a little bigger so that I can take my grandparents to live with


5. Do you know your neighbours?

They are very HO/HA + trouble + hand

Often invites me to have dinner together

⚫ Holiday

1. Are there many holidays in China?

Sure. There are many holidays in my country, including Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival,

Dragon Boat Festival and so on.

2. What’s your favourite one?


I like Spring Festival most, and which is on the first day of first lunar month. Moreover, it is

the longest holiday in China. Therefore, Spring Festival is the very time【强调重读】 for me

to relieve my stress from study deadlines. And I can also see the relatives I haven’t seen for

a long time, so it is the chance for Chinese people to reunite.

3. What would you do on holidays?

It depends.

On some important holidays, like Spring Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival, I’d like to do

some traditional things to colour my life. For example, on Spring Festival, I will paste reversed

Fu on the door, because in the traditional culture, it can bring us good fortune.

However, if it is a normal holiday or a short one, I will stay at home to do some leisure

activities, such as singing, watching films, you name it.

⚫ Handwriting


grammatical mistakes 语法错误 sincerity n.诚意

contracts 合同 n.

1. Do you prefer handwriting or typing?

Normally, I prefer typing. It is clearer and faster than handwriting. Oh, there is another benefit

of it. Some typing software can correct my grammatical mistakes automatically. I mean; it is


2. When do you like to write by hand?


On some important festivals, like Spring festival and Mid-autumn festival, I’d like to write

some cards to my friends by hand, which can show my sincerity respect.

Moreover, when I need to sign contracts, I can only handwriting according to the law.

⚫ Crowded place

1. How do you feel when you are in a crowded place?

Every time I’m in a crowd, I feel so dizzy and upset. Sometimes I even feel suffocated

/'sʌfəkeitid/ 令人窒息的. Therefore, whenever there is a discount at the mall, I won’t take part


2. When was the last time you went to a crowded place?

Let me think about it. Oh! It should be last October that I went to Tokyo Disneyland with my

boyfriend. For almost every project, we waited an hour to play. However, it was a memorable

experience due to the good service and gorgeous decorations there.

⚫ Pet


Mess up 弄乱 accompany 陪伴 v.

1. Are there many people in your country raise pets?

Yes, that’s a lot. Every night after dinner, I can see many neighbours walking their dogs in

the community.


2. Do you like pets?

I don’t know, I haven’t had one yet. I think pets can accompany me when I feel bored and

lonely. He/she could be my good friend. Nevertheless, pets can mess up the room, then I

need to spend extra time to clean up. It will be so annoyed.

3. Do you have a pet?

No + 横轴 10

⚫ Sky


A drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 twinkling 闪耀的 adj.

1. Do you like to watch the sky?

Whenever I am unhappy, I like to look at the sky, as if the stars are talking to me. Watching

the vast sky, I feel that my difficulties are just a drop in the ocean. Therefore, it is my secret

of staying active and confident.

2. do you like the sky in the daytime or at night?

I like the sky at night. The twinkling stars are guiding my way forward in the deep night. The

night sky is also wonderful and changeable, which likes a movie that never ends, attracting

me to explore it further.

3. Where is the best place to see the sky in your city?


That must be TIANZHEN mountain. It’s in the northwest corner of my city. TIANZHEN

mountain is a great place to see the sky because it is the highest place in the city. Standing

on the mountain, enjoying the breeze kissing my face, I feel as if I could touch the stars.

⚫ Patience


Operation 手术 criticize 批评 v.

1. Do you think you have patience?

Yes, for example, every time I meet a problem, I will clam down and try my best to solve it.

Moreover, I don’t usually lose my temper because of some small things. And I may like to

think about the various reasons that lead to this problem.

2. Do you think patience is important?

Sure. If a teacher loses patience, then his/her students might be criticized for nothing; and if

a doctor loses patience, the operation may fail.

3. How to improve one’s patience?

That’s a lot. For example, we can do some special training, like painting, reading and so on.

Moreover, learning to look more positively can also help increase patience. I mean; mentality

determines the time to wait.

⚫ Sleep

1. How long do you sleep every night?


It is hard to say. On weekdays, I usually go to bed at 12 o’clock and get up at 6 am, because

I need to finish many tasks at night. However, on the weekends, I can wake up at 10am, and

then enjoy a fabulous free day.

2. Do you sleep as much as you did as a child?

That’s impossible. When I was a kid, I went to bed at 9pm and got up at 8am. It was so

enough. Nevertheless, due to the fierce competition in China, now, I need to struggle with

my homework till the midnight every day. Early to bed and late to rise is a luxury.

⚫ Tea or coffee


High-grade 高档的 minerals 矿物质

Herbal tea 花草茶

1. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

I like tea more, especially Chinese herbal tea. Because that kind of tea is full of vitamins, fibre

and minerals, which can 横轴 4, such as obesity and high blood pressure.

2. When someone comes to your home, do you serve tea or coffee?

It depends.

When a foreigner comes to visit my house, I will serve him/her high-quality tea. I hope he

can feel the charm of Chinese culture. However, if someone I know comes to my home, I’ll

let him choose. I think it is a sign of respect.


3. Will you send tea to others as a gift?

Sure, especially the Longjing tea, which is a kind of high-grade tea that produced in

Hangzhou. Longjing tea 横轴 1. Hence, sending it to others can bring them good fortune.

⚫ Water

1. Do you drink a lot of water?

Yes, because water can provide us with the source of life we need every day. I also regularly

attend speech contests and seminars, which will drain my body. As a result, I need to keep

drinking water to replenish what I consume.

核心词:contest 竞赛 n.

Replenish [rɪ'plenɪʃ] v. 补充

Drain [dreɪn] 耗尽 v.

2. Do you like bottled water or tap water?

Bottled water, since it is safer and has been professionally disinfected and treated. What’s

more, bottled water is rich in more trace elements and minerals, which can help keep healthy.

核心词:disinfect 将…消毒 v.

Trace elements 微量元素 n.

3. do you think bottled water is expensive?

It’s OK. The price of a bottle of mineral water in China is about 2 yuan. That is 500ml. I think

which is a reasonable price and I can afford it.

核心词:milliliter 毫升 n. 可以读为单独的 M L


⚫ Park/garden

1. How often you’d like to go to the park?

Although the parks own a lot of 横轴 2 for me to appreciate, I rarely go there because I 横轴


2. What was the last time you went to the park?

About half a year ago. It was the season when lotus bloomed in the Summer Palace. The

dazzling lotus flowers in the pond have attracted numerous tourists to take photos. At that

time, I was on a boat on the lake, picking lotus seeds among the leaves. It was a fabulous


核心词:dazzling ['dæzlɪŋ] 耀眼的 adj.

Bloom [bluːm] 盛开 v.

⚫ Film

1. What type of films do you like most?

Frankly, I’d love to watch comedies, like LULU and her rabbits. Because comedians always

use exaggerated expressions and funny lines to help me forget troubles in real life. I mean;

watching comedies can 横轴 5.

核心词:exaggerated expressions and funny lines 夸张的表情与有趣的台词 n.

2. Did you often go to the cinema as a child?

I rarely did it when I was a child because I had to 横轴 10. + 横轴 10 why


3. Do you prefer to go to the cinema alone or with friends?

I prefer to go to the cinema with friends, because we can discuss the vivid plot together,

which can help me understand the content better. Moreover, it is an effective method to 横

轴 11.

核心词:vivid plot 生动的情节

⚫ Music

1. What type of music you’d like to listen to?

I love classical music because I am eager to explore ancient Chinese culture and customs. In

addition, the slow rhythm of the classical music can always help me reduce stress when I feel


核心词:slow rhythm 缓慢的节奏 n.

2. Have you ever been to a concert?

Actually, no. Now, I am a student and I have no salary, so the concert ticket is too expensive

to me. More importantly, I am not a starchaser. I’ll just appreciate their music, but would

not do anything crazy.

核心词:starchaser 追星族 n.

3. What kind of musical instrument would you like to play in the future?

Maybe the ukulele. Because my friend said it is the easiest instrument to learn and play. I

didn’t have a lot of musical foundation, so I think it should be more appropriate to me.

What’s more, ukulele is portable compared to other musical instruments, like piano or



核心词:ukulele [,juːkə'leɪlɪ] 尤克里里 n.

Portable 便携的 adj.

⚫ Painting & photography


Filter 滤镜 beautify v. 美化

Gorgeous frame 精美的构图

1. Do you like photography or painting?

I like both. Painting is one of my favourite hobbies, and when I have free time, I’d like to

paint some pictures to express my inner thoughts. However, during the trip, photography is

a more convenient method to record the views on the way.

2. Do you often paint?

⚫ Photo

3. Do you prefer to take photos by phone or camera?


I am not a professional photographer, so I think taking a camera will increase my weight in

the outside. If it’s hot outside, this will be worse.

4. What kinds of things you’d like to take photos of?

I’d like to take photos of characters, because I can save them as my good memory. When I

feel lonely, I may appreciate those photos to help me remember the sweet times.

5. What would you do after you take a photo?


I will use the photoshop to beautify my photos. For example, I may add some filters to

increase the brightness of them. And then, I will post the photos on my social media to help

me get more likes.

⚫ Cooking

1. Can you cook?

Yes, I learned it when I was in high school. And it was taught by my grandma, who used to

be a good cook before her retirement. However, I can only make some home -made dishes,

like Kunpao chicken.

核心词:home-made dishes 家常菜 n.

2. Do you cook, and why?

Yes. Cooking is a good way to save money because the price of ingredients is much cheaper

than the dishes in restaurants. In addition, it can also improve my hands-on ability.

3. Do you prefer to eat at home or eat outside?

I prefer to eat at home, because the food in the restaurants is normally so rich and salty,

which will 增病。Moreover, it is a good way to save money because the price of ingredients

is much cheaper than the dishes in restaurants.

⚫ Season

1. What’s your favourite season?


It must be the summer, because this is a good season to do various outdoor activities, such

as going boating and swimming in the outside lake. More importantly, I can have my

favourite ice cream and watermelon in the summer.

2. What’s the difference between the exercises people may do in different seasons?

There doesn’t seem to be any sport special about spring and fall. However, in the summer,

people can go to the water park to do a lot of water activities, like punting, diving, water

slide and so on. When it comes to the winter, we can do some activities related to snow, such

s skiing and skating. They are exciting.

核心词:punting 撑篙 n.

Water slide 水上滑梯 n.

3. What do you do in different seasons?

In the spring, everything comes to life and the breeze blows. This is the best time to fly kites.

But when summer comes, it’s hot. I just like to stay at home and enjoy the comfortable

feeling that air conditioner brings to me.

核心词:breeze blows 微风拂动

Everything comes to life 万物复苏

⚫ Sharing

1. What do you usually share with your friends?


Our favourite thing to share is gossip, especially gossip about classmates. It can make us

very excited. You know, it’s human nature. I also often share some articles for daily use

with my friends. For example, when he has a cold, I will share some tissues with him.

核心短语:articles for daily use 生活用品

2. Didn’t your parents teach you to share?

When I was young, my parents often taught me how to share with others. They say sharing

is a virtue. Moreover, if there is a difficulty, those who I have shared sth. will be willing to

share things I need to me.

3. What do you think should not be shared?

This is a strange question. It must be something intimate, like underwear, or even your


4. What do you think of shared vehicles?

Shared cars facilitates our life. For example, we can use them by scanning the QR code on

the body of cars with a very low price. However, it may result in a waste of resources because

people may not value the shared products as their own.

P1 new topics



对生活报以感激:be grateful for life



向某人假笑:pretend to smile at ~

1. How often do you smile?

I smile every day, because I think there will always be something that can make me happy on a

daily basis. Moreover, my parents told me that I should be grateful for life. Hence, I will smile for

toothsome food, happy experience, a new skill that I learned, and so on.

2. Why do you smile?


3. Why do some people fake a smile?

It is hard to judge. On formal occasions, like important meetings and wedding ceremonies, people

pretend to smile at others to show their kindness and politeness.

Moreover, People also fake a smile to show their respect when they meet neighbours face to face.



乱丢垃圾会被罚款:drop litter will be fined

垃圾桶:trash can / garbage can

分类垃圾:v. sort rubbish


1. Why do some people litter?


I think this is related to one’s living environment and education background. I mean; when you

are in a society where no one else obeys the rules, you will become a strange man if you are not

like them.

However, sometimes, someone may litter because he/she couldn’t find the trash can.

2. How do you feel about that?

This is a bad behavior, whether it is voluntary or passive. Each of us should act as the opinion

leader of the people around us and guide them to do good-mannered things.

3. Do you pick up litter when you see it on the road?

Yes, I will. And I think nearly all Chinese people will do that as well. When we were in primary

school, we were taught to protect the environment.

Making plans



抵挡诱惑:resist temptations

1. Do you make a plan every day?

Actually, there is no need to do that because + struggle

I mean; now, I have no other plan except study.

2. Do you manage your time well?


It’s hard. Sometimes, I cannot resist many temptations, such as good movies, amazing gossip,

exciting video games, gorgeous clothes, you name it. All of these things will push me to give up

the original plans to chase them. They are monsters! [苦笑+皱眉] But, I have no idea.

3. What is the biggest difficulty you have in managing your time?




迪奥:dior 祖马龙:Jo Malone

淡香水:eau de toilette [/,əudetwɑ:'let/]

香味:fragrance; scent

涂香水:wear the perfume

令人沉醉的气息:heady scent

1. Do you like to wear perfume?

It depends. [为了照顾男生]

When I need to have a date or attend formal occasions, like wedding ceremony, I will use perfume.

It is a sign of respect and sincerity.


In my daily life, I would not use that because I tend to faint【晕倒】 from perfume, especially in

confined spaces 【密闭空间】.

2. What kind of perfume do you like?


I’d like to use eau de toilette [/,əudetwɑ:'let/] 淡香水(实在记不住就是 perfume)made by famous

brand Jo Malone, especially the heady scent of wild bluebell and red roses (挑两最简单的). They

can increase my confidence and make me feel as if I am in the wilderness and nature. I love that

feeling very much.

3. Will you send perfume to your friends?

Yes, perfume with big names, like DIOR and CHANEL is a precious and exquisite gift. Sending it

to my friends can show my respect and sincerity. Fragrance is such a wonderful element that can

increase a person’s charm.

Rainy days


倾盆大雨:rains cats and dogs

落地窗:French window

1. Do you like rainy days?

Sunny days + outdoor activities + e.g.

2. Which situation is better for study, sunny days or rainy days?

Sunny days

I like to enjoy the sunshine pour into my room through the French window. With this kind of

peaceful feeling, I can concentrate more on my study. And my study efficiency can also be

improved a lot.


What type of music do you dislike most?

I hate rapes because I don’t like fast songs. They always make me feel upset, and raps are hard

to understand the lyrics.

Street market


精美的包装:exquisite packaging

娱乐活动:recreational activities

拥挤的人潮:n. the crowds


1. What is the street market for?

Street market is a good place for people to kill time. I mean; we can buy products we need there,

and do various recreational activities as well, such as singing Karaoke, enjoying afternoon tea time,

and so on.

2. Are there many street markets in China?

Sure, including WANGFUJING street in Beijing, TIANZHEN street in HAIKOU, and all that. China

has numerous metropolises and large population, so governments have to build as many as street

markets to meet the needs of the public.

3. What is the difference between street market and supermarket?


Street market products are generally relatively cheap because they are not beautifully packaged.

However, the quality of goods in supermarkets can be relatively guaranteed, because we can find

the source of production through the outer packing.



直系亲属:direct relatives

远房亲戚:distant relatives

聊家常:discuss the household

1. Do you often visit relatives?

No + struggle

2. What you always do with your relatives at that time?

It depends.

If it’s to visit some close relatives, I would like to have a reunion dinner with them. Chatting sth.

new, or sth. interesting with them can strengthen our relationships. However, when it comes to

to distant relatives, I might just sit silently on the couch, waiting for my parents to say, “oh, it’s

time to leave.

I would be so so happy at that time. Hhhhh

3. when was the last time you visited your relatives?


Last month, my grandmother invited me to her home for dinner, because it was her 80 th birthday.

Nearly all the family members attended her party, and we celebrated an unforgettable event




Calculate v. 计算 formula n. 公式

Function n. 函数 addition and subtraction 加减法 n.

1. When did you start leaning mathematics?

My parents began to teach me how to read numbers when I was 3 years old. It’s sad, but I have

to say that addition and subtraction are mandatory for every student in China, starting in first


2. Do you like it?

I hate it. Because I cannot remember those boring formulas at all. Moreover, when I was in high

school, math almost destroyed me, especially the function, I could only get 60 marks every time.

3. Do you think mathematics is important?

I have to admit that it is important. In life, we need to use mathematics to calculate money.

What’s more, in the field of science and technology, many industries need to use mathematics

to accurately calculate data, such as architecture.



Tourism magazines 旅游杂志

Masterwork 名著

Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见

Story line 故事剧情

1. what kinds of books you’d like to read?

旅游杂志+横轴 2




High-speed train 高铁

Book the hotel and air tickets 订机酒

1. Do you love travelling?

2. What kind of transportation do you prefer to travel by?

3. Have you met any difficulties in your journey?

Social media


Weibo 微博 wechat 微信 like 赞 n.

Follower 粉丝 transmit documents 传输文件

Post photos 上传图片 learn about the latest gossip 了解最新八卦

1. How often do you use social media?

Although we can use weibo to learn about the latest gossip, I Rarely scan it + 横轴 10


2. Do you think social media is a good place to make friends?

It is hard to say.

Social media allows introverts to open up to strangers. And we can also make friends with

people who have the same hobbies as us on the internet.


This relationship is not strong and may break down because you no longer play the same

game or enjoy watching the same TV show.

3. Do you want to study social media science in the future?

Yes, I will. With the development of technology, many functions of social media have yet to

be developed. I think this is a very innovative field.

Movie star


Gorgeous 好看的 accommodating 乐于助人的

Impoverished people 穷困的人 tone-deaf 五音不全的

Emma Watson 艾玛沃森 Harry potter

1. Who is your favourite movie star?

My favourite movie star is Wang Junkai, who is a popular actor in China. I love him because

he is rather gorgeous. I mean; he has a pair of deep eyes. What’s more, Wang is also an

accommodating man. He always donates money to help impoverished people. And that

behavior influenced me a lot.


2. Do you want to be a star?

No, because I will lose my privacy. I mean; paparazzi will follow me all the time. It’s rather


Besides, I am tone-deaf, I cannot do that job very well.

3. Do you know international movie stars?

I like lots of international movie stars, and Emma Watson ranks Top 1 in my mind. Her movie

Harry Potter touched me a lot because of its vivid plot and impressive lines.




A newly built public facility

1) Where it is

2) When was it built

3) What could you do there

4) How you feel about it

The new facility I want to describe is a park named TIANZHEN, which is located in the city centre.

It is by far the largest park in our city, and which was built about 6 months ago.

The park was built to provide leisure for the citizens, so we can do all kinds of recreational activities

there, including boating, flying kites, doing taichi and so on.

As for my feelings, I think it is an ideal place to kill time and relax. I mean;

You will find many beautiful natural views in it, such as Wanshou Hill and Xianzi Lake. Those

landscapes change with the seasons. On the weekends, we can appreciate the views there to

relieve the stress from study or work deadlines.

Second, the traffic system around that park is rather excellent. For example, there are many

subway stations and bus stops near the gate of it. We can go there easily.

Third, all kinds of sports facilities have been built in the park, like the badminton field and jogging

track. Therefore, it is the very place to do exercises in the morning or after dinner, which can help

the public strengthen their muscles and improve their immune system.

Generally speaking, that is why I want to describe this park to you.



1) What measures should be taken to deal with damage on public facilities?

2) What are the differences between old facilities and new facilities?

3) What facilities do young people and old people like in your country?

4) What’s the difference between facilities in the countryside and the ones in the cities?

An ideal house

考试时态不固定,如果是 where it is 就用一般现在时讲客观状态。

1) Where the house would be located

I hope my ideal house can be located next to the Summer Palace. It is the biggest royal garden

of China. Therefore, I can enjoy the 横轴 2 of the Summer Palace from my window every day.

2) What it would look like

That house had better have three floors, I can set the third floor as my private garden and plant

the flowers I like. I think it would be greater if the second floor of the house had 5 bedrooms. I

can take my parents and grandparents to live with me.

3) Why you think it would be your ideal house

Oh, I almost forgot to mention it. [捂嘴轻笑]

It would be better if there were some delicious restaurants in the community. I’m a foodie, so

that house will meet my desire.


I hope there will be a lot of sports equipment in the community, such as basketball courts,

badminton fields and so on, so that every day after work, I can do various sports to strengthen

my muscle and enhance my coordination.

I also hope that the government can build many subway stations and bus stops at the gate of the

community. In this way, it will be more convenient to travel.

Generally,that’s why I want to have such a house

⚫ P3

1) In china, what kind of house is more popular?

2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in city and countryside?

3) Can you compare the past and the present of cities?

⚫ Describe a beautiful city

You should say:

1) Where it is

The beautiful city I’d like to describe is XIAMEN, which is located in the southeast of China.

XIXMEN is a poetic and picturesque city. And the history of it can be traced back to about 1000

years ago.

2) How did you know it

I got to know the city from a tourism documentary produce by CCTV, our official TV station, last

year. Its natural and cultural landscapes impressed me a lot at the first time I saw them.

3) When you want to go there


I want to travel to XIAMEN in the net month because I will finish my essay at that time, and I want

to use that trip to reduce my pressure from study deadlines.

4) And why you think it is a beautiful city

There are many reasons why I think XIAMEN is a gorgeous place,

First, as what I said before, it owns 横轴 2, such as LULU Mountain and TIANZHEN lake. Especially

The LULU mountain, which is known for waterfalls and LULU tea. Besides, its peaks are surrounded

by clouds, bamboo shoots, and temples. I really want to appreciate those views in person and

take photos with them.

Second, the weather in XIAMEN is rather beautiful. I mean; there are many sunny days, and I love

sunshine. So I believe that city can make me feel quite cheerful.

More importantly, the air condition of XIAMEN is so good. You will find a lot of trees along the

streets there. And they can purify the air effectively. Therefore, if you choose to live in XIAMEN,

its environment can help reduce the risk of getting diseases, like lung cancer.

Generally speaking, that is why I want to describe the city for you.

Part 3

(1). Do you think having too many tourists is a positive thing for historical attractions?

I don’t think so.

Tourists can bring a lot of economic benefits to historical attractions, so the managers of those

places can use more money to strengthen maintenance and management of cultural relics.

However, too many tourists may increase the burden of historical sites, and this will make

management more difficult.


(2). What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?

I think both governments and individuals should make efforts.

For the individuals, we need to increase the awareness of protecting traditional culture and

customs. Besides, schools should add some lessons to teach students the information and

knowledge about historical places.

As for the governments, they can enact laws or make regulations to limit the behaviour of the

public. I mean; those who vandalise ['vændəlaiz] 破坏 historical sites at will should be punished

by law.

(3). Are there more tall buildings than small flats in your country?

It depends.

It is easier to see more tall buildings in commercial cities, like BEIJING, SHANGHAI and so on.

Because big cities have denser populations. In order to meet the needs of more people, the

government has to build as many as high-rise buildings.

However, in the countryside, small flats are more common due to the lower house price.

(4). Why do some people like to visit historical places?

There are many reasons.

1, there will be many cultural sites and historical relics worth appreciating in those places. By

visiting, people can get to know the culture and customs of ancient china.

2, historical places like The summer palace are famous all over China. Therefore, people can get

more likes if they post photos of themselves with the sites on social media.


⚫ Describe an interesting part of your country.

You should say:

1) Where it is

The interesting part I’d like to describe is SHANGHAI Disneyland, which is located in the south

of my country. It was built about 3 years ago. And Disneyland in SHANGHAI can attract tens of

millions of tourists every year.

2) How you got to know about it

I got to know that place from my best friend Anna. She went to Disneyland before and said that

place impressed her so much.

3) What it is famous for

Disneyland in SHANGHAI is famous for its exquisite architecture, vivid scenes and excellent service.

4) And explain why you think it is interesting

There are many reasons why I think it is an interesting place,

• First, Anna said that at 8 o’clock every night, before the Cinderella castle, Disney would

hold a firework show. The castle will feature images of Disney’s classic animation, such as Frozen

and Tangled, which will be particularly glaring /'gleərɪŋ/ in the night sky, accompanied by

gorgeous fireworks.

Second, in the land, you can see many classic Disney characters played by staff members, like

Ariel, Elsa and Snow-white. What’s more, you can also take photos and interact with them.

More importantly, in Disneyland, you will find different types of entertainment facilities, such as

roller coaster, ferries wheel, merry-go-round and so on. You can enjoy the pleasure of your visit

there. And it will also remind you of the good times you enjoyed as a kid.

Part 3


(1). What’s the difference between people living in the city and people living in the


Generally speaking, People in the cities may face heavier pressure due to the fierce competition.

However, people in the countryside can enjoy a more peaceful life.

In cities, neighbours are particularly distant because most people have to struggle with their

homework or work, they don’t have much time to socialise. Nevertheless, the relationships

between people in the countryside are closer because the area of the countryside is relatively

small. I mean; everybody knows each other.

(2). What’s the difference between big cities and small cities?

In big cities, the traffic system is more excellent. For example, people in those places can choose

more ways to go out, like the subway, taxi, bus and so on.

However, the traffic jam is rather heavy and air pollution is quite serious.

In small cities, people can breathe fresher air, while the life is inconvenient to some extent because

there are less shopping malls and important infrastructure, such as hospital.

(3). What’s the difference between the north and south part of your country?

In terms of weather, the north is colder than the south.

And in terms of food preference, northerners prefer pasta because they may grow wheat.

In addition, because the air in the south is wetter, southerners have more delicate skin than


(4). What makes one country different from the other?


There are many ways to distinguish different countries, such as the architectural style of a country,

its local customs, humanistic quality and language. For example, how to distinguish different

Asian on the street? Koreans dye their hair yellow; Japanese trim their eyebrows and Chinese love

to wear sports clothes.

⚫ Describe a historical building you have been to and what you learnt there

1. Where it is

2. What it looks like

3. What learned from it

4. How you felt about it

The historical building I’d like to describe is the Yaowu temple, which is located in the city centre

of Yunguang. It’s the oldest temple there, and the history of it can be traced back to about 1000

years ago.

That temple has 3 floors. The wall’s colour is red because it 横轴 1. Moreover, on the temple,

you can see four cornice like Chinese dragon.

I learned the background story of that temple. It was a place in memory of WANGXI, who had

helped the people of the place fend off foreign invaders about 1000 years ago.

As for my feelings, it is a good place for travelling. Because

1. 交通

2. 食物【vegetarian food】

3. 风景



1) Is it necessary to protect old buildings? 【文化作用+经济作用】

2) What’s the difference between old buildings and new buildings?

3) What are the interesting old buildings in China?

4) What are the differences between the houses in the past and present?

⚫ A country you want to travel in the future

1. Where it is

2. How to get there

3. What do you want to do in that place

4. Why do you want to travel to that country


1) Why don’t many people like to travel to foreign countries?

2) What kind of people do you think like to travel to foreign countries?


⚫ A person who is very handsome / beautiful

1) Who the person is

2) How did you know that person

3) What he/she likes to do

4) Why do you think that person is so handsome/beautiful


The person I’d like to describe is named DAZHUTIZI, who is a university student. Now, he is

about 20 years old. And in my eyes, DAZHUTIZI is a warm-hearted person who likes to do charity

at free time.

I got to know about him 5 years ago. Because at that time, he moved to the next door of my

home. I was deeply attracted by his charming smile.

He has many hobbies. He plays basketball, badminton, and so on. Occasionally he plays guitar or

piano at home.

There are many reasons why I think he is such a handsome man.

1st, he is tall, about 1 meter 8. He has a muscular figure and a pair of bring eyes. Besides, when he

laughed, his lovely dimples seemed to melt people. Hence, nearly all the girls in my community

want to find a boyfriend like him.

2nd, DAZHUTIZI is also beautiful inside. I mean; he is rather H and O. He often donates books and

clothes to help impoverished people in China. And his behavior influenced and touched me a lot.

Because of him, I also began donating money last year to help those in need. Apparently, he is a

good example to us.

Generally, that is why I want to describe this outstanding man to you. Thank you

⚫ P3

1. Do you think people’s appearance is the most important thing?

2. Are women dressing up because of men?


3. Do you think men in your country pay attention to appearance?

4. How do you define the beauty of nature?

5. How important appearance on social life?

⚫ A person you like to study or work with

1) Who the person is

2) How did you know that person

3) What is his/her character

4) Why do you like to study or work with that person


There are many reasons why I like to study with him

1st, DAZHUTIZI is a knowledge man who has received the offer from Cambridge University.

Besides, he had read a lot since he was young. Therefore, whenever I encounter academic

problems, he can give me a hand immediately.

2nd, DAZHUTIZI is also patient and responsible. For example, when it was difficult for me

understand some tough questions, he always explained them to me over and over again.

3rd, as what I said before, he received the offer from Cambridge last year, so he can give me some

suggestions about how to choose university and how to improve IELTS. Currently, studying

abroad is my biggest dream, and I believe he can do me a favour in this part.

Generally, that is why I want to describe this outstanding man to you. Thank you


⚫ P3

1. What are the benefits of working with others?

2. Do you think people can make real friends at work?

⚫ A person who you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

1) Who the person is


2) What’s your relationship

I got to know him about 10 years ago, because he moved to the next door of my home at

that time

3) What aspects you wanted to be similar

4) Why you wanted to be similar to this person

Until now, I wish I could be like him. (用这个句子把答案引回一般现在时降低难度)

外表 he is rather handsome with a muscular figure【笑】 and a straight nose. Nearly all the girls

in my community want to find a boyfriend like him. So, I especially want to be as popular as him.

性格 John is a hospitable and obliging man. For example, he often donates money to help

impoverished people in remote areas. His behavior influenced me deeply. When I was young, I

had a dream to be a superman to save the world. Maybe【边说边笑】 this dream will never come

true, but【停顿】 I can use my ability to help those in need.

学识 John is also an intelligent person who graduated from Cambridge university about 5 years

ago. When the students in my community get in academic trouble, he’d like to help them

without hesitation. My parents always hope that I can study in a good university. Hence, I also

hope to be as knowledgeable as him.


⚫ Describe an interesting person you would like to meet

You should say:

1) Who this person is

2) What this person does

3) Why you think this person is interesting

4) Why you want to meet him

The person I’d like to describe is my neighbour john, who is a high school teacher. Currently, he

is about 26 years old. My parents said, john is so gorgeous with a pair of lovely dimples. And he

is a polite person.

My mother told me that he moved to the next door of my home 3 years ago. But I never met him

before because I spent most of my time in university in recent years.

He is so interesting because he is a man of many talents. For example, he can play violin, piano

and guitar. My community often organises ceremonies to celebrate some important festivals in

china, like Spring Festival or Mid-autumn Festival. At that time, my parents said that he would

apply to be the host who can always make the ceremony works better. During the gala, he often

gives them cross talk, a kind of Chinese traditional language art performance. And his

performance always wins the applause because of his outstanding language talent.

There are a lot of reasons why I want to learn more about him


1. Many neighbors say that he is rather handsome with a muscular figure, and a lot of girls in my

community even want to find a boyfriend like him. However, I have never seen him in the se years,

so I really want to know how gorgeous he is.

2. John always donates money to help impoverished people, and his behavior influenced a lot of

neighbours. I mean; because of him, we also began donating books and clothes to help those in

need last year. Apparently, he has set a good example to us. Hence, I want to know how he

specifically helps those poor people.

3. My mother told me that John received the offer from Cambridge last month. To be honest, I

plan to study abroad in the coming year, but I am still struggling with IELTS. So, I am particularly

eager to discover how he learned so well.

Part 3

(1). Do you have many friends in your community?

(2). How do technology help on the relationship between people?

Now, we can use all types of social media to communicate with those who you cannot meet

regularly through the Internet, like WEIBO, WECHAT and so on. Through commenting, sharing or

giving likes to other people’s tweets, you can get more friends. In addition, your relationships

can be strengthened, and your interactions will be promoted.

⚫ A singer or a band you like

1. Who the person is / what the band is

2. What type of music the person/band is good at

3. How did you know the person/band

4. Why do you like the person/band


The singer I’d like to describe is Liang Jingru, who is a famous and popular singer in China(这无

所谓). Now, she is about 40 years old. But in my eyes, she is still a gorgeous lady with a pair of

deep eyes. Moreover, Liang is rather polite.

She is good at nearly all types of music, like pop, jazz, blue, classic music and so on. I mean; she

is really versatile.

I got to know Liang about 10 years ago, because she won the best singer of the Golden Melody

Awards at that time.

I love her for some reasons,

1st, Liang has a beautiful voice and a gift in art. I mean; she can dance, can paint, can sing songs,

and can play all types of instruments, like piano and violin. On some important festivals, she will

give performances to amuse the public. And I always be touched by her he ady melody and

impressive lyrics.

2nd, she is so beautiful and elegant. She owns a slim body and a straight nose. I admire her very

much [女生的答案]。I really want to find a girlfriend like her actually. [男生的答法].

3rd, Li is also an obliging star, because she always donates money to help impoverished people.

And what she did influenced a lot of fans. Apparently, she is a good example to us.


1) Do singers earn a lot in China?

2) What kind of music is more popular in China? (why)


3) Do you think women can sing better than men?

4) why do people like pop music more than other types of music ?

5) what are the types of music that are popular among old people?

6) what would be the kind of music people would like to listen to in the future

7) do you think teenage are often influenced by the content in pop music?

8) Do you think the best singers are the ones with the most fans?

⚫ A foreign star you wish to meet

1. Who the person is

2. How did you know about the person

3. What the person does

4. Why you want to meet the person

The foreigh star I’d like to describe is Anne Hathaway, who is a famous and popular actor in

the US. Now, she is about 40 years old. But in my eyes, she is still a gorgeous lady with a pair of

deep eyes. Moreover, Anne Hathaday is rather polite.

I got to know Anne Hathaway about 5 years ago, because she won the best actress of that

year’s Oscar.

I want to meet her for many reasons,

1st, Anne Hathaway has an excellent acting and a gift in art. Whenever I feel upset, I’d like to

watch her movies, such as Princess diaries, One day, and so on. They can relieve my pressure

from study deadlines because her heady performance and impressive emotions can take me

into a fantastic world to help me forget trouble in real life.


2nd, she is so beautiful and elegant. She owns a slim body and a straight nose. I admire her very

much [女生的答案]。I really want to find a girlfriend like her actually. [男生的答法].

3rd, Anne Hathaway is also an obliging star, because she always donates money to help

impoverished people. And what she did influenced a lot of fans. Apparently, she is a good

example to us.

⚫ A successful friend of yours

1. Who the person is

2. How did you know the person

3. What are the person’s accomplishments

4. Why do you think the person is so successful

The person I’d like to describe is my friend Peter, who is the CEO of a famous restaurant in my

city. Besides, he is also a popular singer in China. + 年外性。

I got to know him about 3 years ago, because he moved to the next door of my home at that


He has achieved a lot. For example, his restaurant became the largest hotpot chain in our city

last year. What’s more, he won the best singer of the Golden Melody Award of our province in


I think he is rather successful for some reasons.


First, he is not only a successful businessman, but also a great philanthropist. I mean; he always

donates money to support impoverished people, and his behavior influenced a lot of neighbors.

He is a good example to us.

Second, he is a knowledgeable man. He graduated from Cambridge university about 5 years

ago. And when the students in my community get in academic trouble, he’d like to give them

a hand without hesitation. He achieved a lot of respect from us.

Generally speaking, that is the person who I want to describe.

⚫ A person who encouraged you

1. Who the person is

2. How did you know the person

3. How the person helped and encouraged you

4. How you felt about the person

The person I’d like to describe is my friend Peter, who is a university student. Now, he is about

20 years old. And in my eyes, peter is rather handsome with a pair of sparkling eyes and a

straight nose. What’s more, he is so warmhearted.

I got to know him about 3 years ago, because he moved to the next door of my home at that


Last year, I was learning Japanese and I met some difficulties. Because +难逻辑。He told me that

横轴 6 and gave me some suggestions about how to learn that language, such as listening to

Japanese radio and watching Japanese animation.


As for my feelings, Peter is an outstanding man.

His words helped me a lot actually. I mean; I finally picked up Japanese. And now, I can have

some simple conversations with others by using that language. Without his encouragement, I

couldn’t fulfill that.


1) How to make children interested in things they are not into?

2) Who is more important in encouraging children, teachers or parents?

3) Person who encourages others

4) when it’s necessary to put people down? 【打击人】

5) Encouragement

6) Do you think encouragement is better than punishment in getting desired result?

⚫ A person who can speak a second language

1) Who the person is

2) What kind of language the person can say

3) How long did he learn this skill

4) How did he learn the language

Peter + 名职年外性

Peter can speak Japanese very well, + official + beautiful

He learned the skill for nearly 2 years because he said that 难逻辑。


He learned the language in many ways.

1st, he told me that he would listen to Japanese radio and watch Japanese animation every day

to strengthen the memories of its pronunciation.

2nd, he also took part in a training class to practice with other people who were learning

Japanese as well

3rd, he believed that 横轴 6. So, he finally made it, and I’m especially happy for him.


1) What’s the kind of foreign language do children in your country learn?

2) how important it is to learn foreign language?

3) it is easier for people to learn a new language when they’re young than when they’re


4) Do you agree that people who can speak multiple language cannot master the languages


⚫ A person who has interesting ideas and opinions

1. Who the person is

2. How did you know about the person

3. What the interesting idea was

4. And how you felt about the person

The person I’d like to describe is peter + 名职年外性

3 years ago + moved to the next door ~


3 months ago, I lost my key in the grass and couldn’t find it, Peter helped me with a magnet.

You see, what a brilliant and funny man he is!

As for my feelings, I think he is very outstanding. because

1st, knowledgeable + Cambridge = students + academic trouble + hand = moreover, he always

organizes all kinds of interesting games to help children grasp some difficult knowledge better.

for example, he would hold some community game shows, and the awards are fruit, like apple

or grape.

2nd, versatile + can 各种= the old + lonely + play guitar and tell jokes to make them happy.


1) When do children begin to have their own ideas?

2) Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?

4) Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?

⚫ Describe a person who often helps others

You should say:

1. Who this person is

2. How this person helps others

3. Why this person helps others


4. And explain how you feel about his person

Part 3

1) Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

2) Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?

3) In what kinds of professions do people help others more?

4) Why are some people willing to help others?


⚫ An occasion when someone lied to you

1) When it happened

The story happened 10[自己判定高三的时间] years ago in the summer, when I was a senior three

student. One day at noon, my ex-boyfriend stopped me at the school gate to say goodbye to me.

2) Who lied to you

He was my first boyfriend. And his name was Chen. He owned a pair of sparkling eyes and a brave

heart. In my memory, he was about 1.8 metres tall, and whose smile was very cute.

3) Why did he lie to you

He said our relationship was over, and he wanted to go to a better school. He didn’t want to

waste his youth with me. I cried for days【哽咽】. Because it was the first time in my life that

someone had treated me so well. I didn’t know he hadn’t changed his mind until I had spent

3 years hating him. At a class meeting, my bestie told me that Chen【停顿+啜泣】 had cancer【哭

腔】 3 years ago. And he died【低沉】later.


4) How you felt about it

I hate him so much. I hate him for not letting me know the truth and not allowing me to

accompany him through his last days.

I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t find out that something was wrong with him. If youth can

come again, I will not let him go. However, time will not go back, everything will not be reversed

【激动】. I just hope everyone can cherish the person in front of them, spend precious time with

their families, and live【停顿】 a wonderful life with limited strength.

⚫ P3

1. Do you agree with those white lies?

2. Why do you think they lied?

3. What technology could be used to detect criminal lies? [polygraph]

⚫ An experience of teaching someone something new

1) When it happened

2) What the skill was

3) Who you taught to

4) How you felt about it

I taught my cousin Japanese last summer when I was on vacation in my hometown. Japanese

is the official language of Japan, and which always be used in other Asian regions as well.

My cousin was only 10 years old at that time. And he was in grade 4 of primary school. In my

eyes, he was rather cute with a pair of sparkling eyes and lovely dimples.


I taught him this skill because he was so interested in Japanese animation. I mean; he wanted

to understand the plot of those films without subtitles. In order to meet his dream, I accepted

him this requirement.

It was an unforgettable experience to me because I felt so exhausted about that actually.

The grammatical order and pronunciation habits of Japanese are rather different from

Chinese, so he always forgot the right way to organize a full sentence.

Moreover, as he was young, he often forgot the words what he remembered yesterday. In

addition, my cousin also couldn’t concentrate on one thing for over 1 hour. I mean; after

only an hour of study, he had to play for a while, which made our progress intermittent.

However, it also gave me a sense of achievement. I was so proud of my little brother when

he was able to have some simple conversations with me in Japanese.

I’d be happy to teach him something new if I had another chance.

⚫ P3

1. What skills do adults need to have?

2. How can people be motivated to learn new things?

3. Who should teach children to study, the parent or the teacher?

⚫ A bad service you experienced

1) When it happened

2) Where it happened


3) Who you were with

4) Why the service was so bad

Last month, my friend John and I celebrated his 20 th birthday at a Yunnan restaurant named

Peter’s Kitchen. It used to be a famous restaurant serving hotpot in my city.

Peter’s Kitchen is located in the city centre, and which was built about 10 years ago. Its

decoration style is particularly gorgeous. Besides, There are 3 floors, all with carved wooden


JOHN + 名职年外性

No one received us after we arrived. As it is located in the centre of the city, we waited for

an hour for the seat. But here’s the thing. During that hour, no one offered us water or


In addition, as we were not very hungry, we did not order much food. And the price of our

order is not very expensive, so the waiter’s face was not good. What’s worse, the food

they provided us had gone bad. We argued with the manager for 1 hour but with no result.

They refused to apologise and just kept finding different excuses.

Finally, we paid half the price and left unhappily.

In my opinion, business in catering industry should treat everyone equally, and the service

should not be decided according to what customers wear or what they order.

⚫ P3


1. Which occupations do you think need the good service?

2. How company can do to promote services?

3. How do you normally handle poor service?

⚫ A childhood game you played with your friends

You should say:

1) What the game was

The game I’d like to describe is building blocks. When I was a kid, I always used hundreds of

colorful blocks to construct various buildings, handicrafts or characters. Sometimes, I also gave

some to my friends as a precious gift. After all, it was a work of art to some extent.

2) When you played it

I played it when i was in primary school and middle school. At that time, I often participated in

building blocks competitions.

3) Who you played it with

And I always played it with my grandma, who is the person took care of me a lot when i was kid

since my parents were so busy with business.

4) How you felt about the game

It was a little difficult actually. As a kid, my imagination was limited, and in order to finish different

tasks, I needed to imagine so many pictures to match my inner thoughts. However, in this aspect,

it was also an effective way to improve one’s art appreciation ability.


Moreover, this game improved my concentration. A small mistake or omission [ə(ʊ)'mɪʃ(ə)n]

遗漏 in building blocks can cause the failure. Hence, I had to do that meticulously 一丝不苟地.

Part 3

(1). What kinds of games do children play these days?

(2). Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?

(3). Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing games?

(4). What kinds of games do children play at school?

⚫ A time you changed your mind

You should say:

1) When it happened

2) What the new plan was

3) What made you change it

4) how you felt about it

last month, I changed my mind from travelling to XIAMEN into HANGZHOU. I just finished my

essay at that time, so I wanted to use that trip to 横轴 5.

As what I said before, the new plan was travelling to HANGZHOU. HANGZHOU is a poetic and

picturesque city located the south of China. And its history can be traced back to about 2000

years ago.


I changed my mind because XIAMEN is far away from my city, and I must spend at least 5 hours

on the plane. It would be so bored and tired.

I should appreciate my change because I enjoyed several fabulous days in HANGZHOU. I mean;

1. HANGZHOU owns 横轴 2, such as TIANZHEN Lake and LULU temple. I appreciated them, and

they reduced my pressure from study deadlines.

2. Food there is rather mouth-watering, especially HONGBO dumpling. I am a foodie, so that

trip met my desire.

More importantly, the traffic system of HANGZHOU is rather excellent. For example, people there

can choose various ways to go out, like the subway, taxi, bus and so on. I felt quite convenient

when I was in that city.

If I had the chance, I would like to take a trip to HANGZHOU again.

Part 3

(1). Do old people often change plans?

(2). Do young people like to change plans?

(3). How would you tell your friends when you must change your plans?

⚫ A time you solved a problem by using the internet

1. What it was

2. When it happened

3. How long did it take you to solve the problem


4. How did you solve it

6 months ago, my family was planning a trip to Hangzhou, and I was responsible to make the

project and book hotels on the Internet. Hangzhou 的名位 title 历

As what I said just now, it happened about 6 months ago, because we had a 10 -day holiday at

that time.

I spent nearly 2 days to solve that problem by looking up useful information on the internet and

scanning some related books.

I solved the task in many ways,

First, I found a tourism documentary about Hangzhou on the internet and watched it. That TV

program introduces 横轴 2 of Hangzhou, such as the west lake and lingyin temple, which helped

me make an excellent travel plan.

Second, I also found travel guides posted by others on the social media WEIBO. They all

recommended people to book a hotel near the West lake called TIANZHEN, because the food

provided by that hotel is very toothsome and mouth-watering, especially the dongpo pork and

longjing shrimp.

Generally speaking, that is the problem what I want to say.


1) Are there many people wasting their time on the internet?


2) What do people usually do with the internet? 【答案需要不光强调娱乐,还要强调学习】

⚫ A time you had to get up early

1. When it happened

2. What you did on that morning

3. Why you had to get up so early

6 months ago, I was planning a trip to Hangzhou, and I chose the airplane to go because that city

is far away from where I were. Hangzhou + 名位 title 历

I remember it was a Wednesday morning and I got up at about 4 am. I did a lot of things before

I went to the airport, including packing my suitcase, reserving a taxi, eating the breakfast and so


I had to get up early for many reasons,

First, the plane ticket for Hangzhou at noon was very expensive. And I was a student, so I couldn’t

afford it. I mean; that’s why I chose to book a really early flight.

Second, I made an appointment to meet my friend Peter in a local restaurant of Hangzhou at 12

o’clock, because we needed to talk about sth. important. If I hadn’t chosen that early plane, I

woundn’t have been able to get to Hangzhou before 12.

Generally speaking, that is the event what I want to say.



1) When people may sleep in China?

2) Do people in your country like naps?

3) whether young people now have to wake up earlier than those in the past?

4) do you think waking up early is a health thing to do?

5) how staying up late influence a young person?

6) whether people nowadays stay up too late?

7) how serious sleep deprivation is in the modern world ?[问 996 呢]

⚫ A time you gave advice to a person

1. Who you gave it to

2. When it happened

3. What advice it was

4. What’s the result of it

Last year, I gave some tips to help my little brother Peter learn Japanese better. He is a university

student, and in my eyes, Peter is rather handsome with a pair of deep eyes.

As what I said before, it happened last year, because he was planning to have a trip to Japan but

he said that Japanese was rather difficult to him.

I suggested him watch some Japanese animations to take himself into a visual local environment

because the grammatical order and pronunciation habits of Japanese are rather different from

Chinese. Moreover, I also made a complete study plan for him because he couldn’t concentrate

on one thing for a long time. I mean; after he studied for an hour, he had to play for a while , which

made the progress very slow.


With our joint efforts, he finally learned this language. And this affair improved his confidence

and patience. I mean; it tells him that 横轴 6.

Besides, the result also gave him a sense of achievement. Because he can use Japanese to have

some simple conversations with other people now.


1) What general advice will parents give to children?

2) Should parents give the advice to decide the friends you make?

3) What are the personal qualities that a helpful advisor need?

4) do people who gives good advice usually don’t have problems in their life?

5) why it is very difficult for some people to follow through with the advice from others?

6) what are the advantages of getting advice from people with different cultural background?

7) whether giving bad advice to another person might weaken the relationship with that person?

⚫ A time when a child did sth. to make you happy

1. When it happened

2. What the child did

3. Why it made you happy/laugh

4. How you felt about that

Last spring festival, my little bother Peter painted a Tang-suit for me. And I was so happy when I

received that gift.


That painting is not so big, with about 1m long and 50cm wide. Tang -suit is a kind of Chinese

traditional clothes that people may wear on formal occasions. On his painting, that piece of

clothing is a red one, with 2 long sleeves and a standing collar. Besides, there is also a pattern

similar to the Chinese dragon on it.

It made me so happy because Chinese dragon 横轴 1. I think that gift can bring me good fortune.

What’s more, tang-suit is one of my favourite types of clothes, because it can be traced back to

more than 100 years ago, and I especially like to explore Chinese traditional culture and customs.

Apparently, that gift is my taste.

I felt very touched, because that was the first time I received a gift from my ten-year-old brother.

And I was especially gratified that he could be so considerate at such a young age.


1) Do you think it is important for teachers to provide funny classes for children?

2) Do you think it is a good thing? For parents to be strict?

⚫ A time you invited your friends or family to have a dinner at home or in a restaurant

1. When it happened

2. Where you had it

3. Who took part in it

4. How other people felt about that meal

Last spring festival, I invited nearly all the family members to my home to have a party together,

for celebrating the most important festival in China.


We had a dinner in my home. It’s a sweet flat located in the north of my city, and which was

built about 10 years ago. There are many subway stations and bus stops near my home so they

could be easily reached.

I invited nearly all my direct relatives to come since we hadn’t seen each other for such a long


They all said it was an unforgettable dinner.

My parents and I prepared a feast to treat them. I mean; We made a lot of mouth-watering and

toothsome dishes, like dongpo pork, kunpao chicken, peking duck and so on. And that dinner

(横轴 11)ed.

Second, after the dinner, we also did recreational activities together, including playing mahjong

and lighting fireworks. Those activities (横轴 5)ed

Generally speaking, that is the dinner what I want to say.


1) Do people in China like to eat at home or eat outside?

2) What is the difference between the food that Chinese people eat on festivals and in their

daily life?

⚫ A time that a person you didn’t know who was talking through the phone in a public



1. When it happened

2. Where it happened

3. What he/she said

4. How you felt about it

Last month, I met a person on the subway who was loudly calling her husband with tears in her

eyes because she seemed lost her way.

That woman was about 40 years old with a red coat that was not so fashionable. I mean; she

seemed to come from a remote place.

I didn’t hear what she said clearly, but all were about “where are you? I cannot find you” and

so on.

I think she was helpless and pathetic, although her behavior was not every polite and disturbed

the public order. We should give more tolerance to the society, because eve ryone will

encounter some emergencies and things beyond their control. At that time, if someone can

help, the society will be more harmonious.

Luckily, after 5 minutes, the police came and gave her a hand timely.

Anyway, happy ending! Hhha



1) Do you think there is any difference between people who speak loudly face to face in public

places and people who make phone calls?

2) Do you think there needs to be a law governing what people do in public?

3) what are the kinds of calls people have to make every day?

4) how can someone start a talk with a stranger?

5) is it very hard for strangers to get to know each other in big cities?

6) Should people be taught to have good manners?

7) Do you think it is important for people to be less well-mannered sometimes?

⚫ A practical skill you have learned

1. What it was

2. Who you learned it from

3. How you’ve learned it

4. Why you want to learn this skill

The skill I’d like to describe is Japanese, which is the official language of Japan. And I think that

language is rather beautiful due to its lyric pronunciation.

I learned it with my friend Peter + 名职年外性

I learned it in many ways. For example, I would like to listen to Japanese radio on each morning.

Moreover, I also insisted on watching Japanese animation every day.

I want to learn this skill for some reasons.


First, I was planning to have a trip to Japan at that time because my friend Anna told me that

Japan has 横轴 2,such as the FUJI mountain and MEIJI shrine. I wanted to appreciate those

views and take photos with them to save as my good memories. And I believe d that Japanese

would make the trip better.

Second, I hoped this skill could improve my confidence and patience. Because Peter said that

Japanese is rather difficult. + 难逻辑【改变最后一句时态:I may forget~】

Apparently, I did it. So, this skill tells me that 横轴 6.


1) Why do some people prefer to do hands-on work, like fixing cars, rather than sitting in an


2) Which is easier to learn skills, finding a teacher or learning them on the internet?

3) What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

4) What is the most practical skill in modern society?

⚫ Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel

You should say:

1. Where it happened

2. When it happened

3. Who you were with at that time

4. And what impacts this breakdown had

last summer, when I was travelling in HZ, a gorgeous place in the south of China. Our travel bus

broke down due to the high temperature.


It was a sunny day, and the temperature of that day was almost forty degrees.

I experienced the affair with my friend Peter. + 介绍

We waited in the car for 20 minutes, but the driver didn’t repair it well. As time went on, the

temperature in the bus became higher and higher, so we had no choice but to sit under a tree


It was a pity day, because we had planned to go to lingyin temple. However, we cancelled that

project due to this accident. I had been dreaming of going to lingyin temple for a long time,

because it is one of the oldest temples in China. I mean; its history can be traced back to about

2000 years ago. And they all said that lingyin temple has 横轴 2. I was going there to take a lot of

pictures, but I had to give up.

Luckily, after waiting for an hour, the tour company sent another car to pick us up and take us

back to the city centre.


1) Who likes to travel more? Older people or younger people?

2) Are there fewer people using private cars because of improved public transport?

3) What do you think needs to be improved in public transport?

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?

5) Do you think people prefer to take public transport or private cars?


⚫ A good time you enjoyed with your friend

1. Where you went

2. Who you went with

3. What you did

4. How you felt about it



1) What I the importance of friends?

2) Do you prefer spending time with friends or family?

3) Is it easier to find close friends or a lot of common friends?

⚫ A time you received incorrect information

1. When it happened

2. What the information was

3. How you received it

4. How you found it was wrong and what did you do after that

Last spring festival, my older sister Anna invited all the relatives to her home to celebrate that

holiday. + 春节介绍

She texted me to go to her house for a Spring festival party on the 3 rd day of the first lunar


She also said that I had better come earlier to give her some help about decorating the home

and preparing raw materials.


However, she wrote the date wrong, because on the morning of the 2 nd day, she called me and

asked why I hadn’t arrived yet. I was particularly puzzled.

I felt very sad, because I saw some photos ofthat day from their social media. They had a feast

together. I mean; my sister made a lot of mouth-watering and toothsome dishes to treat family

members, such as dongpo pork, kunpao chicken and peking duck. I am foodie, but I missed that


Moreover, they also did many recreational activities after the dinner, including lighting fireworks

and playing mahjong. I was so jealous of them.

Whenever I think about it, I can’t help but want to make fun of my sister.


1) What kind of working involves giving personal information?

2) what’s the difference between sending messages via cell phone and email?

3) Describe the advantages of doing business through email

4) Do you think it is best to do business on the phone rather than email?

5) how might the internet help people make sure the information they get is correct ?

6) How people are influenced by information that is not correct?

7) when the false information could be beneficial?

⚫ A water sport you would like to try in the future

1. What it is

2. Whether it is difficult to learn

3. Where you want to try that sport


4. Why you would like to try that water sport

The water activity I’d like to try in the future is diving, which is a very popular water sport all

over the world, and you can even get a diving license.

I think it is rather difficult because you must learn how to adjust the pressure under the deep

sea. Besides, you have to find a seaside place if you want to try this activity.

I’d like to do it in Hainan + 名位 title 历

There are many reasons why I want to try diving,

First, I guess the magical undersea world will be very, 【停顿下】very wonderful. My favourite

movie is the little mermaid made by Disney. Every time I watch that animation, I can’t help but

want to dance and sing with Ariel in her underwater world. Learning to dive can at least give me

some comfort.

Second, my friend Anna told me that the landscapes under the sea are so gorgeous and quite

different from the land. I want to take photos of some of them to save as my good memory.

Generally speaking, that is the water sport what I want to try.


1) What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

2) What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

3) Why would we develop water transport?

4) Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?


5) What are the advantages and disadvantages of boat transport?

6) Do you think swimming classes are needed at school?

⚫ A plan that is cancelled eventually

1. What it was

2. When it happened

3. Why you wanted to do it before

4. Why you cancelled it

Last summer, I was planning to have a trip to HZ with my parents, but we cancelled it due to some

reasons. HZ 介绍

As what I said before, it happened about 6 months ago. My parents wanted to use that trip to

relieve their pressure from work.

We wanted to travel to HZ because our friend Anna told us that HZ has 横轴 2,such as ~ and ~.

So, we could appreciate those views to relax. Moreover, she also said that HZ’s food is rather

mw, especially the dongpo pork. I am a foodie, then I wanted to taste those snacks in person.

However, we finally cancelled it

Because, first, I had to 横轴 10 at that time. I mean; I was required to submit my essay before July.

If not, I couldn’t get my degree. Therefore, I had no idea but to change my plan.

Second, at that time, Hangzhou was being hit by a typhoon. So, we gave up the plan of travelling

on account of safety.


⚫ A time you were so proud of yourself

1. What you did

2. When it happened

3. Who helped you with it

4. Why you were so proud of yourself



1) why it is important to feel proud?

2) why children would want to make their parents feel proud?

3) what times when people are not very confident?

4) why people may find it difficult to feel proud of themselves?

5) what employers can do to give their employees a sense of achievement

what’s the impact on people nowadays for being too proud?


⚫ A book you read recently

You should say:

1) What type/ kind of book it was

2) What it was about

3) When you read it

4) How you felt about the book?

The book I’d like to talk about is called Rapunzel, which is a famous fairy tale written by Brothers

Grimm, and first published in 1810 as part of Children’s and Household Tales. In 2010, Disney

made an animated film according to this book called Tangled.


I read it about 6 months ago. And the plot of it is similar to a story that my grandma often read

to me when I was young.

This book is about a gorgeous girl named Rapunzel, who has a head of magical long golden hair.

When she was only 1 year old, she was robbed by a witch because of her hair’s power. The witch

grows her up in a high tower that no one can reach because there is no stair to climb. Every time,

when the witch needs to go outside to buy things, she will use Rapunzel’s long hair as her lifting

rope. Until one day, a prince came across and he found the secret of the witch and the lost


I like it so much because

(1)its writer is my favourite celebrity, and I like Brothers Grimm’s all books. They were attractive.

Moreover, they could describe the leading roles in a very vivid way. In that book, the character

of Rapunzel is so distinct. She is brave, strong and energetic. Even though she was lo cked in that

high tower, she insists on finding ways to go out.

(2)This book encouraged a lot, since it tells me that no matter what happens, and no matter how

hopeless, I should not give up. Rapunzel, as a lost princess, eventually won the mission because

of her courage and brilliance. I really should learn her attitude of solving problems to face with

my troubles in real life.


More importantly, as what I mentioned above, my grandma often told it to help me sleep when I

was a kid. And she is the most familiar family to me because she took care of me a lot. Hence,

whenever I read this book, it can remind me of my sweet childhood.

You see, there is no reason for me to dislike it.

Part 3

(1). In your country, who should ask children to read, schools or parents?


Parents are the enlightened tutors for children. what they do and what they say will influence their

kids’ personal values deeply.

However, after the children enter the school, they will spend most of the daytime with teachers

and classmates. Therefore, the influence of the school is also essential and irreplaceable.

(2). Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

(3). Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Sure, printed books can be easier to make notes with pens. Besides, we c annot ensure that

everyone knows how to use E-books.

(4). Do you think parents should continue reading?

Yes, their ideas will affect their kids’ decisions and thoughts. Therefore, to some extent, their

knowledge level will also affect their children’s future achievements.


And for themselves, continuous learning can make them more adaptable to social development.

For example, if they stop learning, they may not know how to use the smartphone to purchase

things quickly and how to use the Google map to guide them when they lost their ways.

(5). What kind of books do children read?

They read a lot, including academic books that schools require, fairy tales and some comic books.

I guess they like fairy tales most, such as Cinderalla, Snow White Princess and so on. Because the

plot of that kind of book is more vivid and interesting.

⚫ A game show you watched recently 【看过的问答综艺!!】

1. What kind of game is it

2. When you watched it

3. What is the show mainly about

4. How you felt about it

Actually, I haven’t seen any of the asking and answering show on TV, so I want to describe a real

game show. We also call it as e-sports game shows.

The game show I’d like to describe is a live video on League of Legends【英雄联盟】. League of

Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena /əˈriːnə/ video game developed and published by

Riot /'raɪət/ Games. In this game, players assume the role of a summoner /'sʌmənɚ/ with unique

abilities to battle against a team of other players.

I watched the game show about 6 months ago, because I had a 7-day holiday at that time.


The game show introduces the 2018 League of Legends final. The game was played between 2

famous teams, IG and WE. At last, IG won the race by a narrow margin.

As for my feelings, I think that game show was very exciting.

The reasons are listed below.

First, in that show, WE had been leading all the time, but they were overtaken by IG due to a small

mistake. In that game, it was a pity, but if put in the reality, it may become a regret that can never

be remedied. I mean; we should always keep a careful state. Neither be proud of success, nor be

so sad of failure.

Second, in the post-match interview, I learned that IG had been trying to win the game for give

years. Hence, I think that 横轴 6(no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing,

the dream that you wish will come true). This game show encouraged me a lot.


1) what kinds of shows people in your country like to watch on TV?

2) Do you think online TV programs will eventually replace regular TV programs?

3) Do people in the past enjoyed watching TV more than they do now?

4) Do you think it is difficult to produce a game show?

5) Describe the skills that a TV producer need?

6) Do you think game shows negatively impacts the children?

⚫ An impressive advertisement

1. What it is & what it is about

2. When you saw it


3. Where you saw it

4. Why do you think it is so impressive

The impressive advertisement I’d like to talk about is a TV advertisement, which is a tourism ad

about Hangzhou. And Hangzhou + 名位 title 历

I saw it last month. At that time, I was watching TV, and this ad interrupted the program, but it

also made a deep impression on me.

I saw this ad on Zhejiang TV station, which is the official TV station of Zhejiang province.

There are many reasons why I think this ad is very impressive,

First, scenes of this advertisement are so exquisite, with high definition and e xcellent colour

matching. When I was watching this advertisement, I felt as if I were in a fairy tale world.

Second, it describes 横轴 2 of Hangzhou, including the West lake, Lingyin temple and Leifeng

pagoda. It whetted my appetite to travel to Hangzhou.

More importantly, the advertisement also shows many famous and toothsome local dishes, such

as Longjin shrimp and Dongpo pork. I am a foodie, so I really want to try them in person.

Generally speaking, that is why I want to describe the advertisement to yo u.


1) What is the importance of music in advertising?

2) what are the kinds of advertisements that are often seen in China?

3) Do you think young people are more easily influenced by advertisements?


4) what ways that companies can do to improve their sales?

5) What is the importance for the governments to control the types of advertisements allowed

on TV?

6) how ads aimed at kids may have a negative impact?


⚫ A food that people may eat on a special occasion or event

1) What it is

2) What event people may eat it

3) What it looks like

4) Why people may eat it on that event

The food I’d like to describe is called Suncake, which is a kind of Chinese traditional cookie

that people may eat on Spring Festival. The diameter of the suncake is about 10 ce ntimetres.

Its round shape looks like the sun, so we call it as suncake. Besides, the colour of the suncake

is usually golden and the filling is normally consisted of different nuts, including peanut,

walnut and so on. Moreover, there are different types of Chinese elements on the top of the

suncake as its pattern, such as dragon, phoenix, and sunflower.

On Spring Festival, the 1 st day of the 1st lunar month, people in China would like to make

some suncakes to treat guests and send to families as a kind of meaningful gift.

There are many reasons why we like to eat suncake on that event.


1st, as what I said before, we often use dragon or phoenix as the pattern of suncake because

those elements 横轴 1. So we think suncake can bring good fortune for us.

2nd, every family needs to clean their rooms during the spring festival. Hence, when we feel

tired, we will eat some suncake to help recharge our batteries because suncake is made of

nuts, which are full of energy.

3rd, suncake gives off a fresh scent and makes people feel relaxed when they eat it. Therefore,

people ear the suncake in the spring festival is also a kind of enjoyment.

Generally speaking, that is why I want to describe this kind of food to you. Thank you!

⚫ P3

1. Please talk about the impact of globalization on diet.

2. What are the differences between people’s eating habits and those in the past?

3. Do you think it’s good for people to grow their own food?

⚫ Sth. you bought but you rarely use

1) What is it

2) When you bought it and where you bought it

3) Why you bought it

4) Why you rarely use it

The thing I’d like to talk about is Tangsuit, which is a kind of Chinese traditional clothes

that people may wear on formal occasions in some special regions, like GUANGXI.


Last year, I bought a piece of yellow tangsuit in a shopping mall near my home because I

was deeply attracted by its exquisite design and bright colour. On that clothes, there is a

pattern similar to the Chinese dragon. That tangsuit has 2 long sleeves and a standing collar.

The colour is pink, which is my favourite one.

However, I rarely use it. Because

1st, in the past year, I had to struggle with my homework till the midnight every day due to

the fierce competition in China. So, I didn’t have the time to atte nd any parties. I mean;

there was no chance for me to wear that kind of formal clothes.

2nd, tangsuit was a popular clothing in the period of the republic of China. From a modern

aesthetic point of view, it is a bit out of date.

More importantly, its colour is too bright for everyday wear. Especially the vivid dragon on

it, which makes the dress exaggerated if it is worn out at ordinary times.

Generally, that is why I rarely wear it.

⚫ P3

1. What do people in your country mostly recycle?

2. What the government can do to promote recycling?

⚫ Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

1. Where you bought it

2. How often you wear it


3. What it is like

4. And explain why you enjoy wearing it


1) What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old

2) people?

3) Do the people living in south China wear different clothes from the people living in the

4) north?

5) Do you think students should wear uniforms?

6) When do people wear formal clothes?

7) Do people in your country like buying clothes?

8) Why is fashion changing all the time?

⚫ A special thing you took home from a tourist attraction

1. What it was

2. When you bought them

3. What it looks like

4. Why you took it home

The thing I’d like to describe is a piece of Tang-suit, which is a kind of Chinese traditional clothes

that people may wear on formal occasions. My tang-suit is a large-sized clothes. The colour is

bright yellow, which is my favourite one. As for the details, it has 2 long sleeves and a standing

collar. On it, you can also see a pattern similar to the Chinese dragon.


I bought it about 6 months ago, when I was travelling in Xi’an, a poetic and picturesque city

located in the north of China. The history of that city can be traced back to about 3000 years ago.

I took it home for some reasons.

1st, I saw the pattern model of Chinese dragon on that dress, and which 横轴 1. Therefore, I

thought that piece of clothing would bring me good fortune.

2nd, as what I said before, we may wear tang-suit on formal occasions. As a media student, I have

to attend all kinds of parties. So, I often wear that clothes to show my respect and sincerity to

other people.

3rd, tang-suit was rather popular in ancient China, and I especially enjoy studying Chinese

traditional culture and customs. Apparently, that dress is my taste.


1) Are people buying souvenirs good for the locals?

2) What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?

3) Why do people like to take photos when travelling?

4) What kinds of things do people like to collect?

5) Why do some people like to collect things?

⚫ A time you showed sth. new to young people

1. What you showed

2. Why did you show it

3. What it looks like


4. And how they felt about that

Last month, I showed a piece of Tang-suit that I bought from HZ, a gorgeous place in the south

of China, to my little brothers, Peter and John. They all shocked by its exquisite pattern and

excellent manufacture. Tang-suit is a kind of Chinese traditional clothes that people may wear

on formal occasions.

I showed it to them because they are very fond of Chinese traditional items and I thought they

would like the dress that I bought.

It is a small-sized clothes with 2 long sleeves and a standing collar. The colour the bright yellow,

which is my favourite one. On that clothes, you can see a pattern similar to the Chinese dragon,

which makes the dress look quite vivid.

They both wanted me to give it to them, but I refused because I only have one.

They believed that piece of clothing can bring them good fortune, because Chinese dragon 横

轴 1. And the pattern of that dress is Chinese dragon, as what I said before.

Second, the way the tang-suit was made reflects the sophisticated embroidery skill that China

owned about 100 years ago. So, they wanted to investigate that.

In the end, I promised them that I would buy 2 tang-suits as gifts for them at the next time I

went to Hangzhou.


1) What are the types of things that kids like to play with?


2) What are the kinds of things that should not be introduced to the kids too early?

3) how important it is for parents to protect the children to new things?

4) what are the good ways to teach children to be careful of new things?


⚫ A historical period you want to know more about

1) What it is

2) How did you know it

3) What happened during that period

4) Why you are so interested in it

The historical period I’d like to talk about is the Tang dynasty, which is generally regarded as a

high point in Chinese civilization, and a golden age of cosmopolitan culture. And the Tang

capital at Chang’an was the most populous and prosperous city in the world. What’s more, the

history of Tang dynasty can be traced back to about 1300 years ago.

I got to know it from a documentary last year.

The dynasty was founded by the Li family, who overthrew the violent rule of the last dynasty –

Sui. Tang dynasty had experienced 22 imperial rules, and more than half of the emperors were

upright and dedicated. In addition, it also appeared the only female emperor Wu zetian in Chinese



I am so interested in that period for a lot of reasons, and the most obvious one is that the Tang

dynasty was an era of cultural openness. It was the first dynasty that appeared feminism. There

were a lot of women in the office at that time. Moreover, two of China’s most famous poets, Li

Bai and Du Fu, belonged to this age, as did many famous painters such as Han Gan. Obviously, it

was a time of cultural prosperity.

2. Different from the present aesthetic idea, the women in the Tang dynasty felt that it was

beautiful to be fat. Moreover, the clothes at that time were designed boldly enough to show

people’s body shape. For example, there were a lot of strapless dresses at that time.

3.At that time, both the nobility and ordinary people had a lot of entertainment activities, such as

playing polo and Cuju, a kind of Chinese traditional football game. I don’t think people living in

that period would be bored.

To conclusion, that is why I am so interested in that period.

⚫ P3

1. Will you study the history of other countries?

2. Is it important for children to learn history?

3. how do children learn history?

4. Why some people dislike studying history?

⚫ A kind of Healthy lifestyle / A way you do to keep healthy

1) What it is


I want to describe 3 ways that I am using to help keep healthy, including jogging in the park

every morning, eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, and listening to the light music when I

feel upset or depressed.

2) When you may do it

3) How did you know about it

All three ways were recommended by my friend Anna. + 职年外性

4) Why it is a healthy lifestyle


蔬菜水果 + vitamins/fibre/minerals + 4

听音乐 + 5 + world + trouble

⚫ P3

1. How do schools teach students to stay healthy?

2. What other ways do people in your country use to stay healthy?

3. What lifestyle do you think is unhealthy?

⚫ A subject you didn’t like before but now like (或者 think important)


1) What it is

2) How long did it take you to learn that subject

3) Why you didn’t like it before

4) Why you like it now


⚫ P3

1. Do you think it’s important for teachers to make content interesting?

2. What do you think of online courses?

3. Where do old people get their knowledge?

⚫ Describe an award you really wanted to win

1. What it was

2. How you got to know that award

3. What needed to be done to win the award

4. Why you wanted to win it

The award that I wanted to win is the Golden Melody Award of my university in 2018. It is our

school’s biggest and the most important award in the art type.

I got to know that award from my best friend Peter, who is a jazz dancer in my university. Now,

he is about 20 years old. And in my eyes, peter is rather handsome with a pair of deep eyes. He

introduced the competition to me.

If I wanted to win that award, I needed to beat all the people with artistic talent to win the best

singer of my university.

I wanted to win the Golden Melody Award for some reasons.

First, when I was in high school, I insisted on participating in the singing contest for three years,

but the school didn’t give me a chance to enter the rematch, simple because my academic store

was not so good at that time. I go to know the reason because I asked my teacher later. She said

that my singing ability could be the winner. I think art shouldn’t be tired up with anything else,

it’s pure. I was very disappointed in my high school, and that affair was my regret all the time.

Hence, I really wanted to get a champion to demonstrate myself.

Second, I love singing. I thought that award would be the best gift for my birthday.

Although up to now my dream hasn’t come true, but I think it is positive, so I will not give up.


1) What rewards can children get from school?

2) Should parents push their children to get prizes?

3) Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

4) What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?


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