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Mata Ujian (Kelas) : Integrated English
Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 7 Agustus 2019
Dosen : RB. Edi Pramono, MA.
Waktu : 100 menit
Sifat : Tertutup; Menghafal dialog (conversation)


You have to make a group of three students (no more, no less). Then you have to memorize
the content of the script to perform it on the day of the test. You cannot bring the text/script
when performing the conversation.

Please remember that all of the scripts must be performed in the class by different groups. The
score will be based upon the smoothness of utterance, tone of speaking, correct pronunciation, gestures,
and memory.


It is suggested that you consult the website address for your correct pronunciation (for
example It will improve your pronunciation, give a better performance, and
thus offer you a better score.

Astrid : Excuse me, I wonder if you could tell me the time.
Maya : Err, yes. It’s a quarter past ten.
Astrid : Thank you very much.
Maya : That’s okay, never mind.
Tony : I’m sorry to interrupt. May I join the talk?
Maya : Oh, be my guest. It’s a pleasure.
Tony : Thank you. Well, my name is Tony. May I know your names?
Astrid : Alright, I am Astrid.
Maya : Oh, of course. You can call me Maya. How do you do?
Tony : How do you do.
Astrid : How do you do. Are you a student, Maya?
Maya : Yes, I am. I study at University of Technology, Yogyakarta, and I major in
Informatics. What about you, Astrid?
Astrid : Wow, I study at the same university as you do. But I major in English
Maya : Hmm... I like literature, but I often get lost when trying to understand literary work
especially poetry. You must be good at it, right?
Astrid : Well, how can I say so, I’m still learning literature. But yes, I like poetry.
Tony : Aha, I love poetry, Astrid. Perhaps one day you can write a poem for me.
Maya : I guess you will also write me a poem Astrid, will you?
Astrid : Both of you must be kidding then.
Maya : No, I mean it. By the way Astrid, where are you from?
Astrid : Well, have you ever been to Jakarta, Maya?
Tony : Hi Astrid, I’m a peasant man, and only knowing around. What is Jakarta like?
Maya : Oh no, I have never been there, Astrid. But I heard that it is a very hot, crowded
place, and very hectic as well. Are you from Jakarta, then, Astrid?
Astrid : Yes. You’d better visit this capital city if you have spare time, Maya and Tony.
You won’t regret it.
Tony : I cannot imagine what Jakarta is like.
Maya : Aha, you must be an obsolete man, Tony, hahaha… Sorry, I’m just kidding.
Astrid : Where are you from, Tony?
Tony : I’m from Tepus, Gunungkidul, Astrid.
Maya : Is it a remote area, Tony? What is Tepus like?
Tony : Yeah, Tepus is a small village, far away from the crowd. It is almost always dry
there, and people are frequently lack of water. But the scenery is beautiful.
Maya : Oh, there is always something good and nice in bad realm.
Astrid : Hmmmm... What about you, where are you from Maya?
Maya : Actually I’m not a native in this country. I am from Singapore, but I like staying here
Tony : Singapore? Wow, that’s a small but clean country. But I prefer calling this a city to
saying a country.
Maya : No problem, Tony. It is more likely a city than a country. Have you ever been to my
Singapore, Tony?
Tony : Of course not, Maya. I’m a peasant man, remember?
Maya : hahahaha…. sorry
Astrid : Yeah, I went there several times, and I had a great time there. People there are
not as crowded as those in Jakarta. Even they are much more discipline in
Maya : You absolutely are right, Astrid. I have a picture of my country (Maya took out a
picture from her bag)
Look at the street here; don’t you think it is much cleaner than the street in Jakarta?
Astrid : Yes. I remember the rivers in Jakarta; they are much dirtier and smellier than
those in Singapore. I cannot imagine how your people are so concern with
health and beauty there.
Tony : Perhaps, because they are more educated and open hearted.
Astrid : And they are more careful with things unpleasant to their senses. I wonder if
my people here can be the same careful.
Maya : Yes, my government is very strict in ruling people. We cannot apply a free
democracy as other countries do. Safety and comfort are two very basic things the
government should provide for people to live in my country.
Astrid : But you said you like staying here better. What do you like here, Maya?
Maya : Indeed. Well, I like the hospitality of the people here. People are kind and helpful.
Tony : You are right, Maya, and there is still something worse there than one here.
Maya : Really? What thing is better?
Astrid : The food of course.
Maya : What’s wrong with the food, Astrid?
Astrid : Well, I like the food here much better than the food in Singapore. My food is
much tastier. The food in your country tastes plainer and less spicy. I admit
that your food is more hygienic and healthier, but still I like my food much
Tony : Also more complete kinds of food are here. You have to admit, Maya, that I have
more choices of food here than there in your country.
Maya : Yeah, you’re right in that case…
Astrid : And still, no matter what, my country is the best.
Maya : You must be kidding…
Tony : hahahaha… Let’s have some food then. Talking about food makes me hungry.
Girls : Okay. And it’s on you hahaha… Come on

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