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Escolham a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados a seguir.

1. Don't blow your nose here.

A. Boca
B. Nariz
C. Unha

2. Do you have a sore throat?

A. Boca
B. Nariz
C. Garganta

3. He has a stiff neck.

A. Pescoço
B. Cabelo
C. Mão

4. I hit my elbow and it hurt a lot.

A. Braço
B. Dedo
C. Cotovelo

5. He can't play because his knee is injured.

A. Joelho
B. Perna
C. Pé

6. Don't touch his arm.

A. Mão
B. Testa
C. Braço

7. I cut my finger the other day.

A. Pé
B. Olho
C. Dedo
8. Give me your hand.

A. Mão
B. Cabeça
C. Perna

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